Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Feb 1904, p. 5

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@112 %hcmim Thermometers in Richmond registeredfio degrees below zero day mornmg. Mr. Wm. Junes. whose thigh was brnken last. Week above the knee, Dr. Luwrusnn slates. xs improving. R. W. Bro. Nicholls will pay an olficinl visit, to Doric Lodge, Pickerâ€" ing, on Thursday. Feh’y 25. - Miss Ethel \Vilvy. Mr. Ellis \Viley and Mr. Murray Sheppard of Tmontn, spent. over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. \V. E. lViley. Newmm'kot Em â€" Miss Glass of Rh-hmond Hill, spe‘nt the past week with Miss L. Davidson. lug, - Miss Ethel “'iley, Mr. Ellis \Viley and Mr. Murray Sheppard of Tmontn, spent. over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ‘V. E. iVlley. Mr. R. L’. Bruckin of Ghathum. and Miss May Krick of Dnnnville, wvre guests of Mr. ’1‘. F. McMahon over Sunday. Mr. John McMahon of Golden, B.C.. who came to Aux-urn. on a business tiip, spent Saturday with his brother, Mr. T. F. McMahon. nu Auurbuay, rcuy m. h/Hnlnnnl Nliiin‘li'lfl‘l Flair: Manama A new and novel feature will he put on at the rink llt'l‘H to-night. The Richmond Hill hockey team spare no expense to provide all the latest and thoroughly up-tn-dnte attractions for their patrons. The ladies' huckey team of the Hamiltonian Seminary play the local septctte, and a fast. and no dnnht amusing- game will he Wit- nessed. This team has played through- out; the season and have met with great} success, not, having suffered a. defeat. durng the. winter. D0 nut fail to witness this the greatest, attraction ever held in Richmond Hill. General admission. 10 and 15 cents. Mr. John McMahon of Golden, B.C.. who came to Aux-urn, (in a business tlip, spent Saturday with his brother, Mr. T. F. McMahon. Messrs. Michael Naughtun, Elgin Mills; Archibald Gilchrist, Toronto Junction ; and J. K. McE\veu.\Vostou. have been roâ€"prointved LiCPDSO Cum- missioncrs for West York District}. Good prices were walized for everv- thingsz Messrs. H. & E. Pieusunce’s auction snleut Carrvilie (m VVedues- day of last, week. The bidding was brisk and auctioneer Prentice was able to “knnck down” the articles with little delay. A mare brought $210 and a cow and calf went as high as $60. The sale amounted to over $1,900, and only six notes were given, the balance being paid in cash. Metropolitan cars have been ex- periencing much difficulty in copin with the ice and snow. For seveufi days it seemed impossible to give a oumplete service. Miss A. Fierheller of Victoria Square, at the recent, examinations of the Toronto Conservatory of Music passed in hunors in theory, and head- ed the list in piano playing. Miss Bell Moodie. a nurse in the Good Samaritan Hoxpital, Dawson Uity, writing Ln her father, Mr. Alex. Mondie, says that at the time of writ- ing the theremmneter stood at 60 degrees below zero. ‘ A Travel Talk will be given by Trooper A. J. Brace, of Smth African fame, at East York Methodist Church this Thursday evening, when the speaker will give the thrilling account of his hazardous experienr-es in “ Forty Days‘ Gamoe to the Hudson Buy.’ The. talk has been highly recum- mended wherever givon. Good music will also be given. Chair taken at 8 o’clock. A curling match was played Friday evening between rinks chosen and skipped wspvctively by G. A. McDun- ald and \V. H. Pugsley. The former won by une shot. The scores were as fallows :â€" G. Cowie F. I‘lcConaghy W. Sanderson F. E. Sims E. Barker ‘V. ’1‘. Storey G. McDonald,sk 11 \V. Pugsluy, sk. .10 MASSEY-HARRIS ONCE MORE. A hockey match will be played in the rink on “'ednesday next, Feh’y 24. between the Massey-Harris tezun and Richmond Hill. The Massey» Han-is team played here three weeks ago and proved ens-y victims for the home. team, but since then they have greatly strengthened their team and feel quite confident of defeating the Richmond Hill seven. Om- ]:u-ge smck ensures the cheapest price. Atkinson &Switvzm‘. Mrs. Henry J. Allison died at the hmne of her father. Samuel McBride at. 545 Youngstown aVenue Thursday night at 10 o’clock. She leaves :1 bus- band and one daughther two years old. Mrs. Allisnn came here frnm Canada last, July and since that time she has been making her. home with her fath- er. