Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Mar 1904, p. 1

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‘l VOL. XXVI. “Erik ' in all things, Charity." RICHMOND HILL. THURSDAY, MARCH ‘24. 19le WV“ we ,. r and energy. ".‘fllyg'law .ldflâ€"ER‘XIWF 0.4% n ,1“'“1'_)"‘ urn-,- NH n. stomach Controlled. e-a; . z. n “ on 3mm: [8 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING AT THE LIBERAL PRIRTING It PUBLISHING HdUSE nrcuuouo armour. '1‘. F. MoMAHON.’ Emma & Puorarm‘os. " dummiesâ€"CARES. eiiairaf “â€" DR. E. J. STUBBS, 'l‘hornllill. Lite resid-snt nhvucinn at Western and Grace R moimlad‘mwuw ‘ 0 the Hoursâ€"S to m u in; 7 ta 3 u 11: 12:02pm ,‘ Bil. Will. ROGERS, 1M:- ntist. R. mm 12, [St Victoria. St. Toronto. Best fitting teeth. also replating, at lowust prices. Good work. DR W'G I. §PAULDING DR A w SPAULDING Dentists Room “ A," Yonge Street Arcade. Toronto. Telephone Main 242i DR. ARNOLD D. A. MASON, Dentist, (Successor to Dr. T. A. Currie), Our. Church uud Carlton Sts.. Toronto, Tt‘Vill be in Richmond Hill every \Ved- nesduy. Office, next dmir south of Public Schooh Olfice Hoursâ€"8.30 u. in. to 5 p. m. *â€" Welctliizirii JOHN R. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON, 'Fhornhill. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. 37â€"HT’SANDERSDN. VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL Gulls by day and night promptly at tended to. PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. Runodellednmd uewlv furnished throughout 0 us olthe most convenient and comfortable hvtels on Yonue Street. Every modoru cun- vaninnoe Smuple rooms for commercial travellers. Auilealstoppiogplnm for riding or driving untiesditcyclists. or farmers going toorrdturning from market. Electric cars puss the door Livery incouuecticn ‘ nuns $1.00 PER DAY. fi'. 1‘. SAVAGE - LIF’E‘ENG 'E‘HE “15. Will: a Gentie Hand~ANTI-PILL. chronic (roubles. Anti-I'll] Kaila 10 d 9 good. When the slerâ€"p i.: food causes tllFil‘t'~“~ urbcordizzincssqx siilcorbntkdndi} pitntion. nppt lilo your, con- stipated, Jill tired out. Llo- ]»rcsscvlâ€"â€"jusl. our: trial t! L‘r. Leonlxm-dt's Axr:â€"1'r1.r. will “linincn the burden” that is dragging you dour). , It. begins its work In the from which t' c blood is fed and the nerves .213 ASTl-Pll.Lembm.Ct-sanew «A- .___-_ .â€" Prop 1 BURDEN “‘oman‘s life is n barrio with ncrven (but nap Mrongth Shutteer nrrven aggravate nnd promote There is no Limo In a woman‘s life restless, . Immi- 29 in the ion.1:ul~ principle Its clients are dill'u‘eut from nu} thing else. and there Is no mistaking iis wonderful influence. Dr. Leonhard! has prepared the formula culimly free from the Injurious Ingredient: common to pn-sont daiy l’ills. etc. It is the ideal system treatment. Price. 50 Cents per box of dealers. or by addressing W! LSOK-F “.3 (30., Ningnrn Falls. Ontario. “ho will also mnil {rec sam- rlc to any address. >3:an G G S I.indscy.K C A (i F luwreuco W Ridout; Wadsworth Lindsey. Lawrence Ea W edsworth. Barristers, Solicitors. lictezies, kc. Home Life Building (formerly Free- hold Luun Bldg.). Cm. Adnlaide & Victoriu 813.. Toronto. LIBERAL 0 {lit-e, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. mom JOHNSTON Barristers, Solicitors. etc. TORONTO OFFICE: No. 33 Richâ€" mond St. \Vest.\\'esley Buildings, (Methodist Book Room.) To- ronto. Mr. Cook will be .th Maple on Thursday afternoon of each Week. