Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Mar 1904, p. 1

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Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charng to me. Best fitting teeth, also replnting, at 10\Ve$t, prices. Good work. hm; resident; phvslcian at Western and Grace R mpituls "l‘oroutu Rmno~ielléd.nud newly furnished throughout One or the mast. ct-nveuient and comfortable hotels on Y-mue Street. Every modem con- veniente Srvnple rooms for commercial 6mvellers. \uidenlfitnmyiug place for riding Ortll‘iviuupsrcius,bicyoliats. or farmers going mnr ramming (mm market. Electric cars pusstho door Livury iaccunection Calls by day and night; promptly tended to. Telephone Main 24-24 [THURSDAY MORNING Cur. Church and Carlton Stan, Torontn, Will be in Ricbmnnd Hill ever \V‘ nusduy. Office, next (1001' south of Public School. 06330 Hoursâ€"3.30 n. m. to 5 p. m JOHN B. CAMPBELL, DR. ARNOLD D. A. MASONJ Dentist, J. H. SANDERSON, VETERINARY SURGEON TERMS emu PER DAY. W. C. SAVAGE - Ouico Hoursâ€"8 to m o. m; 12 to 2 p m 7 ta 8 u m. tBERAL PRINTING a PUBLISHERS HGUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. 'ozL XXVI. Room 12, 124 Victoria St. Toronto. .‘. F. McMAHON. AMBER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. R W G L SPAULDING DR A W SPAULDING Dentists Room “ A.” Yonge Street. Arcade, Toronto. 66 (Successor to Dr. T. A. Currie), VETERIN ARY SURGEON, ’l‘hornhill. RICEHAOND BUSINES.‘ 'I per annum, in advance.] DR: E. [33%. WM. 5:2 @5321ng [S PUBLISHED EVERY Em I . Penman wetsrinnry Tiaoraalnili. filvcsiiml. 5:39am. J.SFUBB& mil mix a ‘l BOPBIETOB ‘FTTT eve! y Wed L0 5 p. m. E33, Prop Those who have peri- odlcal spells of headache, These conditions are overcome by the use of Dr. Leonhardt's Anti-Pill through rcu‘mving the cause. Headache that 15 com gesplve. v Headache that is b11- lous. Headache that Is neu- ralgic. ficadache that in nor- vous. HEADACHE. ANTE Saigcon a fllcEwcn. Licensed \uctâ€"ioneers for the County of York. 33185 ntcendod to on shortest unfit-Hind a. reel.- sonableraptez- Patronognsulicited ooumsswazn IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. Barristers and sollcllors. Monev to loan on land and chattel mortgages at lowest rates Aurora. ofliceâ€"Remm‘ed to the old post oilch one door west of tho entrance to the Ontano Bunk Newman-Rel: officeâ€"Three doors south of the [1 mt onice I‘ Hmmaar Laxxox, G STV Monmn‘ Licenseu Auctioneer Ior the County of Yoxk, Goods sold on coauigxuaent General sales (,1 atoc etc uromptly attended to at renaonaoh rates“ Residpuce Uniouville Liconu e Auctioneer to: the County of York, re- apmtmlly snlicita your patronage and friendly influence sales Extruded on the abortest noticr and atreasonabe rates. P. 0. address King LENNOX & MéhaAN J T Suigenn. Maple Sula G B. Gduidiug. Newton Erook above Liceufied Auctionearfnr the Counties of York and Ontano All sales of farm stock. .i’c nt- tended tn on the shortest- notiop and rennnnahle rated. \[ortgugenndlmilifl sales attended to. Residence.Stoufl'ville Ont Barristers, Solicitors. etc. TORONTO OFFICE: No. 33 mnnd St. “'est.'\V(-sley Buiidi (Methodist, Book Room.) '1 G G S LindseyK C A G F Luwreuco W Riduut \\ udsworth Mr. Cook w A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries, 85c. Home Life Building (formerly Free hold Luzm Bldg). Cm. Adelaide & Victoria SLS., Tmuntu. LM. TEE}??? NOTARY PUBLIC, RICHARDSON HOUSE J AS. N EWTON ISSUE-ZR MARRIAGE LICENSES, E1J(}IN 1‘1 ITJIJE LIBERAL Office. Richmond Hill on Saturdays. BIAP] 4E. THOROUGH LY REFITTED. Lindse , Lawrence We. W h. MON EY T0 V LOAN COOK & JOHNSIFN i‘BEDERICK BACK, Pl op uok will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. J. H. PI entice. D. G. suntan. N. B. Smith. oPELL. