VOL. XXVI. WHAT HAPPENS AF ER FIV Onnonchnrd. tho omlnvnt French physician, has furnished facts which show that it’ (cod in "pulliin In the stomach mom than ï¬vn hours it lu‘von‘t‘n fq'l'vnnllflllh’o and pntrefachvmâ€"not digestive, â€"â€" and tlml this In the starting-point of dist-use. (‘rlls This food mass be comes putrid. Generates gas. The stomach dilutes. There Is 9. liiiiilï¬n'ciglit, burning, or bclcunig. Blood. ï¬bre, tissue. and lit-gin to poison from the stomach Y' and alimentary (‘uuul in- stcnd of iiutriinmtt. and right here is the produc- in»: cause (if Constipa- “ In Essentials, E HOURS. Inability of the stem" itch to propcrly handle food is mainly cuuscd by ovcrcutinc, drinking too much liquid, zascs gcn~ Pratt-d from slow (liz‘cs- tiou, prcvcutimz the mix- ing of food with gastric juice to propcrly prepare it for use in the body. ltr. J. S. Leonhardt cited for ycurs in per- fecting Anti-l’ill. so that secmlng altsm'lt h action. and iinu‘ cures tire LH‘ Elln its astom it. would grunrnntcc rogu- tion, llialictvs. Bright's proof of its mi: on be- i)isc:isc, L'tcrinc llllll in; fulï¬llt-d; of its lining (tvnriau trouhlcs. lllicu- the .grcntcsl System ‘ nnitisin. (loot, Ncrvous 'l‘rciueucnt in lllc world. and Mental Distrcss, ] 5U cruisof drugqists.0r . Bronchitis, llcart Allcrâ€" inuilcd :0 air. address by Lion, Pulmonary L‘onâ€" \\'ii..~or<-F\‘i.i:(,‘0., Viag- r.,. .-,.;.-;..~. .-.4»-.~..... â€"â€"n_....u-. Mu... ..., p , I ,, “ out Wm: IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING AI‘ Till: LIBERAL PRINTING at PUBLISHING HOUSE nicasioui) HILL, cm. 'I‘ . if . L‘ichAHON. E niror. & PBOPRIETOR. ‘l BUSIEIESS atrium. m. E. J. STUBBS, Tiiornhiia. R)3(iituls,l‘ur.iutu 01123 floursâ€"8 to 19 a. m; 1‘). to 2 p m 7 tn 8 n m. m h d i "with: Bil. EQEEFS, I)(?llti§§t. Room 123,. 24 Victoria. St. Toronto. Best ï¬tting teeth, also réplating, at; lowest prices. Good work. D3 W G L SEAULDING. DR A W SPAULDING. Dentists Room “ A,†Yonge Street; , Arcade, Toronto. Telephone Main 2l2~l ‘1 DR. ARNOLD D. A. MASON, I) e ntisst, (Successor to Dr. T. A. Currie), Our. Church and Carlton Sts., Toronto, Will be in Richmond Hill ever \Vcd- nesday. Ofï¬ce, next door south of Public School. Ofï¬ce Hoursâ€"8.30 it. in. to ..u - .... .... lithium}; JOHN R. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON, 'i‘hornliill. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. fit; SANDERSDN. VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL Calls by dlly and night promptly at tended to. suinption. Livcr iiitd Skin Diseases. aru Falls, Out. true. .J n u n «l i c 0, Sample £65,131. G G S Lindseyli C A G F lmwruuce W Itidout Wadsworth Lindsey. Lawrence 24 W adswn th. Bsrristersï¬oiicitors. l’otaiics, '9. Phone Main 2984 Home Life Building (fol-nitle Free- hold Loan Bldg). Cm. Adcluidc. it: Victoria. his, Toronto. LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. COOK & JOHNSTON ' Barristers, Solicitors, etc. TORONTO OFFICE: No. 23 Rich- mond St. \Vcst.VVcslcy Buildings, (Mcthodist Book Room) To: i'un’rn. ‘ Lit-s vésttmt nhvsrciun at Western and Grace M12 0003.: Will he at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. JAS. N EVVTON lSSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EIJGa‘rHNT REEIJEJSS RE. Tins-+352 ‘ NOTARY PUBLIC, aonmssxonnn in THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. LEN-oier & MORGAN, Bin-risicl's and solicitors. Money to loan on land and chattel mortgages at lowest rates ' Auroraofl‘iceâ€"Removed to tho old post oï¬ics one door west of the entrance to the Ontario Bank ‘ â€" Newmurlict otï¬ce~Three doors south of the 1: )SE Olljce 'I‘ Hniusniu‘ Lnxnox, Aurora G Srrv Monom. Newmath L'icenseu Auctioneer for the County of York, (xJuds sold on consignment General sales 01 nice etc promptly attended to an reasonabli rates Residence Unionrille G R Guulding. Ni:an Brookageut for the above J 'l‘ Saigenn, J Itâ€"McEwcn. Maple Weston Saigcou a: ltlcliwcn. Licensed luctioueers for the Conutyof York. Soleaittendodtoonahortestnnticmmd 8. rec.