Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Feb 1904, p. 5

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PAPER ON HORSE-RAISIN The News of Lethh'ridgo, Allwi-tu, N. \V. T., of the 4th inst.. coutuins a fuurcnlumn pnpm- on Hume Raising mnbributed by Mr. A. E. Keifer at .le Agricultural Institute u-meting lH‘ld at, that place. The paper is mnst in- structive. tn hnrse breeders and his many friends in Vaughan township will not he surmised m lt'fll'n that Mr. ,Keifei- still tnka a dvep interest in discussions reluLing to his favorite ‘euiimgll. The Can-villa store and post-office thud H. close call fI-uln being burned down a few nights ago. Evidently sparks had fallen flow pipes lending ma. chimney duwn into the unused fire-place. whvn the humd tnuk file. \Vlmn the inmates arose in the morn- ing they fulllld that, some curpn-t, and clothes on a clothes-horse had bPen burns-d, and Could see “1191? the fire had run upthe wall and burned the paper. The file was still snmuldoring «when Mr. Bmws came down stairs. A Hula more interest was taken this Wm'k in the slmnt.‘ tho club com- eting for a number of prizes donated W J W. Oshm-no of Richmond Hill, N. O. Hagm-man and \V. Smtt. Scores 2â€"0. J. Brodie of Bethesda, 8" ; R. Agar, 84-; Thus. Road. 77; ‘V. .Scott. ‘75; C. P. Read. 7-L The scores are nearing the 01d averages and a more creditable shnwing iu expectvd at the coming match with the Town- to’s. I Life is short, but full of hut-gains for Mlnse whu trade at Atkinson & Swit- zer‘s. Bfown‘s Ont-Hers Loyal Orange! Lodge are t0 hnld n. concert in Victor- ia Hall. Thornhill, Friday evening nf this week. A good musical program is advortised. Mr. J. \V. St. John. M. L. A.. will act as Chairman. and Dodgers nrv luring simulated an- nouncing :L Suck Sm-inl to lw givnn by the Ladies Aid of Thurnhill Methodist Church at. the hmm- vf Mrs. Bell m: Friday evening. the 4th of March. Minutv instrumionsure given on the dodgers svnt out. Mr. H. F. Hopper has been appoint- ed ugrnt for the MchI-mnck Com- pany. The McCornmck Harvesting Machinery nveds no introduction in this sertion nf country as it- is “‘6'” and favorath known, and Mr. anpm- will be pleased to receive a share of {he farmers? mtmuugo. The Epwurth League progrmnmo Fria‘uuy (Waning of this week \vill‘hv undvr the Missionary Department. Mrs. R. Shaw will give an nddn‘ss on “Our Mission in \Vest China." MRS E. SWlthGl‘ will occupy the chair. Good musical pmgl-am. RICHMOND HiLL HIGH SCHOOL WON. The Aurora High School hockey team sufi'ex-vd defeat, by the High School team of this place on Mnndny afternoon. The score at, half time was 6-0 and when time was up, 6-2. Mr. J. Glover gave every satisfaction as referee. . Charges of stealing a coat from R. B. McNair, '4 Richmond Hill farmer. and of being drunk, were preferred last night by P. C. G'i1:,lix'ie:igzlilist .John Ryan. The coat was taken from McNair’s wagon and the mvnnr found “it in the pnssossion of Ryan. who claimed to have paid 25 Cents im- it.â€" Tuesduy’s Globe. Mr. LPn Lym-tt who has lit-‘9" nt his fathm-‘s: home fur the past week with a severe attm-k of pnvumnnin. IS much hptter and expects to be out, again in a. few days. M. L. A.. will act, as Chairman. and Mr. R. R. Grumpy, M. L. A.,will be one of the speakers. Rev. Mr. Thomas of tho Lnndma 'Cnnfm'murn preached at Rev. Mr. Smith‘s nppnintnu-nts 0n Sunday. tho. lnttvr. thmngh illness, not [wing able to take his wm-k. Spectm-Ios A ERA L 0 [ficu guaranteed. Assessm- ‘lns :mnunl your that t 331:3 Int and 1‘1 Rogul Friday 1 Rxcmunxn HILI Mr. \V. 14 ()C sessm- Nichnlls has commenced nnunl round. This is the time of that. (lugs ill'P said to In- scarce. A FARMERS com“. R‘i FLE PRACTICE. CARRVILLE P. 0. R. Capt-ll has sidpnuv of thv onin lt half prim-a ‘ PH'fPCt C!!!) _° fi February of Court Richmond purr'hnsnd the lube N. Sliney. at THE LIB- satisfaction 25. 1904 ! A sh-igh loud nf thil‘: y young people ,of Toronto, and H. number of olhors ‘jnined them at, the hnnw of Mr. R. ‘CuStâ€"Jy, nnd had an enjoyable time I last Thursday ("w-nng . . . , . . . A slvigh luud uf yuung nwn wont to Markham rink last Saturday evening, and r0- ‘ puma \‘vly pleasura- Lime. PROMPT PAYMENT. The fullnwing letter shows the promptnessin which the Confiden- tinn Life- Association: flecks after their beneficiaries : Just to hand, invoires of our spring quotations by S. S. Nnmidian from Glasgnw. In the advancing state of the market ‘hese guods will be extra Values. Alkinsun & Switzer. light; players from the curling club, some of whum had never her-n defeat- odin a match. went to Thm'nhiil un Tuesday aftermmn and played a. friendly game with their snuthorn friends. The falluwing is a summary : Richmond Hill Thm'nhill T. B. Ludfm-d J. Davidson E. J. Cable Rev. J. Gibson J. P. Glass R. Forbes C. 1’. \Viley, sk. 8 It. \Vilsm). 