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1004 Aurora iicgnl. “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in wilt/tings, Charity.” st. “h-sley Buiirdinigé, Bonk Romm) T(- runto. associated with meiam choly, nchous debilily. weakness or trembling of the muscles, or insomâ€" nia, should follow up the use of AutivPiU once or twice a week for a few weeks after the trouble has entirely vanished. 50 cents of druggists, or by addressing \Vstox-Fun Co., Niagara Falls, Out. Free sample to any’ ad- dress. G STV MogcAN, Phone Main 2984 J Ix McEweu Weston AT 5%. . agent for tho Newfimrket Rich- snow on that; and the Fence Mime dawn and when the snow went off the Fence take his first, position like if nothing had lmen on. The Frost Wire Fence Cu. in my place look likethe hetté‘l‘FEl)Ct-th:lfl he never come on the market. (5. Imnwrsion in diluted formalin (Formaldehyde). 7. Spl-inklingwith dilutodformalin. 8. Untreutcd. Eight, lots of outs of each variety wire. therefme. llsl'd for this experi- ment. Al'tvr the treatments had been completed :vfcw hours, Lhe outs \vvre cure-fully sown on separate plots. \Vlu-n the outs we) 6 coming into bend. they were (-xaminvd frequently and all smuuul heads were l'k‘nlln't‘d and carefully counted from day to day. The follmving table gives the total percentage of smuitl-(l heads of outs from each treatment, : Gentlean :41 am happy to sent you What I’have see- and what I can tell. The Frost, Fence that, I have erected near my orchard is in u gund mice for tested the Fence. All the Vinbex' he come m-zu‘ eighbfeet heighu snow on that; and the Fence come treutfiwnts were as follows ; 1. Innm-rsi m in hot, water. 2. Immersinn in bluestune solution fur five minutes. 3. Innnorsiun in bluestuue solution fur twelve huurs. 4. Sprinkling with bluestone solu- Trealnu-nts. Crop Suu‘ftted 1. Hut. “'HLI-‘l' . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . , .0 2. Bluestnne (5 minutes) . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 3. Blul-stmie (12 hmus) . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Bluestune (sprinkled) . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 Potassium sulphide- (2 hours) .. . 1.7 6. Fnrnmlin (20 minute-s) . . . . . . . . . .0 7. Formulin (sprinkled) . . . . . . . . . .0 S. Untiented . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7 The smut in mils \‘i-ry frequently causes :1. great reduction in lhe- yivld of grain. le treatments with but. water, fmmulin. and immersion in Milestone for twelve huurs‘ have givvn the best results at. the College. The furnmlin is a. clear liquid. which can be- oluatined from almost. any drug store. The trvnlnu-nt with formalin is easily performed. cmuparatively cheap. and Ye: y rfi‘uctual. Fnuxwrs would do Well to treatthuiruats be- fore suwing in the spring‘.‘ Out. Ag‘l College, Guelph. “7 Manv enquiries have lwen made by Ontariofurmers rvgmding the treat- ment of smut, in oats. Experiments have been conducted at the College in urdertoascertain the most. effectule lemedivfi. which can be usvd fur this pest. ’l‘wnvarielwsof outs were se- lected in the spring (f 1902, and again in the spring of 1903, and uniform sample-s from each variety were sub- mitted to special tronLuwut-s with the abject 01' killing the spuresof smut ad- hering {u the grain. The unions 5. Immersion in potassium sulphide snlutiun. tin”. WANTED â€"Special Representative in this county and udjuzmmz terrimujrs to represx-nt and utlwrnse an old established bunimasa house or solid finnmcml standing. Salary 521 week y, wirb expenses. paid each Morn-lay by chuque mirecc from headquarters. Expenses advanced; pnsitiuu perm‘muut. We furnish evervthlua. Addnss. The Columbm, 63a ucuo Building. Chicago, Ill. 35 6 St. Louis de Gunzague, Que... 70ct. 27, 1903. Treatment for Smut in Oats. Unique and Interesting. Percentage of Crop Smubted ) . