Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Mar 1904, p. 4

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The Ontnrin Governmput '«pmpnss's 1.0 intnoduce :1 bill during the presvnt sossiun gum-antveing (the interest- On a $2,000,0U0 1mm. and it is thuught the works at; the“ Sun" will soon re.- I‘lpt‘n. 'Specinl reduction this “mat: in home C'fine wn'rsted pantings and Canadian and Sontch suitings. regular $1.50 gut-(is for-$1.10 per ya’wd, utrc. Atkin- son & Switzer. One of thv carriage sheds ‘at Band’s livery stables, Tm-nntn. collapswl Mun- (‘i'xy night, by the Weight of the snow and ice, entailing a lass of maur‘ly UL. 000. by damage *to the building and 1311- smashing of cmil'iage‘s and other Vehicles. Spring impm-‘mt‘mns 9X. '8. S. Nu- inidian from Glasguw coming to hand fut-Atkinsnnfi'. Switzer. In the ad. unwing market, these gnuds will be great value. John Bustwick died at his hnme 119:;1‘ Vundm-f, \Vhitchurch. 0n the 3 d uf February. in his 82nd your. D‘- veased had lived on the same farm fur (3.) yezus. His remains were interred in Lhe Aurora cemetery. Mr. John Tracy, who for many V‘eu's carried on u t‘ailming business in Aux-Hm, died at, his h0me,Catlml-ime si‘l‘t‘Pt. Aumm, on Sunday. Deceased was in his 75th year. The vote was a straight party one, the Government having a majority 'of three. The vote stood 47 to 44, and there were three absentees on each side. The three winter Huntl‘sâ€"Decem- ‘30:: January and Februaryâ€"zer the (-uldestnn round. The next coldest Winter was in 1874-5. Elizabeth (imp, )‘élict of the late Mnrtifl Hutchinson. died at Eversley, Ring township, on Tuesday of lust wm-k. in hat-61th year. Interment in Aux-urn cemeLt-i‘y on Saturday last. All sites best wi'ndmv glass in stark, 'sizc 12x16 an 800. doz ; uthex- sizes in proportion. Atkinsom & Switzer, t8 Hon. J. M. Gibson justified tl'e Got'ci‘m‘ncnt‘s action in .‘paying the Wages of all the men, and showed that the Province was fully protected and could not lose anything by the transaction. All they did was to {guarantee that the banks that advanc- ed the money would be indemnified. Mr. Gibson showed that Mr. Whitney and MrsFoy had approved of 94 per cent. of the payments, and took ex~ ccption to only 6 per cent. In other words they approved of the :paymems to the amount of $260,000, but the y objected to the payment of the bal~ once, $16,000~ M Sun ‘ Soo,’ but it did not approve of the payment of the salaries of the highc‘l‘ officials." Both Mr. Foy and Mr. Whitney almitted that in order to prevent much disu‘ess and probably biord- shed at the time the Clergue Works closed at the “ 800," the Government were justified in arranging for the payment of the wages of the work- men, but the Leader of the Opposi- tion and his Lieutenant seemed to think that the Government were actuated by a desire to win the bye election at that place more than to assist those in distress. The budget debate in the Ontario Legislature closed Thursday night, several weeks having been taken up in the discussion. Mr. J. J. Fey and Mr. J. P. Whitney Were the last Speakers on the Opposition side, and Hon. J. M. Gibson spoke for the Government. Before closing Mr. Fey moved in amendment that “ the House approved of the payment of the wages of the foremen, mechanics, laborers and other workmen at the ‘ Soo,’ but it did not approve of the mvment of the salaries of the higher \VANTEDâ€"FA-E PBFEL PERSON TO TRAV~ 1a" r we“ established house in a. few counties, ‘ 'on retml mewlmuts and agents. Local n‘ tm‘y. SJJu'ry 321:0.00 per week wm‘h expan- >aa<£d1uuunLnll .myubne in cash em-h week. "may for expenses advanced. Position per- nmeut. Business successful und rushing. Eundm‘d