There is every indication that there will be a great consumption of poultry in Canada this year. The demand for every class shows a striking increase during the last few years. Mr. F. c. Hare, Chief of the Dominion Poultry Division, does not believe it possible for the farmers to. rear, for at least ï¬ve years to come, more utility-type chickens than can be sold yith proï¬t on the Canadian markets alone. Moreover, commiss- ion merchants in Great Britain can handle proï¬tably at least $1,000,000 worth of our poultry yearly. Last year the export of chickens to Great Britain was materially reduced on account of the great demand in Can- ada The poultry exports irom Canâ€" ada to Great Britain were only 3160,- 518, asmall proportion of the $5,151,- 095 imported by the Mother Country. ‘Tlir. greatest value of poultry was exported from Russia, Belgium, France and the United States. Each of these countries shipped. over $1,~ 0005‘, H worth. It is a short sighted polEt;)' on the part of our farmers to negro: this industry, when time is an tins-«tidied demand for poultry. :2u.-‘,i. bye-etections were luld Tu. :«i-w for the House of Commons. Ofiirusu 5 were carried by the Lib- eraix and 3 by the Conservatives. Thr «Ms won by ‘he Liberals are St. .‘lrzwes‘ division of Montreal. St. iii-m..le Rochelaga‘ Moutmagny Among the exhibits will be found cattle, sheep, swine and poultry, both alive and dressed ready for market". There will also be the ex- hibit of dairy cattle and the stallion show. This latter is a new feature which is being introduced in connec~ tion with the Winter Fair and will no doubt make the show more in- structive and of more general inter- est. To be a successful producer of 3ivc stock or live stock products in these daysa farmer must he thor- oughly versed in his work. Ques- tions such as, the principles of breed- ing, most economical methods of feeding and rearing, the proper time 10 market and the best markets are all of paramount interest. These questions will be carefully and con- cisely dealt with in a practical man- nor by expert iecturers during the different sessions of the show. The exhibits furnish object lessons that will most firmly impress upon the visitors' minds the value of the many points brought out by the lecturers. The people of Ottawa have under- taken to erect and equip a splendid building in which the show will be held each year. Owing to a mishap the building cannot be made ready for this year but commodious quar- ters have been prepared where the show can be carried on in a manner satisfactory to both visitors and ex- hibitors. The arrangements are made so as to bring up to the best advantage the educational features of the show. The Eastern Ontario Live Stock and Poultry show to be held at; Ot- taWa, March 8th to 11th next, is the second of its kind to be held in Eastern Ontario. although similar shows have been held in the “'(st for many years. The show is hefd under the joint direction of the Dominion Live Stock Associations and the Poultry Association of East- ern Ontario, and is intended in the future to be .an annual affair. Change Change Change Chunks Change RICHMOND HILL. February 18, 1904 BEARING CHICKENS. â€".! Hu THE WINTER FAIR. ivetisements. [‘1' t 0 v . ’Rn'm'ns Tahulen'ém-T 1117a: mama? p“) I Ripaus Tnbules cure W4 “'0:- To be conducted by Messrs Saiaeon 6: McEwen. Auntioneers. Maple and Weston: Friday, Feb 19-Auction sale of village property and threshers‘efl‘ects at Rlchmond Hill be- longing to the estate of Nicholas Sliney. in- solvent. Sale at 1 Monday, Feb 22~Auctioh sale of farm stock and implements near Kleinburg the prop. erty of Louis Train. Sale at 1. Eight months Tuesday. Feb 234â€"Credit sale of farm stock and implements on lot 4 con 6 Vaughan the property of the late Henry Whitmore. Sale at 1. Terms 9 months Wednesday. Feb Elâ€"Credit sale of farm stock and implements on lot 26 con 6 York (near lmery) the property ct E Smith. Sale at 11 Terms 9 months Thursday,Feb 25â€"Credit sale of farm stock and imp ements near Clairville the property of John Button. Sale at 1. Terms 9 months. Friday, Feb Eliâ€"Auction sale of {arm stock and implements on lot 21. 