For full particulars. address any railroad agent, or J. A. Richardson, Dist. Pass. ngt., N. E. corner King and Yonge St.s., Toronto. Messrs. C. C. Richards & Coi, Yarmouth,N . S. Gcntlemen,â€"In January last, Fran- cis Leelair, one»of the men employ- ed by me, working in the lumber woods. had a tree fall on him, crushâ€" lng him fearfully. lie was, when found placed on a sled and taken home, where grave fears were enter- tained for his recovery, his hips being badly bruised and his body turnéd black from his ribs to his feet. We used MINARD'S LINIMENT on him l'recly to deaden the pain, and with the use of three bottles he was com- pletely cured and able to return to his work. Grand Washington Excursions. Via. Lackawanna Railroad. March 18 and April 15, $10 from Buflalo. Limit. ten days. Through Philadel- phia and Baltimore. Cheap side trips, Full lp’articulars, A. Leadlcy_ 38 Yonge St. Toronto, or Philip Fox, Buffalo. A writer says that, the ancient Ro- mans had no Word for "yes." But. when Claudius somebody asked Apuli- us somebody else if he would like to meander down the Appian Way to a certain _establishmont for the sale of liquid comforts, there probably was some available expression in the lanâ€" guage equivalent to "Don’t care if { do." V’f'hc new superb and magnificent [rains built especially for this trafâ€" ï¬c. places the Wabash in the very ï¬rst. rank for this business. Uusophisticatcd _Cookâ€""I[‘ you please, mum, the butcher says I shall [at ï¬ve per cent. on all the orders I give him. What does that mean?†HisU‘css-"It moans, Mary, that We diall have a new butcher. To the great World's Fair, St. Louis, £10., opens April 30th, closes De rember 1515. Covers 1,240 acres. cost mom lhan $50,000,000. The most gigantic and colossal undertaking ev- rr attempted by man. The great Wabash line is the only railroad that owns and controls its own rails from Canada, direct to L110 World's Fair gates. Minard's Liniment Cums Burns. A well-known County judge tells a story about the crossâ€"examination bf a. bad-tempered woman in his court. She was an Amazonian per- son. Her husband. obviously the weaker vessel, sat sheepishly listen- Ing. The opposing counsel pressed a certain question rather urgently and she said. angrily, "You needn’t think to catch me. You tried that. once before." The barrister said: "Madam, I have not, the slightest de- sire to catch you: and your husband ioo‘ks as if he were sorry he did." Pills can do even more than is claim- ed for them. I know some- of my neighbors who have used them for the wane trouble as myself and who are well people 10-day." NeWittâ€""Well, there's one thing about the weather. It's always a gale topic of conversatiim." Borâ€" rougbsâ€""I thought it was toâ€"day when I met Lendhum. but when I stmtod to speak of it he said, ‘ch, it's unsettled, and that reminds me of that account of yours.’ " Husband (reading): "This paper says that, the greatness of n fnLher often proves a stumblingâ€"block to the advancement. of his children." Wife: "\\cll, t‘nank goodness, our children will never be handicapped in that way 2†“I have been troubled for years." he says, “with Kidney Trouble brought on by lying in the trenches In front of Sebastopol’ where thous- anefs of my brothers in arms lost their lives. But every time ] feel my trouble coming on I use Dodd's Kid- ney Pills. I have found them do me goed each and every time. "I never took more than one or two boxes at a time and so never gave them a. chance to make a. comâ€" plete cure in my case. But when 1 (col my trouble coming back I shall surely use Dodd's Kidney Pills ngain. For I know Dodd's Kidney He Knows Others Too Who Have Been Troubled w;th Kidney Com- plaint, Have Used Dodd's Kid- ney Pills and are Well People To-day. Birdell, Ourâ€"Mar. 7.