- sonablerates Patronagesnlicited D. G. BLOFGEI. - License Auctioneer for theCounty of York, to spactfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence sales nttcnded on blip shortest notice and M: reasonaberntea. P. 0. address King N. I). §mnh. LicensetiAuctionesifortho Counties of York undOntario Allsalï¬ï¬ of {arm stock, we nt- tendod to on theshortest notice rind renmnahle rates. \Iortuncnnnuhnilifl’ sales attended to. Residence.$touï¬â€˜villc Ont PALMER HOUSE HiCHMUNDHILLMHORNHiLL RICHMOND HILL, Riiuw-tcllnduinlnowly furnished throughout: 0'18 of the most convenient sud comfortable butslsnn Y-tnze Street. Every modern con- vonicnin Sun'le rum-us for cornmarciul tmvoliors. -\nit«mlstmi:iiug plane for riding or driving )Ll‘leS,llICyCllï¬t-§. or {armors gain): m'i‘rituruiuu trvmi market. Electric curs p866 the door Livery inronnecticn TERMS $1.00 PER DAY. “I. C. SVAAGE - Prop nity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." {mg Township Council Yongc Slrcct Account. â€" IG. McDougnll and mcn, show-ll- louncil out at Hurt-is†llotclï¬chom- , ing snow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ill) 00 licrg, Fch'y 20th. Members all prcs- ‘ B. Grady and mini, shovclling out. Rcmc in tlic clmir. snow ..... .... . . . . . . , .. 3'3 (lit 'l‘lic following bills “'(‘11‘ mdcrcd to \V. (illilllt'l'ly, 5 days" work . . . . Ii 23 lu‘p;1i(l:-~ J. McBritlc, 3 toisc stone .. . . . 21 00 .los. Billings, salary. Yongc St..$32 00 i John (‘orlt-ss. rcp. to town linc. «i {it} $§9 88 A Mct‘lui-c, shorvlling snow .. . . 6 ($2 Ynug‘hun‘s share . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 91 John lrclund. l1!ll|llll§lԤ:l‘:l\'(‘l. . .. 2 01 Sum‘l Jumicson, road work .. . (iii S)? “ “ shove-Hing snow 18 till .705. Murray, 7-5 yds. gruvcl 7 50 Phillipps â€" McMui-chy # That tho T1 cits. tic and is licrchy authorich to pay tlic l)cputy Returning (Wilcox-s rc. E;t"l‘\'lt'l‘.\‘ (‘oimty Good litiilti‘iqll“s< tion, Will, the sum of nine dollurs each. Arinitngc â€"~ Inn kin â€"â€" 'l‘hut .1091 Ed- wards, (,lollcctor, North. 100?}, hc rc- licvcd fromcollccthg lund taxes un- puid pcr stotcmcnt amounting to $11.- 15, ulsoSlututc llulior iu Schomlu-ig wrongfully levicd, $27.91.); in Lloyd- town. :ik3.1li'i:1nd Statutc [ï¬llltll' tux un- (‘rrllcctcd to amount of $23.84). 'J‘iiut \V. J. \Vclls, Uollcctnr. South. $03. bc rclicvcd t'tmn cullmting rates on roll of 1903, per stufcmcnt amounting to $55.â€.L'). llchuri-liyâ€" Phillips â€" That Almi- lmmimd Luke (illllltllls liw paid the Sun) of $1U.UU much for sciw iccs ILS Auditors. .L-‘Il‘klllâ€"le‘lllllllgtLâ€"Tlilll» thc Iil'OVO and ’l‘rcusurcr he and :u-c livreliy auth- thm'zcd to purchase ()wcn Sound dc- lwnturcs guuruntccd by tho County of Grey to thc amount- oi $73000 us invest.