The storm of the 29H; unit. was so- ‘tere. Mr. A. P. McLean 0f Peterbm-n, ieft for home on Monday evening and :uxived at, Puterlonm on Tuesday ev- vning at. 8.45. a ‘d‘istanve of Mount, 10 miles. One duyand a night, waiting =31 Czu'anville fur a. twin. Mis< Annie- Gfll‘n'f ‘Fe‘mlï¬nn, was in pvterlmm on business On Sutuuluy, the 5th inst. She expects to return to The cyclone of the 3rd inst. was tl e \R‘m'st hlizzard of the sensnn. It can-i- ‘od away part, of the umf of Mr. C. Enugh‘s burn. and chimneys suffered {mm its effects. The fullowing is the report of the Lungstaflf school for February : Faun-Ll) Classâ€"Clam Robinson. Jenn Chapman. Fred Page. Randal legP. Senior Thirdâ€"Louie Gnuderham, Mary Low‘el'y, Florence Farr. Hilda Farr. Inter. Third â€" Myrtle “'oldrick, Boyntml ‘Veldl'ick, Ada Farr. Junior Third â€" Rubbie Lowery, Flnrence Goudm ham. Sn-nim- Secondâ€"Gladys Bun. Juninr Seuundâ€"Hel-bie Boyle, Geor- gie Robinson. Part. Oneâ€"Amy Ball, “'ellinglon Muukman. Elswm-th \Veldr‘tck. 0! for wall est". aJ house in a ew countins, calling on retail manhth and agents. Local tei'ritory. Salary Hamper week with expan- uos mldiuonal.u|l .zug‘abi'e in east) weak. Money for expouaus udvuncsd. Position per- m'went. Business successful and rushing. Standardflouse. 830. Dam-hnrn 86.. Chicago. Nov. 12%; wks. A bill is before the Legislature having for its object a blow at the saw-off system in election trials. It was shown that after the 1898 elec‘ tions 76 petitions Were entered against: the return of members and ofthose only about half a dozen went to trial. The inference, therefore, is that many petitions were entered merely for the purpose of sawing ofl" with some opponent Whose seat was attacked. As the law stands at present a deposit of $31,000 has to be made when the protest is entered, but the deposit can be withdrawn ‘before a certain time if the protest he dropped. By the new bill it is proposed that the $1,000 deposit be' forfeited should the protest not be- followed up. The proposed measure' is sound, and can be made effective if the members on both sides of the House look at it in a non-partisan spirit At present too many protest-s are entered, and too few go to trial. l With a forfeiture of $1000 staringl them in the face men will often hesi- ‘ tate before entering a case against a political opponent probably only as n bluff. The quality of Canadian beef and mutton is preferred to the imports from other countries, the packs of which countries are often ï¬lled with meats from which extracts have been taken to make fluid meat prepara- tions. Most of Canadian tinned beef and mutton is put up in tins holding not over two pounds of meat. There is a great demand for tins holding six pounds especially for War Ofï¬ce and Naval Stores. There is a gOod demand in Great Britain for tinned meats hut com- plaints are made that Canadian tin- ned meats, etc.,are often colored next the tin by some acid action. This may be caused by using light grade tin plates for making cans. ’l‘hese plates are rolled after being tinned and so‘ miich of the tin being taken oï¬â€˜ the iron is exposed in spots and a chemical action sets in shortly after the goods are packed. Some British ï¬rms who import heavy lines of canned goods from Canada fur- nish the tin plates from Whieh the Cams are made and also have an ex- port reprCSentative to supervise the packing of their goods during the season, the result being general satisfaction and increased demand for the brands. WANTEDâ€"“11'qu mus-m T0 TR xv‘ flmnge World's Dmp mange â€".I. u. Aycr dz chnmomv H'xLL. March 10, 1904 Mount Pleasant $3.41 Advertisu 21 r Schcol Report. TINNED M EATS usury \l H: r 1' iii For full partivu‘lars and a copy of “ Settlers’ Guide.