â€"â€"(Specia1)-â€" Postmaster Henry Bird of this place Is one of those grand old men Who carried Britain's flag to victory over the walls of Sebastopol. He tells man-y interesting tales of those tor- riblc days and also how he escapes the pains and aches brought on by so many days and nights or hard~ ships and exposure. HEB A VETERAN AND HE TELLS WHAT DODD‘S KIDNEY PILLS DO FOR HIM. SAUVEUR DUVAL. Elgin Road, L’Islot (30., Que.. May 26th, 1893 OVER THE WADAS II [IF THE URIMEA in their scale six characters nine, and they. stand of fol‘Wa short. there are alwa3s six periods in each. To attain this, the charac- ters or numerals on the scale of their timepieces are adjustable. Two of them are set, one to agree with the sunri e, the other with sunset, and the four characters between them divide the space into equal portions. Thus, when the period of daylight, is longer than the night, the day hours “ill be proportionately longer than those at night. Another peculiarity in their scale is that they use only six characters. those from ,four to nine. and these read backwards in- $33.00 to the Paciï¬c Coast Via. the Chicagoâ€"Union & Northâ€"West- ern Line from Chicago daily during March and April, to San Francisco, Los Aligclcs, Portland, Seattle, '13» coma. Vancouver and other Paciï¬c Coast points. Very low rates to Heâ€" lena, Butte, Spokane, Ogden and Salt Lake City. Corresponding low rates from all points. Daily and pcr~ sonally conducted excursions in Pull» mun tourist sleeping cars to San Franciseo. Los Angclcs and Portland, through without change, double berth only $7.00. Choice of routes. For particulars address 13. H. Bennett, 2 East King St., Toronto, Ont. TOKIO TIMEPIECES, The Japanese divide the twenty- four hours into twelve periods, of which six belong to the night and six to the day, their day beginning at sunrise an'd ending at sunset. Whether the day 01‘ night. be long or short, there are n1wa_\s six periods in each. To attain this, the charac- Swivullcrâ€"“Spcaking of Smallwccd. I consider him the most modest, unâ€" assuming man I ever met, in all my life." Quilpâ€"“Tliuu he docsn'r think too much of himself?" Swivollerâ€" “Not at all: not a bit conceited, though he admits that. any other man possessed of his abilities would be." Little but Searchlnz.â€"Dr. Von Stan‘s Pineapple Tablets arc not big naus. eous doses that contain injurious drugs or narcoticsâ€"they are the pure vegetable )epsiuâ€"the medicinal extract from this uscious fruit. and the tabicts are prepared in as palatable form as the fruit i:sclf. They cure indigestion. 60 in a box, 35 cents.-â€"56 ’Doting Mamma â€" "Rodney dear, to-morrow is your birthday. What would you like best ?†Rodney (after a, brief season of cogitation) : ""1 think I'd like to see the School burn down." Bed-ridden 15 years.â€"â€""If any. Jody wank: a written guarantee from me personally as to my wonderful cure from uheumatism by South American Rheumatic Cure I wiil b5 tho giaddest woman in {be world to give it," says Mrs. john Beau- mont, cf Elora. "I had despaired of re- covery up to the time of taking this wonder- {ul romcdy. It cured conipletciy."â€"58 The head master of a school recent- ly put up a notice that on an early date he would lecture on the follow- ing subjectzâ€" "Our eyes, and how we see through them." Shortly af- terwards he was nstonishvd to ï¬nd an alternative title written underneath:â€" “Our pupiis, and how they see through us." ’l‘hc pearls If the Persian Gulf. ‘which have fl rmed for a long time past an important branch of the ex- port trade, have likewise, within the last few years, risen greatly in price. Mr. Tyler says he does not think that this means that the supply has seriously diminished, but rather that the demand has increased out of proâ€" portion. Ten thousand dollars for at rosary of faultless pearls is not at the present time considered at all excessive. although formerly the same might be bought for a tithe of that amount. Precious Jewels Are Becoming Bearer. The turquoise gems, the finest ex- amples of which are produced from the mines of lehnpoor, are, probab- ly from some change in the fashion of the west, becoming dearer in price ‘and, in Teheran and neighborhood, more difï¬cult to ï¬nd. According to Viceâ€"Consul General Tyler. at Tehemn, much of the value of the stone depends on its shape. the ob- long belng considered the most ap- propriate; on its freedom from spots or disrzoloration. however small in size; on its age, when the color has settled down into its ï¬nal hue (not the superï¬cial variations or sym- pathetic changes. but its really per- manent shade); but more than all on its actual color, whether fresh front the hands of the lapidary or sedate from long war. Choice, taste and fashion largely determine the proâ€"l ference of one shade to another, but‘ the tapis lazuli, or the eloudless sapâ€"l phire of its native skies, is the