- mcnt of School Fund. Phillips â€" L;iil\'iii â€" That. .lnmcs Tlimnpson he paid the sum $1.25t’or tukingouc, llemy Curtcr to the Inâ€" dustrinl Home. Lurkinâ€"Ai outageâ€"That tho tendcr of S. Sinhl for printing for 1904 he and is hereby :tccvptcd. hillipsâ€"McMurchy -« That Joel Edwards. collector for North part, he paid the balance of salary, $25.00 and postage, $22.51). Also \V. J. \Vclls, Unlicuturof South part. ltr' paid lml- ance of salary, $25 and postage, $2.50. Ltrl;iuâ€"A|-Initugc That the Audit- r‘i's’ report of tlic 'l‘rwlsurcr’s accounts for thc yenr cnding Deceinhcr 31. 1903. he and are licrcliy :lcccptcd its satis- factory. and that; the Ree-v9 and Clerk are zinthorizml to Sign the sumo. Lurkin+ Phillips # \Vliert-us :i priv- ate bill is licing brought licforo the Legislature respecting the A.& S.R.lt., we. thc Council of the Township of King are unanimously opposcd to the passing of any incusure in this iilzittcr on the grounds which are sct out in the memorial uccmnpuuying this icso- lution and we request and urge our Reprcscntzithe, Hon. E. J. Davis, to do all in his power in tlic interest of the pvoplc to prevent the pziSsingof the proposed hill. Phillips â€"- McMuicliy â€"- That the- Municipul Act, us :tmcndcd lust ses- sion. to. County Councils, should not 12 chungcd, The Recvc and the Clerk wch in- structcd to sign :1 pt-tition in furor of the Municile Act thatUouncilsshould hc cloctcd e\ cl y two years. 01) motion of J. \V. Lat-kin Council adjourned to uwct tit Phillips†Hotcl. King City, Saturday, Mair. 20‘. # my...†WANTED â€"Spccial Representative in this county [lull mljuining territori:5 to represan imrl mlwrtise an old estulylishcd business house at mhd timinch standing. Salary #21 Weekly, “'l'll expenscs, paid ‘ll deny hy chmiuo mircct [ruin timidquurtcis. }:X‘7LU>SS admnced; position perumuent. \Ve turniin 0'-'(‘I'\'Cil|ll',l. Addrnrs. the Columbia, 030 \Jono Budding, Cuicugu, 111. 15.16 -0 o -A â€" Vaughan Council The :iliovi- Council incl, Tuesday, l‘lui'. h‘. The more, \Vni. “'ntson, in the chuir. Mcmhcis present. councillors J.L‘;imeron, I). (T. llongliouoc. J. S. Manir, 1. DcViIis. Minutes of lost meeting rcudund up- prm ed. McNuir â€" Longhuuse â€"â€" That the trmimirerpuy the following road Etc:- ' counts :â€" Edgcly Slth-l'wld, ’ Frank Topper, drawing grave-l . .$5 33 Under-takers d: Emlialmi-rs. J. llm-ins, “ “ .. (5 7.â€) J. Neil. “ “ ..14 5t 11. Aikinson, “ “ .. 6 75 R. \Villi; I is, “ “ . (5 75 A large stock of Funeral Furnishings J‘ gum“...l u .. H (i 75 kept at both Plucps- A. Snidcr, 4 days in pit .... .... 4 (ll) 7 n A ' """“‘“"-““*‘A‘“"’" \V. Snidcr, 4 days in pit and 1 _ s,“ I pick lll'I.k(‘ll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 50 J \\';itsoii 3 dnvs (In mud . . . . . 3 0t) . I a - . , E. 9 R. Toppcr, 239$ _\'(l~'. grow-l . . . . . ‘30 2.3 E. Hutchinson,hauling plank and gflgggig rcp‘iiriug culvert on siderozul, _ 155 Rum "RE EAST‘ Tom‘s†' lots 10 and 11, con. 0 .z . . . . . 2 00 accommodation to gueatl. Board,$1 \V . Bowcn, 315 lbs. dyimuiitcund “9? day 82.75 for work . . . _ . . . . . 13 90 S. Scotlwrluml,cliurity, l{.\\'ood I!) (it) S. ll. Lundy. printing . ... 5 IX) \V. II. Proctor, lumhcr . . . . . ,. It 40‘ .l. 1.. Jenkins. rcgisirntion . . . . . Sill H) Cd. DDHFUII, sliox'oiiing snow .. 3 {it} John Fry, “ " .. I) (it) .1. Armour, “ “ .. 3 5‘77 .1. Shani-down, plank and wo:k.. 2 55 l‘ltl. Sullivan, l(l:l(l wm u . . , . . . . 2 St} \Vm. chitt, show-Hing snow .. ll 5:3 Alcx. Davis, “ “ .. 4 Till l.)l'.Bl m-ctoii,i\lrs. [<‘oiir‘:ir,chzirity l5 00 .109. Pnlmcr, road work .‘4 iii) lilder’s Mills Sidcroad.) (G-rurcl Account. Con. 10, East on i .l. Nutlrcss. drawing gravel . . . .$17 Otl i \Vm. Liu'ric, " “ . . .. I) 20 ‘J. Ross, “ “ . 15 5†‘G. \Vullucc, “ “ . . .. 17 (ill ‘J. Kin-soy, “ u .. . s on J. \lnrtrcss, “ †.... 