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. JAS. EVVTON ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, ELGKN MILLaas ML TE fifYIW NOTA RY PUBLIC. ooumssismum nu . HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE.&c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. LENNOX a. .MORGAF, Barristers and Sollcllors. Money to loan on land and chattel mortgages at lowest rates Auroraotflceâ€"Remmeri to the old post 0310.: one door west at the entrance to the Ontario Bunk Newmarket officeâ€"Three doors south of the pistorfice T HERBERT Lenxox. G STV MORGAN. Aurora. hewmcrket Phone Main 2984 J. ll. “PI entice; Licenseu Auctioneer for the County of York, Goods sold on consignment General hole; or stoc etc promptly attended!» at reasonable rates Residence Unionville G R Gouluing. Newton Brookmgenl for the above J T Saigoon, Mcifiweii. Maple Weston Saigoon a: Marlyn-n. Licensed luctioueer: tnrthe County of York. Salemttendedtonnshortestnoticeund n ren- so:m.l.‘ileru.te.u Patronage-solicited I). G. BLOI'GII. Licenn e Auctioneer {or the County of York, .re~ gpectlnlly solicits your patronage and friendly mtluener sales attended on the sLortent noticl 3nd at reasonaberatca. P. O.oddreas King N. E. Smith. Licounm‘Auctioneaifm-the Counties: of Yorl'. and Ontario Allsnles of farm stock, we ul- tended to on the shortest notice and reaFonoble rates. Mortfingeqnd hnih‘fi sales attended to. Residencefitoufl‘ville om Underlnkors d' Eulhnlmvrs. A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both plum-s. - x“: guano-Vinswhm «- ‘-»a «..-r~¢sr.'â€" -- ~-, A E. Lenten, OOOOO $§aÂ¥$$ Eflggfis, 156 mm; srnn run-r. TnnnN-ro accommodation to queen. Board, 5] verday l RICHMOND HILL & THORNHH L I so: mostly fm- set-.1. my llu mL-r letter [but u c (-xpm'ted to Letter from Lethbridge. To the Editor of Tm:~ LumnAL: Dunn Sm:â€" mmu- my lust b-tter uuotbrr ycnr bus mmw and gum», und 1 can now ghu your l'l'mlvl‘s mou- of tin fucts in connection with tln‘ sctlll-nwnl. and agricultural pubfiilllliilk's of this; pull. j of His Mujeslys dominiuus. Sculp- nu-nL is going on vm-y rapidly. not only in llu- district. but, ull mcr Al-t brria. 'l'n lhc north of lmlhbridge, . across llw rivrr, :1 large quuntily of lund bus be-(‘Il l]()lllt'.\'lrkfildt‘(l‘ \vhilt-lu thi- rust ulong tln- lino of the U. P. If. tlwrt' at e quileu numbrrof seniors and at town site laid out» Lelhbridg“ IS gruwmg steadily us also uie the udj'i- cont; towns of i)l(‘l'.lllg. Ru) m-uul, mu~ glut-h und L‘vurdsron. \VuLx-rw: rks und scwc-inge are, beng instulled ll) Lethbiidgeund :r number of m-w iuâ€" (lustries urc :uncng the pi ssibilitics in the Hour l’uturu. l have cuisrd making trails across the prairie not] will soon have to travel entirely on the King’s highway win-re :L but- of tn lc- phone poles add their interest to the landscape. I prlsumc your renders would like to know Swim-thing of the climate I here. On the whole the summers ure stunt-what cooler and the winters shorten und milder than lll Ontario. 