sumo. way hefm'e his departure thu gnud “'nrk ho had rondurvd in thuxo instilntjons. The result was :1 very plmsant time spurt in t‘hv Masonir “all un Friday evening by thp An «:imrt Order of Ftlwstt-h‘, the Band‘ and mmnlwrs 0f the Fin- Brigade. Early in the evvning a number uf games were played in tho body of the hall. the Band gave an (Injnynhlv pru- gramme uf instruurvntul Sl‘lt‘l‘timls. and Mr. Gun. C(rwiv favm'vd the :\<= avnxhly with it sung befure refresh- nv-nts wore Sul'w'd. Fiftyâ€"ï¬ve sutdmx'n to an chvllent spread whiuh was served in ï¬rstwluas “'hon it hN‘nnw known that Mr. \V. E. “'ilvy. who had hwn i'memun in THE Lnnmu. Ofï¬ce fur tho past. twvuty years. had docklvd tn 1011\‘9 Hus-pinch. having plll'ChHSI‘d a paper and printing husin: $5 in the Vilhlgt- (:f Drumho. the such-tics tn which hv ‘lw- longed wsnlved (m rm'ngnizing in is that strapholders on street rail- ways shall ride at half fare like children. The Tribune offers 0110 Intth and suggests that passengers who sit on other people's laps shall be imowed to ride free, as infants in arms. This, the Tribune says, \muld be very popular with the men who could give the ladies seats with- out giving,r up their own. The Tribune of Toronto Junction venttires the statement that Mr. St. John is more eloquent than practical. It seems that \_Vcst York’s local mem- ber has introduced a bill in the Legislature, one of whose provisions The last number of The Weston Times contains the following informa- tion :â€"â€"“ Mr. R. O.Hnrvey of Laskay, drove twentyï¬ve miles last Friday tn hear Mr. R. R. Gamey speak at Taronto Junction.†When Gamey medals are being presented Mr. Harvey should not be 0 ‘erlooked. The Premier has given notice in the Legislature to increase the fund for the encouragement of the sugar beet industry. The fund was origin- ally $225,000, to give aid during three years, and the proposal is now to give an additional $150,000 to give aid duringr two further years. There is reason to hope, however, that an understanding between the British and French Governments is being arrived at by which the supposed difï¬culties will be overâ€" come. If this difï¬culty is overcome there is little reason to doubt that Newfoundland would soon be induc- el to become a part of the Dominion. A glance at the map is enough to make one wonder why the island of, Newfoundland, a British province in North America, is not a part of the Dominion Confederation. Now- f-undland would be a valuable ae- quisition to Canada, and its admis- sion into the Dominion would cerg t tinly be advantageous to the Island- ‘ crs. Situated as it is, only a very: short distance from the mainland, V there seems to be no good reason why , the inhabitants of that Island, de~1 soendants of English and Irish set- tlers, should not cast in their lot with the other British possessions in this northern continent. No doubt the Island would have joined the Union years ago but for the fact that by different treaties the French have been granted concurrent rights with i British subjects in the coast ï¬sheries and this has needed careful handling in order to prevent international i complications. Agitation for the. admission of the only outside British province has been started time and i again but the “French Shore Ques- i tion" has always loomed up, and, nothing has been done. BRITISH BUT NOT iaSLtâ€"‘l‘l'nuu'ms Bmele Changeâ€" World's Dispensary Medical Ansoc'n Clmuge-J.C. Aye: 6; Co. (‘hauge-Tbe Russ!