highâ€"; est quality of the. turquoise. The readers of this pnpor will be pleased to learn that there is at. least om: dreaded disease that, science has been able to cure in all its stages. and that, is Caturrh. Hall's Catarrh Curu is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Cutarrp being a. constitutional disease, reqnlres a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catorrh Cure is taken inprnally, acting direct,- ly upon the blood and mucous surfac- es of the system. thereby (lestro ing the foundation of the disease. an giving the patient strt-~ 1th by building up the constitution an asslsting nature in do- ing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powerl that they oiTer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send to) list. of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY}; 700â€, Sold bV r111 Take Hall's oaLion. GEMS FROM PERSIA. $|oo Reward, $|co. is that they use onl} , those from ,four to 0 read backwards in- ers. Toledo. '0. Druggists 750. Family 151118 for consti The Bridegroomâ€""Would you mind if I went, into a. smoking compart- 'ment, dear?†’l'hc Bride-“What! to &smokc?†The Bridegroomâ€"“Oh, dear no. I want, to experience the agony of being away from you, so that the 'joy of my return will be all the more intensified." ï¬hiioh’s ; @QH’hsumpï¬iam vu‘mâ€"rm mg: a ,Jnu-urnvxrr 25.00 to Portland and Astoria; or to Tacoma and Seattle, via Huntingâ€" ton and Portland or via Huntington and Spokane. $25.00 to Ashland, Roseburg, Euâ€" gene, Albany and Salem, via. Port- land. $25.00 to San Francisco, Los Ange- lcs, San Diego and many other Cali- fornia points. From ChiCago and St. Louis pro- portionately low rates are in died by lines connecting with the Union Paciï¬c to all above points. For full information call on or ad- dress, F. B. Choate, G. A., 126 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. Every day from March 1 to April 30, 1904, the Union Paciï¬c will sell One-Way Colonist tickets at the fol- lowing ratt‘s from the Missouri River: $22.50 Wash. Friend (from the next, street, to happy father)â€"“llalloa, Pcters, let me congratulate you! I hear that you have a new boy at your house.†Happy I"b.thor-"By George! can you hear him all that distance?“ $20.00 City. Helena $2500 to Everett, Fairhaven, Whatâ€" com, Vancouver and Astoria, via Huntington and Spokane. “One of the papers yesterday reâ€" ferred to my husband as an eminent statistician," observed Mrs. Fangle to Mrs. Cumsb. “Uh,†replied the latter, in an encouraging tone, “I wouldn't mind that. Everybody who knows Mr. Fangle won't believe any such nonsense. We are all slandered more or less " ' There are few, if any. parts of the world into which the Salvation Army has not penetrated, and even among the subjects of the Emperor of Japan are thousands of loyal followers of General Booth. An in-€ teresting account of Salvation Army work in Japan is given by Mia; Charles Duce, the "Chief Secretary"‘ of the Japanese contingent of the? army. Starting; work eight years;‘ ago on a small scale, they have now ‘ thirty-eight corps and outposts, an'd ninety ofï¬cers and cadets, nearly all of whome are Japanese. Ten thou- Sand copies a fortnight of the Ja- panese “War Cry" are circulale'd, a phenomenal sale for u religious perâ€" iodical in Japan, where even some of the great "dailies" have a circuâ€" lation which barely equals that of an ordinary provincial paper here. Ono Short Puff Clears the Heartâ€"Does your head ache? Have you pains over your eyes ? Is the breath o‘ï¬'en- ‘sive ? These are certain sym toms of Catarrh. Dr. Agncw's Catarrha Powder will chm most stubborn cases in 3. mar- vellously short time. If ou've had Catarrh a week it's a sure cure. {fit'sof ï¬fty years' standing it'ajust as efl'cctive. 50 ccnts.â€"-57 Many a man Would be glad if his wife would talk to herself. “I declare," said Bella sweetly, "your thoughts run exactly in uni- son with mine, Augustus. I had those words in my mouth." "Yes, and I saw him put ’em there, too." said little Tommy, who had seen the kissing going on. Mlnard’s Linimanl [lures Bandruï¬. MM. Wmstow'a Soc-mum Bunn- hna been and by millions of mothen for their children while Louhinc Itaooshu the child. warm the umn. BUB†psin. mum wind unlit; reguhtu the Woman: opd howell, and in tho but remedy for blurrth Tracyâ€"Ive cent.