51;. ..10 Richmond Hill, Fell‘y 20. Mr. P. G. Savage, Agent Cruifeclcl‘w tiun Llf!‘ Association : Dear Sinâ€"Kindly accept my thanks fur the promptxmss with which you and your Company have paid the claim by death (If my husband. Nicholas Sliney. cheque being issued the same day as claim pupvrs were presented at, the office. ELIZABETH SLINEY. A young man about. 23 years of age. came to this village Saturday and tuck a mom at the. Palmer House, staying there over Sunday. Shut-Hy after he had gune,1he bar-tender, Han-y \Vright. missed his watch and chain and suspicion was thrown on the de- pzu-ted guest. ()n Tuvsday, 7ounty Unnstalfle Juhn Michael arrested the man atrThnz-nhill. The prisoner who gives his name as David \Vells. Frank Sykes and Suath is wanted for burg- laries commuted at Swansea, Tm'untn Junction and “’esion, as well asat this place. He has been arraigned before County Magistrate Ellis and remanded for a week. The Mussoy-Han‘is hm-key team (19- feuted our local seven lust, evening by a some of 5 to 4. Mr. \V. H. Pngslcy was on Tuesday dock-d :1 Director of the Toronto In- dustrial Exhibitiun Association. R. Tyndall P. RICCaL-Ler “7. Savage E. Seager A. Savage, sk.. 5 H. Houpt‘t'. sk. . .20 \VOODBRIDGE. Mr. Ed. W. Brown has opened out :1 Jul) Piinting Office-nu \Vailaco street. \Vundhridge. M 1-. Brown. who was ten years nn the Loadm- and Recorder stuff. has had n wide oxpm-ienco in the printing business, having spent nine ye-zu's in this town. He has always gin-n satisfactimi, and we lie-speak for him a successful future. No m-dvr too large for him to handle. Give him a call with your next order and see what a nice neat job he turns out. (a) People who wish to he posted on the progress of the Japanese-Russian war should subscribe for The Toronto Mail and Empire, which will cover the field with the same thnrnughness that, wit- nvssod its handling uf the Spanishâ€" American and Boer wars. Nut only will The Mail and Empire be served by Mia Latfan Bureau and [he Associat- ed Press. but it will publish the cables of the special correspondents of the London Timvs, London Daily Mail and the Paris edition of the New York Hexald. day play the Pet!“ (huh-duninns if the The match is to Mutual street, I ink‘ Are you cautious and careful ? if Sn call and see us. We like to please such people. Atkmsmn & Switzcr. Two rinks went down and phyed a close game Lukvview Curling trams. finally lwnlxm l-y one shot. defeated his opposing skip, and phyed :1 close game will) the Lnkvview Curling trams. and were finally hvnlen l-y one shot. M. Boyle defeated his opposing skip, A. R. Den- nison hy3 points, the «core {wing 18- 15. but R. Moodie succumbed to D. Glynn by 10 to 14. \Vhen the lust. end was connne-nced Moodie and Glynn \VPH‘ (won, but the Toronto mun made 4 and won out by a point. le Richmond Hill (‘urlers will to- THE MARCH PEARSON'S. ARRESTED FOR TH EFT. Steele BEATEN BY ONE THORNHILL AGAIN. LANG STA, FF NE “"8. ‘VAR NEW’S. return match with the J, Garvin P. McCarLer Cars are. running. he played in Lhe H OT. yesteazd n y Nicholls â€" Hume aâ€" That the Public Library and Reading Room be open only two evenings a week, néunely on Tm'sdny and Saturday 9venings. from 7 tn 9 n‘clock, and that the Librarian’s salary for rs-nt; of mom. curetuking, etr:.. he reduced from $90 to $75 per :umqu.