Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Mar 1904, p. 6

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The other day we heard of a boy who told his father he did not want. to go into tradeâ€"ho wanted to be something in the Post, Office. "Some thing in the Post Office !" replied 111K father. "The only thing you would be useful for would be to stand outâ€" side Lhe ofliL‘e with your tongue out, on which the people could wet. the postageâ€"stamps." Shifimh’s ‘ fignsumptiam‘ C®n§ Cuzre right no“ cure. It 2 ands. Prices: 25c. 50c. SS] presented shows that the coninany has not only been of late years modâ€" ernized by having a Board of Direcâ€" tors, a President and Viceâ€"President substituted for the more stately titles of its early years, but that it has been keeping pace with the growth Ind prosperity of the country. In regard to volume of business it compares favorably with many of the leading fire insurance companies of Great Britain and the United States, its premium income having reached last year the large sum of $2,373,336.47. This is derived from agencies established throughout Can- 'ada. and the United States, though ‘some of its income comes from busi- 1ness beyond the boundaries of this .cohtinent. As will be seen by a refâ€" l‘erence to the figures published in the ‘report of yesterday's meeting, the year 1903 showed very favorable re- sults and bears evidence of the favor with which Ontario's oldest financial kustitution is regarded by the insur- lling public, not only at home, but in fits Wider field of operations outside the limits of Canada. f In his remarks in presenting the [mnqu report the President, Hon. George A. Cox, stated that the amount of the losses of the "British ’Amcriea” by recent conflhgration at Baltimore had been ascertained to be somewhat under $210,000 (the original figures published immediately ‘after the fire), which amount he pointed out represented about ten per cent. of the annual fire premium income of the company. These lossâ€" es are being promptly settled, and it .will be gratifying to Canadians to know that in the case of this com- 'pany. as well as in that of the “\\'esâ€" tern,” these being the only two Toâ€" ‘tonl‘o fire insurance companies having ‘agencies in Baltimore, the losses re- sultingr from this exceptional disaster will be met without seriously allecting their financial standing. Seventieth Annual Meetingâ€"Began in “Family Compact” Days. Prominent among the older of the Canadian financial corporations stands the British America Assurance Company of this city, which coni- menced business in the days when the affairs of this Province were con- ducted by the old “family comâ€" pact.” It was organized in 1833 and has its Governor, Deputy Gov- ernor and Court of Directors, which ofiices were filled by men Whose names are prominent in the history of those stirring times in the Cana- dian political world. The seventieth annual meeting of the shareholders Was held yesterday and the report} “If I had not used Dodd's Kidney Pills I am sure I would have been in my grave.” Sound Kidneys take all impurities out of the blood. Dodd's Kidney Pills make sound Kidneys. They are the greatest tonic of the age. i “I had Diabetes and Kidney Dis- order for ten years," he said, "My urine was like brickdust and I had a. terrible backache. I tried doctors. tried everything, but could get no help till I was advised to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. I commenced taking them, soon began to get better and am quite well now. Mr. Gilchrist is easily one of the best known men in Port Hope. For fifteen years he was Chief of Police and for twenty-two years Fishery Overseer of the Dominion Govern- ment, When asked regarding his cure, he had no hesitation in saying it was caused by Dodd's Kidney Pills and nothing else. He Suffered for Ten Years and Could Get no Relief Till He Tried the Great Canadian Kid- ney Remedy. Port. Hope, Out... March 14.