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 C. A. ZAVI'rz. FORM I. Alex. McConughy Donald Alkinoon Glmcnce Kinnie ' Gvul'gin Brown W'u). mesun ‘ . .. ; Nnm McMahon .. 'Myrtle Klinck . . H . Franklin Juckes .‘ i Fn-(l Campbell. . .l l Annie Korswill Nellie Cowie. . . . ‘ Nurnmn Birrvll .‘ i Mnrmn Gibson. . .‘ ] \Vax'len Page . .. 2 Mzngueritv 150er l M urn-1y Storey f Arthur Ball . . . [El-ling Gilnsnn‘ .‘ Joseph Elliott ‘ . . Kvith Hill . . . . , . I Wm. St-bmidt .. . iUecil Keys . . .. lrnpst Smith . i Idn Kirby . . . . . . {Mal-y Gmnmu ] Rolph Perkins John Nunghtnn ' Aggie Gamble ‘ iussell Humble . . . .. John Heisu .. . . . _ . . . . Gen. Tupper . . . . . . . . Mabel Byam . . . . . . . . . Jenn Buer . . . . . . . . . . . ( FORM III. Gem-w ieve Han is . . . . . ' Lm-ine “fright .. . . . . . I \Vulter Frishy . . . . . . . Olive Switzer . . . . . . . . . F. J. Graham . . . . . . . . ‘ ()nmerun McNaughtun Ada Milne . . . . . . . . . . ‘ , Arthur Keys . . . . . . . . . Sun-1' McMahon . . . . . . . | Edward Nelles . . . ., i Fred Richardson . . . . | Fred ’1‘. Graham . . . . . ' Elmm-e Reumnn . . . . . ‘Sidm-y Buer . . . . . . . . . 3 Lame Perkins . . . . . . . A FILWV TIMELY FACTS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Mr. \‘V. S. MOone, after spending six months under our instructions, is now earning $25 pvr week for six hours work per day, at Mrmpuis Tenn. Miss Nc‘llie Carson. after the months’ training, Is now with the \Vesbern Union telegraph company at Dem-int, narning $70 per month. Mr. \V. H. Hodgs‘un, alter four months’ training. is now with lln- C. P. R. at, Tweed.0nt., earning $40.00 per month. Nmnvrousothersare being placed in equally as good positions. Our winter term opens January 4th, and those desiring totnke up the work should I'an‘ull on or lit-fore that «late to ensure them a position in the spring or early summer. Five Competent. instructors of exceptional abilin arr gi\ ing their pc-rsonal and individual attention to the rapid advancement of our pupils. Young ladies are perared for Coni- Inrrcial telegraph positionsamd youngr men for the. same and railway posi- tions as npyralnrs. train despatuhexs, agents. etc. This is a profession not overcrowded. and one which will com- mand steady Pfllplnylnf‘llL lhc your around at. good wages. \Vrite at once for particulals as to terms, etc. Can- adian Railway Instruction lnstitutv. Cor. Uollrge and Yonge hits.i Toronto. DEATH AND BURIAL. Mr. Benjamin McDonald, fur many years well known and highly respect- ed in this sentinn of Cuuntry, died at his home here on Friday, the Zlith (.f February. Deceased came tn this country from Scotland wth his par- ents when quite ynung. the family settling on a farm near Gormley. Twelve years ago he bought the prop- erty (uf’the late James Thmnmm. corner of Centre and Elizabeth Stan. where. the family have since reside-(l. Some years ago Mr. MCDnnald got a. severe fall. since which time he never enjoyed gnud health. In his last illness he was in lied ahnut a. month, and passed a“ ay Friday, aged '75 years, 11 months. Deceased wasa Presbyterian in 1-(liginn, and a Lih- eral in politics. Besides a Widow‘lm leaves two sunsâ€"~VVilliam in British Columbia, and Henry in Tux-outnâ€" Mus. ALE. MacLean of Cornwall. and three' daughters