Non. XXVI. LyBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE 4 RICHMOND HILL, ONI‘. 'q‘HLIRSDAY MORNING Bast ï¬tting teeth, also replating, at lowest prices. Good work. D'PCW G L SPAULDING DR A W SPAULDING Telephone Main $1 per annum, in advance. DE'KRNOLD D. A. MASON, . Mu we vsailout mpimia‘l‘o: Our. Church and Carlton Sts., Tul'nntu, “’ill be in Richmmul Hill evexy VV< uusday. Ofï¬ce, next duur south of Public Schuul. Gulls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. Room 12. 12! Victoria. St. Toronto. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, 6‘ Calls Elwodelledmnll newly furnished throughout 0 no 0! Elle most convenient 5nd comfortable kneels on Y-mge Street. Every modern cuu- veuienne Sample rooms {nr commercial gravellers. Anidenlsuonpiug place for riding or driving partiesmicyclms. or farmers guing morreturuing (mm murlmt. F‘Jacal'ic cars pas: the door Livery inconneotion FEM E R [10 U SE RICHMOND HILL, Dentists Room “ A,†Yonge Street. Arcade. Toronto. Oï¬coHJursâ€"S to 100.111: 12 c02pm 7 m-Snm. mums $1.00 PER DAY “RC. SAVAGE - TH. SANDERSUN, VETERINARY SURGEON Ofï¬ce Hoursâ€"$.30 BUSINESS CARDS. (Successm- to Dr. T. A. Currie), DR. VETERINARY SURGEON, 'Eilornhill. ï¬g: ‘ E d Ci! Val RICH IS PUBLISHED E VERY M. W. mama, I)nntis;t. by day and night promptly at tended m, mroa & Pnopmm‘on I) entist, nhvsxcian at Western and Grace ‘unbo mutual. E. 'J. STUBBS, Thornhiun Sacteriuary AT THE IdOND HILL 242 l. m. to 5 To those we‘ll along in years there cnmw accord- lng to the condi ion of the system. their measure of ills and suffering. Some are ynung : othc meold F.1dan- pcoplc who once use Dr. Leonhardl‘s Ami- I‘ill ï¬nd that it has man-r}â€" ous pen or to ru‘dcvc them I the troubles lhuL nothing Prop ll]. AIMEE-PILL. G G S Limlsey.K c A G F Lawrence W Biduut V‘ ausworth Barristersï¬clicltors. Notaries, 8.1:. Hon)? Life Building (formerly Free- huld Loan Bldg), Cm. Adelaide. 85 Victoria. Sts.. Tmontn. LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. Barristers, Solicitors. etc. TORONTO OFFICE: No. 93 Rirh- mnnd St. VestJVvson Buildings, (Methodist Bunk R(mln,) Tn- ronto. Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. 0031211581013an 1135 HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOXD HILL POST OFFICE. LENNOX & MORGAN ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, E14(â€"}IN 311141455 NOTARY PUBLIC, Mouev to loan on land audchntbel mortgages at lowest rates Aurora ofï¬ceâ€"Removed to the old post oflxc.’ one door west of the entrance to the Ontario Bunk Newmurkec (Juiceâ€"Three doors south 0! the p ,s: orï¬ce I.‘ Huunnnr'Laxnox. G S'rV Monmx. Aurora. _ bexuuarkel i AS. N EVVTON Licenseu Auctioneer lot the County of Yoxk. Goods 501.! on consignment Genera] sales (A scoc etc promptly xttended to at. reasonnbh rates Residence Uninnville G R Gouldmg. Newton Brook.agenlfor the above t 40. J '1‘ Sadgeon. Maple Licensed \nctioneers for the Countyo! York. Sulesxttendedbnonnhorhstnntintund a. tea- sonablerntel Patronageaolicited Licenue Auctioneer for theCounty onork, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence sales netvuded on the Ugliest noticl and at reuonabemtea. P.0.aduress King Licenseï¬Anctionearlnr the ConntiPs 0! York und Ontnnn All nnlrsof farm Stock. «h: at,- tended an on the shortest notice and rousonahle ratem Mortuarmdhnilir‘r sales attended to. Residence Stnuflville Ont Alarge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at. both places. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHllL Lindsey. Lawrence 84 W adsworth, EVENHNG. