Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Feb 1904, p. 4

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The Public Library Board have taken advantage of a recent depart- mental regulation to reduce the run- ning expenses of the Public Library and Reading Room. At a meeting Monday evening it was decided that in future the rooms be open only twice a weekâ€"Tuesday and Satur- day eveningsâ€"instead of three even- ings a week as formerly. Hereto. fore the time has been from 7.30 to 9.30, and this has been changed from 7 to 9 o’cloek. Two evenings a week should he often enough to exchange library books and we trust that our citizens generally will ap- prove of the above changes, After many denials by Conserva- tive journals, there is now no doulit concerning Mr. F. D. Monk’s resig- nation as leader of the Conservative party in the province of Quebec. His resignation to Mr. Borden, lead- er of the Dominion opposition, ap» peared in Saturday’s dailies, though it is dated January 17. The resig- nation was evidently held until after the eight bye-elections were over. Mr. Monk, in his letter to Mr. Borden says that “ there are in our party here certain elements which clearly are not in sympathy with me but which are hostile to me.” It is generally thought that Mr. Tarte is aspiring to the leadership of the Con- servative party in Quebec. The speech on the floor of Parlia- ment the other day by Hon. E. J. Davis,Coxnmissioner of Crown LandS, must have convinced those who heard his words that the forest lands of this province will be a source of great wealth for many years to come. The minister pointed out that there are ten billion feet of white pine standing on the Crown Lands which would yield the province $75,- 000,000 in bonuses and $20,000,000 in dues. The Director of the Bureau of Forestry added that he expected to live to see the annual growth of Ontario forests yield $30,000,000. It is to he hoped this immense wealth will be in the hands of honest, cap- abie and progressive men for many long years. during such a St‘VL’lt‘ winter as they 11 we oxpm‘wnued Lht‘l'l‘, 50 below zero I} ported. The subject chosnn by Rev. Mr. Mounteer lust bubbuth was [he *Z'Aloneluenb.” Rev. Mr. \Vhitlaw's discourse was mi “ Indicision," u putting off until Lo- anorrow Whatshonld be. done to-dny. The text was "He Went forth with Ills disciples over the brook (Jedi-1m,” Mr. A. l’. McLean will spend a few (Jays in Toronto this weekon business. Mrs. \Nni. Mzu-sh and two daughters were visitin" in Toronto last week. \\"e are glnfi Lo hear that. Hwy are gnuvuloscunt.and enjoying life in the “by, where fuel is in abundance and furnaces galore. The sad experience of last winter in Toronto has been the ‘meuns of iniplcfising on their dealers the necessity of laying up an emu). xtnck of fuel in order Ln supply the wants of the. thousands needing it. Saturday Night of last “'N‘k gave 21 .:::Id picture of two persons sitting :11; a. coal stove wishing for spxing. the numerous coal, plumhors’ and gas hills lying around on the floor. “The 1mm- you have always with you," Dr. Dunn will occupy the dwelling house vamLi-d liy Mr. S, Casey. our late cheese-maker, who has gone west in obedience to the orders of Horace Ulywl V “Ho west young man !" (‘ha‘ Chi. Sued Grain Miss Annie Gillof Pembiuu, was a heap-writ] the new Methodist; Church in UaA-am'ille last Sunday, and is now (-njm'ing life