â€" (Spocinl).â€"IL has long been admitted that. what. will cure Diohotos, will Cure any form of Kidney Disvaso, and Dodd's Kidnvy Pills have cured the long standing Diabetes of Charles Gilchrist. of this place. MR. CHAS. GILCHRIST DE- CLARES DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED HIS DIABETES. HE’S WELL-KNOWN Prices: 5. C. WELLS 8: Co. 308 25c. 50C. 8‘] Leng. N. Y.. Tomato. Can. 5 The Lung N .335 e Tonic right no“. It is guaranteed to curg. It has cured many thous- Issue No. 11â€"04. BRITISH AMERICA 1N PERT HUPE that the cpmpany of late yealjs modâ€" a Board of Direcâ€" and Viceâ€"President o 08 ’ Mrs. ’I‘enderl‘eelings sprang up hast,- xily, her eyes blazing. i "You horrid, hateful thing!" she exclaimed, "when you know as well as I do that, she wears three sizes larger than I do, and always has ! I won't have your 91d :‘ominntionv- so them. saw I" "Nominations for the presidenCy being in order," she said, "1 pro- pose the name of Mrs, Tenderfeelings It is the opinion of a majority of us here that she is our only member Capable of filling our retiring presi- dent‘s shoes.” At, last Mrs. Newlywed rose to her feet at the annual businws meeting of the \‘el'y-bestâ€"society Club. MINAR’D‘S LINIMENT is the only Linimont asked for at my store and the only one we keep for sale. All the people use it. HARLIN FULTON. Smithâ€""Jones and I wont shooting last week, but Jones is no good. He didn't, shoot a thing." BrOWnâ€" “You had better luck, I suppose?" Smithâ€""Oh, yes; I shot Jone's dog.” Patcrâ€""Emmeline, there are rum- ors about. Come, now, is there realâ€" ]y anything between you and that goodâ€"for-nothing Jan Tallboys?" Emmelincâ€""Yes, pa; but. it's only you." An old soldier, in describing his first impressions of a battle, said he didn't exactly run away, but if he had been going {or a. doctor those who saw him “'de have thought, somebody was awfully ill. Where Dootora do agree lâ€"Phy- ‘icinns no longer consider it catering to "quackery" in rccammending in practice :a msritorious a remedy for Indigestion. Dyspepsia and Nervousness as South Ameri- can Nervine. They reaJize that ii is a step in advance in medical science andasuro and permanent cure for diseases of the stomach. It will cure your-Go Hopeful Widmvâ€"“Excopt Ito-pair- ing. mend a broken heart." Fossil Pllla.-The demand is proof or their worth. Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills are boating out many fossil formulas at a quar- ter a box. They're better medicine. easier doses. and 10 cent: a vial. A thousand ailments may arise from a disordered liver. Kaep the liver right and you'll not have Sick Headache, Biiiousncss, Nausea, Con- stipMion and Sallow Skin.~61 F. J. CHENEY & 00., Toledo, 0. Snid by all Druggists, 75c. 'I‘uke Hall’s Family Pills for consti- pation. to! Hall's Caturrh Cure is taken internal- ly, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. STATE 0! Omo, CITY or TOLEDO, \ss LUCAS COUNTY. f ' Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he 13 scuior_ pgrtnerr of the firm of F. J. Minard's liniment Cures Bums. Cheney & 00.. doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case 0! Cnturrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall‘s Cuturrh Cur_e._ FRANK J‘ CHENEY. Sworn to before me r_ny _pre$ 709. this 6th A? I). 