Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Mar 1904, p. 5

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@112 3375ihr'razl.“ Com-t Riflnnnnd un Friday vw-ning A pnslpnnml meeting nf lhn \V.M.S. will he held ut the lmmv of 3118. Oms- lnv this afternoon at 3 o’clock. Try "L‘vmm‘fnc Poultry Fund.“ It; is the best. {nod nu the mmkv‘t fur 'u tonic and is :1 great egg pl ("liming fac- tor. H. A. Nicholls," Furlnvrs’ Empu- rium.” Undvr the auspices of the Literary DepurtmentMiss Mary Tl'vnch will give an address at the Epwm'th Lenng meeting on Friday mm:ng of this \\ eok. Sizhjuut, “ Dickens." Mr. \K’. E. \Viley who has been Stu-emu“ in THE LIBERAL Olfice fur upwards of twunly yoms hns pun:le- l‘djht‘. Drumbu Maple Lme newspaper and printing luminess. Drumbn IS a t-hrivin , viHngv- about. the sizo of Rich- mOnd } ill. in 1'09. cnunby uf Oxford. ' The Executive Committtie of the Agricull um] Sm-ie’ry met uni Saturday and revisvd llw prize list- fm-‘fihv :mnu a! f:Iirj;u he hvld nu the 24th “1 May. The Executive recomlm-nds’d higher rizes in 5m 9nd of the classvs for 101-595. A ant-Eng of the directors will be held m) Saturday, 19m lust. IAngea A. I“. fit A. M., Tumnm, on Monday evening. l-lth inst. Tlu- of- ficers and mx-mlwrs of Richmond Lndue are invited to attend the same evening. Mr. McClain, :1 traveller fur a piano fiuu, stupps-d at, (he Puluwr House on Monday of last week, and WM wk- on suddenly ill. The disease dew]- oped into pnenmnnia, and the pati- enl’ dim] on Friday. The remains were renmved to his hnmv in Tux'nntm and interment took placb on the fol- lowing Monday. Mr. C. D. Warren. President of the Metropnlitnn Railway, has hmâ€"n elect- ed Prvsitlent of the “800” industries, organized under the name. of the Canâ€" adian lm‘proveuwnt Company. The Ontario Guvex-nmvnt has guaranteed $2,000,0000f bonds for the newlymr- ganized company. Owing to th(- soft went/hor- Monday evening the Grand Finale at the Rich- mond Hill Skating Rink had to be postponed. Thecmmniblea, however, advertise u gorge-nus spectacle hy the Puwers Of the \Vnrld this evening. Hockey match between nations. Rich- mnnd Hlll Band in attendance. Ad- iuissinn 15 cents. Skating; from 7.30 Richard \Vulkingshaw, who for a number of years kept, the’ Golden Linn Hum-Ion Ynnge street. died of apo- plexy at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Hal-1y \Vhito. Thur-01d, on the 22nd ult. He was in his 70th year. A very quiet, wedding tonk place- on ‘Vednvsdzly, Mulch 2, when Mi“ May Bin] Hicks. daughter of Mr. Thomas Hicks of 1-13 Sydeuham St, Tornnlo, and Mr. Hem-y Cau-llpn Pett were united in marriage by the Rev. J.N(-i1. asbm'of King St. Methodist Chm-ch. evhxzzde. who wm-e a neat» suit; of navy blue flaunt Cheviot and pretty white beaver hat, was ntlmlded by her sister. Miss Jennie Hicks. The groomsan was Mr. \V. Forster. Tn 891] we]! is to suit the custumm Atkinson & Switzer. To be ahead and keep ahead is our aim. Atkinson & Switzer. \Ve stn've to have no vacancies in assortment. Atkinson & Switzer. Our store (Ines {wt four the mest stringent comparison. Atkinson & Switzer. to 10. 30. Our stock is well assorted ; glass cut tn size xeqniI-ed ; we (mute fnr Size 14x28, 15c. pane. Atkinson EL Switzer. Mr. H. A; Nit-hulls, D. D. G. M., will fly an official visit. to Stevenson Budge, A. I“. fit A. M., Tumnm, (In THE DELINEATOR FOR APRIL. RICHMOND H-ILL, March 10. 1904 PETEâ€"HICKS. TO-NiGHT. , A. 0. F., will meet (If this week. 'Cnn tvll ynu that if you use Thomus' Phosphate Puwder an it now you [let-d nut, he so fearful of the result. It, will sink into the ground and thence. to the mat with the guinguwuyuf the snow mni the result a nmrh stronger plant in withstand the chnn euhle wvuthor. H. A. Nichulls band us it. Have a look at his patent barrow. You never can tell how the full wheat, will weuthvr the winbor. but I Goods that gran‘ihto ynm‘ way: Fancy lucked zlpmu lawn M, 21).". yd. : 40 inch Victoria lawn at 10. 