Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Mar 1904, p. 5

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.5 ' «the 8th inst. ,, . ‘. 15th if c?) Elie liiCiiMoxr) HILL, Match 3.1904 77 In () (7 A I 1 Pas . Regular monthly meeting; of the. Fire Liz igade Monday t‘Vt'lllllg. Miss Vivian thhlZIVVU‘l' of Port Hope, Spent a few days at the Parsonage. Miss Hume of Toronto. is spending: a week with Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Hume. The Richmond Hill curlers: have won "latches. but it is a long tnneago. Misses Emily and Alice Campbell have. returned after spending three weeks in Toronto. The lixecutiye Coiniiiittre of the Agrirullural Soriety will meet in the Lorne Hall on Saturday at 2.30. The \Voman‘s Missionary Society. will meet at the home oersJenuings this (Thursday) afternoon at. 3 o‘clock. Miss Sullivan and Miss Sea: borough ME Toronto. spent from Friday evening;r itill Monday in the village. and were guests of Mrs. G. \Viley. Mr. James \Vilev of Dunnville. came Saturday to spend over Sunday with his father, Mr..Frank \Viley, but was snow-bound until yesterday. Mr. A. J. I'lumerwill give an address, at the lewort ll League Friday even- ingol‘this week, on “The Value of 'ihe Individual," John 4, L36. R. w. rim-(n. A. soaring. n. o. G. M. for No. 11a Masonic District. .has been elected an Honorary Mem- :her of King Edward Lodge which was! opened in Sunderland a few weeks ago. The Richmond Hill curlers lost to ’the. Caledonians in their retul 11 match plaved in Toronto on Thursday. The score was 21) to 14. On the same day the Caledonians were defeated by Thornhill by 7 shots. Ernest Breakey died at the home of his father, John \V. Breakey. Newton Brook, on Tuesday. Dercased was in this 20111 year. Interment in Mount Pleasant Cemetery Thursday after» 'noon. The best goods, the best attention, the best prices at Atkinson & Swrt- “zer-‘s. s ecial session on Thursday, 18th of ‘ebruary and prepared a by-law to commute statute labor. This by-lawE will he. brought before the Council at their regular meeting to be held on R. W. Bro. NiehollF, D. D. G. M. oi" District No. lla, A. F. (K: A. M., owing 10 the storm was not able to visit Ionic Lodge. Toronto, on Tuesday evening, but he. will, if at all possible. » visit St. George‘s Lodge, Toronto, on Friday. the 4th, and St. Andrew’s {Lodge on Tuesday, the 8th. The Globe Printing Company have; had prepared an excellent \Var= Map, It is lithographed in four colors on. calendered paper, size 18x24 inches. and is withoutixceptiou the lie-St we have seen. Price, 5 cents. Those Wishing a map may leave their orders at THE LIBERAL Office. -Mr. TV. A. Snider'son has presented to the. High School a copy of Magna Char-ta, nicely framed. This historical .(locuincnt, which the. barons forced King John to sign in 1215, is written in Latin, and hears the seals of the King’s securities and the shields of .tbe barons iii ai ms. “Only standard grade. groceries at: Atkinson & Switzer’s. ‘ELGIN I\l-I LLS. Many people in this place regret to learn of the death of Susie Louisa, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bevan, 502 Queen Street East. Toronto, in her- year. Deceased who was a grand-daughter of Mrs. James Kers- will, had been sutfering for smne time with Bright's Disease, and passed away on Monday, 29th February. 'The parents have the sympathy of 1nany friends and relatives in the loss of their daughter. W EEELY SHOOT. Owing to the unfavorable state of the weather low scores were made by the Victoria Square 0. H. R. G. Mr. .I. Nigli of Almira, a notorious deer slayer for some years past, paid the -eluba visit and made some rurnark- ‘0” able quick tiring shots that astonished some of the boys. \V. Bruce-Captured the prize presented by Mr. \V. Savage of the Palmer House. The following are the scores :â€" C. P. Read. 71 : '1‘. Read. 62; C. J. Brodie, 62-; \V. Scott, 57; A Quantz, 54. You won’t do yourself justice if you .don't look ovrr Atkinson 8: Switzer‘s stuck before buying. STORMâ€"rs KING.