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the residencu and will be private. Rev. Jester will conduct the services.â€"D:Lily Tribune. “’urxen, Ohio. Men's fine colored shirts at 500.. :59. and $1: men’s White dress shirtsnt 75c. and $1. Atkinson &- Switzmu Mantle cloths at, less than Half price. Atkinson & Switzer. HOCKEY MATCH. An interesting hockey match took Blame in the rink Thursday evening etween a team composed of High School students and a team from the hockey club. At the end of half time the score stand 2-0 in favor of the High School boys and at, the finish it was 7-3. the High Schpnl winning by 4 goals. The referee was Mr. J.Glo\'er and Mr. R. Redditt was time-keeper. The Players were as-follnws tâ€"Citizens, \V. llifford, F. Dolan, R. Hzlfiey. F. Ludford. B. Newton. C. Glover: High School, B. Sliney. S. Boyle, F. Boyle, R. Palmer, E. Smith, J. Naughton, S. McMahon. Big value in men‘s heavy socks. shirt smocks. overalls and pants at, At-kiueonk Switzer's. RICHMOND HILL, February 18. 1901 EVIDENCES OF PROSPERITY. BEATEN BY A POINT. DIED AT WARREN. brought as high to over 2 given, Tues- Hill _The funeral of the lute Nicholas Sliney tnok place from the residence. yesterday fm-enmm. Although the Weather Was extremely C(Ild n large number gathered at the huuse. and many cutters and sleighs followed the remains tn the Thornhill cmnetvury where he was interred. The cnrpse was taken into the church, and ‘un impu-ssive sermon Was preacth by the pastor, Rev. Father McMahon. \Vhen you buy here you can be sure of your purchase and certain of their endurance and excellence. Atkinson & Switzvr. Two rinks of the Lakeview Curling Club came up Saturday afternoon and played a friendly game, heating mu local [Puma by 10 shots. The visitors were after the game treated to a sup- per at the Palmer House. The fol- lowing scores were made at, the match:â€" . Richmond Hill Lakeview W. T. Storey R. Mansell Ed. Barker L. McDonald H. A. Niizhnlls H. Yonge M. Boyle, SR. ...14 D. Glynn. sk F. Mvamghy T. Robertson J. H. Sanderson L. Drummond J. Palmer J. Dnyle VV.Pugsley, sk. .16 A. Dennison,sk. .15 Every dollm'spent here means one hundred cents of satisfaction. Atkin- son 3; Switzer. The annual report of the Richmond Hill Public Library and Reading Room for the year 1903 has been for- wardvd to the Education Dopartnwnt. The report shows that 112 new hooks were purchased during the year, he- sides 16 magazines; that 2795 were issued ; and that there are now in the Library 3115 volumes. The receipts for the year. including the Legislative Grant of $93.70, and the village as- sessment of $100, Were $210.06, and the expenditure was $15.34 higher than the receipts. The payments Inâ€" (cluded $82 for rent, light, heating and salary; $97.32 for books; $46.90 for magazines and newspapers; and $7.35 for printing. postage and othpr in- cdentals. The Board will he called upon to raise money by entertainment or in some other way to meet current expenses. Great bargains in men’s suit, lengths of Scotch and Canadian Lweeds and in fine worsted pantings. Atkinson & SwitZL-r. The Caledonian Culling Club sent' two rinks up to the Hill Tuesday af- ternuon when an inter-vsting match’ was played with the home team. The visitnrs won by 8 puints, and were af- terwards entertained at the Dominion House. The fulluwiug are the scores made :~â€"- Richmond Hill Caledonians J. Ellston \V. A. Sander-Son F. Lanncr Gm). McDonald 3. K. Munroe W.T. Storey. sk. .9 J. \Vutsnn, sk. . .13 J. Glass H. Lorne C. P. Wiley R. O’Connor F.Sims D. T. Plentice J. Sanderson,sk. .9 Thus. Rennie. sk.13. Figs. 50. lb. ; prunes, 5c. 11). ; dates, 5c.1h.; \Vethey’s mince meat, 100.; good cleaned