115. 12. 15 and 200. vd.: fancy cmtnnuus, 7, It). 11’): and “it. ML: art muslins at 10 and 15c. yard: flannn-lnttvs at 5, 6. 8,10 and 120. yard; Loch anund Shh-ting at 10, 12 and 150. ymd. Atkinson & Sw i Lzor. can gain 21 better idea 0f the situation than by any other means we knmv of. The maps are 5 cents. Leave your m-der at; THE LIBERAL Office. The Globe, Toronto, is sending nut a, gnnd map of those portions (If anan.0m~on and Manrhnrin which are likely to 1w “10 scene of ounflict be [Wt-en the Russian and Japanese fm‘crs on land as well us on water. The map i< prepared on a bird’s-eye plan. shmv- in}; the tupngraphicnl fnrnmtion M the lsuzd. and giving a lieu/Pr idea, (if the shore line and harbors than can he git-2mm] from any ordinary suurce. By kreping it hufole ynu and watching the maps pnhlislwd from iilllt‘ to time in The Glnlw, indicating the local rnmwlne-nlsuf thr- Tul‘rns. the render March bargains that are vocalâ€"Hwy sing thL-ir own px-niss-s: 2311.3. granu- lated sugar fur $1 : 8 hm-s Happy Hume soap for 25¢. ; (5 cakes of olive oil am] ('lleHlthY’SUH’pf()l'2v5('. ; {makes Fail-y soup fur 25c. ; figs. 5c. ll). ; dubs-s, 50.. 1h.; prunes, 5c. lh.; mince mmt, 10c. ; special value in coffee at 20. 25. 30 and 400. ih. Atkinsn‘n & Switzer. The Farmer’s Handy Book for 1904, issued in connection with the Fanning: \Vorld, ’I‘nrontn, has just, reached us. The. lumk is a. nontly hound, attractive volmnv. containing 256 pagvs of reading matter. On every (me of these pages something uf \‘itvnl interest to a funnm- may he found, no math 1' what sperm] lnancll nf Agriculture he may he pursuing. The sectionsdevoted to Snil,Duii-ying, Live Stuck, Poultry Raising and the Orchard, are particularly practical and iutvnesting, and adapted to pvt-s- onl; wquircments; every fa’I-nwr should have this bunk for ready leftâ€"‘1‘- ence at all times. It is so we‘ll inde- ed that, nu time need belnstin lrmk- ing fol-the information contained in the. work. Quality and economy are Mended in lhesenfferings: Fancy prints at, 10, 11% and 12%. yard: ginghams at. 11) 11;. 12$. 14 and 15c. yam]; fancy silk applique trimmings at :25 and 50¢. per yard; fancy soft. qilk ribbons. 5 and 6 ilXChPS wide. 20 and 250. yard : E. T. curse: at 506., 750. and $1; 13. and L corsets at $131K! $1.25: the best 200 yd. six cord spools, 45c. per 61192. A't- kinson & Switzer. Cashol has had its own share of cnld and snuw this winter but We are still “ pulling" thy-gugh; iGAn -Ab Vintnria. Square. on Tuesday. March 8. Maria Harland. bulovcd wife 0! [when Aunt, aged 33Veara. Fuuelul {rum her late residence to Victoria Square cemetery. Friday. the 111-): inst” at 2 o'clock. Our-merchant, Ml“: Brown. had a very bad mishap going to town InsL Week, turning suuunur saults in the snmv amongst his eggs and butter. Mr. and Mrs. John Huuck celebrat- vd lhvir 16th anniversary of their wedding. the lfith nf Feh‘y, all baring? a good t’ule, “ith Mr'. H. Quantz in the chair. The vvvning’s pmgrnm was a.” that (11qu be expected but pus. V tunk the‘ 10nd. “'0 are glad to see Mr. Homvr Wil» sun and family have gm settled in their new house recently built, this I?“ Ill Hlf‘l'. ’ ’i‘h'o Mayor of the town had a. nice tatfy pull. » \Ve have lost from our midst Miss Elia Sumnwrteldt. 1 see the Yake Brnthvrs m-e getting some wood fmm \Vhitchurch. . Rev. Mr. Morgan, Mount Aflm-L, was the guest of Mr. Hmner Wilma: last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Abner S‘unimerfeidt had a nice drive last Sunday- behind their team ofdz-b‘ea's usfarusthe sixth concossiun. Mr. and Mrs. Humor “’ilsuu. Locust Heng Fen-m. cele‘lnaxed their 1411: m:- niversury of their wedding. 