AT THE LIBERAL PRzNTmG & PUBLISHtNG HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, on. T. F. McMAHON. VOL. XXVI. 13' we remnant «‘3 vsxciun at N esbom and Grace R )spiuls , For ate Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. Remodellsdï¬ud newly furnished throughout One of she most convenient and cr-mformble hotels on huge Street. Every modern con- venieuw Sunple rooms (or commerch travellers. Anidonlstovping place for riding or drivingpu‘tias.bicyclists. or farmers going mm- rqturuiug from market. Electric can yntatho duur Livery inconnectlon Is THUR Gulls by day and night promptly at tended to. 1515MB 51,00 PER DAY. ‘5". C. SAVAGE . J. H. SANDERSON, VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL Telephnne Main 2121- Our. Church and Carlton 8125.. Tux-unto, Will be in Richmund Hill ever \VI nesduy. Ofï¬ce, next door suuth of Pulglic Schuul. DRW G JOHN R. CAMPBELL, DR. PALMER HOUSE RIC HMO ND HILL , Room 1‘3, 13L Victor est; flLt Ofï¬ce Hours‘â€"-‘5.3U Room “ A," Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. H $1 per annum, in advance.] LIFTHNG THE EEKJRDEN (Juice Hal: i. ARNOLD D. A. MASON, Dentist, (Succassnr to Dr. T. A. Currie), VETERINARY SURGEON, BUSINESS CARDS. ï¬bti ng 10 West 13:3. E. J. STUBBS, 53. W583 “@333 ï¬i‘uml [G L SPAULDING DR A W SPAULDING I)entists 'Fllornhill. Emma & Pnomxmos PUBLISHED EVERY SDAY MORNING Ihént rs-Bhnlflmn;12t02pm 7m8nm. wettriuary teach. also replating, at prices. Goodwork. Tami-“hiâ€. aisivaiml. NU: Est. 353E895, m. to 5 p. m. St. Toronto. When the sleep ls restless. food causes distress, heud- acheor dizzlncsapalns in the side or back, indigestion. pal- pitation. appetite poor, conâ€" stipated, all tired out. do- BressL-Llâ€"just one trial of r. Leonhardt’s ANTI-PXLL will “lighten the burden" that is {hugging you down. It. begins its work in the stomach from which the blood is fed and the nerves Controlled. With a Gentle Handâ€"ANTI-PILL. Woman's life is a battle with nerves that sup strength and nnnrgy. Shattered nerves aggravate and promote chronic troubles. There is no-time In a Woman’s lira Anti-rm fans to do good. ANTI-PILL embraces n new Prop \Ved- Mouev to loan on land and abuse] mortgages at Iowosc rates Aurora ofï¬ceâ€"Removed to the old post oflicq Ime door west; of the entrance to the Ontario Bank Newmarkct wheeâ€"Three doors south of the p)stoflice T HERBERT Laxxox. G Sri’ Monmn. sonablerates Fiï¬Ã©nagesohcxted License Auctioneer 102- the County of York. re- spectfully snlicits your patronage and. friendly inï¬uance sales attpndod on ï¬le shortest notict and at renaonnbemtaa. P. O.nddress King oommssxonnam THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. Licenseu Auctioneer for the Cennty of York, Goods sold on consignment Gehh‘m] sales 01 atoc etc prom;le attended“) at reasonault rates“ {(esfldenceUniouville u (i S Lindseyii c A G F Lawrence W Ridout Wadsworth J '1‘ Saigaoia. J Is McEwen Maple Waswn Saigoon a: McEweu. Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York 4 Sales mttanded to on shortestpntireaud a. rea- A__L‘A ,, Licouupfl Anctinneerfor the Counties of York and Ontario All sales of farm stock. (W: at- tanded tn on the shortest native and reasonable “can. Mortguznnn-i bailifl’ sales attended to. Residence‘stoufl'ville Ont Barristers, Solicitors, etc. TORON'I‘OK OFFICE: N0. 33 Rirh- mqnd St. \Vest.