Smart EustI-r thing< for smart people here. Atkinsun & Switzvr. Thu Pllhlic Library havn ducidod tn lid-Id an entertainment in the Masonic Hall on the (evening of Saturday. the 9th nf April. Gnnd local talent is beâ€" ing arrange-d for, and furthm- an- nouncenwnts will be given later. The pnsitinn (if Rvgistm- fur Nnx‘tll Ym-l{,l|1:lde vacant hy the (loath ml the lute J. J. Pezusnn, has been lillod by the :1pprï¬ntnu-nb 0f Mr. David Llnyd, of Newmarket. Mr. Lloyd has fora. number 0f years been (‘lork of the Fourth Division Cum-t, and this pu‘éitinn has nmv been ï¬llvd by the ip~ pointmeut of Mr. K. N. Robertson. 3An Easter bargain collection at, At- kinson (k Swilzer’s. Mr. P. MCW'iHimns. who had lu‘pn agent for the Nnxnn ImplemonL Manu- facturm-s. Ingm-snl}, f1}:- Lhe‘ past, nin years, was l-ruught Tuesday of lust \vvek to thehnme (If his sistrr, Mrs. F. Lynett. where he now lies s'niuus- .ly ill. H9 is sutfm-ing from what is known as Addisnn's disease. Helen Lulw. wife of G. W. Husband. Newth Brnnk. (lit-(1 suddenly nn Mun- (lny. lhuugh shv had hven in dulimtu llmllth for smne tinw. Interim-m tnuk place in Thurnhill yrstex-duy afternoon. $1.00. $1.50. $1.75. Atkinson & Switzor. LARGE DELIVERY. ‘Mr. J. H. Pu-nticr‘, auctiunvmu :md :lgvnl. fur the Mnssgv-l-Izu-I-is Manu- facturing Cumpany. will hold :I. large delivery of machines and rigs at Uninuvillo (m Mnndny 119x11. 25th inst. Dimu-r will he provided at Lbc Queen’s llnt‘vl fur the cushnnms A huge turn-nut is expectu-d on Monday. Mr. Jesse Hmlgins, uf Oak Ridges. has purchased :1. hOuSl‘. and lot, frum Mr. M. Pattun. (m Ue-ntrr‘ street, and will mnve here with his family in L119 spring. ' ' Spring huts. Hubby and stylish from ln-im to cmwn. Suft. and stiff felts, $1.00. $1.50. $1.75. $22.00 and $2.25. Our stock stands th tvst of the critical. - Atkinson & Suitzvl'. Bright pumpt-cts here for bargain hunters. Alkmsun é: Switzm’. Mrs. Shuter, 'l‘hm-uhill, nave; tisos in another rnlumn her millinm-y upen- iug which will take plat-u (m Thurs- day. the 31:1 imt. A \vclcmnu is ex- tended tu evoryhmly. A nwoting of Hm dh't-ctnrs of the Riohmnnd Hill and Yonge Stun-t Ag- ricultural Muchâ€"Ly will he held in thu Lm-nc “all on Saturday, 26th inst. at, 2.301). m. lesidwntsin tlw \‘ivinity of Thnrn- hill Ivy-mt tho arrival of their spring rnhln lust. Monday. This 1“ mud. Mrs. Gem'ge- Sims who has resided lli'l'l' fur the past. 26 yours left Tuesday for Kingston \vhvre she will make her lmnu: fur SHIIIH liuw with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Julm McKenzie. At the annual mew-ting: nf Um Grand Lotigl‘. A. O. 17. \V., ht'id in Turuntu inst \Vl‘l‘k Mr. \V. T. Store-y was up. puinled Distrirl‘. Deputy Grand Must.- rr \Vm-kmuu for this district. A light articlv at :1 right. price is the E Z Military Hip tun-set, at 50c. Atkiusnn & Switzm'. V. “for. Bm. Newton, \X'. Brn. Newhvry and Bro. Oslmrnr', of Rivh- mund Lodgv. N0, 23. A. F. and A. M.. and \V. Bm. Rev. A. P. Br; c -, Dis. Ulmp.. accnmpunwd R. \V. '12:). Nicâ€" holls. D. D. G. M.. on his ofï¬cial visit to Duric Lndge. Toronto, last, Thurs- day evvning and report a good time. Doric celebrated Irish night, in grand style-. The Grand Master. Deputy Grand Master and Other distinguished brethren were also present. Easter is vol-y nem- .