27th alt, amongst some of their l't‘hltin‘S. Mr. John Sumulmfehlt, and bride frumNew Jersey. have Omen in om- midst, visiting friends but have re» turned. Our young school teacher has had some very cold drives on Mnuduya omning to the School. ‘Ve hope it will soon get warmer for him. infallible Pile 04117:; that, was put: ‘out went to a small town in the state of Nebraska. It, made the cure 0f 3 case of Piles thitf was cnnsidergd hqpel‘tgs. that Was considered lmpelt-ss. The news spread and althuu h this was only two years ago the mand prom ted Dr. J. S. Leunhsu‘dt. of Lin- coln, 'e‘hmska, the discoverer, to pm:- pare it fur general use. Now it is be, ing sent, tu all parts of Lhe_wm~ld. it will cure any case. of Files. There is u- nmnth‘s twatuwnt in each box. Sold for $1.00. with absolute guar- :mtee. It, is for sale by dl-uggists. flow it Spreads. flgfirsggacknge of Hem-Raid (the FARMER'S HANDY BOOK. A HANDY \VAR MAP. DO IT NOW. 08“. A'I‘Il.‘ Cashal The finances of the Public Library and Readingâ€"Room “ere increased considerably by the concert on Friday Evening. The hull was crnwded to the doors, and the Sum of $46 wus mken. The entire programme was given by Mr. J. H. Camel-0n, Mr. Dunuld G. LIL-Gregor nml’ Mr. leick. Every number received an encore, and He entertainers responded in n. plen'sing munnm‘. Owing to the storm and the had state of the roads it, was dvuided by the officers of the Suth h Schonl not to give the cuntata, “The Arch (if Fame,” at Luskay Friday evening. Mr. J. Sherman had a. very success- ful sale of farm stuck and implements on Monday uftvI-m-on. Everything went, at a good figure. ‘ Miss Juan Keith of Lindsay, visited over Sunday with Mus. (Din) Sisley. Th9 train frnm North Buy was (10- tninvd for tw-rnly-fnnr hunrs in the cnt just. north of llnpe by the storm Altm- u lingm‘ing and painful illness Mr. “'m. Jackson pussvd away on Snnduy awning. The. funeral took place un Tue-sduy :LfLe-rnuun. The family have the sympathy of all in their hen-aveIm-nt. of Mst week. A Firstâ€"Class Nine-Roon‘wd Hulls!“ with 2- nf an acre (If land. Gnml stone foundation and cellar. Situated on Ynnge street, Richmond Hill. Apply to Keefi {he bowelsr'Op’el-i’iri’th’orig 6f Ayes-'8 Pills at bedtime, Just one. Theland is clean. Well fenced and in a good state uf cultivation. There m-ezibuut 40 acres of fall ploughing and about 10 acres in full wheat. Thirty acres mare m~ less have hoes) seeded down to grass-clover :Iud tinmthy. The fin-13: is close to schnnl and post office and within nmileuf The Metrupulitan Electric Railway on Yonge Street. affording clwap and easy access tn the Turonto Market. The prupexty is a must, desirable one. _ The sale wiii be subject to a reserve The-re WE“ he. “fiend fur sale by Public Auction at Pnlnwl-‘s Hotel in lb!a Vilinge 01" Richmond HiJL by Saigmm 85 McEwen, Auctimmem. 1m Saturday the. mm day of March A. D. 1904. “L the hum of qu o’clock in the aflel'nw‘n. the. fullowiug valuable pmpvrty. nuawlyzâ€"liw west half of lot 57 and the southerly portion of the wth half of lot 58 lat-he FirstUn-n- cvs-dnn of the Tuwnship of Vaughan, cuntaiuing 135 :u'res, [um-e 01- less. The pererty ‘hns fur muny yours lmvn in the ucuxpatiun of George F. ngge. Tfiere are ml the premises a good dwelling lmuse and harn,besides other ou_l»l»mi_lding_s. FQR SALE A. FARM bid. For further particulars and terms 0f $313}?ng 91:11): :Lmrtioqec-rs 01- to Seed Stain Far Saie A small quantity of the Famous \Vawer‘iy White Oats: also a. small quantity of Mundscheuri Six Rowed Barley. Gmid General Servant wanted. Apv 1? p MRS. 4L A. GRANT. Aye F8 259., {500... (1200‘ All 'drdigwista‘ Night Gaughs One dose of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral at bedtime prevents night coughs of children. No croup. Nobronchitis. A doctor’s medicine for all affections of the throat, bron- chial tubes, and lungs. Sold for over 60 years. "i have met! Ayer‘s Chen-y Pectora] in my famil for eight yearn. Therein nothing equal to it or cough: and coldl. especiallf for chuâ€" dren."