7th con Vaughan the property of Gavin Lawrie. Sale at 1. Eight months. Friday Feb 26â€"Farm stock and implements of Isaac Cross at Bond head Sale at 1 Nine months Saturuay Feh 27â€"Farm stock and implements on lot in 7th con Vaughan the property of R Cunningham Sale at 1 Eight months Monday Feb {IQâ€"Farm stock and implements on lot29 rear 3rd non Vaughan the property of thelatn Duncan McMillan Sale at one Eight months Monday b‘eo 29â€"Faim stock and implements on lot 34 con 9 Vaughan the property of H Hambly Sale atl Nme months TuesdayI Mar lâ€"Anction sale of farm stock and implements (near Woodbridge) the property of the late George Topper Sale at 1 hight months Wednesday, March 2â€"Anction sale of a number of cattle and horses at the Palmer House. Richmond gillt Sale at 1. Three months. Thursday Ma) 3 â€"Farm stock and implements the property 01 Jas Wilson near Lloydtowu Sale at 1 Nine months Friday March 4â€"Farm stock and implements of Albert Watson at Malton Sale at one Elght months Monday. Mar 7â€"Auction sale of farm stock and implements on lot 26 3rd con Vaughan (li miles north of Maple} the property of James Sherman Pale at 1 Eight months Mondav Mar 7â€"Farm stock and implements r the property of Joe Alpine near Downsview Sale at l Eightmonths Tuesuay Mar Bâ€"Farm stock and implements on lut24 con 3 Vaughan the property 01' n‘ph Jackson Sale at 1 Eight months Wednesday. Mar 9â€"Auotion sale of farm stock and implements an lot Kikd con Vaughan (1} miles south of Maple) the pronertv of Thomas Rupert Sale at 1 Eight months Wednesday Mar 9-â€"Farm stock and implements on lot 15 con 5 York the property of James Jackson Sale at 1 Seven months Thursday, Mar FLOâ€"Auction sale of farm stock and implements on lot 5 2nd con Vaughan (1;; miles west Thornhill) the property of Georue Charlton Sale at 1 Eight months Thursday Mar 10â€"Farm stock and implemen s of Thos Tumbull near Heston Sale at on Nine months Friday Mar 11~Auction sale of {arm stock and implements on lot 23 3rd con Vaughan (j mile south of Cherry's Hotel) the property of James Baxter Sale at 1 Eight months Fridav March llâ€"Farm stovk and implements of John Dnhertv near Palgrave Sale at one Nine months Saturdav Mar liâ€"Horses. cows and implements of Chas Kitchen at Kleinburg Sale on one Right months Monday Mar uâ€"Farm stock and Implements of F J Canning on lot 15 con 0 Etobicoke Sale at 1 Eight months Monday Mar l4â€"Horses. colts and cuttlo at R B McNair on lot 50 con 1 Vaughan Sale at 1 Jightmonths Tuesday flar 15â€"Auction sale 0! form stock and implements near Elder’s Mills Vaughan the propertv 01 Mr Mainprize Sale at 1 Eight months Wednesday Mar lGâ€"Fresh milk cows apringers bee! rinaers horses and colts at the Deck House Yards. Maple Sale at 2 7 months Tuesday March 22â€"h arm stock and implements ofGeo Robinson near Emery Sale at one Eight months Wednesdav Mar QBâ€"Farm stock and implements of Mr Lampnier near unrnhammoxpe Sale at 1 Eight months ' Thursday Mar Mâ€"B‘nrm stock and implements of Alex M‘cElwnin lot 1 con 3 Adinla Sale That’s what you need; some- thing to cure your biliousness, and regulate our bowels. You need Ayer’s 113. Vegetable; gently laxative‘ ' mufï¬fg: This announcean is made without any qualiï¬cations. Hem-Roid is the one pleparntion in the world that guaranties it. It is impossible to cure an establish- Pd case cf Piles with ointments, sup- positories, injections or outward ap- plignces. - A guarantee is isSued with every package of Hem-Raid, which contains