Until further notice Hails win be closed at we Richmond-Hill Post 011106 as (chews:â€" MORNING .......... 8.00 EVENING ., . .. 6.15 N. B.â€"â€"Reniaterod Letters must be handed in 6 loan Flfteen Minutes earlier man the above mentioned hnnrn {or closhm. OFFICE CLOSES A'I‘ 7.3C I’ M mouth Public Lxhrary and Rowling Roomâ€"Open Tuesday; Th urgduy and Butlmlnv evenings Enworth Leagueâ€"Mae‘s cvcrv Friday. v1 uuum ‘nn'n'y R '1‘ o"l‘empemucoâ€"Meets of each mnutu ‘ » 1 Human Canlmllo Ur nate Sundnys ME) 3. Methodlsh Ohurohrâ€" p. 111. Sunday Schn‘ meeting Thursday. av Richmond Lodu’e.‘z day on . bafm'o full moon Ooux-hmchmoml. A 0 F ourth Friday Ivy Lodge. A O U Wâ€"~Mel of each mnnbh , Camp ELg.n,S O Sâ€"Me( Wednofluy 777â€". “r... Sunday. Prosbyterinn Ch! ’I p. 111. Sunday SI: Wednesday evcnin Roman Canhnlio \Vill repair your old sewing machine at exchange for n now one. Needles for all kinds of machines. Organs Repaired. Also agent; fox the LeavoC P'R Crossing at 6, 7.20, 0.40, 1.30. 2.40, 3.4.3" 5.40. 7.45 p. Leave Richmond Hl11820, 10110 n. m. ‘f 3.30. 4.35. 6.30. 8.35 p. m. Leave Newman-km: 7‘80: 9_15, 11.15 Leave Richmond Hm 2.40. 3.55. 4 5 HEINTZMAN PIANO. METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE Preaare m: ggg‘iw. HARRUWS 0F ALI. KINDS MADE TO 0mm. Three thousand dollars to loan at a aluw rate of interest; uu ï¬rst-mort- gage farm property. {991. A large quantity of Fence Posts for sale. And see if they want any rvpaix-ing 01- shmpening. If they du. bring them now and do not wait till you are needing thvm. ' E 33: Church of England- NewSingar Mam Anyone sending a sketch and descn uon unly qulckly ascertain our opinion free w lether an invention ls probably anentable. Communica- tlons strictly conï¬dential. Handbonk on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for somring pammx. Patents tnken through Munn k. Co. recelve Ipch notice, without. chm‘cc in the Scientiï¬c mama oulatmp o Next door north 9-4 Money To Loan Haws & HanQO POST OFFICE NOTICE Bichnlond Elill . J. PETEECK Betwédn Toronto and Newmnrkec. 314 EEO. COWIE, FARMERS ! $3}me FQR SALE 'illage Directory. RICHMOND HILL. |>u (laâ€"Meets ï¬rst Monday of every ‘vall and see our stock. Tow is the time I A 0 ‘U Wâ€"-Meeta thiri Wednesday h . ,S 0 S â€"-Mecte second and fouxth 1nnrnuceâ€"Meem ï¬rst Wednesday 1- notice Hails will be closed at the H Post Olllce as follows:â€" Look over your nh9 mm. 3.116 10.30 a. m. mrolrâ€"Eervicos “10.30 9.. m..mn1 iv School 9!; 2.30. General prayer my. evenmg. Mac. A F and A M -â€"Mcots Monâ€" GOING NURT H THE-LIBERAL OFFICE. GOING SOUTH â€"â€"~TII Eâ€" archâ€"Services at 1‘. n. m.. and :hoo) 11152.30. Prayer meeting Apply to G. B. NEWBERY. ‘hurchâ€"Servicas an alter. sketch and deacr! tion may 1r opinion free w \ether an lypntentable. Communica- uhal. Handbook on Patents mm? for socuripgflpateuul. ~Services M 3p. In. every “Broadway, Egg 1'7 St“ Washhvgton. D. C. SES A'I‘ 7.3C P M M. TEEFY. Post-master" of Movdie‘s store. Fâ€"Moets second and so YEARS’ EXPERIENCE £4, Elgin Mills. Lin-zest cir- 'l‘crm3. $3 0 \ewsdmflers. 11.55 3. m.. 7112.20, 2.20. 11.30 mm. 2, 3.15. JOHN ROGERS,‘ THORNHILL, The Next Sitting of Division Com-t.nt No. 3, County of York. will be held in the Court Room, AGENT FOR McCormack’s Harvesting Ma= chinery. ALSO AGENT FOR THE M. Campbell Fanning Mill Co. of ' of Chatham. Call and see their Incubators, Scales, Etc., Etc. June 11, 1903 THE - LIBERAL GOOD LIVE-RY IN CONNECTION. Michael Bros., RICHMOND HILL MSEQN = GEEERT. TUESDAY, APRIL 5,1904 LIVERY COAL Coal and Wood Dellvered. Prices Right. Co gig/9030,0309 0 0A.