“7r-slvy Buildings; (Methodist, Book R()mu,) To- runtu. Mr. Cook will be at Mafle on Thursday afternoon of each Week. G R Goulding: Rewton Erook. agent for the above A. large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at, both places. lllUllUUUllLl 1|Ll ll‘LU ' - ' It 15:1 permanent, cure and no case Every Accommodation for the trav- of Piles has eC-er bccn found it failed - - to cure. eumg pUbhc' Money back if it does. FREDERICK BACK, prop A guarantee with awry package. jAS. NEWTON RHIHMUND HILL & THORNHILL RICHARDSON HOUSE NOTA RY PUBLIC, ISSUER MARRIAGE‘LICENSES, E EJGIN 31114-14333 1w. TEEFï¬i fl W adsvv‘éfth, Barristers,Solicitcrs. tharics, £40. {an}? Life Building (formorlv Fro huld Luau Bldg), Cm. Adelaide & Vic Lorin 818., Tux-(Into. LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. Undertake-'5 a: Embalmd-I-s. ENNOX & MORGIN’, BIAP] «E. THOROUGHLY REFITTED. Lindsey. Lawrence W adswér’th. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. COOK & JOHNSH‘FN' :Irrislers and solicitors. V’VRIGHT BROS J. ll. Pl elitism RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25. 1004 n. G. BLOI'GH, N. E. Smith. principle. Its effects are diliereut from anything else1 and there is no mistaking itswonderful influence. Dr. Leonhardt has pre arcd the formula entirely ree from the injurious ingredients common to present day Pills; etc. It is the ideal system treatment. Price. 50 cents per box of dealers. or by addressing WI L s 0 NF YL n (10., Niagara Falls, Ontario, who will also mail free sumA pie to any address. Aurora. In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; G SrV MoycAN. Phone Main 2984 N (awzimrke: The “7?st York L'ihorle Association held its anmml meeting Tluuwdny. at VVestm. Thu-0. was a large ntLMHL ance of “presentativc Lilw-rnls frmn all parts ml the riding, and thv utlnnst unanimity prevailed as In the poll dos 0f the qu Guvrruments, Federal and Local. Tin-re was some disrussiun nveremumondnwnt tn L'ur- constitution for m Irv Pguitnhle representation of the whole lidng in convvnlitm, but it wrs ultimately Witln‘lluu‘n.» The election of uï¬iue‘rs resulted as follows : -â€"Prrsident. Dr. P. D. McLean, \Vuudâ€" bridge- ; Vice-President, \anlnce Stirring Addresses by Mr. Arch. Campbell, M. P., and by Several Members of the Legislatureâ€" Election of Officers. bl-id gr- ; Vice-President, \Vulluce Cruiskshank, \Vestnn; Second Vicv- President; Jxahn Patten-sun, Tux-unto Junction: Secretary, \V. E. Duncan, Emery; 'l‘x-ensm-en J; M. Gnt‘dlwuse. “r'eston. The-re was also electvd a huge Executive ()unnniltee. Resolu- tions\Wrendupted advising the call- ing of :L nunmmting cmn'vntion fur the Local House abut) early date. up- proving (vf Elm policy of Sir \Vilfrid After the uwal loyal toasts, Mr. 7. H. Porter of “‘oodbridge proposed the toast, “Agricnitural and Manu- facturing interests.†to which responsâ€" es were made by Messm. Joseph \Val- son, J. M. Gardhouse, \V. C. Gruhhe; \V. A. Parsons and A. M. Mall hews. “'lhe Dominion Parliament†was proposed by Mr. A. J. Anderson. Mr. A. Campbell, M. P. for-\Vest York, in a reumng speech, pointed out how the Lauriea- Administration had increased the prosperity both of ag- ricultural and manufacturing inter ests. The taiiï¬ was based on business principles. It was not perfect. ing human was perfect. but changes are acquire-(L He thought that- at an early date there should be a revision on the principle of the last one. There might besomeincreases or some de- creases. but the guiding principie should be Canada first, last and al- ways. In 1896 the Government found the cattle trade with the Unitcd States paralyzed. But- Hon. Mr. Fish- er and Hon. Mr. Dryden, practical men, went to V‘t'ashington and had the quarantine l‘l’lll(l\€(l. The result was, that instead of 3.500 cattle, ex- ported to the United States in the previous year, the country has been able to send 280,000 in thepast four years. They we: 9 a class of cattle not salable across the ocean, but they found a ready market in the States. M r. Campbell then referred to the adâ€" vantages broughtabout by cold-stor- age. It was a pleasing story to tell, the enormous progress~ of this country under Liberal rule, and still the pro- gress went on. The country is only in its infancy, and it is only beginning to realize its possibilities. Last year Noth- l 150.000 went ml the Nmbhwesb, hu’kvly sons uf [hose whu were expelled from Canada under 'I‘nry rule. The sin-am is growing every year. "They talk] about curruptinn in the Liberal pm ty,†{ said Mr. Campbell. “ 1 want, them to ' tell me about, the corrupt-ion in Tu-l rnnto city. I Want, Mr. St. John to justify that if he can. I want him to justify stufling the lmllot-lmxes, which the deputy returning uiï¬nez- said had been going on for years. I want Dr. BeattieNPshitt to justify his position if he can.