Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Feb 1904, p. 1

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Von. XXVI. LISERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHtNG HOUSE RICHMOND HILIHONT. IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING Into resident phvsxciam M Western and Bospimls ,Toronto 031% Hoursâ€"8 6010 u. m; 12 to 2 p 7 to 8 n m. DR. WM. HUQERS, Dentist. Room 12, 121 Victoria St. Toronto. Best fitting teeth, also replnting, at lowest prices. Good work. $1 per DR W G L SPAULDING BR A W SPAULDING Dentists Room “ A,” Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. f. F. MGMAHON. Telephone Main DR. ARNOLD D. A. MASON, 1)enti:5t, (Successor to Dr. T. A. Currie), Our. Church and Carlton Sts., Toronto. Will be in Richmond Hill every \Ved- VETERINARY SURGEON, ’,l:‘hornllill. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. 6‘ JOHN R. CAMPBELL, J. H. SANDERSDN, VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL hemodelledmnd newly furnished throughout One of the most convenient and comfortable hotels on Yunge Street. Every modern con- venience Sample rooms for commercial mvellers. Amide'nletopping place for riding or driving pmfiee.bicyeliata. or farmers 30ng tour returning from market. Electric cars pesefihe door Livery inc ounection PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ° 'rmms $1.00 PER DAY. W.C. sAVAGB - Ofl‘ice, next didox- sthh of Public School. Oflice Hoursâ€"8.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. lulls by day and night promptly at tended to. BUSINESS CARDS. DR. E. J. STUBBS, 253112 git-33ml Euros J: Pnoenmron. annum, in advance.] 'l‘hornhill. Eaieaiml. e‘ifeteriunry AT THE fleutat. 5‘3 4 mm and Grace Prevalent conditions that go to make people look old and fastell‘nge marks before their time are described in the folâ€" lowing letter from a woman who received im- mediate relief from a. sample of ANTI-PILL. "I would wake in the morning feeling.r tired. My feet and ankles would swell. I had a horrible dragged sensation. My head ached as though it. would burst. My how- els were never regular. I had a disagreeable feel- Prop G G S Lindaey.K C A G F Lawrence W idout Wadsworth Burristers,Solicitors. Notaries, 86c. Home Life Building (formerly _Free- hold Loam Bldg.), 00:. Adelaide 85 Victoria Sts., Toronto. LIBERAL Office, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. TORONTO OFFICE: No. 33 Rich- i) GTH» ANTLFELL Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. JAS. N EVVTON Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. RI. TEEFY. NOTARY PUBLIC, LENNQX 85 MORGAN, Money to loan on land and chattel mortgages at lowest rates Aurora omcaâ€"Removed to the old post otfica one door weal: of the entrance to the Ontario Bank Newmarket officeâ€"Three doors south of the post; olfice T HERBERT LENNOX. G STV MORGAN. Aurora. Newmarket ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EIJGIN DIIIJLS Licensed Auceioneer tor the County of York. Goods sold on consignment General sales a] stat: em promptly attended to at. reasonablt, rates Residence Union‘ville G B. Gouldmg. Newton Brook,ngen( for the above J '1‘ Saige on. Maple Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Salea‘lttended to on shorten". noticennd a. tea.- sonableratea Patronngosulicited Lioens e Auctioneer for the County of York. re- spectfully solicits your patronage 3nd friendly influence sales atts-uded on film W notice and at roasonaberatea. P. 0.6411119“ King Licensed Auctioneerfor the Counties of York and Outano All sales of farm stock, fie. at- tended to on the shortest notice and reasonable ratea. Morbgageandbailifl sales attended to. Residenoefiboufivflle Out mond St. VVe-stfiVosley Buildings, (Methodist, Bonk Ronny? ’I‘o- roubo. Alarge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at, both places. Und ertakers dc Embalmors, RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL oommssmxxnm nu HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. RICHARDSON HOUSE Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. Lindsey. Lawrence & W adsm: 1h, MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. COOK & JOHNSTON Barrisl rs and solicitors. Barristers, Solicitors, etc. BIAP] .