“ Hardware Co Ch macâ€"Atkinson dz Switzor Cduugeâ€"T B Lmunrd glilduqxjv Opauipgâ€"‘ura. Bhuter. @119 “fï¬iheral. RICHMOND HILL. Mun-ch 24, 1901 Banquet and Presentations. New Advertisements. CANADIAN. The‘proprietor of Sunnyside Herd of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Im- proved Chester white hogs, lot; 82, 15! con. Markham (Thornhill) has for sale some good young stock. 'I‘hornughâ€"bre-d hull and hog kept fm' service (m [119 premises. Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. RICHARDSON HUUBE ofJas Miller Sale at 1 Seven months Saturday.l\iaxch Zb-Furiu stuck unll impleâ€" mean 01‘ Geo Pencrmau near Bond Ham 8:). eat 1 Seven months Monday. March '18 4“.er stock and imple- ments of Mrs Huvurd Sale ut. 1 Seven mum.le Tuesday. March 29â€"Funn stock and imme- meucs m Wm Luusueudneur Locktnn Sale abl Suveu uJuuth Wednesday. Marchw-anm szock and imple- ments of (Ir L) McUurdy Lear’l‘uttouhum awe uh 1 Seven mauth Wednesday. Mu 3U--Cl‘eu‘1b snle farm stock and implements ou lot 2, com 5, Vaughan. the pn-perty of “m. Cooper rule at one Tern», seven months Sameou 3; \lcEweu. much. Friday. April 1â€"1‘ mm stuck and iluptuulents oi Jua' Syuwnnls. Int 15.5511 cuu Vauéhun Sale a.“ Seven months Tuesday. April 5 ~13;er stock and 1m} laments of James Jackson near Wegtuu Sula utl Seven m-mths Head â€"ache? lt’svyour liver! Ayer’s Pills are liver pills, all I! M for J. C. A or 00. 9133:] yearn. Lowelf. Mm: Appetite poOhSJ Bowels ggnstjpatgd? Tongue coated? We To be conducted by Messrs Saiaeon 6; McEwen, Auctioneers, Maple uuu Weston: Friday, March 2.5 â€"F{11‘lhl quote}; and Implements e) for well estab-ishwl Imuse m u. few counties. calling on remu umn‘huuts and agents. Lucm ten'ibury. Salary $201») per week wxcu expen- ses andmouul.ull .vuyabie in cusu each week. Money for expenses» advanced. Position pep numeut. business successful and rushxug. Standard House, 830, Durham ht... Chm-ago. Nov. L.- ’ wks. Mr. E. Masnn also contributed a comet solo, and Mr. Earle Newton skilfully presidvd at the pizumas ac- companist for the evening. The as- sembly swpnrated about l2u’cl0ck, all j_nining hands and singing Auld Lang Syne. gram of songs which added much tn the pleaslne nf the evening. Thuse who contributed \ ucal seleclions were Messrs. J. \V. Osborne, H. Sundersun, E. Mason, A. G. Savage, A. J. Hume. Cmvio, T. Newton and \V. A. Many of the speeches were interest- ing and huuun-ous, and huppy refer- ences were made by all as to Mr. W'iley heng a good citizt n and one who had always taken a deep interest, in clvan, manly sports. The speeches were interspersed with a good pm- Mr. J. Ellstnn. , , , , , V .V .._J . Mr. \Viley made an appropriate ro- ply, thanking his brethren and friends for the kindly n-ferencvs tn himself and wife and for the beautiful prv.~- enls which had juct bt-vn hands-d him. He said it had always been a ploasure to work with his brethren in the dif- ferent organizations, and now that, he was going away he realizvd 110“ [mu] it was to smer his connection with the many friends with Whom he had 50 lung lm-n associated. He- again thanked those px-vsent nn hvhalf of himself and wife fur the tangible marks of appreciation. and for the lgnnd wishes which he is taking with HIII. Other tuasts proposed and respond- ed to were as follows :â€" “Ancient. Order of Fureslers." 