House, '830. Bburboru 55.. Chicago. Nov. 12-26 wks. Chuugeâ€" Wofld’s Dispensary Medical Aseoc’: Changeâ€"J. C. Aye: & Co. Changeâ€"The llussm Hardware Co gbnugeâ€"J Hnil aughun Count-ilâ€"J B McLean Notica to Credit-zrsâ€"William Cook Fur Saleâ€"F J Galmnough Auction Snloâ€"Pmudlonc. Duncan 6: Co Se‘rvam Wantedâ€"Mrs J A Grant. @119 fiiheml. RICHMOND HILL. March 3, 190% New Advertisements. THE MAJORITY, THREE. News N ones. The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Im- proved Chester white hogs, lot 32, {st c‘on. Markham (Thornhmy has for sale some good young stock. ThorougE-hred hull» and hog kept, for service on the premisos. Ayer’s Pills are good liver pills. You know that. The best family laxative you can buy. They keep the bowels regular, cure constipation. {$30,533: w. H EW i 80 N, HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Monday. March ‘28 â€"Funm stock and imple- meuts of Mrs Howard Suie at 1 Seven munchs Tuesday. March ‘I'l-Fm-m stock and imple- meuts of Wm fibughénd Hem-.Locktnn Sate uEl Seven mouth-3 Wednesday. ulm-chbluâ€"Furm stock and imple- ments of G D McCurdy LearTottenhum b’ule Ml Sevonmoutha Friday. Ayer lâ€"k‘arm stack and implements m Jus Syxncuds.1(n15.bbll con Vuuguau Sale 3.“ Seven months Mommy Mm- ll'll‘m‘m stock and implements of F J Canning on lot .15 con 0 Etobicoke Sale MI Eight months Tuesdav Mar lfi-Anctinn sale of farm stock and implements near Elde)"s Mills Vaughan the 1l|‘J|)"l't\’ 01 Mr Mainprlfie Sale at .1 Eight months Wednesday 31:” lSâ€"Fx‘eah mill: cows springers beef rifiszers horses and cnlts at the Duck Hullst Yards. Maple Sale at 2 7 months Saturday, Marr‘h 19 â€".-\uctinn suln of A farm of 130 acres 1M; 57 con 1 "much ar at the Palmer House. Richmond Hill Sale at; 2 Tuesday Mam-h 23â€"Fm‘m stock and implemen ts ofGen‘ Robinson near Emery Sula at uns Eight months ' Wednesday Mar 23â€"Furm stock and implements of Mr Lumpnier near Uul‘uhaunherpe Sale at 1 Eight. months Wednesdav. March ‘23â€"me »sb-mk and imple- ments of Mrs Pears ncar "Carlton Sale at 1 Seven munzbs Thursday MM 24â€"Fan stock and implements of Alex Moldlwain lot 1 can 3 Adjala Sale at 1 Eight- mm}th Thursday, March xiiâ€"Farm stock and imple- ments of .1215 Stewart near Palgrave Sale at, 1 Seven months Friday, March 35â€"Fm'm stock and Implements of Jas Miller Sale at 1 Seven months Shem-day. Mme}: ‘43â€"me stuck and impleâ€" ments of Get) Petermuu near Bond Head Su-eatl Seven months Gfifld Pilis Saleatl E‘iglnmontm Tuesday Mur8~Fann sum-k and implements nn luL‘A mm :JVuuglmn Ihe prnpony of mph Jm‘ksou Sale at, 1 Eight. months Thursday, Mar Illâ€"Auction sale of farm stuck andimplemoutann lot 5 and con Vaughan (1!; miles west ’l‘hm‘nhill) the prnpm'hy of Georue Charlton Sale at 1 Eight months Thursday Mar I'Dâ€"Farm stock and implements of The; Turnbull near Beabun Sale at one Niuemonzhs inday MM ll-â€"Aucti0n sale of {arm stock nn-‘l implem‘énts m) lot 2‘3 3rd mun Vaughn!) (; mile south hf Cherry's Hotel) the property of James' Baxter Sale at 1 Eight months Fridav March llâ€"me star-k and implements of John Dnlmrtv nem- Palgmve Sale at one Nine months Saturdnv Mar lzâ€"Horses. cows and implements of Chas Km‘hmx at. Kleinburg Sale on one Eight. months Mommy Mar 14-1?Mm stock and implements of F J Canning on lob15 con 0 Ehobicoke Sale miles 1mm: 0! Maple) the firm!