:3 SEE aggg ziggï¬gg. ' 31:90 m auvnuce. F. J. PETHECK, \Vill repairyour ()‘Td sewing machine or exchange for a new mm. Need‘es for all kinds of machines. Organs Repaired. Also agent fox the Pr- if HARROWS OF ALL KINDS MADE TO ORDER. HEINTZMAN PIANO. I have also two Sets of Heavy Bob- Sleighs fur sale nr exchange for Wood. Lu ’ulllllé ;uu.-m.., . V . V...__r,V Richmond Ludgo. A F and A M â€"Meet5 Mon- duv on or before full moon ConnRichmond. A 0 F ourth Friday Ivy Lodge. A 0 U Wâ€"-Moets third Wednesday â€"Meots second and of each month Camp Elma. S 0 S â€"Meets second and fourth VVBdIms‘luy Meem ï¬rst Wednesday R T of Temperanceâ€" of each month Firgvlh'igadeâ€"Meecs ï¬rst Monday of every mounh’ Public lerury and Reading Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday evenings EDwoth Leagueâ€"Meets m‘orv Friday. And see if they want any repairing or sharpening. If they du, hrng them 'now and do not wait till yuu are Herding them. Until further nocide Mails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post China as follows:- M RNING . 8.00 E BRING ... 6.15 N.B.-â€"Regiatered Lecture must be handed in 0 least Fllceen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for clusiun. Wednesday uvoning. Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Services on alter. unto Sundays am 8.. Lu. 111.16 10.50 11.. m. Methodist. Churchâ€"Services M1030 LL m., and p. 111. Sunday School M2410. General prayer mseting Thursday. evening. Richmond Ludgo, A F and A M â€"Meet5 Mon- (lav cu 01‘ before full moon 7- . . A“ "M‘ ....... ., AN, 111.311. _Suun1i)' $011001 at ‘2. Church orEuglandâ€"Services at 3p. m. ey‘ery ices at 11 a. 111..un v..__.H_ .M__. »_ Liam Newmnrket 7.301915. 11.15 n. my 2, 3.15,. , 4.15.4115. 7.30 p. 111. Leave Richmond HI“ 7. 8.10. 9.55. 11.55 n. 111.. 2.40, 3.55. 4 55. 6.55, 5.10 p. m. LosvoC PB Crossing at 6. 7.20.1140, 11.30 mm. 1.30. 2:10. 3.15 5.10. 7.45 p. 111. Leave Bwï¬mon‘d H1118,20. 10.30 A. m.; 12.20. 2.20, ‘ 3.30.435, 5.30, 8.35 p.m. GOING SOUTH METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE New Singer ï¬gem Richmond Eiill Efloney To Loan Three thousand dollars to loan at a law rate (If interest on ï¬rst-mort- :Lg‘e faml property. épplynt Next door north of Moodie’s store. Anyone sending a sketch and descri tion may quickly ascertnm our opinion free w Iekher an invention is probably lamentable. (‘omanvu- tions strictly conï¬dential. Handbook on I’ments sent free. Oldest nzcncy tot securing patents. Patents taken; through Munu & C9: receive special mu“. wtthout charge in the - ,7 ‘- A- n A > ,9 Paws & Hams A hrmdsomely “lush-Med wooldy mllation of any scientiï¬c journal four Lno'r‘xtbs. $1. Sold byal GEO. cowm, 843i §é€é§i€§§i§§ ‘Rï¬â€˜smma‘a, POST OFFICE NOTICE 'B'rili‘ (i1 651160: 625 :ill' 6 D Inï¬ty of E ence I (Hslg g (I ' ' f ‘ 01’ ply tn G. B. NEVVBERY FARMERS! {‘1 four momma. ii. a I u ‘ ma &_cu,26:§r3%:éz}ï¬fé¥3§?k 9-4 Betwgion Toronto and Newmnrket. flare far swing. FER SALE OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.3(2 P M M. TEEFY. Postmaster. Village Directory. Call and see our stock. RICHMOND HILL. NOW is the time to Look over your THE LIBERAL OFFICE. GOING NORTH â€"â€"THEâ€" Lstmted weekLv. anest cir- riemmc journal. Terms. 83 a 3. $1. Sold bynlL pcwsdflflerg. 