â€"â€" GOING TO THE CENTRAL. David \Vells who was suspected of the theft of a. \v:Itcli~rli.-iiii from the Palmer House about ten days ago was up before Magistrate Ellison Sat- urday. The defendant pleaded guilty to some half dozen charges: and was sentenced to two years in the Ceiitl'al PriSooâ€"less one day. DIICI) IN TORONTO. i Mr. Nrd Taylor, formerly of this plat-c. died at the home of a married daughter in Toronto on Monday. He (‘t‘:lSt‘(‘l,}\'i)ose home we“- at York Mills, bad for the past year or two sull‘errd from dropsv. He was 36 years of age. The remains Were brought. up and iii- ternoon, beside his wife who died here about U years ago. .‘llLVIflR “WEDDING. A large number of relatives and friends attonded the silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben I’ugsley at their home, 2nd concession of \Vest York, on Friday evening and a most enjoyâ€" able time was spent. Among those .present. were County Councillor \V. II, I’ugsley and Mrs. I’ugsley, Mr. and . M'rs. A. Morton, Mr. and Mrs. J. Morton, Mr. and Mrs. S. Morton, Mr. and Mrs. \V. \Vint-b, MT. and Mrs. E. \Viloon. Mr. and Mrs. .l. Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. E. Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. T. Aiiiistrong. Mrs. \V. Glass. Mr. and Mrs. J. 1’. Glass, Miss Annie (ilan. Mr. John l’ugslry, Mr. R. \V. Glass. l BIG “’ORK. Ionday of this Week was one of the slormiest days on record. As it was too blustery to drive out into the country, Bert. Hopper and Mat Patton decided to stay in doors and kill and dress hogs for the market. With the assistance of two helpeis they killed and dresle :36 hogs from liltllbs. to 200 lbs. in weight. The work was done hl‘l‘Vt't‘l] 9 a. m. and 5 p. m. . This, we are inclined to think. was the biggest day’s work of the kind over done in this place, orin theeounty. If there are two other men in this sec- tion of country who can make more pigs squeal in a day than Hopper and Patton, we would like to hear from them. Great value in men‘s overalls, sliiocks, socks, and Working shirts. Atkinson & Switzer. TH oiiixiiiiLi. ONCE moan. Thornhill curlers ca me up Friday afternoon to play the rinks wlvich had played in 'I‘lioinhill a few days before. l‘lic visitors \vere victorious, winning ' ~ - . l by two shots a-"tel' a shar and excitâ€" Markhain Township Council held in ~ 1 P ing contest. scores : Tliornhill J. Davidson l)r. Campbell E. J. Cable it. Forbes A. J. Hume R. \\'ilson, sk ..11 C. P. \Viley. 5k. .16 J. Garvin D. C. Steele P. McCarter R. Tyndall H. Seager \V. Savage H. Hooper, sk... 16 A.G.Savage, sk. . 27 The tollowing are the Richmond Hill T. B. Ludford N 9'!th GRAND FINALE. A Grand Finale will be held in the rink, Richmond Hill, on the evening of Monday, March 7. The hills which have been distributed point out that the Powers of the world will .be rep- resented in a hockey match. .All the powers that, are likely to be implicated in the national controversy now being enacted in the far east will be dupli- cated as follows: Russia, France, Italy, Austria, China, and Spain, vs. Japan. England, America, Germany. Turkey and Gem-a. The persons rcp- resenting the powers will be dressed in the national Costume of the coun- try. Gorgeous costumes! Realistic battle on skates! Don‘t- fail to see. this the .last and best of the season. Rink openfroni7.30:.01030. Skatiiu,r before and after the representation. Richmond Hill iiand in attendance. Admission. 