- A bank Sold by drugn'ista throughout tho world. Be lure And at for †MM. WIHsLow's Soorumo svnur." 12 ~09 Mlnard's Llniment Relieves Neuralgi'a Results from common soaps: eczema, coarse hands, ragged clothes, shrunken flannels $20.00 ‘ The Lun “ï¬re Tonic g and the cough wiL stop. Try it to-night. if it doesn’t beneï¬t you. we’ll give your money back. Prices: 25c. 50:. 51 I. Coughing is an outward cizn of inward disease. Cure the disease with JAPAN’S "WAR CRY." ONEâ€"WA Y RATES. m I» the Octagon Bu to Spokane and \Venatchoe, Issue No. 10-404 to Butte, Anaconda and to Ogden and Salt. Lake - or Over Sixty Year- S. C. WELLS & Co. 307 ’ARoy. N. Y.. Toronto. Can. >04 Eifng} in} 'E‘an'i'oF'EoiiF n1y‘1 uan 533;; o amass 0! Marvel Washing A; no. mo great. washâ€"day lit-1n. V .5» xd vour mum and address m: cm». no money. W: 1% . 1393:2511 and send Bluhu: by mm pas! aid. \Jcalso Mud you with the Inning handgun» Go unï¬nished 39mm ma Brooches. You give a Brooch orslarr Pm Free with car: packa ornlulng you sell. Almosteve-ry- ‘ body wfllbuV. Ever Indy need) Bluing. When sold return In " the money. 231,60. an we will send you me ouv'o the two lovely - Dolls and tho handsome Braceleteud Ring. The beauum] Pra- p Imums we offer n‘re not to be onyx-ed w the cheap premiums 6, mum] glveu. No ot‘ner nrm evc: offered such I loï¬ ct valuable r9 premiumi for so little work. Woven nibble business ï¬rm and -,‘ mm In: It you frdl‘ and um: and expect the same from you. 3) mm and us your unlc': nor' mi 30-: cu: hue all Lhasa hud- ‘u nme prosm‘v in a few 8 ‘ "Jess. The Blane! “lug C 331621 132 Toronto: Ont “And who is this?" asked Aunt Clara, pointing to the picture of a chubby child in skirts. “That,†said Robby, who had been wearing knick- erbocers for some time, “is me when I was a girl."- Sunday-School Teacherâ€"“Who loves everybody, Willy?" Willyâ€""My pa does, cos, he is trying to get into the town council." First Workmanâ€""Do you belong to the union?" Second Workmanâ€"“0f course! Ain't I out of work?" Lever's Yâ€"Z (Wise Head) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder is a boon to any home. It dlsinfects and cleans at the same time. Montrcll to Livorppol Portland to LFvorpooI Large and rust. Sluanlbhlps. Superior accommoduhon for all classes of pas- sengers. Suloons and Stuterooms are amidships. S ecial attention has been given to the becond Saloon and Third- Uluss accommodation. For rates 0! passages and all Sartlculars, apply to any agent 0! the ompany. or to par senger agent. DOMINION LINE OFFXCES: 17 St. Sacrament, St†Monzrcul. eminisn Lina Staamshlpa Does your head ache? Have you pains over your eyes? Is there a. con- staGC dropping in the throat? Is the breath ol‘funswe? Those are certain symptoms of Catarrh. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhul Powder will cure most. stub- born cases in a marvelously short time. If you‘ve had cuturrh a week it's a. sure cure. 1! it's of ï¬fty years' standing it's just as en‘ective. 19 Dr, Agnew's Pills are the best. 40 Doses to cents. Foui, loathsemefm Isgusting {Satan-E13 53.63111173le 5L. ï¬dmrcax. {Do not send stamps. Agents Wanted o- mmmerW--pm ; mvmm--.m~m< .» a Minard's Liniment f0! sale evelywhem see 000009 Scour.) Relief In 10 Minutes And a Radical Cure, Nutritious and Ecvnomical. 48â€"21 An admirable Food 0! the Finest quality and flavour. P. T. Hendry. Om- Aztn A- T. 5:5- 9- Ry.. l5l Griswold 52.. Detroit. Mlch Street No. . . . Na mc I understand )hat the Santa Fe will sell one-way colonist SANF® NM s v From Chicago and . $25 from Kansas City. City and State during March and April at very low rates : g'eluroué'w'n * Cut out um advextiaomcnt and mail to BRITISH AMERICAN DYEIHG 0°. MONTREAL Ole-aha! Ind Curling “d KM Glaul do“ Thu can haunt. hyped. lam-L mm: pluck Poultry, AM mum at Butter, mum A d P P (ï¬re. 3:22:15; consign it to no 331 we will get you good pricu. THE I . Eamon Gommlssmn 00.. The Bennett Mfg. Co; PlOKEEHNG, ONTARW. FEATH ER DYEIN G SALE 0' Band {or cutslog. We giro extra val no. Ran fun and conning, Sand for price 11‘ 11â€"04 BASTEDO’S In Oak, with MQ$a1 back. Sent to any address on‘receipt of $1.75 YOUR GROCERIES all Over Eh. Kitchen. Send for one of Ou: weoscocg ï¬ï¬ï¬iï¬SE~§3ï¬iï¬ï¬F swam? SWINETQ Please udvlsa me full particulars. II vvuuuluulvll UU. TORONTO. ul'n Hols n xlzgsz'ko-usr. WR‘g AL‘L Tm: WAV