†'“ \Vestern Can- ndn†and “ British Columbia,†apply lie any Canadlan Paciï¬c Agent, or to Cohmist Sléepe‘r will be attached to each train. Passengels fruvelling with Live Stock should take the train leaving T011;th at_9_'p. m. To Manitoba and Canadian Nut-t?» west. will leaxï¬e 'I‘tgx-(mto every TUES- DAY during Mh1~c'h:md April if suf- ï¬qiont husiuem offers. Pan‘ssepge-lstravelling without Live Stock should take the train leaving quonto at 1.45 p. m.†con. Markham (Thoruliill) hasv for saXe some good young stock. Thorough-th hull and hog kept. for service m) the premisvs. The proprietor of Su-nnyside Herd of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Im- proved Uhcst’er white hogs, lot 32, 151; W. H EW l S O N, HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and. Paper- Hanger. Dizzy? Headache? Pain back of your eyes? It’s your liver! Use Ayer’s Pills. Gent] laxative; all vegetable. Sold or 60 years. ‘-°-‘{°"’°~ Lowe) Mus. To be cnnducted b) Massrs Salmon & McEwen, Austioneors. Maple and Wosrmn: Fnduy Mar 11 â€"Aucnun sale of farm Rum}: n,an iulplemcuns on lab 23 am on“ Vanglmn (a rum: south of Cherry's Hotel) the prurpert»); ufJamcs mutter Sale at 1 Eight- mumlw Fnduv 11 nn-h 11â€"Fm‘m Movk and 1mplomouts of John Duberw near Yalgmve Sale at. one Nme munths Saturday Mar lZ-Hm‘ses cows and implnmenm of Chus Emu-hen ELL Klemburg Sale on one Eight mnnbhs Monday Mar 14~â€"1“a.rm stock and implemeth of I" J Cuunlng on lot 15 con 0 Emblcoku Sale at l Eigln. months _ Tuesdsv Mar 15 â€"chtlion salt) of farm stock ï¬nd implements neur Euler’s Mills Vaughan the pmpurty 0: Mt Mdiuprize Salo M 1 Eight. months Wednesday 11er its-Fresh milk cows Springerb baa! riugurs horses and cons at. M e Dank House Yams, Jingle Sale uh 2 7 months Saturday. bum-l) 19 â€"â€"Au::tiun sale or :3 1mm 01 150 acres 105 57 can 1 Vauuh m' at we Palmer House. Richmond Hill Sale at. 2. 1 Tuesday March Z’Jâ€"Fï¬fn‘lu sbuck and implemen .59 ofGeo Robinson near Emery Suzo at one Eiunt. (0011th Wednesduv, Murc1123â€"Furm stock and imple ments of Mrs Pam-a near Canton Sale at ] Seven muth Thursday Mnr 24-â€"Furn1 stock and implements of Alex McElwmu lot 1 sun 3 Adina. 8411' m. 1 Eight months TLurs.'ay. March “biâ€"Farm stock and imple- ment: ofJus Stewart; ueu Palgruve Sale at 1 Seven mouth Friday, March 157Fm-m stock and Implements ut .1113 Miller Sale m1 vaeu mouths Satunlny. Mulch Libâ€"Farm stuck and impleâ€" 1 meuts 01 Geo Penerumn uear Bond Heuu Sale at! Seven months Monday. March zHâ€"ann stock and imple- ments of Mrs Envaul Sam at 1 Swen months Tuesday, March 29â€"Farm stock and imple- menss of Wm Lougheud near Lockmn Sale M1 Seven mouths Wednesday. MarchilUâ€"Furm stock and imple- ment; of G L) Mch‘dy rear TottOLham Sale at 1 Seven nmuths Friday. April 1â€"-FarLu stuck and implements 01 Joe Symonds, “mam; con Vaughan Sale .1151 Seven months ‘SUNNYSIDE FARM Want your mbustashe or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use pm m BUBKINEHAM’S DYE RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL †Upon Lhm) mine eyT-s that I may see wondrous things out uf th law," was the text c'hu’si‘n by the pzulnr of the Presbyterian Church, which was very suitable for Bible Sunday. He- dwelt, principally (m the 119th Psalm. givinga \‘t'ly de-ï¬nite oxpiauutiun of it and showed that In» had studied