a month‘s treatment. U Hem-Rnid will cure any case of Piles. It is in the form of a tablet. It, is the only Pile remedy used in- teynally. Mr. Ed. Lym-tt thinks of going ex- tensively into the horse- husinoss. and will supply the British market if 1-9- qnirer‘l. He made considerath our the 100 per cent. in his lust. deal. The Headford school has been smafl owing to the cult] weather. Our popular milk man has had sev- eral mishaps during the last wwk m- ern. In crossing the Metropolir-m tracks at Gray's corner. nne cold morning. his milk wagon upset nwimz tn the high banks of snow, and hv lost, 10 or 12 gallons of milk. He also got his thumb knockvd out of joint, hut Josh takes no notice of trifles. ul for well established house in a few countins ï¬lling on retail mint-bums and agents. anm verritory. Salary $26.00;)" week wnb expon- 495 ï¬ddltlonï¬l.dll .mynble in cash each week Money for expenses advanced. Position per- manent. Business successful and rushmn Standard House. 830, Dearhorn St.. Chicago Nov. 12-26 wkn. and Queen’s West, P. E. I. The Conservatives carried East; Lambton, East Bruce and St. John City, the latter being a gain. Want your moustache at heard a beautiful brawn or MM? Uu BUSKINGHAM’S DYE .7191 m l MELQ‘EQQJ- l G0 and talk to y'o'ur druggist about \YAN'IED-F‘AITBFUL PERSON T0 TR&V‘ at 1 Eight months Liver Pills A Broad Statement. Auction Sales Dairytown Notes. McGnhey‘s Condition Blood Powders i 250. Sold by Geo. McDonald, harness- ‘maker, Richmond Hill, and all med« 5 icine dealers throughout England, the 4 United States and Canada. 22-1-03 éon. Markham (Thornhill) has fbr sale some good young stock. Thorough-bred bull and hog kept, for sex-vice on Lhe Premises. The proprietor of Sunnys'rd’e Herd of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of 1111- proved Uheeter w_h_i_te hqggzklog; 32, {st The Blacksmith Shop and House at Dollar, 3rd con. Markham. First- class stand for a good horseshoer. For particular-s apply to GEO. COWIE. Richmond Hill. tf. or to P. W. BOYNTON, Dollar. HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Dr.McGahey‘s Kidney a Cough Powders {oral} Acute Afl‘mions of the throstud lungs. Inch :5 Distemper. am I’m- awellin" and stocking of the legs. the result of hard driving. kidney Trouble. ï¬t. on. dose will relieve. and one box will cure. Prim. 50c. _Cures Hem-es. Chronic Cough. and. all Chronic A309 noun 0! the Throat and Lungs. The only medicine In (ht; world that. will cure the above dines“. mkin tho wunalsouudin wind and useful mm. owner. Price. 1.50 For full particulan and a cbpy of “ Settlei-s’ Guide,†“ Western Cun- adn †and “ British Columbia,†apply to any Canadian Paciï¬c Agent, or L0 w. HEWESON, Passengers imvelling with Live Stock should take the train leaving Tofqntq at}! p. m. Colonist Slépper will be attached to each train. Puswngms travelling Stock should take the Tqyonto at 1.45 p. 111.,“ To Manitoba, and Canadian Nm-th~ WPSt, will leave Tor-onto every TUES- DAY during March and April if suf- ï¬cient husiners offm's. 3241)] ï¬elds Ire acme. but (boa. who write an own 5 Co. . Peru-ad. lung-111mg!" free, full informuion Ibom work amen they cm 40. and “vent beau,“qu pug lhem from $5 to $5 per dny. Some hum «mm! over $6“ in | day Rich" sex. young mold. Cow-l poi mqnlred. Yon Ire tuned (be. Noam-hr! u on†“Muldglmolmm uqumul. “I!!! J for cash, without local publicity, your Business. Real Estate or Partnership, no matter where located. Send me full pal'Li(:ul_u'r.s, prices. etc. Address ~‘ “.xt‘vn‘ r Thursday. March 10- mm implements the ‘prnperty of Sale at 1. Seven auct Wednesday, March 1 RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL Thursday. )Iropany 01 um months. .1 H F Tueadnv. March 1 and lmpmmens this property ( Eight mnnmu. Wednemlnv. Mal-(‘1) and uuplomen L: hum (,ne pruper Light mouths. Thursday. March I and implement bum the propel Wednesday, March lGâ€"Credit sale of farm and implements on lab 93. 