1-?- spnndvd tn by Messrs. D. Hill and H. F. Hopper. “ The Band," Mr. \\". T. Sim-(‘3'. †The Fire Brigade." Chief \V. H. Pugslvy and Lil‘ut. J. H. Brydon. “The Ladivs," Mr. J. H. SundH-SUn. \V:1:i g1. Want your moustache of Beard 3 beautiful brown or rich black? Use BEEEIHGHAM’S DYE Mr. A. J. Hme, lender of Llw hand. next conunendvd Mr. \Viley fox-the untiring efforts always put forth in furtherng the-interests uf the band. and the president. Mr. E. Musmn. slvpped furwnrd and prvsentcd him with :1. silver desert, sL-t, fm- himself and M rs. \Viley. H. A. Nichnlls tn prnpnse the toast of the evening “ Our (inc-st," whichhe did in wvll chosen words. and refer- ring to the many yom-s spont hy MI. Wiley in this place and Path-won. Befnre siLling down Mr. Nicholls, on behalf of Court Richmond, A. 0. R, and II. number of the ï¬remen. pl-(rsvnt- tvd the guest of the evening withu Forester‘s pin, and a purse as n slight when of appreciation fnrpnst servin- style by caterer H. F'. anpl-r and his competent staff of assistants. Aftvr the refreshment, hoards ware clwn-od an interesting toast, list. wns given. Mr. T. F. McMahon acting as toast- master. After "The King †was duly hnnured the chairman called upon Mr. H. A. Nicluvlls tn propuse Hm toast of the evening “ Our Gnu-st," whichhe did in wvll chosen words. and refer- \VANTEDâ€"EAI’I‘BFL‘L PERSON TO TR AV SUNNYSIDE FARMâ€"horses, colts, frmh milch cows. sprlubcra and her ringers uh the Palmer Honseynrn's. ltichmuud hill Sale Hones and colts credit L0 Oct 1; oau‘s three muuths RIAPJ JE. THOROUGH LY REFITT ED. FREDERICK BACK. Prop Dizm Band," Mr. \\". T. Sim-(‘3'. Fire Brigade." Chief \V. H and Lirut. J. H. Brydon. Ladivs," Mr. J. H. SundH-snn \V. Osborne and Mr. G. H Auction Sales D. G. GOODE HHHUA. I. E. RHAM, ’x-upl'iotol THURSDAY, MARCH 318T THORNH I LL, ' WILLIAM COOK. \Vosley Bldg. 33 Richmond St. “X, 35-4 Toronto. Solicitor fur Executm-S. 350. per Foot. All Kinds of ‘ lmple= ments Repaired. GRAIN CHUPPlNG Pursuant to R. S. 0. Chapter 129, Notice is hereby given thutull persons having claims against the estate of Duncan McMillan, late of the. Tim-n- ship of Vaughan. in the Uuunt‘y of YOIk. farmer. deceased. \\'hu (lied on or ulmut the 26th day of Junnzu-y,10(H, are required on 01' hefm'e the lst: (lay of April, 1901. Lu send to Christina MPMillan m- tu Hem-y C. Bailey, Maple Post Ofï¬ce. executors of the estate of the said Duncmt McMillan, u stateâ€" ment of their claims with their mum-s and :Iddl’e'SbPS, and the nature 015 the security, if any, held by them. And nut‘ice is fulther given that after the said last mentioned date the executm-s will pmcec-d tn distribute the assets of the said estate. “mung the parties vntitled the: etn. having regard only to the claims nf which they shall then have received notice. Dated this 24th day Of February, Millinery A. D. 190 ll MR 55. A \voll-hrod Jersey Cmv, due to calves March 24. Also a Baby Carriage, a Child’s C01, and a few bugs potatoes. Apply tn MRS. \V. E. \VILEY, Lute of the Township of Vaughan, in the Conmy ut' York, farmer, doceusvd. Mica i9 Bradims A black and tan fox hmmd strayed fx-mu pxemises, Int 20, 3rd cnn. Vaughan. mr'na hI’Ylle’ I? Mixed Grain, 5 cents per hag. Outs 4 cents per bag. Up to the 24th of May. No use of letting waiter go to Wu fluUlllIllDrl Wednesday. \lnrrh tinâ€"Farm stock and imme- meum an Int, 73 can 1 (Yuuge street nunr Anrnrnhhe propurly of John Gillespie D (i Blough uuot Wednesday.MANNâ€"Auntie!)mic of n N?! acre innu‘ hum ntnckï¬mpksmenti and furniture. unlob 25.0"}. 