VOL. XXVI. AT THE L13£RAL PRIHWG & PUBLlSHiNG HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. (a PUBMSHED EVERY TH URSDAY MORNING Tu “:9 "Ni 11m: phvamiau at western and Grace 11 )sgihals , FOI'OUOO Bast ï¬tting twth, : lowest prices. YEW G L SPAULUING DR A W SPAULDING Dentists Room “ A," Yonge Street, Arcade. Toronto. ()Ilao Hoursâ€"fl to m a m; 12 to 2 p m 7 tn 8 u m. Telephone Main 24'.“ $1 per annum, in advance. DR. ARNOLD D. A. MASON, Calls by telephone from Richmmd Hill charged to me. Rnom 12. Ht Victoria St. Toronto. (hills by day :Lnd night, promptly at tended to. H. SANDERSDN, VETERINARY SURGEON R vuode‘.led,1n:1 newly furnished throughout One of She most convenient. and comfortable hntels on Ynnue Street. Every modern con- vanienae Sammie rooms for commercial cmvellprs. Ami-19M sum-pingplace for riding or xlrivxugpntiesï¬icyclists. or farmers gaiug :notromruing from market. Ween-n: cars pass the dcor Livery inconnectidn (t 151913353 110 USE RIC H‘MO ND HILL , Our. Church and Carlton Sts.. Toronto. rm he in Richmond Hill ever \Ved- nusd :y. . F. McMAHON, Ofï¬ce, next £1661- sImLh of Public School. Ofï¬ca Hoursâ€"$.30 :L. m. U) 5 p. m. UH'N R. CAMPBELL, (Successor to Dr. T. A. Currie), B USINESS CARDS. TERMS smusz DAY. . C. 5"; t 32:; - VETERINARY SURGEON, BR. E. J. STUBBS, RICHE‘AOND @312 gag-mew: DR. W5 Enron Jz Pnornmron I)€‘lltif§t9 i)enti:stv9 ’l‘ilornhill, igeteriumy hornhill. flicdiml. muted. 35. RBSERS, also roplating, at Good work. ITTT.T Prey ETQR ENERGY F8 D STREN GTE- ANTE-PILL G (2 S Mudseï¬ntï¬ 0 A G F hmruuce W Ridout VA auswm‘th Barri°ters , Sclicitom. thaties, 34¢. H'an Life Building (formerly Freeâ€" hold Lnnn Blclg.). 00:. Adelaide & Victoria, Sts.. Tm (mm. LIE’ERAL Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill on Saburdnyï¬. Bnn‘isters, Solicitors, etc. TORONTO OFFICE: No. 93 Bit-h- mnnd Sr. “'est.\V(~sley Buildings, (Methodist Book Rumm) T0- 11mm. M12000]; will be at Mupleon Thursday afternoon of each week. commanan m Tm; HIGH COURT OF JU’ST-‘LCE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFI('E. Mousv to loan on land and chattel mortgages at lowest rates Aamranflicaâ€"Removed to the old post ofl'lca one door west of. the entrance to the Outarlu Bunk Newmm‘ket- ofï¬ceâ€"Three doors asuth of the ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EEAJ(:}IN 3111414??? LEN NOX & MORGAN, Licsneea .-! Guods sold atoc eta ; rah/59 Re: Bi. TEEFY. NOTARY PUBLIC. 1‘ HERBERT LENNOX, G STV MonGAN. . Mu‘oru. Ne“ market mmmm abmo J '1‘ Saigenn. Marple Licensed .kuctionoen for the County of York Sales utter-deli m on slmrtem nntiN and a. tea sonublerubes Patronngkaolicited License Auctioneer {or theCounty of York, ra~ spectfn'lly swlinits your ptnamge and friend]! influence sales attended on the sLox-test notict and M reasonabemtes. P.O.n.r.1dress King [doomedAuctionezyfnrtbe Counties of York xmd Ontario Ail salt-s of farm stock. ch M:- taudsd (In on the shon’best- notice and reasonable I'm-w. “answer and bailiff sales attended to. Residence Stuufl'villo Out RICHMOND H'ILI. & THORNHIIL k 1;). AS. N E‘WTON Lindsey. Lawrer.ce 34 W adSWJ1' h, Uudortakvrs & Embahau-rs. COOK & JOHNSTON MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. EarrisEc-rs and Solicllors. 43'. égxa‘fl’g 3§aÂ¥$3 EQQ‘EE†rge stocknf F‘nneunl Furnishings kvpt at both pllnces. 158 mm; s'rgz BART. Tonos'ro accommodatxon soguutl. Bondï¬l um‘dny m Auctioneer forthe County 01 York, mid ou conuignment Genera] sales (,1 to womptlv attended to M rensouaviq Residence Uuiouville Gouldmg, Newton Brook. agent for tho Saigcon a; McEwma. VVRIGE‘I‘ BROS, S. H. PIQ‘IIHCQ‘. D. G. BLfll'GH. RICHMOND HILL. THURSDAY, MARCH 17. 