in Uzumdn at Mr. John G;,1'1'di1)e|"6. I am Hue hex- nhss-uce from the fruzeu reg'ums (-f North nulmm “ill be grabnymg Lu herself ’ AIL-.Shuw of Oxuv'meenvill move into (he house funnel-1y occupied by Dr. Dean. He- is an empluye iu the foundry with Mr. John Handley. \Ve regret. to hwu- of n mount chair in the family of the late Mr. Isaiah Thornton, who was called away so Jddenly. Anotherwarning. RICHMOND IIILL. Fx-hruary Great bargains in wm-stpd pantings ul Suntch and Canadian (weeds. Insuu _& Switzor. \Vn Mount Pleasant Thus Ruaém Hunhvure ( Advertisements. “53’, ihsruh 1904 Messrs. Percy and Harry Kelfer of Trinity University. visited over Sun- day at their home here. A sleigh load of yum) r pvnph) from Pnttersun, and u few 0 their friends from here, were entertainw'l by Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kirby at their home last Friday evening. A nuner of the residents here are thinking of puttng in a private tole- phnne. It is expected the Bell 'l‘Ple- phune wit} t-xtcnd its lim- tn Gunnloy in the Spring. Mr. L. H. Sinntonhnrgh tonk his du- purturv fur the Smith on Saturday. The nu-mhvrs of the» Sabbath School are mnfiidm-ing the advisability of be- ginning a Normal class in connection with tlw Schuol. W ANTED -FAITBFUL PERSON T0 TR -\V. a] {or wall MMIHih-hed huuso in u few conutin‘s. calling: on roiml n-mrhnnts uml Manta. Luca] territm‘y. Salary $2001) per week “'lth expen- sns adnhnonu.).ull ,myab'e in cash each woe] Money for (vxpcnses advanced. Pusitiou )wx Innueut. Business successful and rushing. Standard House, 830. Dearhm’n St. Chicago. Nov. 12-26 wku. W AN‘ 3] {or w culling ‘ territm‘ The Bunrd of Management of the Public Uhmry have secured Mr. Don» Md 0. Mmrfi‘rregor, hal'ilmw, and Mr. J. H. Camel-(m nf Tul'nntn. fur their concert, on Saturday evening. th'y 27. All who mu should muI-xp it a point t0 hear those th noted entr-r- tuiners. A treat/is guaranteed to all who attend. To be Conducted by Messrs Snigeou & McEwau, Auctioneers, Maple and Weston: Friday, Fab fitsâ€"Auction sale uf rnrm stock and implemenlsmi Int 21.7w con Vaughan the property of Gavin ant‘ie. Sale at 1. Eight muntlis. Friday Feb LEGâ€"Furm stock and implements of Isnnc Cross [1.3130114 head Sale at. 1 Nine months Saturday Feb 97â€"Fm‘ui stock and implements on lot, in 7th con Vaughan the pruperlzv or R Cumiiuubam Sale at 1 Eight; months Monday Feb Q‘sâ€"Farm stack and implements on 10529 war 3rd [‘01] Vaughan thu pruperty of tholuLe Duncan McMillan Sale at one Eight months Monday Feb, ‘29â€"Fnrm stock and implements on lot 34 con 9 Vaughan tbs firopercy of H Hambly Sula at 1 Nina munbbs Tuesday, Mar l-A uctimz sale of 1mm stack rmxl implemnntqneur Womlbridge) the property of the late George Topper Sale atl Eight months , Wednesday. March flâ€"Aucmion sale of a number of cattle and horses at the Plleernuse. Richmond Hill. Sula at 1. Three months. Thursday Mar 3 â€"Farm stock and implements the properly 01 Jan; Wilson near Lloydmwu Sale at. J Nmb mouth Thursday. Minâ€"vii 3â€"Aue:b10n sale (if farm stock and implements 0'1 lot 16 3rd can VuuL-lmu (lg- mlles south of Muple) the pronertv of 'l‘nmnus Rupert Sale at l Eigh’r months Friday March 4â€"Furm stuck and implements of Albert Watson at .llalton Sula nl: ouo E gilt mouths Mommy Muir 7A~AIICtmn sale of farm stock and implemeutfi on lot 21} 3rd con Vaughan (l3; miles north of Maple) the lirnperty of James Sherman