6ch con Mm- (Cushen the property of Abner Snmme‘ ‘ Sale at 1. Eight. mouths. J H Prentice. Tuesday. March 22â€" 31‘_edit sale 01 fury: For Sale or Rent Calls from a distance pmmptly attended to. THE DR. McGAHE‘I MEDICINE 00., Kenmlvllir. om. SUNNYSIDE FARM E. LEJEQWQ MEEEE Eflfl‘ï¬ï¬‚a, ï¬sï¬ï¬‚rtsï¬ï¬swsï¬t?: I CAN QUICKLY SELL the prnfmrt mouths. J uu'u a...“ Cushen the property of Abner Snmmerfehlt. Sale at 1. Eight. months. J H Prentice. nuns asday.Mnrch 22â€"31‘edit sale at farm stock agn] implemeu‘ts‘ on 19 ‘21, 5th con Markham n .,A. . 11...... 49-1: Settlers’ 0ne=Way Excursions, 1904 158 KING a'rnE EAST. TORONTO accommodation toguoszn. Board,$1 verday Aptil3mh to December lst, 1904 . GHAS.‘ E. POWELL, 19 W. Mohawk St., Buflelo,N." Y. World’s Fair, St. Louis A. H. NOTM AN, Sale Register. '8b Z5â€"Cl’e Asst. Gen. Puss~ Agent, 1 King‘St. East, Toronto. I! Rmmrt I J H Prenti D. G. GOODERHAM, -Cre(lm sale of farm stark on lot '24. am can SI Mboro Wm Walker. Bale m. One, J H Prentice. (met. 1 Credinaale 0! (arm stock on luv. 1 rear 4th cvyn Mark- Writ}: Sale at 1. Elght Be sale of farm strck and con U. Snul'bnro. the ell. Sale at; 1. Nine 'Iu me. nuct. sale on farm aback 'eu! 4th cnn Markâ€" Gibsuu. Sale M, 1. lice. amt sale of farm stock rear 3rd con Mark. :1 James. Sula at 12. without Live train leaving For Broken Winded HORSES Pro prietvor um s'ock Mmkbum T. B. LUï¬Fï¬RD, Pmp. GQflQWSQG’Qï¬QSQï¬QgQSWQï¬Q QGQQQMQ ° & §&ï¬ï¬ï¬Ã©Ã©ï¬ï¬‚tï¬ï¬ï¬‚akéï¬Ã©Ã©ï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬Ã©ï¬Ã©Ã©ï¬Ã©hï¬ï¬ï¬iï¬ï¬Q-flmï¬ï¬ wiiiiiQiiï¬'i'ï¬â€˜ï¬ï¬wi3???9%???é‘3ï¬yi‘ï¬iï¬ï¬‚yiéiï¬bi‘i‘a DR. SPINNEY. Foundcrof Dr. Splnnoy & Co. THE Dependable Tools. Groceries Fish Orangea ï¬ysiers Lemcns Etc. Uysiers suppléed $3: Suppers METRGPOLITAN STQRE \ACCIDENT PULECEES ‘P. G. Savage & A. G‘r. Savage. Fire Ensumneï¬ DR. RUSSILL HARDWARE 126 EAST KING STREET, TORONTO. Call 01 write for pamphlets regarding different. kinds of policies. We can give you _e1p_y_];ind_y_0u Wish: Wall. Papers GGNFEEBAHGN WE well and good, but if you are you need in this line from our lacking in any of them,you’ll be sensible in securing what well assorted stock NOW. Ifyou have all the needful tools ENDOVVMENT, P'AYMENT LIFES, ORDINARY LIFE. Specials of all kinds and JOIN 1‘ POLICIES also From $1.00 up; covers sicknes and acci- dents of any kind. A good choice of Fire Companies. All business promptly at- tended to. 290WOODWARD AVE.. DETROH’. MIC ï¬iï¬ï¬iï¬wï¬â€˜ï¬iï¬ WE‘ZW‘SW‘SQCF‘ ASSOCIATIGN Now is the time to insure in the returns. bur'A nsoamxvu IREâ€"Ifï¬iéii'f wiu'ï¬osidvgi; cure you. You CAN PAY WHEN cunzo. Slrlctures. no matter where located. are apt to involve the surrounding structures. If neglected or improperly treated. urethral stricture will produce distressin 7 symptoms. Cute ting. stretching and tearing are the old bnflmrous methods of treating this discase, The strictly modern and original meth- ods employed by us are free from the horrors of surgery arid are absolutely safe andhanulcss. The abnormal stricture tls~ sue is dissolved and leaves the channel free and clear. All un- natural discharges cease. any irritation or burning sensation disappears. the Kidneys. Bladder. Prostate Gland and other su minding organs 1) gthfngd qml the blissof mï¬nhood sue is dissolv‘éd and leaves the ch: natural discharges cease. any irri disappears. the Kidneys. Bladde‘ surrounding organs are strengthc We Cure Varlcocole. Blood and Skin Diseases. Nervous Deblmy. Strictures. Bladder. Kidney and Urinary Diseases. CONSULTATION FREE. Question LIaQ For Home Treatment Sent Freo- SPENRQ handles) from ........ 70c Tree Pruners (double handles) from ........ goc Reasonable Prices. gents Cured To Stay Cured