â€. 0 I I. 006' 63,331 GLUBINE & PEARSON, Thornhill. COUGH AND COLD SEASON ! I am prepared to supply the pub- lic with the best cough and cold remedies in the market. Try Sandcrson's Emulsion o! Cod LivcrOil. Finy per cent. Cod Liver Oil. and tasteless. For scaled colds and coughs. Can cure a cold in one d For coughs and colds in small chlldren. w. E. sandersen DRUGGIST Subscribe for Sanderson’s White Pine and T ar. None better. Our Bromide Quinine Tablets G90. Eéicï¬onald, Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL Rialnnond Iiill HIVE CROUP SYRUP Commencing at 10 a. m. T. F. MCMAHON. CLERK , “FROST††Ornamentafl Gates WOOD ay. Our Alsoa large line of Standard Farm Gates always on hand. Every progressive and up-to-date farmer insiats on having FROST GATES. Catalog and prices on request. Light in weight Artistic in design Reasonable in price Than in any other kind. and there greater value in those we oï¬'ex' than usually found at the price. The same may be said nfour Fm- Couts, Mits, Horse Blankets and Harness. \Ve sell reliable goods at reasonable prices, and you win be pleased with any purchase you make here. There’s More Conifer-t .1. .§..;..', 40;..1. A man to represent “CANADA’S GREATEST NURSERIES †in the village of Richmond Hill and surrounding country, and take orders le' Stock true to name and free from San Juse Scale. A permanent posit ion for the right man on either salary or com- mission. In Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Orna- mentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, Etc. J 9.21an 28 4m OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES .3..§..;..{.4§..;..§..§..x..;..g..'fl.; In tlw manufacturing of Her- bagoum nature’s lines are cluso- 1y fullowed, and Hen-hageum, when added to dry \vinter'fe-ed, assures perfect assimilation, and makes that, feed equal tn gnnd June pusturv. This makes :1 truly bulunved ration. and this is true science in feeding, and it is science that will stand the dul- IM' and cents Lost, which is the true test, from the stnndpnint nf the man who is feeding for pro- ï¬tr rather than amusement. TORONTO, FUR ROBE FOR SALE BY Stone & Weliington, FONTHlLL NURSERIES, OVER 800 ACRES. WANTED Sciencc 0E Feed Herbageum and Note Results. LE“. HALL Feeding? To be had in a â€"Sold byâ€"â€"â€" »:â€"++++»:v+~zw:~++-z-++-;~3:; ONTARIO. _. a. mu) The Liberal and Weekly ï¬g Globe The Liberal anereekly Mail and Empire The Liberal and Family Herald 86 Weekly Star The Liberal and Weekly Sun . The Liberal and The Farming World The Liberal and Daily Globe The Liberal and Daily Mail The Liberal and Daily World The Liberal and Daily Star (outside of Village) The Liberal and Daily News (outside of Village) The Liberal and Farmers’ Advocate gamma ï¬ai! E452 0. éz, E. MASQN 5....1‘; 1.1. Magnet Cream Separater, All makes, sizes and prices. Eavetroughing, Rooï¬ng, 2 ad Tinware made to order. Repairmg promptly done. HARDWARE AND TINWARE. Stove One of the best made, guaranteed ior 2 years. We also sell the as 83 Ranges-3 WE SELL ALL KINDS OF 5.6 "SE 9% 9:94.. an.“ IE8: gnu g‘ 33!:- my ters to Clmthnm. Om. $.75 180 .~ 1.85 E75 185 8250 8.5% 3.25 u" 21% geï¬ï¬Ã©b ' 2.5% :i ‘1 offer, mid until