his subject, u-ry carefully, which many fiil to do. lanLnliun 01- (runs. New light. is Lhrmvn on t'fll'h of his ss-x‘muns. and evidence of clusv study of the script- ures. an that the earnest henrer wlm is in search of truth ï¬nds :1 store uf thnught fur the coming \vvek. "Upon‘ thou mine eyes tzhnt I may Th0 nnstm- hf the Molhndist Church chose 1'01" the subject of his diwnm-se the frozen rvginnx Hf thv nm-th undvr un- rule of the Stars and Striprs when-e #0 below 7.010 is n=pm~cea during the winter. Huw is it pnssihh- fur pimple to exist. in amzh a climate? lam sun- umny wnnld desire and live in at [and where 40 ln-lnw 2910 is never known. and when: safety exists under the Union Jack. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. Settlers’ 0ne=Way Excursions, 1904 World’s Fair, St. Louis April 30th to December 15!, 1904 Biiiousi A. H. NOTMAN, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent, 1 King St. East, Toronto. Auction Sales D. G. G00DE_R.HAM, Pl-oprivt'm Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. HUN?! 3: com: the SCTKN'HIIC AMERICAN. con- tinue (.0 not as Solicitor: for Patents, Caveats. Trade Marks. Co nights for the {lulled States. Cam: Rnfland. race.'('.ermnny.elc. Hand Book nbou Patents sent free. Tlnrtï¬-mvvn years‘expeflenoe. htonls¢1btulno~44hru~lm MUNN .2 CO. are noticed lathe Sela-.m- ' :c Anhmpax. um lamest. best. and must widely r: «Hand :an-nnsc paper. $3.21)» year Weekiy. Splendid ennmvjm’s and Inuirmmng In. gwrmauon. hmclcum envy 0: the Scientiï¬c Amer- “ sent from Addrvss MUNN h 30.. SL‘KBXTIYXD 2:10AM ofï¬ce. 2531 Bmedwuy. New York. §&?£%?$ 7' ' WiLLIAM COOK. \Vesley Bldg.. Richmond St. VV.. 35-4 'lbrnntn. Solicitor for Exwuturs. RiCHARDSUN HOUSE "'fiéiifalï¬is Ema day of Fobm A. D. 1901, And notice is fulther giVen that after the said last mentioned date the executors will proceed to distribute the asmts of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have I'H'eh‘k‘d nutaicea Post, Ofï¬ce. ox: cutor’s of the t-statebf the Silid Duncan McMillan, a state- ment, nf their claims with their names and addresses, and the nature of the security, if any, he“ by than. Pursuant to R. S. 0. Chapter 120, Notice is herehy given that all persons having claims against, the estate of Duncan McMillan, late of the Town- ship of Vaughan. in the County uf York, farmer. (lvceused. \vhu (lie-d on or about the 28th day of January, 1904, are required on m- hefnre the 1st. day of April, 1904. to send t0 Christina McMillan or to Henry C. Bailey. Maple Lute uf the Township of Vaughan, in the County of Y0: k, farmer, deceased. Thnrnhill Skating Rink for sale. Apply to fl * r. .vr A‘TnYYn‘T Name i3 Breï¬Ã©mrs A quantity of New Century Seed Oats for sale. Gnnd all round man wanted at once, Permanent; (*mploymonb for a good man. State. wages. App} LIBERA 1 OFFICE. Snturday, Match lo-rb‘urm stack and im) 1e- mants on Int 4 mm 5 Kim: near King!» tn the property 0! Benjamin Price D G Bungh nucc Monday, March 2| -1“:mn stock undirnplelnexrl.s on lot 1;! can ‘1 East Yurk the property of on. late Wm Smith 83:9 at. 1 Terms comb J H l’renclce uucï¬ â€˜ 'l‘uosduy.Murch 22â€"Credit aale or farm ï¬tnI-k and Implements on lot. ‘3], 5m con Markham the prawn] of Jon wmt. Sale at 1. Eight munchsr J M Prentâ€"iuu, nun: l‘uesday, March ‘22â€" Furm stock and implements mt. zureur 3rd nun King the property of Jus : Shanks D G Blouglmurt 1 Werlnuauuy. March ‘23»Fnrm stock and )mp'e- wants on lab 4 can 5 East. York the prupelty of v\ 111 Henry Sale at. 12 Seven months J