-â€"Mns. W. H. Batuxn. She by. Ala. PRO'U DFOOT, DUN EAN 8: COMâ€" Servant Wanted PA NY. of 25 King Sl-l'et't \Vest, Tux-unto. Vendms’ Solicitms. 35-3 Qherr‘y Pectorafi In the vanship of Vaughan. Auction Sale The Manse. Richmond Hill. THO MAS J 0H NSTO‘N, \V. E. \VILEY, TO RENT Maple for Richnu'md Hill. Jeffemun P; O. J. C. AYE]! C0” Lowell, Mass. by in by [7!] ) Guaranteed to cure coughs, colds, heaves and broken wind in horses, ' Hot-semen will find this an infallible remedy for any affectkm in n hurse's wind, whethercansed fx-mn after affects of distemper or frum enting dwty hay. Price 500. Sold in Richmond Hill by Geo. McDonald, harness-maker. Your own recipes 11): 1e up properly from pure drugs at wholesale prices. All drugs and patent medicines at wholesale prices. J. A. .Tohnston 655 00.. Yorkshire Stack Fwd FOR HORSESâ€"Gives them a good appetite, :1 glossy coat, a. lose hide and a healthy appearance. Highly recommended by nor-semen. FOR CATTLE it. has no equal. 115 impruves the appetite, aids diges- tion, it causes a. perfect, assimulatiun of the fnod and fatteus them quickly: film a grand preparation fur milch cows. FOR CALVESâ€"miud with skim milk or svparatnr milk it will make calves thrive as well or better as when fed on new milk. Prevents 600815, aids dig-twtvion, and rapidly fits a. calf for market. FOR HUGSâ€"this wil he f-uund a. grand tunic for fattening hugs I-apidv 13‘. It aids digestion. kills worms. and keeps them healthy. The stuck- man‘s favonibo. because it makes ynxu'stmtk thrive strungâ€"bust and cheapest stuck food on the market. Five feeds fur one cent. Atkinson 6’5 Switzer Yorkshire Cough &' Heave Cure Honest Bargains â€"-â€"-14‘()R â€"â€" \Ve do what We advertise to do, and WJYS have what we. advu’tise. Black Cashmere § Hose, all sizes, special price, 250. pr. Black All-Wool Ribbed é Hose, special price, 2 pair for 25c. Men‘s Fleeced Lined Shirts, to clear, special price, 40c. All-Wool Unshrinkable Underwear, special price, 500. Shirts, strong and heavy, special price, 480. each. Beys’ Serge and Cloth Caps, special price, 18c. each. Men‘s Braces, good and strong, special prices, 10 and 18c. pair. All the latest styles and newest patterns. Come along boys and have a look at them, 20, 25, 35, ' 45 and 500.cach. Scotch Tweed Suit lengths and Fancy Worsted Pantings at great big discounts to clear. Black Saracen Underskirts, special prices, 80c., $1.00 and $135 each. Fancy Stripel and Checked Ginghams, special, 10, 111,», 14 and 15c. yard. ' All-Wool French Delaines, spot and flowers, special price, 250. yard. Heavy Black Cashmere plain and ribbed Hose, spacial price, 25c. pair. Heavy Serge Skirts, in black, blue and grey, special price, $1.50 each. Fancy Flaked Tweed Suitings, 56 inch wide, regular 85c. for The. yard. Fancy Knicker Tweed Snitings, 56 inch Wide, regular $1.25 for $1.15 yard. A line of 36 inch Fancy Tartans, very special at 25c. per yard. (Successor to C. D. Daniel & Co. and Hugh Miller & Co.) SVholesale and Retail Druggists. 171 King St East,_Toronto, Opposite Clyde Hotel. â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" vii ' ' ' gmxmmfisxmmmmmfi Specials in Dress Goods Bargains for Women : Bargains for Men : Lamefifian Ranges Men’s Neckwear mes EVER &. SEN Richmami Hill And have two weeks’ trial with it. \Ve set it up, and if not. satis- factory the stove will be taken back and Vuur money will be cheerfully refunded. Our mottu : Satisfaction with our goods or nu sale. Every-Day Shoppers moves ! Buy one of our we a1- H

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