1.004. "In Essentials, Unity; in Nonâ€"Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." Ritual. lug of overtulncss after eating. Food would not. digest, and caused great (l'mtress. Was nervous. I was treated for dyspep- sia and constipation with little or no relief. A sam~ ple of Dr. Leonhardt’s ANTI-PILL did me so muah goud I followed up its use, and two boxes 11:15 entirer cured me." ANTI-PILL is sold by druggists. 50 cents. or mniled by ad d re ssi n g WlLsox-FYLE 00.. Nix“- ara FallsOnL Freemmâ€" pic miled to any address. Sinilh. Phone Mail; 298-1 J R McEwon Weston Th? fuihm‘ing is the rr-pnrb nf Ml. A. XV. Grimlh-y, Agvnt (2f the Depart- nwut of Agricultnw in Great Britain. i‘t‘g‘nl'dillg an important hmm'h of the- Cnnudiuu export, trade in fund pro- din-ts. The Canadian Egg Trade is in a gnnd way. host brands selling us high as fresh or Danish solvclod. The eggs m-r- vhie-ï¬y shipped in the “ Canadian hux.†with "ï¬Hs-rs’" hwk'ï¬ng thirty dam. The stylfl of package is pupulnr and being of good quality give-s gonor- al satisfaction. A Iiluite-tl nnmhor nf vggs :u'9 shiple in the “ Fun-ign Box†which holds 12 lung hundrvds (1440‘. Th1 oggiin those large cnsvs um puckod in Shit“? nr vxm-lsinr and are put. up in this style at the rvquvst, (If [he importers. “ (‘nntim-ntal" and " Irish †ms mm" parked in this style These foreign l-ggs now arrive sover- n] days ovary wmi‘k. as woll as regular- ly (Avery wet-k uf the ykwm'. p ,uu v The Hulk of these ogkgs um :pm'fN-Uy clean, and are graded inm as many as six size-s, so that kin-day the Bripish importer is nut, Inclian In spvculule as m former yours. and will have little if anything to (In with stncks which have been held in cold sturngf’. As Canadian exporters lmvo tn mew-t this competition. great care must be taken in seloming and Sending); ['01-- NM?“ only ng3 which are perfectly flesh, cle-nn and gl'udr'fl into S? vs. During 1903 the United Kingdnm imported 19,318,897 gwat hnntlrt-ds (12(1) (If s-ggs, valued at £6,617.619. Canada’s share of this large trade aumnnted to only 557.080 great hun- drrds, \‘aillvd at £219,571. The im- purts flour Russia EllllUlllltH] in £I.Pt55..- 421 and from Dumnark tu £1,648,307. Germany. Belgium and France are the other leading oxpvrtvrs nf ngs to Britain. each of tlwsecunntrivs send- ing from three tofunrtimes as many as Canada. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Cmnmissioner’s Branch. Ottawa. March 10, 190~L WANTED -Special Representative in this county and udjoimng territoriru to represent and advertise an old established business house 01 Solid ï¬nancial standing. Salary {"11 week:y, wi'h expenseu. paid and: Meuduy by cheque direct, 2mm heudguurtors. Expenses advanced; pnsitiun permanent. We furnish evel‘vthmc. Address. l‘be Gulumbxa, 030 View) Building. ChicagoJll. 3543 Chum-ii vmot pursuant tn adjourn- DIPHI, in the Council Clnunher at Uninnville. on Tuesday, Mulch 8. All the nwniliers wvrv prownt. Cmnmnnicntions \verv read from (1) J. (I. Lundy, Clerk of S/Vhitcliurch, en- clnsing :1 bill for $5.64 for repairs on tmvnline lie-tween Markham) and VVhit- churvh; (2) M. F. Ainsley. Drunilm, enclosing a petition to have lt-gir‘dutiun permitting reeves and mayors m furni County Council not inLerfm-rd with; (3) Hurringtnn Brns., Mnln-ru, asking to lie fawn-0d with mun-act fm-uny .cnnm-ete pipe this muniripulity might Older dining 1904; H) A. B. Unlvlllv, barrister. Cuinplwlll'nid, enclosing nu- tice tvf‘npplimlinn of the Cmnplwllful'il Lnkl' Ont-aria 6.: “'vsbt'l'n Railway (3m. whit-h is applyng at the ruining ses- sinn (If l’nrlinniL-nt fur a CllilJ'U'l' to inpi-rute 2L line of railway Donn-on blairtmvn and Ivunlnm nn the U. RR. to meet that linougain innâ€"tween Locust, Hill and Ll'v‘lsldt‘ Junction. Framisâ€"Mm-l-Esonâ€"that the fallow- ing Yonge strwt accounts he paid :â€" M'm. ChallL-ll'y. 7 days’ wm-k . 