I! Prentice nuct Thursday,M‘u(=h21-Craditsale of [arm htovk and implementsnu 1m 61. con 1. Whihchurch (Honda Lake) ma propeny of James Ls-gge Sale at l n'clnck. I) G Blnuuh, auzbinnver. Thursday. Murch 24â€"Fum) ntock and imple- ment; on Yonqe Sheet. Norm Torunm the property of E G Luv Sale at 1 Six months J H Prentice mch Saturday, nlmcb 26 â€" stock and implo- ments on lot ~13 mm 3 Scarboro the property of G H PUNK; Saie at 1 Seven mmahs J u Prentice lurch Mondry, Murch 2Sâ€"Credit an)“ of farm stock and implemean on east Lnlf Inc ‘25, 55h con Vaughan. the property of D M Mulloy. Sale at. l. r mm months. D G Blank-h. aunt, Tuesday, March 29â€"F‘a.m stuck and Impleman nn lot. ‘29 con 3 Scarboro the prop Irty of S .l K anuavly Sale at l Seven nwmha J H Premire auct Tues‘my,Mn.rcb Qflâ€"Credit sale of farm stark and imniemems ml lot $7.15!: con leszhmr the property of G 1" dz Chas A Leuger Sale at. 11. Lunch provided. D G Bluugh. fructionaer Wed esduy. arm-ob 30â€"Fmâ€"m stack and imple- ments on lot. 73 can 1 (Ynuge ï¬bres» nour Aurora) the prnperly of John Gillespie D G Blougb auct WWER WARE Rmans Tabules cure liver troubles. Ripans Tabulescure flatulence. Friday MumblL-Postpunud sale 01110! 1!. I -l Marshum un- pruparsy of Ch“ Ja‘ Sam M. 13 Eight lunubhs J :1 Fun l‘hnredny. March 10- luu i-uy‘mnmula the property nt Sam at. ). Savan DIAPI 1E. THOROUGHLY REFITTED. Duncan Mcï¬â€™iiilan "I J. GALLANOUGH, City Dairy, 01-79 Albany Ava, 35-2 Torontv. FREDERICK BACK. Prop In the matter of the estate of SEED GATS 36-2 item gdvmmmmta. FQR SALE dale Register. A pply to J OHN CHARLES. Cred“: all!" (If mrm “0'! In In: H mm D Scarimr Juhn Richard-inn M P P. mouths. J H i’lomice Richmond Hill. Path-rson. ill‘y, 290 WOODWARD AVE., 057m)â€, MIC“. a w. w 9! “D333333433933333351333535,5813%)$933315iiiii53333333§$3$39 gemséï¬aï¬eflfltfltese sssssessssmsmmwesé than». seetq E$Q$®9Q§S®§©b ©§§£§3§SQSQSQ§$ §®$®5®flï¬ï¬Â§>§§§§aflaï¬ï¬sEKEQQSQ We cure Blood and Skin Diseases, Strlctures, Va: Nervous Debllity. Prostatlo Troubles, Chronic, Kidney, and Bladder Diseases. Consultatlon Free. Books Free Ou‘ee‘tion List Sent Sealed For Homo Treatment. THE Gracerées Fish Qranges stiers Lemons Em. stiers supplied hr Suppers 93$®9®S®§©S§§§Q§%®QS©S METRGPOLETAN STORE. DR. SPENNEY 6: w. 3. mmmm, Prop. Fire Ensumme IACCIDENT POLICIES P. G. Savage At: A. (1}. Savage. Call 01 write fur pamphle-ts regarding different, kinds of policies. “79 can give yuu any kind you wish: END()\VL\IEN’I‘, PAYMENT LIFES, ORDINARY LIFE. Specials uf all kinds and JOINI‘ POLICIES also Wall Pamm EQNFEEEEMEBï¬ WE From $1.00 up; covers Sicknes and acci- dents of any kind. A good chnice uf Fire (Jumpunit-s. All business prompt-1y nt- tended tn. ASSGCIATIGN Now is the lime to insure in the VaricOce'lc impairs vitality and destroys the elements“ manhood. Surgical means should not be cmgloycd to treat thiscomplaint.asoperalions always weaken 0. e parts. We daily prove Ivy successful results that Varicoccle can be cured without operation. Instead of mniming and mutilatiug the organs. our VITALIZED TREATMENT strtngthcns the pnrls. removcngll pain or selling, restores the cimulmion, reduces the awellmg. \‘imlizes the nerves and gslablishcs the vigor of manhood. Our treatment is the result of 30 years' upcnencc. You feel its magic influence during the ï¬rst \rcck. The Old Reliable Spoolafleta. VARECQQELE mm kln Diseases, Strictures, Varlgqoele, - '.____._._, A, PAY WHEN CURED. CURED TO STAY CURED: ubles. Chronic, Kid'gey; UrInBrY ._-u‘_ FA_.‘ n__., gents