Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Mar 1904, p. 8

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Uncu turthur uouca mile will be closed at the .Bflchmond Hill Post omee as {allows-.â€" MORNING ..... 8.00 EVENING .. .1 ..... 6.:5- N.B.â€"-Ruaisterad Letters must be handod in 0 lens“: [fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closina. ~_._ A- -nAnun R Crossing at 6, 7.20. 9.40. 11.30 “m .30. 2.40, 5.4:. 5.40. 7.45 p. 11). Lamb Rwhmond H111 8,20, 10.30 a. m.; 12.2 f) 3.190.435. 6.30. 8.35pm. GOL‘SG BU‘UTB Leave Newmurkat 730,9.15. 11.15 ‘ 4.15.1115, 7.30 p. )5 Sunday. Presbyterian Church~35rvi '1 p. 111. Sunday School at 2.3t Wednesday evening. Rom-Lu Catholic Church-S nuke Sundays at 9 n. 113. mm Methodist; 9nurch-â€"Servicm n 40..“ no r) m Leave Richmofla Hm ‘ 2:10, 3.55. '1 55 METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE Wellnasuny wrung“... Rom-Lu Catholic Church-Services on alter. nuke Sundays ut9 mm. anti 1030 a. m. Methodist; Ouurch-â€"Serv1ccs M1030 a. m.. and . m. Sunduv School at. 2.30. General prayer meeting Thursday. evening. Richumud Lodno. A F and A M â€"Meets Mon. dav on m- botum full moon Ouurblticbmond. A 0 Fâ€"Meets second and burn: Friday Ivy Lodge. A O U Wâ€"-Meets thiri Wednesday of each mouth .. a n 4: gm...“ :Afln'nd and fouxth F. J. PETHICK, \Vill repair your old sewing 'machine or exchange fur a new mm. Needles for all kinds of machines. Organs Repaired. Also agent, ft)! the Church of EDS‘ HEINTZMAN PIANO. Pragare far swing. sulc. HARROWS OF ALL KINDS MADE TO ORDER. And see if they want any repairng sharpening. If they (10. bring them now and do not wait. till you are needing them. Three thousand dollars to loan at a. a law rate of interest on first-mort- gage faum property. Apply at t. f. THE LIBERAL OFFICE. TRADE MARKS , DESIGNS " ' COPYRIGHTS (is. one sending a skew!) and descfl firm may Any quickly ascertain our opinion free w ‘cther an Invention |s probably patentuble. Communion- flnus strictly confidential. H nudbonk on Pm cuts sent. free. Oldcsc agency for securing patenu. Patents taken through Munu a C0. receive apegtahzotm, without. charge in the _ .an‘i. WAAAAMXAAM POST OFFICE NOTICE A handsomely mustmtcd “ ~l â€"-- nionnfln a u.. , culauou of inhy scient, yer-r: four moguls. $1 RAF; four months. 51. aunu u: m. W. .. York U C MHNN & 80.36'Bwadwavv New nrnnvh (mice. (35 F SL. \Vasblncton. . . Call and see our stock. Next door north of Movdie’s store. Haws & Hams Money To Loan IEiChHIOIId Iiill "mé%"é?fi§‘€i§€ WWW: _> ugweuu Toronto and Newmurket. dome NORTH GEO. GOWIE, ‘Erixifci: binoc- 31-4 FARMERS ! bFEICE CLOBES A’I‘ 7.3c M.TEEFY.: Village Directory {Hz-ye quantity of Fence Pests for 9-4 31.0 IN ADVANCE} ,day ge. A uuth S 0 S â€"Meets second and (ouxth O U Wâ€"-Meets thin-1 Wednesday v.V r...“ nm-mmeâ€"Mcets first Wednesday FGR SALE RICHMOND HILL. Now is the time to glandâ€"Services at. 8 p Look over your llustrated weekly Lax-nest clr- scientific lam-ha). Terms. $3 a um 31. Sflld by an newsdgulerg. â€"TII Eâ€" EIBE"? Gtxa‘. 'N‘EWBERY. first Monday of every â€"Bervicea at H n at 2.30. Prayer Reading Boo_mâ€"â€"Open Eatumav evenmgs $921319. 8.1-0, 9.55‘ ‘55. 8.10 p. Elgin Mills. Postmaster 11 82.20, 2.20‘ . m.. and mootmg eVery a1 tor 3.15 z or LIVERY GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION Michael Bros., J une TUE The NC RICHMOND HILL MSW - MEET JOHN ROGERS,THORNHILL, a o o os‘ommopmmgw v mwase mamammwaswsew 'â€" _ u _ v _ v AGENT FOR McCormack’s Harvesting Ma= chlnery. ALSO AGENT FOR THE M. Campbell Fanning Mill Co. of of Chatham. Call and see their Incubators, Scales, Etc, Etc. W’VV‘V‘V‘ Woooeooooooooo \v â€"._..â€" GEfiEiNE 8; PEARSON, fling-1mg; Coal and Wood Dehvered. Prices Right. THE - LIBE N WW COUGH AND COLD SEASQN ! I am prepared to supply the pub- lic with the best cough and cold remedies in the market. Try Sanderson's Emulsion atCod LiverOil. me per cent. Cod Liver Oil. and Lasteless. For seated colds and coughs. Can cure :1 cold in (me day. Our B iollmond El ill 11, 1903 w. A. Sandman DRUGGIST For coughs and colds in small clnldrcn. Subscribe for RICHMOND _0N__ SDAY Geo. Eviclfionald, Richmond Hill Sanderson’s White Pine and Tar. Bromide Quinine Tablets ext Sitting 3, County (I in the C innnuencinz HIVE CROUP SYRUP None better. Our COAL uencinq at 10:1. 