1. Markham, Steel's curuer.‘ Sula M: 1mm mauc‘xs’ ore lit. Sac punters J H l’renticu. (\uctiuueu'. 'Ihursxlny Mnr :u â€"â€" Auztion sale of lmvy draught homes and cults AL: l’hillips' hotel. Khvuiiity Sale at nno 'l'erms, 7 months 1) G Bluugh, nuns. ..lvu In}. u .4“ nnd iunflemenbs on east. hull Inc ti. am can Vaughan. the property (If 1) M Mullnv. Sale at. l. I‘ ï¬ght months. 1) G Blough. nuct. Tuesday. March 29 -Fn.u1utnuk and 'lupluumnts on Int '29 con 3 Snuu'lmru the prupwrny of S J K mno-Iy Sale uh 1 Seven mrmhn J E PronLire Tueslay. Mural) 29â€"Crerlit Rule of form stock and inm‘.emm.ts n |m:57. ls: cm Vuuuht-n ., n1 A Good C(mk Stove, Coal 01' \Vnod. Apply to 37-2 MRS. GEO1 Mon‘n’uy. Man-ch as Fr'JaVJan ï¬-Cradit sale of farm stock and in plemems. furniture. etc. on lot 25. mu- m. couiusl Yunnan propenv of Mrs. Mary A. Swlueru No reserve Sale at. one Tel-um. seven months Sxx per cent per unuum M- Iowed lur cash J H Premiea. aucb Saturday. March wâ€"Fnrm stock and imple- ments on ion '23 con 3 Scurboru the property or G H 1'0th Sam at. l Sewn months .1 H Ripans Tabuk's cure flatulence Rmans Tabules cure liver troubles. Ripans Tabules cure biliousness. Ripans Tabules cure constipation. Will take pleasure in display- ing the latest: novelties in Hats and Bonnets for Easter wear. Everybody -:- \Velcome. Duncan McMillan rI'UullI'I’ I]:th yslay..\1urcu 29â€"Crerlit Rule of form stock and inm‘.emm.ts um um 57.15: cm: Vaughan, the property of G F (e Chas A Lange. Sn‘e Mll. Lunch provided. 1) G Bluugb. nucï¬nneer â€" . . ,3†Prentice nuc: In the matter of the estate of 38-2 flew gdvrnianumts. FETR SALE FOR SALE Mager, Prop. Made to order at Sale Register. _._ 0N __ LUST Gpening ! MRS. GEO. SIMS. Mill {in-(1 SHUTER THOS. RUMBLE: â€"Credit sale of fur!!!» stock to waste. Maple Pvt. E E' in «f . 'r. 3. mmmm, Pmp. E. @WQQQG3®®§§§§©9ES®S®§Q§QE *QSQQQSQSQ3QS®®%§3®®@“©SQ% METROPOLETAN STORE FRESH GROCERIE S, BOOTS S" DES, ND RUBBERS. The Confederatiuu Life Associatinn’s‘ Anuunl Rp- pm-t. far 1903, just published. shnws that thu Associa- tiun had a Innst sncrmssful yunl'. Free finm ufï¬v». furniture or other pudding m- stufl'iug. lint cmnpnsvd of mortgages, bnuds and other substantial securities, the assvts unn-uuted tn $9,663,853.31 and including the IOSPI‘VP, by which the company‘s standard is $8,. 833,366.00 and capital stock paid up, 851000001)â€, the liabilities amounted tn $0,1L8,459.8(), lom ing $335,382 .(}3 cash surplus ulmve all liabilities. 'l'lw new husi‘ upss Pï¬â€™ected during the year amounted“ to 334.137.5172, and the amount in force at, 6103m of yPnr was $30,687,- 333.(Xl. l‘he Confedm-utiuu Life Association is a tlmmughly snlid insumnt-e instilutiou. (fall 0:" Write for pamphlets regarding diffelwm kindSHf pulicivs. \Vr- can give ynu any kind ynu \vishâ€"Endmvnu-nt, Payment Life. Oulinm-y Lifr‘, Specials uf all kinds and Joint Pnlicivs; also Accident. Polir‘ivs fl-mn $1.001â€). A gnml i-hnicp nf Fin) (‘rnm- pnnivs(:nnsistingnf tho mermï¬ilv, “'estvex-n, Nor- wish Union and York Jutlml. P. G. 86 A. G SAVAGE Genfaï¬eméiaa Ufa ï¬ssua’ï¬. SOAPS OE Papers E \Ve carry a complete line of PS OF ALL 2 Call and see our stock. A SUCCESSFUL YEAR KINDS.