1 hoveâ€"known the- Slllllllll‘l' heat to go as high as ninety on one mansion, bu t, Iwould not have known it hud lle th--rmometer n t registrrrd IL. Bu. so furns my cxpl-iemre of it goes it is not so but in sumuu'r us ()nlui in. \\ {' bud our first cold snap in November this winter which lush-(l uln utu. week. Accordmg to wcutlu-r i-«pm-ts ol' Leth- bridte the momhs of ill'c('lilllr'l‘ und Jami ry showed u. tcmperuturc of from3.) to (it), Fuhrt-nbcii, uml rou- siderublc plowing was dour. l-cbru- my bus bt-Hi the coldest. for Some years. there bcing considerable zrm \veuths-r. as low us 27 below 2110 bl-ing recorded. The climate is heulthy and livable. As no madame of the purity l of the air 1 “my state that l have. i seen the curcuses of (had horses und ‘, cuttle that have been thru- years on the prairie, with :1 large portion of the hide still on the home. as the flesh seems Lu dry up rather than punify. Much bus brru said of the Ultimmk 1 Wind in this country. As many of your readers to doubt. iunuimu We me all huld bended for m the violence of it. I will bri fly explain .he ct nditi. us 5 ltind them. 'lln- meouk is :1 Wind which blth from the wrst or south- west, most pieullt-ut in Lllt' coldvr punt oi the year. It is u wurm wind always below freezing point, and to its influence is attributed the mildm-ss of the rlimnte in winter. The disa- ‘ greeubleness of it is its persistence. there being no protection from it on the open prairie. One peculiarity about. it is its lightness us compurid with a wind of the same velocity in Om. In other words n. wind of say 40 milrs an hour does not exert the some. pres- sure as a. wind of the sumo velocity in Ontario. Although I was told of this peculiarity when i first came here, 1 1 did not believe it until my experience of it convinced me. On the whole it is more a blessing than otherwise. Ac- cording to reliable data, the true Chinook belt extends from the inter- national boundary to High River, about-30 miles south of Calgary ; but its influence extends in a gradually lessening degree for 100 mile-s further north, and 101- 300 miles to the rust. Lethbridge and vicinity is well in the true ()hinook belt. \Ve bud our first experience with irrigation this lust full, and although impeiftctly done, from the land not being in proper shape for it, (be 11-- uults were most gratifying, us much i-S 9.3bushels of outs and 40 bushrls of spring wheat being grown to the ucre. On the whole the problem of applying the \vatrr to the hind will be u very simple matter when we gettbe loud in proper shape for it, and lmuy say (but the. people of this district. are uliu- to the possibilities of irrigation. Full “limit and llilllt‘y are among the profitable crops thut can llt' grown to perfection here. I mentiomd in my foimrr letter that we bud u brvwcry and mull-bollse in [bu town. so [but ourmurkvc for barley is local. “0 will have an unlimitul mm lot to the west lnr both buid unLl soft. wth as well as a local market as soon us enough wluut is grown here to war- runL tlu- crrctiou of a mill. llnuc bad cliquin from u. milling film in: Thltllllo in regard to Turkey red wheat, a hard full \vht-ut whit-l1 will be grown extcrisiwly here. One mun nrur Spring Coulee, l'm told. bud OVt-r 30,000 bushels of it which he expects to I nn-ntionul in grow Alfalle hero. The growing of rlovcrs has seemed to be problematic in the west. but it remained forMi. Fuiilit-ld. of the Immigration Experi- xnentul fuim. who has had consider- able rxpcriemc and given much tlihllgllt_ln the growing of Alfulfu, to deimnnstrutcthe probubility [but A]- fulfu will be our of the good things in this district. Ht- found that tin-1e \vus un ubsuzct' of bacteria in the soil . glUHll), l which prcy upon the roots of Clowns jl'orming smull nodules. which (‘nilillt‘S l 'tlw plant to assimilate free nitrogen ‘ from the air. He is most outbusius 'c on the success :lttvndiug [be introduc- lion of tin- fuctcnu into the soil und prmlirts tlw entire