†Continuing, Mr. Unlllphvll said [but 1119 Ottawa Gnvelnnu-n‘, though spending more mmwy than iLs predecessur. had more to spend, was not nhligt-d to borrow, and the u-un- try was in :1 mme prosperous condi- tiun. (Applause-J - Piles ale caused by“ cunngtiun or stagnation of the blond in the lmver bowvl, and it takes an internal remedy to remove the cause. Dr. Leonbnrdtt‘s Hemâ€"Ruid let taken internally. Exu-Hmt spovchvs also were made by Mr. Miltun Carr. M. P. P. for Pur- ry Sunnd: Mr. H.J.Pvltypiec«-,:VI.P.P. for East anhtuu: Mr. G. N. Smith, M. 1’. l’. fur the “Sun,†and nthors. The speeches “ere interspersed with musxc. The nurhes Internal. External. Bleeding. Blind, Itching, Suppm-ating, eLc.. are simply names of the different, stngt‘s through which every case “'111 pnï¬sjf it continua: lgng enough1 No distinction is mude as to the kind of Files that, Hem-Roid cures. WEST YORK LIBERALS. No Difference. elected 2‘ Resulu the call ntion fm is a tab- l The burlesque hockey match held in fthe rink Thursday night, was an im- ‘ mense sucuess. The ludics‘ linukey ] team showed the Richmond Hill sewn that they were no nuvicvs, but very echrt. exponents of Canada’s Nutinnul Game. The score at half time was two goals each. and at, the call of time 7-4 in favor (If “ The Ladies.†The 1 teams lined up six nn :1 side, an ac- ‘cmmt, 0f the smallness of the. ice sur- face. The line up was :13 fulluwS: Lndies’ Teamâ€"Miss Lizzie Stoop, Miss Fannie Poe-L, Miss Jvnnie Stout, l l Richnmnd Ilill woke up to the fact that they had able opponents, and rushed lime and again. but were quite unable to paxs Miss Stout. who, how- ever, had considerable trouble kvep- ing her pivblm- hat and veil in pruper shape. {ic‘nmnnd Hill sum-ed twin hy shuts fmm Sims and Burnett, and the ladies owned the S('('I‘l’ just, helme Miss Fannie I’m-L, M 55 Jvnnie Stout, Miss Kale Hamilton, Mis‘s Georgie Stair, Miss Hellenic Buddy. Richmond lullâ€"13031“, Sims, Mot,- cnlf. BinnL-tt, Ludfm-d, Newlmi. Mr. Herbert Honpm' gave universal satisfaction as I‘lr‘fel'k’v. The “ladies†team were must gorgeously arrayed. all the known uan and (tnlurs being harmoniou<ly blended in the make-up nf their-cos- tumes. Their pietty faces. and grace- ful forms, together with the waxy ut- Ll-active diess, “’er quite fascinating, and we feel surc- th'it many of the {it-limond Hill young un'n were charmed by the Winsome creatures. 0n L110 fucemfl’ Miss Stair drew the puck, and after a neat, cnmhinp lie- Lween Misses Encldy and Starr. Ham- iltnn soured on a. shot, frmn centre icv. the whistle blew for the rest. The :emml llillf opened wixh a, rush by the whole visibiug team, wlmswepb dawn the ice like an avalanche, cur- rying the home fm val-d right to Llie not Willl tliu-m, and scoring frnm a 5 wininmge. Time after lime they pur- suvd lb 5 wurse until they had piled up 7 goals to the home teams 4. FEATURES or THE GAME. Messrs. Sims and Burnett say they were never checked as hm-d this seas- on us by " The Ladies.†Miss Hellene Buddy is Well named as was manifest by the way she bodied the home defiant-u. b‘w i Lzel‘. Best, natural ï¬gs, 5c. lh.; best guld- en dates, 1b.; Califvmia prunes, Sr. 1b-: Rangnon rice, 5c. 1b.; Fairy S( ap, " '.;_ Crest soup. 5c. Atkinson & why any otï¬cinl uf the railway should blame us. for we hum- in factlmen vely lenient with them. Inme so than We will he in future if they CllUuSL‘ tn saddle us with what they reallyure respyniiple for.