1886 In a certain school in the North of England the head master has recentâ€" ly taken to teaching natural history. The other day, when expounding some of the mysteries of creation, the master asked one of his boys if he could tell him the difference be- tween himself and a tiger, meaning. of course, the difference in the scale of Nature. After some hard thinking the boy replied : "Please, sir, a, tiger is an imperfect beast, but you are a. perfect beast.” The island of Jolo covers fully 320 ’square miles. It is of Coral formaâ€" tion, and oflers a. most excellent hur- bor to the west. In topography it is gently undulating and covered throughout its entire length by the rankest tropical vegetation. valuable teakwood being found extensively throughout the entire district. No- where in the world are more luscious fruits {reduced Among those pecu- lim‘ to.this belt is the (lurizmI which is about the size of a. muskmelon. Its exterior presents somewhat the appearance of a. chestnut burr, being prickly and tough; within, the fruit is white and cheeseâ€"like, and owing ‘to this peculiarity the American sol- diers dubbed it, the “vegetable lim- burger." The mangostecn is anothâ€" er of the rare fruits. It is the size of an average ornge, chocolate color- ed, and has a very brittle skin. In- side, four white sections contain a. colorless liquid. This is the rarest fruit. known, and the only one, so it, is claimed, that Queen Victoria. had never tasted, there being no way of preserving the fruit for a. suf- ficient period after plucking to per- mit of shipping 'to any distance. Pleasant Bay, C. B Hopdess Widower.â€"â€"“Nothiug can SEAL THE RARES'I‘ FRUT'I‘ KNOWN ‘ than I ft have em, sax A BAD BREAK W. GLEASON, A otary Public and subscribefi iii: day of December, THE PAGE WIRE FENCE CO. Linziie Hicksâ€"“I think I shall bring up my boy to follow the sea. for a livelihood." Dixâ€"“Why have you settled on that?" Hicksâ€"«“It seems to be the only industry in which one is not expected to high: at the bot- tom." One might as well look forward hopefully to the future. There's :11- Ways :1. chance for an improvement in the \YL‘uthL-x'. Some people who pretend to tell the truth for the truth's sake merely tell it. because it shows their neighâ€" bors up in .1 bad light. “As regards your father and mo- ther. Ethelinda," said George, who had been frequently snubbed by both during his Courtship, “as I‘Ogax‘ds your father and 1110'thcrâ€"” and he curled his lip and threw out his chest. Use Lever’s Dry Soap '(a. powder) to wash woolens and flannels,â€"you'll like it. “Spcak 10W, Goorgo, she said; “I think they are both listening.” “As regards your father and mo- ther," continued the Wily lover, raisâ€" ing his voice. “I think your father is one of the most gontlemanly men I ever met; and as for your mother she is one of the loveliest of wo- men The truthfulness of what a man says doesn’t always depend on the amount of noise he makes in saying it. “Then you accept me, Etholindu? Oh, What happiness!" “Yes, but you must see father and mother, George." lee Tearing the Heart Btrings-â€"" It is not within the concep- tion of man to measure my great sngferings from heart disease. For years I’éndurcd 1lmost constant cutting and tearing pains about my heart. and many a. time would have welcomed death. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart has worked a veritable mir- acle."â€"-Thos. Hicks, Perth. Out â€"â€"59 Brownâ€""I thought you were a vegetarian, but I hear you eat, mutâ€" ton." Robinsonâ€"“I am not a bigot- ed Vegetarian. I only eat the meat of such animals as live on vegetable food." Minard's Linim increased during 1903 by over $4,- 000 for every Working day of the year. The position of the institu- tion, therefore, was this, that while it paid out over $6,000 each day to Widows and orphans and disabled brothers, it was able to lay up against the future over $4,000 each day. It is even still more important to note that the assets of the Order increased in per cent. during the year by a little over {our times as much as the obligations or the insurance at risk. The cheques of the l. O. F. counting Death Claim cheques, Disaâ€" bility cheques and Sick Benefit Claims amount into thousands dur- ing the twelve months. The opera- tions of the Society have, therefore, brought financial help in greater or smaller amounts to a very large num- ber of people at times when it was most needed. Sheâ€""You s tle bit ?” Eeâ€"“Yes, I do." Sheâ€"“And do you think your love will grow ?" s‘ifinam's Linlmant Cums flandnfif. MR9. Wmsxow's SnoTHmo Srnur has hem used by millicnl of mothers for their chi! en while teeming :aomhas the child. mftvns (hr- gums. a! my“ 1min. cum! wind colic. regulates the Stomach and bowels. and in (‘m btst remedy for Diarrhoea. 