15 cents. All the, best Canadian refined sugars in stock, 231bs. extra granulated for $1.00. Atkinson & Switzer. MARCH CANADIAN MAGAZINE. In each number of The Canadian Magazinea persistent. purpose is visu ible. Canadian history and Canadian life in all their phases are discussed and illuminated. Forty Canadian teachers went to South Africa. anl their experiences are commemoratedl in an article entitled "A Year in a Boer School,” in the March number. A Canadian doctor, living in London, makes some contributions to philo- Sophical thought and speculation, hence comes Arnold Haultnin’s article "A Search for an Ideal." The philosopher is Dr. Beautie Crozier. A young man risesfroiu aaubordinate position to the control of a large in- dustrial corporation and hence comes a biographical sketch of Mr. F. \\'. \V. Thompson, Manager of the Ogilvie Flour Mills Company. New methods for-the regeneration of criminals are being tried, hence .the article on ” Crime and Its Suppression," by J. J. Kelso. Several newspaper men mice came near losing their positions l)t’-’ cause they wroneg reported Sir \Vm. lei-red in the comet-Hy yesterday all. LINDENBEM 7 FOR A SUPPER. The followingr links have been se- lected by M. Boyle and It. Moodie for a curlingr competition Friday after- noon and Friday eveningr of this week. the lost-rs to treat themselves and their opponents to an oyster sup- per. The match will be decided by the total number of points made. 1. llovmc Moonm T. A. Lamoo J. \V. Osborne J. H. I‘ii’ydon Goo. (lowie J. Michael J. l'lllslon \\'.Il.l’u;; It. A. Noodle, Sk. J. Morgan M". leer 'l‘. I“. Mi‘Mulioil \V. Savage .l. ll.S:llillv-l.\'l‘ll A. Savage 1 \V. 'l‘. Storr y. sk. I“. Hims, sk. I). (7. Steele R. Tyndall A. Moodie lde. Barker '\'..-\.Sandeison J. 1’. Glass J. Palmer. sk. Geo. McDonald, sk. H. J. (lalile J- (last’ly I“. Mi-(‘onaghy P. G. Savage C. I“. “'ilx-y A. J. Home M. Hoyle, sk. Il.iLNic-liolls,sk. T. Ludford and \V. R. Capt-ll will play on rinks that may be a man short, or on some rinks with live play- ers on a side. Special value in brooms at 20. 24, 25, RI), and 33c. Atkinson & Switzer. Maia-mics Guano“ town 701) Fobrnnrv L’ttant the Meth- odist. Parsonaue, Richmond .Ill, by Rev. T. (‘mnplvi-gl, Mr. Joseph Frank Graham, to Miss Margaret ('ooK, bimh 'cf Vaughan. 19E A'I‘II 3 \this late iesvlence, Richmond lliil.on 'l‘iiursilay, the 3rd or March S. H. hllille-iii'oi'fl. late Band Master of Her Majiwy‘s 1:51.11 Hussrirsan llistilil' your. Funeiiu, private, Simoday, at. 2 p. m 3‘ We know what all good doc- ' L tors think of Ayer’s Cherry 7 ; Pectoral. Ask yourown doc- ; tor and find out. He will tell Til‘he blizzard which swept. over Ont- i Van’Horne. hence (‘. F. Paul writes :ario Monday and Monday nightend- :col “ l'he Dzscredited hitervrew." Ca-rh ed in a snow blockade, and traffic of Maria 8 treatyanaking powers are term- ‘all descri tion has since been almost : complete y paralyzed. The Mctropol- : itim was blocked up, and the company i brought the mails to this Village on a l. sleigh, ai-eacliing here in the afternoons l instead of early in the mornings. The i ears:began running from the. C. P. R. i Crossing Tuesday evening, but it will T probably be a day or two yet before _ the track is clear to Newmarket. The cuts of snow on the Metropolitan tracks a few rods south of the village .are fully nine feet high. ed inadequate. and Thomas Hodng briefly explains why he agrees that it is time for a change. \V. L. Grant points out where the teaching of his- tm‘y is “'Ci'k 5“ fill‘ as our educational ; - Add to these 2 furl p the 32-h” system is cor corned. three Canadian short stories . third installment of Mr. Bradley's his-l torical serial, and the Usual depart- ments, and tire work of the March Canadian Magazine is outlined. The publication covers a broad field, but .the work is fairly well done. Cherry Pectoral f you how it quiets the tickling :3: ‘ throat, heals the inflamed [- ? lungs, and controls the * hardest of coughs. " >_ ’1‘ Ayerjl Cherry Pectorirl is well known in ‘ our family. We think it h the best medicine ., in the world for coughs and colds." L: KA'rin Pnnnsort. Pmlnnm, Cal. 5 § 25s.. 50c.,$1.00. ;. c. AYER 00.. " _ All drufi'lsta. for Lowell, Mans. ' 7 , :..