4 50 iS. Alctllili'c, “ “ .. . I; (lit .1). Shannon, work in pit . . . . . 10 till '11. llurton, Yntl; on road . . . . . . ] Bill .1. Nuttrcss, work on mud . . . . . 11 (it! S. Alt-(lluic, oycrscci' in pit 12 50 ‘ â€"â€"U;lt‘i'it*tl. i l)i‘\lllSAâ€"lllt'Nllll'illltlll By-lniw No. 1753,10commutc stulutc labor in tho \ L0\\'ll>l|lp, ln' :uncndwd us folloivs: ts‘cc. LIA-Add “Tho some to hecol- lcctcd by tho oyciSt-cr.†Soc. llew following words to ho lSlI’lH‘li out : “ Applying for,†and in- \St'l‘t “ Willing in." SW". 7. part l-~Add, “ All work done i to h.‘ cndorscd by tho m‘crsccr." I Sec. 8 â€"â€" “Commissioner†to he lstruck out. i Alin inst-rt :iftci “ 30 cents :m hour," the Words, “1 xccpt the months of Don†.lun'y. Fch‘y and March snitl months†p:-y to he 25 cents an hour.†Liv-Low No. 775) was passed grunt ing t i l l y and allowing the several snlurlcs and 1 :lllowuncvs‘ to In» pziid {lieoï¬icci-siir Llw muni< ipnlity. Dariusâ€"t‘unwronâ€"Ihut the ors’ l‘Plltil‘f. of the trcusurn‘s accounts l for tho ycur 1403, llP rmwivcd nnl :ul- : toptml, and that. tho clcrk In) instructth to [into pi inttvd 1:70 copics of tho some priutcd for (llsll‘lllllilt-n.â€"â€"C&ll'1'lr'(l. l Deviir:â€"Longhouscâ€"tlmt the trs-ns- urvr lw and is licrcliy nulliorizcd to [my tlw sn-crctnry of thc Richmond : liill l“: Yongc St. Agricultural Society the- sum of $lU.â€"G:trricd. McNuirâ€"(lamoronâ€"that the sum of $5 he hundcd to J. S. Mcilziir for “I .Fugun :md fumily,indigents.-â€"Cu:car‘. i A lzirgc number of accounts for statutp labor were passed, and tho C-lllntfll adjourned to meet the second Tucsduy in April at 10 o’clock. _ ___4 .o i»...â€"__ Lanistafl? A qlllt‘l} we ltling took p lace here on \Vi-dncsdeiy, the 2nd inst., when Miss l‘ilillie Ball was unitcd in marriage to . Dr. Uunnnings, 2i promisng young surge-on of Bond Head. The, ccrc- mony vus pin-formed hy the Rev. ’1‘. B ill, father of the hridc. Miss Cum- mings will he greatly missed in social and church circles. We wish them much happiness. An accident, which fortunately was not serious, occurred on Friday. Misscs Glubine, whilc. driving on Yonge Strect,wcrc run into by :1 team of runaway horses from ll. furnwr‘s sleigh. The cutter was badly lnokcn and miraculously with only it. fcw liruiscs :ind scrutchcs. Mr. B. “'chlrick is in town on jury. ; Miss Hcrfoot of Mint-sing, is \‘isi.in_g thc Misscs Cllllllllt‘. lr. 1V. 11. Bates of Brandon, M-un., paid a visit at Mr. R. [)rury’s. 1 Mr. W'dfrid Bill has rcturncd home_ after an che-mlcd sojourn in the \Vest. \\'e are plt‘uscd to hun- of the steady though slow recovery of little Irene , Chapman. A FEW" TIMELY FACTS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. ' Mr. \V. S. Moonc, after spending- six months undcr our instructions, is now earning $25 pcl' \Vccl; for six hours work pcr day, :1: Mt-mpliis Tcnn. Miss Nellie (Jul-son, zit'tcr lire inonths‘ training, is now with the lVVc-stcrn Union tclcgruph company :it , Dctriol, warning $70 pcr month. Mr. \V. H. llodgson, ultcr four months’ training, is now with tho C. l). R. at TVVcHLUnL, carning $ltl.UU pcr month. Nuun-rcusothersarc living plucctl in cquully its good positions. Our winlcr lt'l'lll opch January 4th, and those dcsiring Lntukc up the work should cnroll on or lie-foic that 'lutc to cusuru thcm at. position in tlic spring or t'lllly slimmcr. Fivcct-mpctcnt instructors of e-xm-ptionul uhility ill't givingr Ilicir personal and indiiiduul uttcniion to thc rupid :ulvunccmcnt of our pupils. Young ludics urc pn-pnrcd for com- mcrciul lt'lt‘gl'llpll positions,:md young mcn for the some und ruilwny posi. tions :is opt-rotors, truin dcsputcht-is, agents, etc. Thisis u profcssion not overcrmvdcd, and one which will coin- mnnd istciidy cinplnymcnt Illl‘ ycur around ill' good wngus. \\'iitc at once for pni-ticuluis as to tcrins. ctc. (Jun- :idiun Railway Iiisti'iiction lnstitutc, Cor. Collcge :iud Yoiigc Sis, Toronto. . Choice maple lilcnd syrup, 15c. tin ; ’muplv Syrup, gunrnntecd pure, 3m. qt: fancy table syrup, :3c. lit: plllt’ cum‘ sugar syrup, 33c. lb. Atkinsmr at Suitzcr. tlllx’ill.