success of Alfalfa growng bore. “1- liuu‘ the. usual difficulties uh tending ugriunlturo in new (tountr'u s of soil. climutc. :dlitudc. eta, nnd wu huvc :1 ('(I-Upl‘l‘iliin‘ society nmong the fur int-rs here for the purpuscs of dis-‘ cussing those conditions and are rapid- ly finding out tln- best moans to pur- suv in regard to tbom. The ussuciu- [inn is in (‘oâ€"opt‘ruliou with [be Lrthâ€" bridge und Dist] iz't Agriculturul Sm- - Qty and is idrntiiied with Ilistitu e Work and are now asking for a mum- bcrship on the Letbbridge Bout (I of Trude. One of the aims of this As; - ciution is to enznurage the pluntinf,r of trees, both ornamental and sin-Itt-r bolts, um] I predict thut in ten yours film.- the face of this country will hme nndm-gmn» cousidcrublc change. Apologizing for the length of this letter, I rcumiu Yours very truly, A. E. KEr‘FER. Lelhbridge, Altai, Mar. lst, ’01-. Gormley. A friendly match between the G1 ~n- grove 0. ll. R. (K, of ’l‘montound Vjc- loriu Square was shot olf on Saturday. 19th inst., on the range of the latter, resulting in a \ictory for the country boys by mm- points. A drix ing snow storm lustul the entire match. making it very difficult. to shoot :I high score. A. Quaint/XS gull sprung u bad fluw which um-ounts in :L nit-usure for his unusually low scmc. The following an- the SNIH'S: Toronto 'l‘eum : I). Nouly 7!), (I. ll. Jordan 75), LuLimrr 72.. Built'y. U3, Hughes 55.â€"Tolul of 3474. Vu-Luriu Squmc 'l‘cum : \V. Dupe-ll 88. G. l“(ll'(‘~i.(>‘l‘ 75'. U. i’. [tend ($9, 'lhoums Read 6‘3, A. Quuntz 51. Total of 357. ~-â€"â€" 7 «to- ictoria Square The surveyors have parted from our midst to rugmns further north. Though gone tin-y will not be forgot- teu us lln-y libcl'ully supporth our [Missionary cause. Mr. J. Mortson and family have moved to their new hump. \Ve might try to Call on them soon. Rev. Mr. Smith preached :In excel-l lent scrmon on Sunday. Let us all prutlds‘r the advice and truth revealed to ustbut the quantity of work wo do is not nearly as important us is our motive for doing it. Mi. L. Nichols took :1. long and pleaisunt sleigh-ride on Sunday lust. -.__â€"-.«. M apie The monthly sule lust work was at- tcnded by u very huge crowd, nod over two thousand dollurs’ Worth of stock was sold. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dcvins start this week for their home in Cnlstuirs, Alâ€" bet-tit. Apretty event took place in Hope church on \Vednesdziy evening of lust work, when Mr. \V. ’1‘. (look und M iss F. Thomas wore united in matrimony by Rev. \V. N. Chantler. The bride was given away by her father. Mr. “"111. Thomas and the wedding march was played by her cousin. Miss Nettie Ackrow. Miss Annie Thomas. sister of the bride, acted as bridesmuid and Mr. Hebrr Cook, brother of [he was gronmsmun. Immed- intvly after the Ceremony the huppy couple drove to Muple. wln-n- they took the evening truin for Toronto, thence to Ornngevillc and othvr places. Their many friends wish them much happiness and a lung and prosperous life logo-titer. It is an unusuul sight in these days to S(‘t' logs over four fort in diumctur, but Jackson Bros. hurt- purchased sometbut size. from Mr. J. G. (Jun- sluble, to be used in the muuul‘ucturc of pumps. Thvrepnssr‘d uwuy mi \Vt-dnvsduy night of lust \Vl‘t-‘k. at llIt' home of llt'l’ m-pbew, Mr. T. Mutlu-son, Flnru Mc- I\'immn, in brr 81st yeur. She was nnn- nfmn- oldest. and must rrspt-cled citizmxs. The funeral wus hugely ut- tended. l)r. Sislt‘y b-ft lust wu-ck to take a mrvutb's course in the hospitals of I'birugo. His pl'Ht'llN‘ is being ul- t unlcd by Dr. Ferguyu) of 'I‘oruuto. _.,V...