â€"Um-1-ied. NiclmUsâ€"â€"Pug<leyâ€"-That the Enter- tainmont Uimmxittve lie requesth tn arrange {01- an entertainment, to hr- given in cunnvctiou with the‘ Public Library some evening during the month of Marchâ€"Cauivd The Buard adjourned. At. the annual nmt-Lin-g vi the Agri- cultural Snciety held lwre lust Week thl- president. Mr. D. Lynn-tt. spnke of the advisability of hnlding u Sm-d Show every year in Lhe Month of Feb- ruary. in mmnoutinn with the Agri- cultural Society. The idea is tn ol’fel‘ Lzmt. night's papers spread the news that. four of Japan’s battleships had been sunk by thu Russians in a recent attack on Put-L Axthur. The investigation into the election frauds in Ton-unto has been udiunrm-d pending thodvcisinn 0f the judge on . he motinn fur injunction. One aim and that price and thnt the son & Swihzvr. In our gents‘ fawnishings every price is a. lruthteller. Atkinson & Switzer. The Public Library Board met Mon- day evening, 22nd inst. Prosont: P. G. Savage. A. J.Hunw, H. A. Nicholls. \V. A. Sanderson, W. H. Pugsley and T. F. McMahon. Minutes of last, meeting read and adapted. A communication was read from Mr. John Miller, Deputy Minister of Educatiun, showing that in accord- ance with :1 resent dopzu-Lmental reg- ulation the Library and Reading- Room of this place can he kept open qu nightsa Week, instead of three, as formerly, and still draw the Gov- ernment Grant, that the Board is en- titled to. The. will at the late Roy. Futhm- Bel-gin of Dixie, has been entered fur probate, isposiugvof an estate valuvd at $9.298, incluling $8,000 insuruucv. The property gm-s to brothers and Sistmfisuhjecb to a bequest of $500 to the St. Vincent de- melSncioty. $500 to the House. of Providence: $500 1:0 his htmsvkevper, Ann Greene, his library to Rev. Dr. J, P. Trency, and certain vestments to two parishes in Tipperary, Ixeland. prizvs for various kinds of sued grain. In this way fnrmm's will he inducvd to bring here on a certain (lay quantitivs of wed they may have Ln sell, which will accnmmmlnte the svller as wvll as those wlm wish tn buy. A numhm- of the mmuhnrs of the SncieLy thnught the idea :1 gnod one. but it was dvcid- N.“ In postpone until next, year as the time was tun short to make ur- rangeuu-nts and have the show this var. Health demanfiaifl action ofihe ‘ bowels. Aid nature w th Ayer's Pills. Give nature three helps, and nearly every case of con- sumption will recover. Fresh air, most important of all. Nourishing food comes next. Then, a medicine to control the cough and heal the lungs. Ask any good dOctor. " I first used Ayer‘s Cherry Pectonl 5! pure 130. I have seen terrible cues of lung (in. we. cured by It. I om never wllhout 1!.” 41.3231 G. Euerox, Marietta. 01110. A FEW’ Ti MELY FACTS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. PROPOSED SEED SHOXV. Cherry F’ectoral Public Library N ews N ones. Lhnt m pleusp. mic the lmvesb. Atkin- Guaranteed to cure coughs, colds. heaves and broken wind in horses. Horsemen will find this an infallible remedy fm'uny affection in a. horse’s wind, whether (reused from after effects of distemper or from eating dusty hay. Price 50c. Sold in Richmond Hill by Geo. McDonald, harness-umker. Your own recipes made up properly frum yam-e drugs at wholesale p1 ices. All drugs and patent medicines at wholesale prices. J. A. Johnston 8;: (30.... Yorkgmye $00k Fond. FOR HORSESâ€"Gives them a. gnnd appetite, a glossy coat, a lose hide and a healthy appearance. Highly recummended by nm'semen. FORUATTLE it has no equal. It improves the appetite, aids diges- tion, It causes a. pm-fecb assimulatiun of the food and fattens them quickly : alsu a grand piepzu-atiun fur milch COWS. FUR UALVESâ€"mixed with skim milk or separator milk it. “ill make calves thrive as well or bétter as when fed on new milk. Prevents scams. aids digestion. and rapidly fits :1 calf fm- market. FOR HOGSâ€"this \vil he found :1. grant] tonic for fattening hogs rapid- ly. I; aids digestion. kills warms, and keeps them healthy. The stock- mmi’s favorite, because it makes yuurstock thrive strungâ€"Just and chefim‘st stuck food on the market. Five feeds for une cent. 4‘mmmmmmmmmm “my ngmmmxmmm Yorkshire Cough & Heave Cure Save the Cents Dry Goods Dress Groods Ladies‘ VVaists Skirts and Wrappers; Gents’ Furnishings (Successor to C. D. Daniel & Co. and Hugh Miller 5: Co.) Vikalesale and Retail Duuggists. 171 King St East, Toronto. Opposite Clyde Hobo]. Atkinson 8c Switzer’s, Richmond Hill. The Fine s13 Stock The Largest Choice The Truest Values. Prices the Lowest And the Dollars Will Save Themselves. The best way to follow this excellent advice is to trade at We Will Please You All the latest stylish nobby things Laureméan Rams £13383 EVER 8:, SM Réaiimmad fiiii Come and reap the benefit. And have tWU weeks’ trial with it. We set it up. and if not satis- factory the stove will be taken back and your money will be cheerfully refunded. Our motto: Satisfaction with our gnods or no 31110. waves 1 Buy one of our mm:

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