<.rlst-,;.;->.:«. ne of II edtime WI hasten recovery. Gently laxative. Auction Sale _0F_ a. FARM In the Township of Vaughan. There will be offered for sale by Public Auction at Palmer’s Hotel in the Village of Richmond Hill, by Saigeon ((- McEwen, Auctioneers, on Saturday the 19th day of March A. D. 1904, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, the following valupble properly. namely :â€"the west half of lot '57 and the southerly portion of the west half of lot 58 n the First Con- cession of the Township of Vaughan, containing 135 acres, more or less. The property has for many years been in the occupation of George F. Legge. There are on the premises a good dwelling house and barn,besides other outbuildings. , . The land is clean. well fenced and in a good state of cultivation. There are about 40 acres of fall ploughing and about 10 acres in fall wheat. Thirty acres more or loss have been seeded down to grass-clover and timothy. The farm is close to school and post otliee and within a mile of The Metropolitan Electric Railway on' " '- ~ -' Yonge Street, affording cheap and easy access to the Tomato Market. The property is a mostdesirable one. h The sale will be subject to a. reserve id. For further particulars and terms of sale apply ,to the auctioneers or to PRU U‘IDF‘OO'I‘. DUNCAN & COM- PANY, of 25 King Street \Vest, Toronto, Ve idors" Solicitors. ,.... 8 . Sail trait: Fm Sale A small quantity of the Famous] “’aIvei-ly \Vliite Oat-s: also a. small quantity of Mimdscheuri Six Bowed Barley. THOMAS JOHNSTON. Jefferson P. Q. 1 CAN QUICKLY SELL for cash, without local publicity. your Business, Real Estate or Humor-ship, noinatter where located. 'Send me Ztl‘th‘llliil'S, pr'iCes. etc. Address CHAS. E. POW'EL'L, 19 TV. Mohawk St... Bulfalo,N. Y. » ., To PATENT and a»; g_ may be secured by ' our aid. Address, I“: °“’ENT RECORD, i'" "i’i U E: 4. 33M.“ "3L4 Save the Cents And the Dollars , Will Save Themselves. The best way to follow this excellent advice is to trade at Miller]. i Atkinson 8c Switzer’s, " » Richmond Hill. The Finest Stock -.-. 'i a:ka amt-1&4. 2‘7.“ .1 The Largest Choice The Truest Values. Dry Goods [M22- ‘ ,"'.".';.;V a). Dress Goods Ladies‘ Waists Skirts and Wrappers. Gents’ Furnishings o”“r\:'fiA"“~".:u.-.Arvin: -. All the latest stylish nobby things Prices the Lowest. A w- '-. ~:.-. ~»'..'- Come and reap the benefit. We Will Please You atoves . [uremia Rates g Buy one .of our v c g % And have two weeks’ trial with it. 6 We set it up, and if not satis- Cg factory the stove will be taken back and your money will be jag cheerfully refunded. %{ Our-motto: Satisfactionwithour % goods or no sale. g littE flit it Sill Elthmfll’ld llill EWZEES a; Garret: ’ . R693 HORSESâ€"Gives them a good appetite, a glossy coat. a. lose hide. .and 1 healthy appearance. Highly recommended by nor-semen. FOR CATTLE it has no equal. It improves the appetite. aids diges- tion, it causes a. perfect assimulation of the food and fattens them quickly : also a grand preparation for milch cows. FOR CALVESâ€"mixed with skim milk or separator milk it will make calves thrive as well or better as when fed on new milk. Prevents St'tllllS. aids digestion. and rapidly fits at:an for market. FOR HUGSâ€"tlfisavil be :found a grand tonic for fattening hogs rapid- ly. It aids digestion, 'kills worms, and keeps them healt by. The stock- man‘s favorite, because .it makes your stock thrive strumgâ€"best and cheapest stock food on the market. Five feeds to: one cent. Yorkshire Cough & Heave Cure , Guaranteed to cure coughs, colds, heaves and broken Wind in horses. Horsemen will find this an infallible remedy for any affection in a horse's wind, whether caused from after effects of distemper or from eating dusty hay. Price 500. Sold in Richmond H‘lill'by Geo. McDonald, harness-maker. Your own recipes made up properly from pure drugs at wholesale prices. l All drugs and patent medicines at wholesale prices. | J. A. .Tohnston fir: 00., (Successor to C. D. Daniel 42 Co. and Hugh Miller 6: Co.) Wholesale and_Retail Druggists. 171 King St East, Toronto. Opposite Clyde Hotel.

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