>,Ei-- Pills and Piles. A prolific cause of i)ii('S is the use, of cutbnrtirs and pills of u drastic, violent uuturv. Followed by :1 reaction nll account of the resin nus, dryng propi-rlies they contain. There are othur Causes. but. no mat for what. the (‘illlSl‘ or wbztt tln- kind of Pilrs. Dr. Ileonlmrl's Humâ€"Roid run be relied on in run-Am stuy rumd. It‘s an internal it‘llll‘tiy that 1-1-- movm the (muses «If Itching. Blind. Bleeding or Suppnruting Pilvs. A gum-unten- got-s with each pnckuge contnining .1 month‘s tit-utnn-n'. gist. It can be obtuEm-d for $1.00 uL drug-' The distracting headaches from which so many women sufl’er make life a daily purgatory. If men suffered with hea - ache as women do, business would be almost at a standstill. Does not the fact that women only suffer from these severe headaches suggest that there must be a womanly cause for them? When the womanly organism is dis- eased, headache, backache. nervousness and sleeplessness are consequences which are sure to follow. $500 Reward for Woman Who Cannot be Our-ed. Backed up by over a third of a century of remarkable and uniform cures. a. record such as no other remedy for the diSeases and weaknesses peculiar to women ever -attained. the proprietors and makers of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription now feel fully warranted in offering to pay $500 in legal money of the Unite States, for any case of Lcucorrhea, Female \Veakness. Pro- lapsus. or Falling of Womb which they cannot cure. All they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure. VVUFLIl'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL Asso- CIATION, Proprietors. Buffalo. N. Y. “I took two bottles of your ' Favorite Prescrip- tion ‘ and two ofthe ' Golden Medical Discovery' and am feeling well." writes Mrs. Dun Mr- Kenzic. of Lorwav Mines. Cape Breton (20., Nova Scotin. “I had uterine trouble. pain in the side and headache. Aflcr taking your med:~ cines I got well. You may publish this or use it in nuv way you think best. as I cannot speak loo highly of Dr. Pierce and his medicines." FREE. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of customs and mailing only. Send 3r one~cent stamps for the book in paper covers, or 50 stdmps for the cloth-bound volume. Address Dr. R.V.Pierce, Bufiaio. N. Y. STANBAHD BANK ()f Canada RICHMOND HILL rnpiml - $1,000.01“) Rees! - 925.000 DEEDâ€"Stirs Receivcd in Savings’ Bank Depart- ment and interest allowed at, HIGHEST CURRENT RATES. Notice of withdrawal not neces- sary. All deposits payable on demand. Money Loaned on Fnrmers‘ Sale mores. Blank Nolc l-‘orlns hupplicd Free. General, Banking Easiness Transacted. For olhm‘ particulars cull at the Bank. J'. W. OSBORNE. AG ENT. ions, QE- w r N Genuine ‘ _ )3 J. ' -‘ Bargains in Ordered Clothing -1 . «1'? 3:11,- In order to make room for my Spring {Z} n. Stuck I will lur land 1». " 55;? L: .A “w’ :43. a S to} y ' to"? . . :13}: 38d "If the halnnre I)! my Winter Cloths at the following {I}; l‘f'fil Low Prices Suits made tc order Ten Dollars Regular .113. SH. #15. Also a few lengths of \Vmsted Trouserincr form- erlv so made to your measure (or En? $11.25. Come early and secure pf.) l .') Ii Zip A. J. Hume (. â€"7Rinhrls Tabiues Euro nausea; Ripans Tabules.

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