curl-ants, 4 lbs. for 25¢. ; extra carpet broom, 25c. Atkinson 85 Switzer. The Social at the Church of England Rectory on Friday evr-uing, passed off in a most successful manner. It. was successful in point of numbers, the lmuscheing fillvd La overflowing. It was successful from a social pointnf view, every one being in the best of gnod humpr and entering into _th»e games and amusements With mirth and spirit. It. was sucuessful from a financial point nf View. the net pro- ceeds being $42. The musical program was excellently rendered. The choir of Trinity Church, Thornhill, sang wo pieces in good form. and Miss Smart; sang two songs, which were highly appreciated. The comic ele- ment was supplied by Mr. Erskine Oxley, who sang “The Miller’s Daughter" with characteristic efiect. The women of the Auxiliary, under whose auspices this social was held, desire to thank the public for their kind and generous assistance in bring- ing it to 30 suscessiul an issue. 'One dollar white shirt is the htggest dollar's worth of shirt you ever sum Atkinson & Switzer. Totals SOCIAL AT THORNH ILL. DEATH AND BURIAL. LAKEVIEVVS WON. CA LEDONIANS 8 UP. ANNUAL REPORT. SOD. The difficulties under which the Metropolitan Railway Company have thus far during the present winter op- erated their lines \vme intensified by the storm of Monday night. A strong wind blew all day. and, notwithstand- ing the fact that little snow fell. many of the deep cuttings whiéh already ex- ist, were speedin refilled. Four cars were stalled between 'I‘hornhill and Oak Rngt‘S, and gangs of men. in spite of the severity of the weather, labored incessantly all night in an en- deavortoclear the line. Frost bites Were numerous, and to The World J. \V. Noyes. the general manager, stated last night that the storm, in the intensity of the cold and the fierceness of the Wind. was the worst that had occurred along Yonge street in tWenty years. A feature which has served to render the difl‘iculties of the Metropolitan Railway more pro- nounced is the inaction of thetown- ship and county authorities along the northern portion of Yonge street. Dtn ing the greater part of the winter many miles of this highway have never been opened to traffic. the only avenue of travel being that furnished by the Railway Company. The coun- ty authorities have. With common consent. placed the onus of keeping the road in a. paSSable condition on the shoulders of the Metropolitan Railuxty. Many vexatious delays to the. patrons of the road have occurred by reason of the common use of the railway tracks, and if the present state of affairs is not remedied by the county authorities great incon venience is certain to ensue. Mr. \V. S. Moone, after spending six months undrr our instructions. is now earning $25 per week for six hours work per day, at anphis Tenn. Miss Ns‘llie Carson. after five months’ training, 15 now with the \VesLeI-n Union telegraph company at DBLI'iHL, varnng $70 per month. Mr. \V. H. Hodgson, after four mnnths’ training. is now with the C. P. R. at Twi-e-d.0m., earning $40.00 per month. Nuun-rvus others are being placed in equally as good positions. Our Winter term opuns January 4th, and those desiring Lotake up the work should vnroll on or before that, date to ensure them a positle in the spring or early summer. Five competent instructors of exceptional ability arr giving their personal and individual attention! to the rapid advancement of our pupils. Young ladies are prepared for Com- mercial telegraph positions,and young men for the same and railway posi- tions as inraLOl'S. train despatchms, agents. etc. 'i‘hisis a profession not overcrowded, and one which will com- mand steady employment, the year around at, good wages. VVriLe at once for particulars as to terms. etc. Can- adian Railway Instruction Institute. Cor. College and Yonge Sta, Toronto. Sme‘â€"‘n Richmond Hill. on Monday. Feb. 15, Nncholas sliney, Med 47 vears,9 mos. _ Iutprmenn in ’l'hurnhill R. C. cemetery yeatezu day formnmr Girls’ r-ac». 