11). T. F. MCMABON. CLERK g of Division Com-Hm of York, will be held . Court Room, APRIL WOOD HILL 5. 1904 RAL There’s More Comfort Than in any uthPr kind. and there greater value in those we ufierthun usually fuund at the price. The same may he said of our Fm- Cmts, Mus, Horse Blankets and Harness. “’9 Sell reliable goods at reasonable prices, and you will be pleased with any purchase you make here. Rfiligimg M ~x1+++++++++-:«z<+++j-++ A man to represent “CANADA’S GREATEST NURSERIES" in the Village of Richmond Hill and surrounding country, and take orders for n~z~:«&+~z-+++++~z~:‘ In Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Orna- mentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, Etc. Stock true to name and free from San Jose Scale. A permanent position fur the right man on either salary or comâ€" mission. Stone 8: Wellington, FONTHILL NURSERIES, OVER 800 ACRES. January '28 4:11 OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES In the manufacturing of Her- bageum nature’s lines are close.- ly fulluwed, and Herbageum, when added to dry winter feed, assures perfect assimilation. and makes that feed equal to gnud June pasture. This makes a truly balanced l'utiun. and this is true science in fi-eding, and it is science that will stand the dul- lzu- and cents test, which is the. true test from the. standpnint of the man who is feeding for pro- fit rather than amusement. FUR ROBE TORONTO, Science of Feeding WANTED Feed Herbageum and Note Results. J. HALL To be hud in a. â€"â€"â€"Sold byâ€" We know of no on mnku that would on My prove our ans faith in it. ] ham Incubator 1: claim {or it y‘ .g.‘ an. can make th'cr fln'shed an the best. 0! service v+++++++a~ . ONTARIO. batom. Cu on n ostni 5:1 Hunhon pauper. u. u...’ 4‘..- "â€"1,... -.-,,_. Chatham incubator more thor- ‘fcgggdcfizgfg without one cent of cash from you until Oct., 1994 ;;g2:1n1n?3ut one cent. Challmm Incubatan nrc madejust as good my monoy nnd skill m. We haven‘t. stintcd in un_\ filing. The hidden pzn'ts aye n4 5‘: ongly Fume and M we“ :3 part; vou me. They are built to stand the Imrglcsr, Iund of wear um :zn'u the Vur)’ ’i 3. l‘hoi' embole m outta.“ inr-ruvemcnl knpwnxu th manmncmm of lncu- .- ' Corner of this ad..or wnze yqurnmn: and Makes, 1 L: 0 tlkcvou oninlhc A _ nonStn‘ (Edna man] ‘1)! to us for full particulars of our ollcr. Do 3, “may. mam“ m. CAMPBELL FANNiNG MiLL ca, Limited W" DEPI‘. 5m CHATHAM, our. Manulactnrcm n! CLnthmn lnr‘ul-Mors and Branders. M. CAMPBEL‘, FANHING ‘ L 'l ch g “3 relmule! Mnnt‘vul. Qum; {3:51.331 r‘llnn.;‘2'ahmry. .:Vnm::mvv-L15.C ; nu H’nx. .\’ S Farlurion 1v! "hallmm, um, and I Limitel PI-trnfl. Mich. l flan" Shwfigmlm u‘rl ollmfihe CNATflAM. ONT “norm L‘nmpbe l ‘ann ng m. DEPT. am Please send your ducriq live Calaluguc cf the Chalk. Incubaiomogcrhcr wixh nllinfu mal‘nn al.0ul your speci ~l off: whereby no cad: will be paid um Ouabct, 1904. EU. Adi-(rm: . . . . . . . . . .........:â€"'....-l..-..r.. N'mns.’ Raf/11m}, Slat/on . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AJ.1.,.-â€" An In...“ m {'h-‘I‘u‘m fink. more [hor- confidence I the Chat- ; not, all we )a'are mm m. Wu haver 3 harm you FM is 'c‘fnbmly ( It out. the ml nnd x The Liberal and Weekly $ Globe The Liberal and Weekly Mail and Empire The Liberal and Family Herald &: Weekly Star The Liberal and Weekly Sun The Liberal and The Farming World The Liberal and Daily Globe The Liberal and Daily Mail I The Liberal and Daily World The Liberal and Daily Star (outside of village) The Liberal and Daily News (outside of Village) The Liberal and Farmers’ ' Advocate AMPBEI .l. DEP I‘. an Manulacujrc-p gwfiwwwwWWK>§wgg ‘ Chmlmm' ‘ in mm thing are built. to real imz-ruv .on in the co 1 to us fnr Bichmand Eill Haréwe Sim A11 makes, sizes and price. Eavetroughing, Roofing, 2 .)d Tinware made to order. Re airmrr mm [1 done. D HARDWARE AND TINWARE. Stoves & Ranges 'vwâ€" -_ _ , I One of the best made, guaranteed for 2 years. Am Incubators nrc hing. The hidden 1 I, to stand le lmr movement. known. e corner of this ad. for full particular FANNiNG MELI We also sell the ; “(l-.m- ulars o ELL ALL KINDS OF Address 2:“ letters to Chalham, Om. $1.75 1.86 3 1.85 M5 1.85 350 3.50 3.2.5 2% £692.00 2.50 ‘ M. éfiiPIJELL FANNING MlLL C0. anlted HAM. ONT- um.“ %§%’:

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