«E. THOROUGH LY REFITT ED. RICHMOND HILL. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1904 Salgeon a: McEwen. FREDERICK BACK, Prop VVRIGEIT BROS, 3?, ll. Prent D. G. BLOUGH, “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." N. E. Smith. gem}. in: of ovetfulncss aftar eating. Food would not. (ligvst. and caused grout distrus. Was nervous. I was treated for dyspep- sin and constipation with little or no mallet. A sam- ple of Dr. Leonhardt’s AWN-PILL did me so much good I followed up its use. and two boxes has entirely cured me." ANTI-I’mL is sold by druggists. 50 cents, or mailed by ad (1 re 5 51 n g WILSON-FY”: 00., Niag- ara Falls, Ont. Free sam- ple mailei] to any address. Phone Main 2984 J K McEwen. Weston Council met according to adjourn- ment. All the members present, the ronvv in the chair. Fl :mcis â€" Harper â€"â€" that the fullmv- ing Ynngv slreot‘ancounts he paid :â€" \\"m Chatterley. 5 days’ work. .$ 6 25 John McBride, 4 tnise stone .. .. 21 ()0 B. Grady and others. shuvelling snow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0:4 0 a Mnrkhnm’s share of whole ac’t. . 44 9% Fluncis â€" Lapp â€"â€" that. Mr. Bruce be permitted to place telephone poles on the roads in vicinity of Stnnfi'ville on 6111 cum, said party to be responsible fur any damage that may occur by having pnles placed on said roadway. said poles to be placed not, more than 3 feet from road way. Frmmisâ€" Lapp â€" that the following taxes be refunded : â€" Chas. Smith, statute labor (werpaid, $1.50 : Ruht. Carver, statute labor overpaid, ’75 cents. Harper â€" Morrison â€"thnt E. Frisky he paid $6.45 for mileage doing grading also $1.50 for bringing grader from Markham. Fl'ancisâ€"Lappâ€"that the collector’s rolls for 1903 he accepted by this cnun~ cil, and that the collectors be relieved from the following taxes : D. Brooks . . .. '1‘. Bell.“ W. Crmk . . . . . F. Humberstone Mrs. G90. Noble Mrs. Press . . . . . . J. Size . . . . . . . . . Wm. Size .. .. May Doheny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9? ROM). Reesor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V 35 Harpvrâ€"Mrzl'risonâ€"thut the follow- ing accounts he paid :â€" Om sun 85 Sun, 800 letter heads . .$5 00 T. F. McMahon, advertisements . 7 50 J. \Vatson, Winn-S“ fees . . ‘ . . . . . 5 40 J. Mitchell, 16 yds. gravel . . . . . , 1 50 Francisâ€"Hal'perâ€"thnb Mr. anp be appointed (:onnnissinner to settle ac- counts re. Pit'km-ing town line. Francis â€"- Hat-per â€" that a grant of $125 be expended on north town line provided \Vhitchurch expent a. like amount, and that Mr. Morrison be a. cummissioney to expend the same. Francis â€"â€" Mnnislm â€" that a special meeting of thv council be held Thurs- day Feb. 18th, fur the. purpose of pre- zu‘ing a hy-lnw for commutil'lg statute alum, and receiving the nuditm-s’ re- polls. -. ~.... .- . n‘I WANTEDâ€"F231 l‘BFUL PERSONS TO CALL on rotml trade and agents {or manufacturing housnhnving well established business; local territory; straight salary $20 paid weekly and expense money Advanced ; previous experience unnecessay; posnion permanent; business successful. Enclose self-addressed envelope. Superintendent l‘mvelers 605 Manon Bldg” Chicago 2%12 The recent amendment by the Leg- islatuiem the Municipal Act. styled “section 68 a,” changing the consti- tutions of County Councils, will be vigorously opposed by York County Council. as well as several other County Councils. York Council will petition the chislature that any legislation changing the constitution of County Councils should be pro- \‘ided for by a unifmm s5steni, and this important matte-1- should not’ be left in the control of the local muni- cipalities, who are in many Cases p1 ejudiced against County Councils. 