Falo M1 Eizht muuths Momlav Mar 7â€"Farm stuck nun iil‘mlemanfs the properly «0me Alpina near Dowusviuw swear. I Jan-m months Tuesday Marsâ€" Form stuck and implements (in lutli can 3 Vaughan vhe property 01 mph Jackson Sula 3.3 1 Eight. months Wednesday Mnrflâ€"F‘ ‘ l stock and implemnntx on lot 15 can 5 Yum :lie pm; ertv of James Jackson Sale at 1 .Saven months Thursday, Mm- ulâ€"Aurt-inn sale of farm stock audimplements onlnt 5 2nd con Vsugbun (1,} miles wast 'I‘hovzahill) t'lia property of Gnome Charlton Sale at; 1 Eight. months Thursday Mar Illâ€"Farm stock and implements nf Thos ’l‘urubull near Beaten Sale at one Niuemomhs Friday Mar 11â€"Anctirm rule of farm stock and implements nu lot 23 3rd con Vaughan G mile south of Chorry’s Hotel) the pmperty nf James Baxter S‘Lle at 1 Eight months Frxdm' Marchllâ€"Farm stovk and implcmeuts of John Dnhertv near Palgrave Sale at one Nine months Em:er Mar 12â€"Horses. cows and implements 0f Chas Kitchen at. Kleinburg Sale on one Eight months Monday Mu‘r Iiiâ€"Farm stock and implements: of F J Calming on lot 15 con 0 Etubicoko Sale at. 1 Eight months ‘ Monday Mar Islâ€"Horses. colts and cattle of ll 3 McNair on lot 50 can 1 Vaughan Sale at 1 Eight months Tuesdav Mar 15â€"Anolzion sale of farm stuck anal implements naur Eldor's Mills Vaughan the pralmrtv at Mr Mninpi'ixze Sale at. 1 Eight mouths Wednesday Mm- lfiâ€"Fresh milk cows Springm‘s beef ringers horses and colts at the Duck House Yards, \lnple 5119 M2 7 months Tuesday March 22â€"Furrn shock and implements of Gen Robinson near Emery Sale at one Eight months Wednesdaw Mar 23â€"Farm nhck nu-l implements of Mr Lampuier near burnhamnhorpa Sue at 1 Eight months Thursday Mnrmâ€"Funmmck and implement: of Alex McElwaiu lot i. can 3 Adjlua. S “8 Mrs. B. Umwor spent Sunday under the parental rent" at dnunt Joy. There is an opening hero nmv for a gnnd hlurksmith. Mr. J. VnnEvex-y having rented a. shop near Berlin. Miss IS. Lover is [.119 doctor‘s cure. Spm'xly I‘vcny ‘ V: The change in the wthher on Sat- urday was quite agreeable to every- “Ill”. Quite u few people here are in need of mull. Th» mild wx-mvhvr on Sunday induc- ed quite u numbn- to cum? (:le tn Sun- day Schrml whu have hot-n shut in for sow-ml works on :lccuunt. uf the savor- ity of Lh( Muster guest of Sululuv. I M r.'F1' feats Ln 1 lim'. 'l"‘h<1 looturo given in an0 church lust VVe-duesday evening luy Rev. J. McDuugnll was very in tore-snug. 0w- ing to the stormy weather tiwre were nul many out to thr it. The Bunrd of Management of the Public Uhmry have secured Mr. Don» E it‘aéiiiag wen? Boweis regular? Digestion good? If not, Vremrembeg qur’s Pillsf: The kind you havé known all your life. J.C.AyerCo.,Lo:vou.â€"Hnu. a Vbreaatl'ful brown or rich black ? Use Want your mtiz'stécpg: _or_bfiez_1ird BUEKiNGHfiM?$_.DXE Your Liver 54E 717 E ht mouths Victoria Square ay '('n\'('ry. nnk Thirsk is moving his 91‘- is fut urv hunw an the sou-nth Auction Sales Starr McMahon was the Mush-r \anter Friaby on-I' mks on wentht Lover is at prosvnt. undm IVL a aple Riv. N.ij ('0‘. “sum. “'1: wish ln-r u for cash, without local publicity. yum- Businosa‘. Real Estate or Partnership, nu matter where located. Send me full particulars, pI-icvs, etc. Address 32-1111 CHAS. E.