“ "-J. Edward Francis, Commissioner fur Yuuge street.†The fulanng letter appeared in The World of Thursday in reply to one in- serted the day previous, in respect. to Yunge street; and the Mvtmpolitun Railway :â€" The only scrap occurred wlwn Jennyï¬tout‘s dignity was ruffled by A. Boyle’s lwckoy stick coming in CuntncL with the farmer’s picture hat. The ebullition (If ire was only mu- menhu-y. and Mr. B. submitted gnu-(Aâ€" fnlly to some hard knncks in accord- ance with the well-known gallantry of his sex. Both players, lmwm'er, were svnt to the wall for a short. space of time. WANTEDâ€"FAITHFUL PERSONS "‘0 CALL 0!. resail trmle and aunts for manufacturing: househuving wen establi" ed business; lucnl territory; straight- snlm'y- AU puid weekly and ex verse mane}v advanced ', pre'viuus experience iinuecensuy; pnsxt’ihï¬ â€˜wm‘wucm: business successful. Finclme snitmhhessed euveMxIe. Superintcudent L‘wvelexs 6&5 Mmqu Bldg., Chicago 22-12 Miss Fannie Poet Was certainly a. Longfellow, and Miss Sim-p in the gual Stt'ppt‘d everything that Came her “my. Miss Sun-[- was one of the brightest stun-sun the ice, shining Lhmughuub the game brilliantly. Miss Hamilton was charming and it is said she captivntlrd the genial door helper at ï¬rst sight. Letter From Commissioner Francis. 171 all things, Charity. A Great Success. Sum-0d twicv Burnett, and 011* just, helme For other particulars call at the Bank. Received in Savihgsf Bank Depart» uwnt and interest “flowed at, Money loaned on E‘anmel‘S’ Bah: Acne-s. Blank Role l (uh-ms Mappiicd Free. Genezal Banking Business Transacted. Often leads to pov- erty. No real woman ever sold her heart for the luxuries of life. But many a woman who has gladly faced overty for the man she loved. may well oubt her‘ wisdom when pain becomes the mate of povert . If she were rich, she thinks, she coufd ï¬nd a way of cure. H53HEST BERGEN FINES “ You have my heartfelt thanks for your kind advice to me." writes rs. Geo. Fletcher, of 106 Victoria Avenue. Gal Ontario. "Was troubled with catarrh of ute s for over a year. The doctors said I would have to go through in op: eration. but I commenced to use Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription and ‘Golden Medical Dis- covery.‘ aiso his ‘ Loiion Tablets ’ and ‘Antiseptié and Healing Suppositories.‘ Now I am coma gletely cured. after using six bottles of ierce's medicines, I am glad to say his med» cine has made me a new woman." Weak and sick women are invited 9.6 consult Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., by letter, fret. The proprietors and makers of Dr. Plerce’s Favorite Prescription now feel fully war- ranted in offering to pay $500 in legal money of the United States for any case of Leucorrhea, Female Weakness, Prolapsus, or Falling of Womb, which they cannot cure. All they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of c'ure. laxative. 'Dr. Piéi‘ce’s Pleasant Pellets are easy 9nd pleasant to take. A most effective 1‘33“th Rest Notice of withdrmiml not ne'ces- sm-y. All (If-pnsits payable on demand. Riihns Tab'ules Eire nausea. Ripaan Tabules. (391’ Canada RICHMOND HILL In n|’-1el‘tn make room for my Spring Stuck I will for Sell 01} the balance of my Winter Ulothq u.l the following Suits made tn order Regumr 313. $14. $15. Also a few lengths of Worsted Trouserings form- erlv $5 umdn to your measure Ior Come early and secure; Bargains In Ordered Clothing Tailor, Richmond Hill - REme 3 pg FOR WOMEN WHO CANNOT BE CURED. Ten Dolï¬ars MW Pricas A gap A. J. flame [Single copies, 3 cts. J". W. OSBORNE. AG ENT. 305) DEPOSITS enume WW ays $1,009.000 925.000 N0» 3+