1- (r ,I. LL Markham Tp. Council r 1:] the County of York there are twenty local municipalities, being ten townships and ten towns and villages. The ten townships are equalized at $24,249,459 anl the ten towns and incorporated villages at $2,613,375. Thus under the proposed system each County Councillor from a township would reprgsentzrn averâ€" n .- ~V....-fi,r - a e assvssment, 1n round numbers, of $‘ I500.000. while l'ppl'esentatives of towns and villages would only repre- sent $2b'.000 of assessmeny On the other hand in any case Where sub-section 8 of section 68 a. of the Consolidated Municipal Act of 1903 applies, the representative oi the township would be able to en- tirely override the wishes of the town and village members of such Council. The Council prays that, if the living- ing into effect of said Sectiun 68a. is to be left to any vote it should lie leftl to a votg of the ratepayers of the counties. The Epworth ngue ave a. socile on Monday evening. short. pro- gram consisting of gI-amaphune selec- tions, solos and readings was given, after which refxeshments Were served by the lfllies. .. n y A .1 L..,. LA”... “IAN”: School has been closed on account of diphtheria. The school room has been disinfected and “'01k will he resumed op Mgnday. Ciiuncil adjourned till Mal-ch 8th. VVhEle coasting last Satui~day.l\1aster Chester Saigeon mvt with a painful accident. he had one of his limbs put, To Oppose the Change. VVest Half. East Half. Maple $14 01 . 488 1 43 7 32 3 98 1 60 1 06 289 62 6'3 opp of joint, but is now doing favor1 ably. ' A sleigh load of young people visit- ed the home of Mr. T. Cnusins and had had an enjoyable time last Friday evening. Miss Mounbjuy of Burlington, is visiting at Mr. N. Corntiirs. Mr. J. and Miss S. Robinson of Flos, who have been visiting their grand- father, Mr. M. Robinson, returned home on Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. McNeil entertained :1 large number of their friends [ash Fl id The annual meeting of the Rich- mond Hill and Ynnge St. Agricultural Society was held in the Lorne Hull yesterday afternoon. Aftm- thv min- utes of last meetinpi' wexe adopted, the auditor‘s report of ash year‘s accounts read, which showed a neth balance on hand. The election of officers far the cur- rent year, with Mr. J. N. Buyle in the chair. was then proceeded with, and resulted as fnlluws z»â€" President. D. Lynett; Vice-Presidents, J. Slater, G. Leek ; Study-Treasurer, FL A. Nicholls; Directnrsâ€" VVhitchux‘ch, T. Lloyd, \V. Thompson. L. L. Hartman; Kingâ€"T. H. Legge, W. \Vells, W. \Valkington ; Markhamâ€"“f. OrmProd. G. Padget, R. Elliott, A. Pingle, M. Hemingway, (z‘r. Gonnley, G. Robinson, J. E. Flau- cls : Vaughan â€" J. N. Boyle, W. H. Cluhinv. G. Dibb, H. Rumble, J. A. Camel-(m; Richmond Hillâ€"W. H. Pugsley, J. H. Sandm-sun, I. Crosby, W. Eyer, J. Palmer, H. F. Hopper, T. F. Mc- Mnhnn: The directms afterwards appointed an Executive Committee as follows :â€" Pudget. Sundersnn, Boyle. Ormel'od, g‘chahon, Pugsley, Clubine, Savage. Jyvr. It was decided that the Executive Committee hold its first meeting on Saturday, Mai-8h 5. Good local judges of the weather said yestm‘day umrning was the cold-‘ est here during the Winter. .<.. Mr. Miller of Varsity occu ied the Methodist pulpit very accepta ly Sun- day morning. Vaughan Township Council has voted $10 as this year’s grant to the village library. and a special meeting of the board will be called to consider whether the amount should be ac- Copted or not. Last year the grant was $20. the same as Markham. A dance among the young people of the village was held at Victoria Hall Tuesday night. Several sleigh loads were p1 esent from outlying points and an enjoyable night was snout. .11 Miss Clara Clubing gave a. birthday party to a large company of friends at her father‘s residence, “Observw tory Farm,” qr} Monday nighlt. 