“ Sherman Fule at l Eivhc mm; Month“ Mar 7â€"Fnrm stork mm the propertv of Jas Alpine near Sale atl Eight montlfi Tuesday Mur8~Fann sum-k 11nd ilr Want youi’ifibustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use A This is wth Hon1~Rnid. thp only in- ternal, the only ahsnlntv pile (-uw, brings the results that, has made its fume. It will cure the most, stubborn case in oxistmwe and a hulld<‘d guarantee to that efl‘vct goes with each package. It is m he had at the drag stm‘e. To be conducted by Messrs Samson 6:: McEwen, Au: ticueers. Maple and Weatnu: ,, inday Mm‘ch 4~Farm stuck and implements of Albert “'utsou at. Multon Sale at one E-ght mnntus Monday Mar 7â€"Auctmn 50.16 of farm stock and Monday imp" mile She) SEEKINEHAM’S DYE After piles hnvP existed for a. long time and passed through difl’e-n'nt stages, thvsufl'ering is intenseâ€"pain, aching. throbbing. Lhmurs fm-m, filled to bursting; with black hlnnd. Symptoms indicating other trouble may appear to a. thoroughly pile-sick pergqn._ RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL safely in the fow but. intensely impr- osting facts. This ream-d is cnpinnsly illnstratvd. and is supplvmontvd by tW0 descriptive articles on the men Whn are “ doing things " for both Rus- sia. and Japan. Rlnans Tabules cure liver troubles. Ripnns Tabules cure flatulence. Riuans Tabules cure biliousness. Ripans TabaQeB'mre constipation. resented in the Amt-riuun Monthly “View of lie-Views fur March. which, in graphic. discriminating style, ‘cnr- ries the reader through the muss uf “Torts and rumors and lands him Rice, 5c.1h.; dates, 50. 1b.; prunes, 50. 1b.; Fairy Soup, 50.: Crest Snap, 5c.: 011w Oil and Uncumher Soup. 6 f(ll'25('.; Perfect Baking Puwdel, lUr. int-l 1h. tiru Happy Home Soup, 8 for 25¢. Atkinson & Switzvr. The news of the war between Rus- sia and Japan has been so vuluminnus- 1y x-t-pm-tt-d. and with so many con- tradictions. that it: is n relief to turn to the editorial stutonwnt which is fn'l" {01' Cans from a. distance promptly attended to. SUNNYSIDE FARM 49¢ Auction Sa}es The Worst Kind». D. G. GOODQRHABI, Auctmn sale of farm stock and n iot. 26 an} «on Vaughan (lg- LP: gnu A column. u m-«wm '11'»p1-ivtm- rty of James ths implemenfs Downsview And notice is fuither given that after the said last mention-19d date the executors will proceed to disla-ibum the assets of the said estate uumngthe parties entitlvd thereln, having regard only to the claims of which they shad-l thmn have l‘(‘l'(‘i\’(~‘d notice. \Vesloy Bldg. 33 Richmond St. “K. 35-4 Tornntu, Solicitor fm- Exwutors. HUN)? 8: ‘00.. of_1ba TSCT‘ENTT?H' nun,ch 3!. con- tinue to -|-:l an Solicnurs Xm- Palpms. I‘uvents. Tnde Marks. («gun-Eth fur the United Sum. Canada. Encland. ram‘r‘. er -:c. Hand Bnok about PAL uLs R'Hl Afr» funerience, are required on or bvfm'e the lstr day of April, 1901. tn send to Christina MrMilhm or to Henry C. Bailey, Maple Postl OIfiCP. executors of the vstute of the said Duncan McMillan, a state- ment; 0f their claims with their name< and addresses, and the nature of the secuntyhif any, held by thvm. Duh-d this 24th day of February, A. D. 1904. Pulunls nb nvE'1hrt-h V In the Sum IFIC A manna mnsv. will-:iy cirruiarhd swim Wauxiy. Splendid enunwi mrmuuon. Specimen «my-o Man son: five. A ddrv-ss 2v! mama 0:542: an From “E” E "3‘3 Pursuant tn R. S. 0. Chapter 129, Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the (-stute of Duncan McMillan, late of the ann- ship of Vaughan. in the County of York, farmer. dmteased, who died on (u' about the 25th day of January, 193$ Late nf the Township of Vaughn the County of York, farmer, deceasod. The next meeting of the Cnunm’l n! the Munici pality of Vaughan will be lacâ€"1d in the Town Hall. Vellore, on Vaughan Council. Thm'nhill Skating Rink fur sale‘ Apply to , F. J. GALLANOUGH, City Daily, 01'79 Albany évn” I lGood General Srr'vamt wanted. Ap- P 5’ ...K... _ . Ann‘vm TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1904 Tbux'mlny, Much 24â€"Cremt. mle of farm stock and implements on Io; GI. c'nn 1‘ Whitnhfirch (Bands Luke) tho rupefly of James Legge. V Sale at 1 o’clock. ) t} Bln‘aah. auctioneer. Mommy, March 23-‘Credit, sale of farm stock and immemeuus on anbc lmlf 11.323. 