‘ I The, tho occupants Rscupcd almost “ I thank Dr. Pierce for the kind advice he gave when I wrote to him.†"I am thankful to the friend who ï¬rst rgcom- mended your medicine," writes Mrs. Annie M. Brook, of Smithï¬eld, Fayette Co.. Pa. "We have a twelve pound baby, three weeks old. 1' took three bottles of ‘Favorite Prescriptiou' before baby came, a°ud the time was only one hour and a half. Have had ï¬ve childrcn, an‘ before this always had a severe time, lasting two or tliree days, and never was able to do no work for about two months afterwurd. Now am doing all the work for four children. My friends sayI look batter now than ever before. We told one of my sistersto take ‘ Favorite Prescription,’ which she did, and when her child was born the time of suffering was very short. She has better health now than Since her marriage, some cars ago. We cannot praise Dr. Pierce‘s me icines enough. I thank Dr. Pierce for the kind advice he gave when I wrote to him. Whenever I see other women suffering I tell them about. your wonderful medicines." The beneï¬ts resulting from a consulta- tion by letter with Dr. Pierce are testiï¬ed to by thousands of grateful women who have been made new women by his med- ical advice and fatherly counsel given absolutely without cost or fee. Sick and ailing women, especially those suffering from chronic diseases, are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All corres ondence is held . as strictly private an sacredly conï¬dential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buï¬'alo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the best medicine for the cure of worming, 1y ills. It establishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weak- ness. It is the best preparative for maternity, giving the mother strength to give her child, and making the baby's advent practically painless.‘ ' Dr. Pierce‘s Favorite Prescription con- tains no alcohol and is entirely free from opium, cocaine and all other narcotics. T hé Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1908 large pages, in paper covers, is sent ‘ free on receipt of 31 one-cent stamps to pay customs and mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. iiisiiii Bltl Of Canada, RICHMOND HILL (‘npitnl - $1,000.04“) Ros! - 925,000 DEPOSITS Received in Snvings’ Bunk Dcpurt- nicnt and intcrest allowed at lllSiIEST ï¬llilIiEiiT RATES. Notice of withdrawal not ncces- sury. All deposits payable on demand. Money Lennon on Tanners†Sale Rows. Blank Note forms Eupplicd Free. ‘Gensial Banking Engines hansaeted. For othor particulars call at the Bank. J'. W. OSBORNE. Genuine Bargains in Ordered Clothing In order to mnko room for my Spring Stuck I will to): (ill hays $011 off the halunro of my Winter Cloth ill the following Low Prices Suits ma lo tc order Ten hollars llcuumr 1‘13, SH. 315. Also a few lungtlis (it Woman-41Trmiscrinusfurm- ' n!) ulnth to your lilPMdlU'f: for Couiu curly and a" cure A Snap. A.l.flume ichmond Hill Tailor, raicans numeme nausea. 7 Ripans Tabules.