17:, 1? st.. Wuslm'xat'oh'. D'. C: $1.03? â€"Meots Second and BU. Prayer meet-lug EIg‘m Mills. JOHN RGGERS, THE - LIBERAL AGENT FOR McCormack’s Harvesting Ma= chinery. ALSO AGENT FOR THE M. Campbell Fanning Mill Co. of of Chatham. Call and set? their Incubators, Scales, Etc., Etc. .l IIUI llllllll UMUUALIH “ I “AIR‘UULI, 3 anemone 0.0 3 0,0 0 o o 3°0°°°&&e3 The Next Sitting of Division Court for N0. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court R0011), TUESDAY, APRIL 5,1904, June 11, 1903 RICHMOND HILL. EWESEï¬N - MEET. GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. Michael Bros, LIVERY COAL COUGH AND COLD SEASON ! Sandcrson's Emulsion of Cod leerOll. Flhy per cent. Cod Liver Oil. and tastekess. For seated colds and coughs. I am prepared to supply the pubâ€" lic with the best cough and cold remedies in the market. Try Coal and Wood Dehvered. Prices Right. For coughs and colds in small children. Can cure a cold in one (I w. A. Sanderson DRUGGIST Sanderson’s White Pine and Tar. Nunc better. Our CLUBINE & PEARSON, Thomhill. Subscribe 101- Bromide Quinine Tablets Not one pound of soft Wire enters into the construction of r THE FROST. The uprights are immovany locked to the running wires with THE FROST \VEDOE-LOCK, making an absolutely Stock-proof Fence. The Locks biud without kinking or crimping either the stays or lateral \Vircs. \Vill not slip, and our new method of enamelling and baking prevents rust, which adds greatly to the appearance of the fence. Make no mistake. Buy THE FROST. It is the heaviest and the best. For sale by THORNHILL, HIVE CRQUP SYRUP Geo. McDonald, Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL Richmond [1 ill Cnmmencinq (It 10 a. m. T. F. MCMAEON. CLERK WOOD VVllh large. stiff sta§ wir‘eérmakes a perfect fence AACailegi Spring Wire Fence Our \Ve sell reliable goods at. reasonable prices, and you will be pleased with any purchase you make here. Than in any other kind. and there is greater value in those we offer than is usually found at, the price. The same may he said of our Fur Coats. Mits, Horse Blankets and Harness. ~2~++++++++++++++++4-~a in Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Orna- ' mentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, Etc. Stock true to name and free from San Jose Scale. A permanent position for the right man on either salary or cum- mission. Stone & Wellington, FONTHILL NURSERIES. OVER 800 ACRES. TORONTO, - ONTARIO. A mun to represent “CAXADA’S’ GREATEST NURSERIES †in the village of Richmond Hill and surrounding country, and take orders for There’s More Comfort Jnumuv 28 m OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES u - "*E-é‘é‘ ‘1'4'4‘4' J» . AURORA BELLE FUR ROBE WANTED There will be no half Way sat- isfaction when you use and we use the word best in i t s d e e p e s t meaning â€"â€" best by test. Sold by J. HALL BEST FOR YOU To be had in a: FLOUR ya gag» w§ot The Liberal and Weekly Globe ‘ The Liberal and Weekly Mail and Empire The Liberal and Family Herald 86 Weekly Star The Liberal and Weekly Sun The Liberal and The Farming World The Liberal and Daily Globe The Liberal and Daily Mail The Liberal and Daily World The Liberal and Daily Star (outside of Village) The Liberal and Daily News (outside of Village) The Liberal and Farmers’ Advocate All makes, sizes and prices. Eavetruughing, Rooï¬ng, and Tinware made to order. Repairmg promptly done. Magnet Cream Seyamtor, Ba 35...! 3mm Eéééé HEEï¬W‘E 8 HARDWARE AND TINWARE. Stoves 6c Ranges One of the best made, guaranteed tor 2 years. We also sell the O. & E. MASON WE SELL ALL KINDS OF $1.75 580 .~ 185 3.75 31.85 3.50 3.50 8.25 "r 2.00 992.00 2.50 gm;