at hmne. Interment took place in the village cemetery on Monday, after a. shnrt service had been enncluctvd at. the house by the pastor, Rev. J. A. Grant. So many have been unavoidably ab- sent this month that the teachers have determined the relative standing of the students by the percentage rather than tho total number of marks made on all examinations :â€" FORM II. Gnrm-t Dickensnn Frank MCDumlld Hazel Switzer- Maggiv Uosgrm'e Harry Francis Annie Rumble Gun. Dmdumn .. Jrssie Mnrguu . . Jc-nniv Clark .. . . Emin Boyle . . . . Lam-.71 Ric'lnu-dsnn Aluwdn. Cluhine . Russell Rumble .. HIGH SCHOOL REPORT. Lughtun . ,. .73 . . . . . . . ‘ . ....73 “er can b. Total . . 86 10210 ..85 342 ..84 922 ..84 585 ..83 995 . . 80 399 . 77 762 . 76 75% t‘l‘ 80 7 7 70 67 66 65 G3 61 59 59 58 26 (38 56 54 482 50 347 34 3.13 c9 n t. Total cvn b. Total 521 62L 591 410 470 146 : 36L I 340 ' 616 349 1 503 I 449 I 305 ’ 401 I 445 454 340 125 440 737 4-75 _ 184 5 618 1 595 « 300 475 . 351 V 415 596 702 486 486 4'13 296 482 347 I iAE Of Canada STANiAR Senegal Banking Businega Traasasted. For other particulars call at, the Bank. Money Loanvd on l-‘nrmers’ 5.: u Ron-s. Blank Nole harms Supplied Frce. Received in Savings’ Bank Depart- ment and interest allowed at HEGHEST BURRENT RATES. Ranch it and rough it and you’ll soon get rid of that weak chest and that back- ing cough.” That is what the doctor sakl to a young max-fled man with a wife and child to care for and a modest salary to support them on. He ,6. m them on. He couldn't go West. Love and duty tied him to his desk in rm: Ah; Peo'ple don't have to travel to cure coughs or strengifien weak lungs. DI. Pierce’s Love and ‘Eluty tied him to his desk in the city. Golden 'Medical Discovery cures ob- stinate, deep-seated coughs, bronchitis, bleeding of the lungs: weakness, emacxation and other forms of disease which if neglected oraunskillo fully treated terminate fatally in con- sumptiou. "I will write you what Dr. Plerce‘s Golden Medical Discovery has done for me," says George H. Belcher. Esq” of Dorton, Pike County, Ky, "Thirteen years ago I was wounded by a ball passing through my lung. I have had a bad cough almost ever since. with shortness of breath. and it was very easy to lake cold; the slightest change of weather would cause the cough to b: so bad I would have to sit up in bed all night. Could not eat or sleep at times; was all run down; could not work at all. A few months ago I began uslng Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Rave not used more than two bottles. and now can eat, sleep. and work, and I feel like a new man. I cannot find words to sufficiently recommend Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, or tell the good it has done Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser in paper covers is sent free on receipt of 31 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. The book has 1008 pages and over 700 illustrations. Address Dx. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Notice of withdrawal sary. All deposits on demand (‘apiml Rust Rinans Tabules cure nausea. Ripans Tabulea RICHMOND HILL Sell 03 the balnnce of my Winter Cloths a: the {allowing Suits made tc order Regular 313. $14, $15. Also a. few lengths of W'otsted Trousel'iuzs funn- erlv 56 made to )our measure {or $3.25. Come early and sacure In order to make room for my Spring Stock I will for 30 Days Bargains In Ordered Clothing Ten Dollars Law Prices A $11329 A. J. Hume J'. W. OSBORNE. [Single copies, 3 cts. Genuine DEPOSITS $1,000.000 925.000 not neces- payable AGENT. No. 35

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