5:11 con Vaughn". Ihe property of D M Mnllm‘. Sale at 1‘ Night months. D G Blnnuh. auct mm “WW”, ... -. _ H V. 3503 an“. Lunuh provided. I) G Blougb. au-muneer Thursday. March 10â€" Credit sale of farm stnc k dudilnplanwntstm Inc 1-] nor. D Scarlmrn tbe'pn-purcy of John Richardbnn M P 1*. Salem: 1. Sean mdunhs. J H Pmntice aucu Wed esdny. March Iii-Credit snleof farm s‘nck and Implements on lot 6th con Markham (Cnshul) hhn pmperty of AbnerSummerlehlt Sale at 1. Eight uwntba. J H Prentice. :mcn Tuesday. March earâ€"Cream suEe o! tam: flock and impiumencs on lot 21,5tb con Markham them-upony uf-lus Watt. Sula at 1. Eight Inmxths. J H Prentirzu. nuct Tuesday. Hutch 8-Creuit. sale of farm stock and implements an lot. 13 .our 2nd can Murkhum the property 016mm Clements. Sula m. 1 Eight months. :7 H Pumice. aucb WodmsdnyJJnr h 9â€"Credlt sale of [arm stock, and Implements on 100. 171'841‘6HI cuu Mark- ham the property 0! Wm McCarty. Sula ul. 1. Eight. lLoan. J H Prentice, uuet, Tuosdny.Mnrch zoâ€"delc sale of farm stock and iumlslnems on lot. 57. lso cnu Vnuulmu, gap prnpursy of G F a Chas. A Leggo _x n n ‘l‘rn‘nh E. JQEJE’QJVQ @flaÂ¥$3§ EQE‘EQW 5am gavcttiarmmts. Servant Wanteci Duncan McMillan, 158 KING 3TB}: EAST. Tonox'ro uocommodumon to guest:. Boudma Wm In the lnatter'of the estate of FGR SALE A. H. NOTMAN, Asst]. Gen. Pass. Agvnf, ! King St. Rust, Tnl'n’n-tn. \VILLI AM COOK, M RR. J. A. GRANT. The Manse, Richmond Hill. Sale Register. at 10 mm Credit sale of farm stnc k m lot H nor. 1) Scarlmrn John Richards“): M P 1*. mdunha. J H Plentice JAS B MCLEAN, Clerk MUNN & CO. nr" noticed \', the lnrgcst. Inst. nud‘ .Liflc pawn ‘ inns and lntvr slim: ln~‘ vf xheficiomific Amer- UNN k 20.. sumnnr way. New York. ‘ghan, Tornntn. %®9@539e9@9@5@§awaag%§ag M ETROPOLETAN STGR E We make no mi nesslike proposition 3R $PW§§EÂ¥ 35.5% @QB; Largest Established, Most Slmaessful, Relia. :: Specialists in Diseases of Men. Founder of Dr:- Spinney a Ca. Groceries Fish firanges stiam Lemcns 33m. @ysiers supplieti for Suppem DR. spmnzv, T. B. mmmm, Pmp. 5Q®§S®fi®®©§§$§6®§§§€fi2 ACCIDENT PUEICIEE Fire Ensumme P. G. Savage 8-: Call 01 Write for pamphlets regal-ding different kinds of policies. We can give you :Liiy___kind_ynu wish : Wall Myers 5 ERMEEE‘é WE ENDOXVMENT. PAYMENT LIFES, ORDINARY LIFE. Specials of all kinds and JOIN I‘ POLICIES also From $1.00 up; covers sicknes and acci- dmts of any kind. A gond ChtIiL‘P of Fire Companies. All business prmnptly ut- tended to. ASSOCIATION Now is the time to insure iu the ‘4 >H avag‘e. The many years n! our sum-5‘s a'L-l pmdice in Detroit “roves that our spemul treatment in: 7mm is mf: end cartam. V{You do not wax)! Lo be mutilated and maimpd for life in trying Id be cured b1 Varicoceie. stricture and kindred troubles by surgical procedures. “'c (:uarautrc a SAg‘EANP Posmvs Cum in the shortest possible time without ynjuryuus allerâ€"cflccts. Qur charges will be Is low as possible tor conscneutious, skflh in! and successful services. Striclure, Varicocele. Nervous Dehifity. Blood I‘lscucs, Weakness. Kidney and Urinary Diseasus and all diseascs due (oinherilancc, habits, excesses, or lb: results of spctlfic (lis- C9565. We make no miareadmg atetomanm or unbusl- Rosanne propositions to me afflicted in order to so- cure their patronage. We cure to may cured. Cousumnmu anz. SPECIAL HOME TREATMEM For Patients Who Omno'. Call. Qucslmn Blank 5cm Free. Céfiaultatlon Free. Cures Guaranteed. “mm” gents

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