1,L Aquiet wedding was celebrated at the English Church rectory by Rev. J. Gibson, yesterday, the contracting parties being Lily, the second eldest daughter of Edward Parkinson, and W. Chapman 0f Parkdale. The new- ly-mnrried couple will take up their residence in Tmnnto. A laliy uf the Northern Epwm-th Lengun'suf Toronto will he held at Newtunbruok Methodist Church (in Monday evening next. A 00d pro- grmn of entertainment an instruc- tion has been provided for the occasion.â€"'W0r1d. The annual com'ention of the West. Y0: k Sabbath School Association will he held at VVoodhL-idge, on Thursday and Friday of next weeek. Papers and addresses will be given by a large number of clergymen. Need-time for warmer stockings is here and in this store is an unmatched showin of dependable stockings of more t an usual goodness at the prices. See the special black cash- mere ones at 250. Atkinson & Switzer. The \Vestern Ontario Good Roads Associatinn will hold their annual meeting on the 24thinst.. at 2 p. m., in the County Council Chamber. Tn- rontn. A number of addresses will be given upon materials for road and bridge building, the best means of constructing roads and the use of road-making nmchinery. the question of the abolition of statute labor, the building of snow fences. the mainten- ance of bridges between townships and other municipalities within a. county, the maintenance of bridges between counties and the necessity of fixing the minimum length of bridge-s which should be maintained by the i cnunties in these cases. All municipal officers and others interested in good roads are invited. Needles, pins and thousands of other little things strictly to the point, at, inkinson & Switzer's. evening. Agricultural Meeting. N ews N ones. Thornhill. Will be paid by the w World’s Dl emery Medical Assoc ation, Buffalo, N. Y.. if they cannot show the original signature of the individual volunteering the testi- monial below, and also of the writers of every testimonial among the thousands which they are constantly publishing, thus proving their genuineness. "For about two years I suffered from 3 ve obstinate case of dyspepsia." writes R. E. Secor E§q._. of 13 Eastern“ Ave.) Toronto. Ontario. " __ A _-..-Atm- mhknnt um. lâ€"‘ch-‘v- A: «-»-â€"-~ -â€" ~- 777 . tried a great number of remedies without suc- cess. I finally lost faith in them all. I was so far gene that I could not fora long time bear any solid food in my stomach; felt melanchola and depressed. Some four months ag) e frien recommended your ‘ Golden Medical iscovery.‘ Alter a week's treatment I had derived so ranch benefit that x continued the medicine. I have taken three bottles and an: convinced it has in my case accom lished a permanent cure. I an conscientious y recommend it to the their sands of dyspeptics throughout the land." A man an succeed and be strong if he heeds Nature’s warnings. When there is indigestion, loss of appetite, ringing in the ears, dizziness, spots beâ€" fore the eyes or palpitation of the heart ; any or all of these symptoms point to weakness and loss of nutrition. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery is the medicine to turn to. “Golden Medical Discovery" contains no alcohol and is entirely free from opium. cocaine and all other narcotics. It is strictly a tem erance medicine. Accept no substitute for “Golden Med- ical Discovery." There is nothing “just as good " for diseases of the stomach. The “ Common Sense Medical Adviser,” x008 pages, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 3x one-cent stamps, to pay ex nse of customs and mailing only. Afiess Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. STANARD BANK Of Canada Received in Savings’ Bank Depart- ment and interestallowed at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES. Money Lon-led on Farmers’ Sale Notes. Blank Note Foams Supplied Free. Eagezal Banking Bushes Transaeted. For other particulars cal! at the Bank. Capital Rest Notice of withdrawal not neces- sary. All deposits payable on demand. RICHMOND HILL ilpansiTgbulas cure nausea, [Single copies, J. W. OSBORNE. AGENT. DEPOSITS $1,000.000 925.000 No. 33

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