-u|d the average man wants to wear :1 new suit of cloths at that. timv. \Vu've prepared fur your wants thnmnghly and cheap- ly {00. All the s:-usun‘s choicest, pick- ings ynu can ï¬nd here. ranging in price {mm $5.00 tn $16.50. Springy noukwear, nuhhy hats, stylish shirts. Atkinson & Swilzvr. \VINNIPEG I LLUSTRATE D. “’9. haVe to thank our friend. Dr. Hulcbisnn. for a. very neat \‘Uilllllt‘. published by the Oily )nuncil of \Vin~ nipog. giving a slim-t. description of their City (if which tbs-y are justly proud. The engravings are very film. and Show many magnificent. public buildings such as the City Hall. many large banking institutiuns, public sclmuls, St. Jubn‘s College. Manitoba. University, the Lzuv Courts, Post, Ofï¬ce. etc. Sm’el'al beautiful views are given of Assinilmine Park. private residences, etc., and of course the vol- unm would not. be compler without, an illustration of Old Fin: Garry Gate. Iivgiirding the increase in population since 1870 the ï¬gures givvn from nfli- vial records are as fullmvs: " In 1870 lb? pupulation was 215; in 1374 it had risen in 1869. in 1885 to 19.574. in 1898 tn 39.33%: on the [st of Octnber. 1902 it, was 56,603. and 10â€"day it is 77,000 tn 39,334; on was 56,603. souls." RICHMOND HILL, March 2!. 1904 ST. PATRICK’S DAY. .~' Lhnplnnr' whore the best, is Atkinsml & Switzer. liberal. Ready fm EFISU'I' all. Atkinson & Su‘ Michael Bros. lust 0m» uf their lu-st Work ln-I-sus Munduy vvvning. The animal had workml (luring tlw du}, and (llwl half an hour :n'ftm being take-n Lu thu stable. The n-uuhlv was dingnusml as gastric fewer. This: will email a loss to Miclmul Brus. uf at least, $160. The west, half 0f lot 57. and tho southerly portion (If the west, hulf hf Int, :38. lst run. Vaughan. cuntuining tngvther 1357) norvs, were sold by l’uh- lic Auctiunnt Hm Pnluu-r Hunsv on Snl-uulny. The auctioneer was Mr. J. T. Sugeon. tho buyer was Mr. R. B. McNuir. and the price was $6.65â€. Thm-é was :1 lm-gv nth-mlnmw at. the auction sale of Mr. J. Shanks. Int 20, cum-l. King. un 'l‘m-sdaly. and gum] prices won- l't‘dlili‘d by Mr. Blullgh \vhu \vieldr-(l the gnu-l :1sum:ti(mm--r. A pair of ï¬llies, ’ 1g twnnnd three '1 Presidéin Sims uccupiw] the and ubly hundle the fulluwing list : ".The King." “ The Unrlm-s," responded to by Mr. 11. A. Nicholls. > "The Village Cunncil†was upheld by Councilhn' Trench. “Unllsvlfduté‘d Ice ‘10.“ by Messrs. G. Duul'unuml A. Glilas, in u must sutisfach-y manner. Svcwtnry Ellstnn, of the Ounsnlidal- l'd Ice Um, entertained thr- members or the Company to an oyster suppm- last evening and‘ a may (-‘lljuyillflt' lime- was spent; by all present. Pnesidvnb Sims and the Summary each gave :1 n-purt of the :Il’fnil's of the (Irgunizaliun fur Um past season : m.