8 75 “'alter Clustu-zrley. 6 “ f7 50 B. Grady & uwn,shm‘011§ng snnw 89 .0“; Cliftand Son, blacksmith \"Ul'k l 20 J. Blanchard, breaking stune .. 18 ()0 Murkham‘s shame .. . .. 62 5(5 Francisâ€"Lappâ€"~thut J. F. Davisun and H. A. Stinu- he paid $3 each for tln-ir services as audiLm-s. FranciSâ€"Luppâ€" that Mr. Morris‘m he appoiutrd :1 cum. t0 recvivv tenders fur wnrkingruck crusher and report at next uleeting. Fl'il’lll,‘iS-â€"- Harper â€" that clm-k write Britnell & Sun. Turnntu, inquiring wiceuf stone broken and unbroken £10.13. at, Uniunville : ulsu Harrington Bum, Muhoru, i-c. "rice of cuncu-tc _ r plpe. Markham Tp. Council Egg Trade. Trade is in a :olling us high 10d. The eggs lu- “Canadian lwk'ï¬ng thirty Francis-3hurn-isnn-â€"th:lt the reeve Mr. Lam) and Jumos Dimmu be up puintwl a. committee to superintvml building a bridge on lULh cum. he- tweon Iuts 5 and 6. building a bridge on lULh win. he- tweon lots 5 and 6. F1-.~muisâ€"--L:xpp -â€" Hint David Lyne! t he paid $5 (‘()nlllli5 inn for m ex-sveirg the building (If two (‘uncren- bridge-s. (menu sidemzul hetwm-n lnts 45 and 46,15tcon., and one on sidurond he- twoon lots 20 and 21, 2nd con. A hy-lzuv tn nmlw provision fnx‘ grading, gruvelling and otherwise im- proving and keeping in m-puir tle highwnysiu the 'l‘mehip uf Mai-k- «ham and tn repmil C(‘l'lnill liy-lnws re- lnting to statute lulmr and the duties ofruadm‘m-seors, was givvu ita ï¬rst and second wadings. By the pl'ux'FS- ims of this hy-luw statute [alum is commute-(l to :n mnnoy payment. of 73 cunts fur every day of statute lnhnr. The l‘nwnship is to be divided into s'x divisinns, much 10 b9 placed under u cummissinm'x- who is to act, during the plt-asmeof the council. Rat-payms are U: ho givmi the profm-mncuin haul- ing gravel and (lning uthvr work on the roads when they can furnish p10- pPr equipnwnt. The hyâ€"luw will he. givr‘n its thiid ronding at, the next meeting of the mnmcil. IinI'perâ€"Mm'I-isnnâ€"thut the fullmv- in}: :ICCOHUtS be paid : Bran Bros.. cash hook . . . ‘ . . . $ 5 GO Treasurer (If W hibchurch'. Marla ham’s share repairing culvev t on townlixw . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 04 Council adjourned to meet, on Tut-s- (lely, April 12. As thp runds have been in better cmulitinn fur trawl the'pust fww days. many have moved away tu their new homes. Mr. Rube-rt; Hopper had one of his horses lmdly cut. hv ;\ hay knife last week. The cords in its legs \vexe sevmvd. The sun'voym-s are still in our midst. They have set, up seven ruws of stakes in one block. Some, no doubt, “(mld not ohjuub if they mnld join the forco, which at prey-m, numbers eleven. Mr. Uliï¬â€˜nrd Burulmm. who has been slwndmg the “inter at Orillia, cnlhd M, Mr. Thus. Iilinck’s on Thursday evening lust. My. Jnseph Bm'nham puruhased (a. ï¬ne team at. MI". McGarty's SHIP. Miss Mnlwl (J‘rnudm hum of Tlllnl‘nhill, spent, a few (lays’ lust wm k with Mrs. E. Gnuderhnln. Mrs. J. Norton is visiting underth | parental roof. Mrs. VViliiams, we are pleased to state, is ilnprming in health. t The .inissionaly collectois for thet wust half of this appointment have made thvii annual visit to the various homes, and report good success. ‘ Miss Pearl Burnhaln is \isiting‘ with friends in Huntsville. A number of the young people. of this plate gave the Buttonville friends a visit. on Thursday evening. The en- tertainment was a debate, “ Resolved, that; Women should have a right to Vote." Miss VVailzu-e and Miss Stella Burr of Buttonville, brought; forth many good reasons why they thought women