8 yearsâ€"Agnes Buyle. Bnys’ rune. 9 yearsâ€"F. Riley. Gil-H handicapmlst. Irle Mc- alwn; 2nd. Agnes Boyls‘. Boys’ race. 11 yPHI'sâ€"H. Naughtnn. Gil'ls’ race. 11 yvarsâ€"Marjnrio Boyle. Bnys’ race, 12 yvnrsâ€"Frvd Campbell. Boys' race. 15 ymlrsâ€"Vic. Blown. Opun Handicapâ€"J. Naughtnn. Hurdle handicapâ€"E. Gihsun. Partners‘ raceâ€"Jean Boylt‘. I. Gil;- flair Vigor hmpana Tabulea {are blilotuneu: lupus '23me we flatulence. "an... _.., --... "ESL a. mu. can-do Sprints. Odo. nu I Dottie. J. c. A"! 00.. A" mien“. Lawn“. Mun. Short Hair A FEW TIMELY FACTS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. AFTERNOON CARNIVAL. Feed your hair; nourish it; give it something to live on. Then it will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Ayer’s Hair Vigor is the only hair food you can buy. For60 years it has been doing ins: what we claim it will do. it will not disappoint you. "My hair and to be my Ibo". Indth- naing Ayu'l KAI: V or n anon time n begun to w. and now It foam 1mm long. In menu A nflnmd mun locum bung 311991: watt): y bah." .. J,“ ‘- -__a__. n.-‘ W EDN ESDAY‘S \VOR LD. DEATHS Yorkshire Stock Food Guaranteed to cure coughs, colds, heaves and broken wind in horses. Horsemen will find this an infallible remedy for any affection in u hnrse’s wind, Whether caused fmm after effects of distemper m- from eating dusty hay. Price 50c. Said in Richmond Hill by Geo. McDonald, harness-maker. Your own recipes made up Waverly from pure drugs at wholesale prices. FOR HORSESâ€"Gives them 9. good appetite, a glossy coat. a lose hide and a. healthy appearance. Highly recommended by norsemen. FOR CATTLE it has no equal. It improves the appetite, aids diges- tion, it causes H. perfth assimulatinn of the food and fattens them quickly : alsn a grand p1 epnrabion for milch cows. FOR CALVESTâ€"mixed wxblivskim milk or separator milk it will make calves thrive as well or better as when fed on new milk. Prevents scours, aids digestion. and rapidly (its a calf fm- market. FOR HOGSTâ€"this wil be found a. grand tonic for fattening hugs rapid- ly. It aids digestion, kills worms. and keeps them healthy. The stock- man‘s favorite, because it makes your stock thrive strungâ€"best and cheapest stock food on Lhe market. Five feeds for one cent. All drugs and patent medicines at wholesale prices. J. A. Johnston 6: (30., Yorkshire (39th & Heave Cure We begin February with a stock com- plete in all departments. We are in a splendld position to give the best value in all Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Crockery and Window Glass. We handle goods that are cheap, but not cheap goods. We want Our goods to be- come your goods, and our store to become your store When this want is realized we shall feel sure of seeing you or hearing from you very often. Then you will bring your iriends to our store and We shall derive a mutual profit. Our joint success depends on your efforts and ours. It cannot fail if we try to please each other. (Successor to C. D. Daniel a 00.931! Hugh Miller a C0.) ‘Wholenle and_Retail Drnggists. 171 King St East, Toronto. Oppaaite Clyde Hotel. Good Goods. Fancy Cretonnea, 8, 10, 121;, 14, 15 and 200. yard. Alt Muslins, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15 and 20c. yd. Ladies’ Heavy Serge Skirts, navy, black and grey. at $1.50. Ladies’ Black Sateen Waists, special at $1 and $1.25. California Prunes, 5c. ; Golden Dates, 50. ; Natural Figs, 5c. ; Pure Lard, IOch. ; Fairy Soap, 5c. ; Crost; Soap, 5a.: Happy Home Soap, 8 bars for 250. Window Glass, size 12x16, at 800. doz. ; other sizes in pro- portion. Emmmmmmmmmmm%w ATKINSQN & SWITZER. Richmond Hill mmmmxfiazxmmxm Laurentian Ranges JABDB EYEH & SBN Richmond Hi|| quote : And have two weeks’ trial with it. We set it up, and if not satis- factory the stove will be taken back and your money will be cheerfully refunded. Our motto : Satisfaction with our goods or no sale. Stoves ! Buy one of our

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