- ï¬uzmciul statement shuwed a. balance nu thv right, side. A FE\V TIMELY FACTS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. ‘Mr. \V. S. Moonv, afu-r spending six months under uur instructions, is now earning pvr work for six hours Work pi-r day, at Mt-mpnis Tenn. Miss erllc Carson, aftrr ï¬xe months’ training. Is now will) lln- \Vuslern Union telegraph company at lllctriut, warning $70 pm- innnth. Mr. \V. H. Hodgsun, at‘lvr four ninntlis‘ training. is now with the (J. P. R. at Txvevd.0nt., varning,r $40.0!) pe-r lllOlltll. Nuuwrvusotlie-rsarv being placed in vqually as good pnsiLions. Our winter l-vrni upvns January 4th. and [hose desiring totak» up the Work should enroll on or before that date to unsure- tlu-m a position in the spring or early summer. Fivecmnputmit instructors of exceptional ability arr giving [heil personal and individual attention to the rapid :ulvancvlnent of our pupils. Young ladies are prpparvd for Culll- Inercial telegraph positionsumd young men for the same and railway posi- tions as’ operators. train dvspatuliels, agents, otr. This is a profession not overcrowded, and one which will com- mand steady mnploynwnt. the. year around at good wages. \Vrite at once for particulars as to terms, etc. Can- A pair (If ï¬llies, fixing twn and three years. Grin-rs. hrnught the sum at $335, and cattle rungod fmm 45 In $51. The 5:110 mnuunh-d (u $2.?00. and this was «In .1 farm ut‘ only 100 acres. cuta- the pe-nplo to travel in such a let they will svc th Sights of world at the least pussihle- rust. “The Hockey Club." Messrs. H. Sanderson. A. Buer and \V. Uliffnl‘d, in new speeches shmved that they were equally efï¬cient at. speech-mak- ing as in playing hockey. Kindred Sports†was. ht'Inm-ml hy Messrs. J. Michael, A. Snvngemnl Jus. L‘ICClt'illl in happy speeches. A hearty \nié Inf {hunks was trudvr- vd Uw Sex-retau-y fur his wm-k during lhl.‘ season. Extra spl-cinl value in tl'ilS at; 25 and 300. H). and the host value to lu- found in Onlzu'iu in sugars. Atkinson & Switzer. ()ur nmv. udiin- Railway Instructirin Institute. Our. Collrge nlennge Sts., Toronto. Pealsun's Magazine for April con~ tains the ï¬rst of the Tom Nash mem- uils. by Mr. Albert, Bigelnw Paine, that, have hI-en unnnnnm-d fur snlne nnmths. It has also another of Dr. Cyrus Townsend Brady‘s stories of Indian Fighls :Iud Fighters â€" The Thirtyâ€"two against the Three Thous- and; an interesting mticlt’ ml The Pdtlihtiiln of Japan, by Mr. Alexâ€" ander Hume) Fwd. one by Professor B. E. Perm-w un The Fm-csh-y Prohâ€" lems:~f{h(~U11iLod Stunvs, and a de- scripjiim nf twine-d~ Boxing ljlm'ses, by J. Hulmes. A. V. reveals a p10]; aguinsb Edwunl VII. and Great, Britain. and Mr. Hulliwe†Sutcliife. continues the many adventures of the King and quen of the Smugglers. Of short stm-ivs [here are u nu'nhe-rw Sir A'I'Lhm- Hun-lu-uuk‘s Undox'sthdy. by \Vm. Much-mi erbine: \Vhy “7H- limns St.ay9d,h_v Jvhn Austin Schetty : anloys Baby. by Mary A. Dickelson ; An Uum‘uidahle Den-ntiun, by Calm-n). “'utxuu Rankin; The Pniwned Cigar. by John N. ulphuvl. and a Rnyul YisiL, by Frances Ulifden. Both ar- ticles and illustmtions an: especially SIGNS OF PROSPERITY. CONSOLIDATED ICE (‘0. THE APRIL PEARSON’S. goods are jml; right for just Atkinsuu & Switzvr. LI MELIG [IT VIE \VS. SALE OF A FARM. : right pI-icvs to itzt 1-. chair toast tth inh‘rnsting this monthâ€"the illllrll'fl- [mus of the Nast pnpcâ€"rs. in partivnlur. will hnvv an unlle inn-rust 2w lu-in'r wproductiuns uf hillu-rtn llapllhlisl ed sketches. Coaxâ€"Tan)!