~P0§‘\’I&LLL. ‘1 :7 Passengers {Ewellng with Live Stock should take the train leaving TONIntU at 9 p. m. Golnnist Sleeper will be attached to each train. For full particulan and a copy of “ Settlers’ Guidp,” “ VVe-steI-n Oun- ndn " ant “ Bl’itiw‘h Columbia,” apply to any szadlzm Pacific Agent, orto HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Friday.Feb 26â€" sudimpteme property of Nuns umulm-t. Tuesdm‘. Murch and nnpmum the DYUDeI'L)‘ A small quantity of the Famous \Vuvm-ly \Vhite Outs; also :1 small quantity of Mundschvuri Six Rxnved Barlvy. m--n‘r A n 1nn‘vovnnt‘r Tn Manitoba. and Canadian NUT“)- “7981', will leave Tux-onto every TUES- DAY during March and April if suf- ficient busines‘s ufi’vr's. Pussengels travelling Stuck should take the Tux-onto at 1.45 p. m._ Tuew w. Ham/230m “’0 file “)0 '.I burn The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Im- proved Chester white hogs, lot 32, 15: con. Markham (Thornhill) has for sale some good young stock. Thm‘s‘ nu tlu The B]; Dullul‘, 2 '1‘ 1111 r54 Ill] Sam at l :-'c â€"r'fllfilnizgi;-1)l'e(i bulrl and hng kept for service an xhe premises. D. Gr. GOODERHAM, Tue tinue to :I Murks. C‘ Emflnml. @A?E%?$ RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL For Sale or Rent 021115 from a distance promptly attended to. The Blacksmith Shop and Hon.“ at .bllill', Su‘ con. Markham. First- Iss stand {m- :l good horseshovr. For particulars apply tn GEO. COVVIE. Richmond Hill. $Emzw, E5: gamma, 1 CAN QUICKLY SELL SUNNYSIDE FARM Settfiers’ Gne=Way Excursians, 1904 Werld’s Fair, St. Louis April 30th to December lst, 190-4 158 KING BT31: EAST. TORONTO accommodatmn soguestu. Board,$1 Derdny 4.0-1: pal-umunrs, prunx‘, Cu.- nuu. J CHAS. E. POWELL, 19 \V. Mohawk Stu Buffalu,N. 3‘;ch flammamwta. m' to i _m ]_ 34-4 Mm 011 21 ~ C plemom‘a on Lake) the pl 1 n'cfock. D A. H. NOTMAN, As‘t. Gvn. Puss. Agent, 1 King St, East, Tumntr. Sale Register. THOMAS JQHNSTOIE, Ff w. BOYNTON, Dollar. h 11 Gill l’oatvvned ms mu lot I l'lnrtv-sevon ears’pxperience. m ‘12)) 1513.; N; 6: CO, arr nou v1 VIHI‘A x. the largest, rest,“ at} s ivnu‘fic rnner, $3:th year (numvingq and lntnrenmg‘ Inâ€" It‘npy of Lh :icic-nlific Amer- »: s MUSE}; 30;. Symsnno John R mouths. nibaâ€"déiyl fiei’foiâ€"k. Ireflit sMer-f {arm s'nck nt ‘12}, (3ch I'm“ Markham y of Abner Snmmm‘hidc. zhs. J H Premia-a. uunt, mm sale 01 fun: «cock u: ‘1)w 5:1: 04m Markham \‘Mu. Sale at 1. fixgbt h u, uucv. edit sale of farm stock vb 61. con 1. \‘Vhitnhurch qwerty of James Legge. G lilvugh. auctioneer. fit 51113 W H m sale of farm stock cun ’7 Markham [bu Curty. Bulb M u. J ot‘fel'snn I" Without LiVP train leaving of farm stock r. D Svnrlmm 1.50:: M P P. I H Prentice D G Biuugn u! farm stock h‘ti con Mark- en‘. Sula at 1:5. Pro pri star 'ftn'u. stock 11 Van hull_ farm stuck u Starbom Sale at one. s stock and Markham hula at. l an Mark- Ban M 1 n Mock. n Mqu- sale at “ y®$®®agag@§@wagaagasag@ METRGPOLWAN STORE Enemies Fish . Eranges fiysiers Lemmas Em. Eyeing suppiéed §m° Suppers “P. B. LfifiFfififl, Pr EAGCIDENT PULEGIES Fire Emummg P. G. Savage 6%: A. (fr. Savage. S ail Paige a? Call 01 write for pamphlvts regarding different kinds of policies. \Ve can give you any kind ynn wish: ENDO‘VM ENT. PA 2'31 BNT LIFES, ORDINARY LIFE, Specials of all kinds and JOINI‘ POLICIES alga fififififiERMEfifi EEFE ASSQCIATIGN From $1.00 up; cm‘m's sicknes and acci- dents of any kind. A good choice (-f Fire Companies. All business promptly utâ€" tended to. Now is the time to insure in the Agents mp.

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