should vote. Mr. Ross Klinek prm ed- that Women by their Vote Would not better the affairs of their rountiy. He was suppmted by Mr. Louis Nl('h()ls, who claimed it; was contrary to divine law for women to exercise. snub authority. The judges, Miss C. Lundy. Messrs S. Raymond and (l. Sanderson were unanimous in their decision in favor of the speakers of the negative. t A very Sad event occurred on Tues- day, March 8. in the death of the he- luved wife. of Mr. Robert, Agar. Mls. Agar was one of those grnial. kind hearted women that, one could not he] ) hutlove and rvspert. She was higlily respected by all who knew her and by hz-r death the home and com- munity sustains a great loss. She .died uustiug in Him “ who is able to save.†The funeral, which tuth place on Friday afternoon was very largely attendud. Rev. ’1‘. Campbell preached the funeral serviro to a full congrega tion. 'l‘hesympathv of the commun- ityis extended to Mr. Agar and all unxurnmg friends in their g1 vat, loss. 1 Mrs. Uihhle of Ivy. who has been Mm. Dibble (If Ivy. who has I visiting hersistm'. Miss L. JUIN‘S the past MN) or three \Vt't'ks, st-t, for home last week. “'9 are snx-ry tnlmu'llt1):ltMI'.Jalc0h Fnrstm-is suffvl-iug from :m inï¬anwd eye. We hope to see him out again smm. Mr. 'I‘. Juhnsttm and family intend moving this week to their new hum? at, Edgely. Nu dmlht it will lw a dif- ï¬cult, task as the l'UEldSill‘k‘ very un- favorable. Mr. Joseph Gurdun of New Lowe“. after spending a. few days with rel- atives here, returned to Toronto on Saturday to get a. good start for the north. Mrs. Norton, her little daughter Marion. and Miss Graham of Aulora, are spending a. few days with relatives and frimxds in this ’ inity‘ Victoria Square was on Miss nut, Are walked ‘0 the billiard player, as he moves aroun the table. That is the only exercise many a city man gets. It is this lack of exercise in the shut-in-life of the city, com- bined with irreguâ€" Iar eating and In- digestlble dish es which tend to make the city man the victim of “stomach trouble." When there is ' undue fullness af- ter eating. with belchin , sour ris- ings an other dis- tressing symptoms, a prompt use of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery will effect a speedy eure. In the most extreme cases of disease of the stom- ach and other orâ€" gans of digestion and nutrition, the persistent use of the “Discovery†will result in a com- plete cure in nine- ty-eight cases out of every hundred. “The prnise I would like to giveyonr 'Goida Medical Discovery' I cannot utker in words at describe with pen," writes James B. Ambrose, Esq. of 120534 Mifl‘iin streci. Huntin don. Pa. "1 was taken down with what our Elysiciann said was indigestion. l doctored wit the best around hire and found no relief. I wrotcgo you and van sent me n uestion binnk to ï¬ll out and I did so and you t en advised me to use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. I took three bottles and I felt solgood that I stoppedâ€"being, as I think. cured. have no symptoms of gin“ tric troubie or indigestion now." Dr. Pierce’s Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only, Send I one-cent stamps for Eager covered. 001:, or 50 stamps for clot - ound. Ad- dress Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y. Received in Savings’ Bank Depart- mth and interest, allowed at, HIGHEST BUï¬REHT BRTES. Money lonnrd on Farmers‘ Sun.- Non-s. Binnk [Note run-ms Supplied Fm ‘ General Banking Engines Transacted. For nthm- particulars call at the Bank. l'npixal [ï¬rst Nut-ice of withdmwal sury. All (lo-posits on demand, ()f Canada RICHMOND HILL [Single copies, 3 cts. J. W. OSBORNE. DEPOSITS $399399 not, neces- payable No. 37 AGENT.