“ â€"0n Wednesday. Mar. 10. M Hope Motuodiil churcl. by I‘m’. \\'. N. (Shunt-Ker, Willmm 'l'hounas C(mk to Flor- enca I4\III:SH. elm-st. «lnuflnler M William Thuluns. all or \'uu1,,lmn Township. 'I'rnstwm-thy lady m' genllclnan tn manage husinvss in this county and adjoining [vi-ritm'y for \vvll and favor- ably known hullse (uf solid financial standing. $20.01)straightm-sh salary and expensvs paid each Monday by check diroutlfrmn lu-adqual'tm's. Ex- pense money advanced. Pnsitinn pur- maiwnb. Address Manngvr. 810 Omnu Blnck, Uhicagu. Illinois. Mar. 17, 12 wks. Cn-mux â€"- A: Lulipsfnfl. on Wednesday fore- uu.-u. Mum-h :3. llnnuuh. nlmc u! the In a JA-hu I In plum: ugm\ sl'ycurs. Fuuoml Funny M": p. Ln. to the ’l‘horuhin cemu'ery. Ohtuining an oducntiml m- winning sllcr-Pss in any til-1d is u'qlu-stinu f in- tmrnul t'nvrgy. uf enthusiux‘ln. or nf unfvldlnr-nbnf puwvr, and is th du- Mr. J. .l. PCRI‘NUH, 75 years of ngv, fm'nver 4-0 yams I-vgisnur nf Nm-th York. died at his lmme in Ne-wmnrket on Saturday. l)l‘('P.ISt’d was a nephew of Lhu lute- Sumne-l Lnunt \\'lh) sulfur- vd denlh for tlw part he tnuk in the struggle fur civil and religious (‘qnnl- ily. culminating in the rebellion of 1837. r Cation tn :ulN-ncv uf oppurmnitios, am simply exposing the-i1- wenkness of churnetmuâ€"" Success." WANTED -S|\e(-ial Representative in this csuuty and udjuimng terrimriaa to represent a :11 :ulvel'tiFe an old est.ablii~l)ed husinass house u] solxd ï¬nancial standing. Salary $21 week‘y. 'rh expenses, pnid mull .Mnudny by chequ vvlnpnwnt. nf push and demI-minulinn rather than thu rusult, Of :my I-xtm-mtl inï¬uem-Ps. 'J‘hl- pmuple who nttrilvutv lhvir Want of Sllct‘t’ss to luck of friends to help tlwm on. or their lurk of (-dn- heat from heudquurters. Exp uses ndvnnced; pï¬itiull permanent. We mrmsh evervthing. \ddress. The Columbm. 630 \ivuo Building. Chinugn,Ill. - .7 v 1556 Wu, 1| ovvtu " I had a terrlble ( took Ayer‘s Cherry bottle completely cr Mas. J. B. DAN 25c.. 50c.. £11.00. All drmzxrma. 1 m £0ug§ ‘rvv-xm/M. I «win .22.: 1 You will haste: Tn Manitoba and Canadian Nurth- west, will 1mm; ’l‘t-mnto evvry TUES- DAY during )fNJ‘Ch and April if suf- ï¬cient husim-s's uï¬'ers. t1-uv1-IIing without Live Stuck shuuld hike the train leaving Toronto at 1.45 p. In._†v . "You'will hasten recovery by tak? ing one of Ayer'e Plus at bedtime. .msengm's u~melling with Live Stuck shuuld take the brain leaving Tm-nntu at 9 p. m. Colonist Sleeper will be attached to each train. ‘ ' For full pm-Liruhu's and a copy of "SPttlt-rs’ Guide.†“ \Vestm'n Cun- adzt " and “ British Cullnnhia,†apply to any Canadian Paciï¬c Agent, orw A First-Class Nine»Rumnod House will) inf an acre nf land. Gund stnne foundation and cvllnl'. Situntml 0n Yungu street]. Richmond Hill. Apply to .1. r! ..-:r vâ€"qxv FOR SALE â€"â€"()Râ€"â€" gaugingCoMs “ I had a ten-lble cough for weeks. Then I wok Ayer's Cherry Yecloml and only one bottle completely cured me.†Mas. J. B. DANFOBTB. St. Joseph, Mich. 2A5'cl..d50c..£; f c. AHYRl-‘iico. rm: an. ,owo . l n.