'l‘uonty-fire cents a bowl: Sold bydrucgista throughout. the worldT'Be euro and ask for “ Mm. Wmsmw's SOOTUING SYRUP." 12â€"04I The satisfaction of having the washing done early in the day, and well done, belongs to every user of Sunlight Soap. 103 Heâ€"“I'm sure of it Sheâ€""Which way ?’ BACK’ARDS 3 feet wide. 4 feet high. including hinges and latch” 10 feet wido. 4 feet high. including hinges and latch ...... Other 817595 in proportion. WISELY WON . or ()ver Sixty Years ent Believes fisuralg‘m OR FOR’ARDS. you love me a litâ€" lUl' a l v , 83” NM. __ '[E 803:: SALE cs hich one : Fond for catalog. chive extra venue. the bot- flaw Furs Indflsneinz. Send forprlca 1ng 11â€"04 ! Dr. Agnew's Heart. Cure not. only :cures the heart, but. the nerves as we“. | [u (I. trice it alluys pain, in a. twinkling ‘ric gives strength and vigor and it. works a quick and permanent, cure as by magic. This remedy cures by a. vnew process and is an honest. harmless, wonderful remedy for weak hearts, ;weuh nerves, weak blood. 20 } Miss Faddâ€"“The meanness of some Ipeonle is past comprehension." Mrs. ’Faddâ€"‘WVhat has gone wrong, my ilove?" Miss I“add~“Last, week I lwas elected an active member 6f the Young Ladies’ Philanthropy Club, ‘nnd toâ€"day I began my ministrations Iby taking a basket of cold victuals to a. poor woman whose name was down on the books. Well, when I 1got there I found that some meddle- ]some busybody had been there two weeks ago and given her work, and I .lmd to carry .111 that stun‘ back." BRITISH AMERICAN DYEiNG 30. MONTREAL Clenulnz Ind Curllng and Kid Glovu cleaned Thug man be sent by post. 10 par 0:. the best place i- FEATHER DYEENG BASTEWS RELIEVE!) We? 3 3 MENUTES fimgfifiggS. Faint or Bizzy Speiis iHGMV. and E‘iervnusness Agmgga @WWQWW ° 0000 0 Minard's Linimant ffll sale emwhsre Er. Aguaw'a lecr rule. 40 doses 100 Nutritious and Ecvnomical. 4&21 An admirable Food 0! the Finest quality and flavour. mmz GIRLS! {1329 .15 ‘FT’CPFWPWW‘VJZET; Wel'mve in our factory hundreds "rm; 518331115 and Jointed Dona um. m‘rh from Germany too late 101' Our Christmas trade. “'9 don't mm: to curry them over tha aummu so you can have than: 7:00 fern. raw hours' work. The, are great big hemmeq uen'lv handsomely dream! in latest French Dull Fashion wnh Dress and Waist in lovely (more. trimmed With Lice, beautn’nl Lac-i trimmed Underwear. Lovely big int. Re.“ Spock‘ngs. Slipnrrs. Buckies. cw. Sty- hsmy dressed. from head to too. ’i‘umizw Bisque How. i“ ii Joirw d Lilly. Inn; Cu_riy l‘ 511‘ Hgir 17 Km: 31., EAST. "memo. 1-2 YARD TALL. - Waikefl'iilo, Montreal, Winnipeg, St. John 32.75 . 5.75 o lisfl Do not send stumps. Agents wanted The Eennett Mfg. Co; Pauétry, nu. Butter, In Oak, with Metal hack. Sent to any address on receipt of $1.75 Large and Fast. 5Lc;unsu.p:. Superior accommodation 101' all clumcs of pus‘ seugers. Suloons and Stutcrooms urn amidships. (Special attentxon has been iven to the Second b‘uloon and Third- ‘lass accommodation. For rates 0! passages and all particulars. apply to any agent of the Company. or to pets- scuger agenL. DOMINION LINE OFFICES: 17 St. Sacrament Monti-saw Bawaen Gommissinn Bo. Dominien Um Steamsh‘ips Kitchen. Send fifiéfifiEngfiflfiF flflfiflER‘! GREENETS YOUR GROCERIES all Over Montreal ‘0 Liverppol Pal-Hand to Liverpool PICKEQEHG, ONTARIO. TORONTO. _Uy.1_n: Supplied by us or local dealer. for one of Our Ail KIHDS 09 FRUH‘S And Farm Pro- duce generally. consign it to us an] we will get you good pricu. QUALITY BETTER ooo thl

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