“ or m Cherry Pectoral. Ask your own doctor if this is not so. He uses it. He understands why it soothes and heals. For hard colds, bronchitis, asthma, and coughs of all kinds, you cannot take any- thing better than Ayer’s Settlers’ 0ne=Way Excursions, 1904 ï¬berâ€! Pemoraï¬ April 30th to December lst, I904 World’s Fair, St. Louis A. ll. NOTMAN. ASst. Gen. Puss. Agt-nt. 1 King St. East. Tumntn Manager Wanted. N ews N ones. NIA R It I .‘(i [is IDIIA'I‘IIK \\'. E. “'ILE Y, TO RENT To, PATENT 906d 'ldeas Ricluubnd IIilI. Gunman-0d to cure Coughs, colds. heavvs and hrukr-n wind in horses. Hm-svmen will ï¬nd this an infallible railway fur any affection in :L hm'se's wind, whether causal frum uftpx- etfvcts nf distemper m- frum entng dusty hay. Price 50c. Suld in Richmond Hill by Geo. McDonald, harnessâ€"maker. Your own recipes made up properly from pure drugs at wholesale pxices. Yorkshire Stock F0031 FOR HORSESâ€"Gives thvm n gnud uppvtito, :1 glassy cunt. a lose hide and a hPalthy appeal-anew. Highly rounmnwnded by nursvmen. FOR CATTLE it has no equal. It. imprnvvs the nppvlite. aids digni- tiun. It causes a perfect, assimulntiun uf the fund and futtens them quickly: also a grand pxepamtinn fur milch cmvs. FOR CALVESâ€"mixcd with skim milk or svpnrutnr milk it. “ill nmke (-nlvvs thrive as won my heavy as when fu-(l an new milk. Prevails sittvuls, "ids digestion, and rupidly fins :1 mlf fur umrket. FOR HUGSâ€"this wil hv fnund EL grand tonic for fattvuing hugs rapid- l)‘. Itaids digestion, kills wm-m~:, nud lei-ops them healthy. The stuck- 1n:m’s favorite, because it mukos yuuratmtk thrive strungâ€"host and cheapest stuck food (In the market. Five feeds [or one cent. ,5 = = a \ i . . I . ‘ 3L Elam-i, Yorkshire Cough & Heave Cure All drugs and patent medicines at wholesale prices. J. A. Johnston at: (30.. §%xmm On Wednesday and Thursday next and following days we make a ï¬ne show of Millinery of all that is recogniZed as newest and best by Dame Fashion for 1904. We extend a cordial invitation to the ladies of Richmond Hill and vicinity and their visiting friends to attend this Opening. The beauty and elegance of‘our models ere sure to call appreciation and praise. Models that show the impress of style of London, Paris and New York, and smart; ideas special by our own Artiste for the benefit of our esteemed patrons. Wednesday and Thursaay, March 30th & 3lst. Mmmary . _ Wemflg we; will alSU show special value. in New Dress Materials, New Shitings, New VVaist- ings, New Costume Musiins, New Colored Alpacs, New Fancy Zeph)r¢, New French Delanes. We quote Fancy French Delane, special, 250. per yard; Fancy Zephyr, 15c ; Fancy spot Alpaca, 45c.; Fancy costume Muslin, 25c. per yard. Also the latest in New Ribbons, New Laces, New Dress Trimmings. (Successor to C. D. Daniel 6: Co. and Hugh Miller & Co.) \thlesalcland Retail Druggists. 171 King St Eust,_Torouto. Opposite Clyde Hotel. Atkinson & Switzer “Spring... Atkinson & Switzer. Laurentian Rams “was EVER &. SBN Richmaï¬d Hil! And have twu woeks’ trial with it. \Ve set it up. and if not. satis- factory the stove will be taken back and Vuur money will be cheerfully n-funded. Our motto: Satisfaction with our gnuds or no sale. Buy (me of our EEC?