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5% COOK & JOHNSTON [Tlldc-rlnkers d: Emhnlm o-rs. Barristers and Solioï¬wrs. IVE. 'I‘EEF‘SV. E. émtem GREBE Emma Some while 158 KING In}: EAST. 'ronox'ro accommodsuon soguesta. BoardJl in: day Lgeon. J R AIL-Ewen. Maple Weston Saigeon a: RlcEwen. WRIGHT BROS .I. ll. l’l entice. D. G. BLOE‘GII, RICHMOND HILL. THURSDAY, MARCH 31. 1904 else will shake ofl, especi- 111 13' backache. constipa- tion. bladder trouble, fall- ing appetite, and indigesâ€" tion. It ASH-PILL 15 used upon taking cold, the aches and pains that usually fol- low will be avoided. To prove this. send to Wu,- SON-FYLB Co., N i :1 ga r a. Falls. Out . for n free sam- ple. ANTI-PILL is sold by druggista st 50 cents a. box. N. I}. Slnllh. Emu. In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†a y Phone Main 2984 \tht a winter this has been, the like i has not heen seen 5 By the. oldest man from \Vimlsm- to Quebec: I How the nieieliry down would go, und the piereing winds Would blow. 1 And the Frost King reigned su- premely withouL check. I \Vhat demand fox coal and wood, with the dealers feeling good And the public vainly trying to keep warm ; Fearing coal may (aka: a rise. or it Shortage of supplies. ' Helped to rob Canadian winter of its churn). O the list of chilling woes, frozen ears and frozen toes, And the creepy shivers running down your lmek ; ‘ While you thought that balmy June. could not Come a day too soon To release your tortured feelings fioni the rack. But 0 the dreadful roads, for the people hauling loads Sure the like was hardly ever seen before ; “'hut troubles folks have met, with many a. gnud upset, Just to get their z-ggs and butter to the store. But- th<-_ trgllf-y youds. O dour, thvy Miss Maggie \‘fund is visiting f1 iends in Toronto this week. Mira Ethel Patterson spent Sunday with ln-r siSlOl'. Mrs. N. Line of Maple. Miss L. Smith Viaih'd at Newtnn Brook on Sunday nf last, wet-k. Miss Shel-man. whu has lwon stay- ing with Mrs. Cook of "The Elms†for a fmv weeks. returned to her home In Tux-onto last Saturday. We :ue pleased Ln n-pm-t that Mr. Norman Bowen is recovering as rapid- ly as ("a 1 he expected after a. rather severe illness of several weeks. On Tuesday evening (if inst, \Vevk quite a number of (nu-Cal r\‘illc friends gathered at, the home of Mr. and Mrs. ‘ J. Tl‘it'kOl‘ to bid them farewell prinr 1.0 their dt-purture fur Markham. i whew they will l‘PSidk‘ in future. Mr. y acvt'ru ulueaa ()1 tan r'nu "urns. I and Mis. Tricker have two!) for sum? years much res would rr-suie-nts of this community :mLi we arr VP! v snrry to 1050 then) frmn our midst. Om- sin- cert-st wishes fut tht-ir future success ‘ go with them to their-119w hmue. As we Stâ€"‘idnln see any news fi-mn our little town of Cashel, I thought I would send you :1 few items as the. roads are very bad and m-u's is scmce. Moving svems to Le the m-dm- uf the day around hvre: Reeve Slllulllel‘ft‘idt going to Unimnillv. and Mr. John Bnnd taking his place nn the farm: Mr. \Vults going In Alum-:1 and Mr. R. Smith taking his plucv. Hnnses are very scum-o in (lashed. Mr. Bussvtl and fumin HH' nnn'ing in “iLh his uncle, Mr. Hmw'e-y Qunntz. If we had/n few more huuss-s huilt, in induce nmn- lalvming men to the tuwn fmInm-s Would be able tn get mum help. as hired nan seem very scnrrv. Mr. Rnlph Fiishy is (musing quite a). Svnsntiun with his talking ninchlnrl. The (‘LI'pi‘lltt‘l'S me busy pulling duwn the burn on the Mnrga n proper- Ly whvrv they intend to build u. large i hunk lmrn. Our nun-chant is just all s'ng his ï¬rst, ywu-‘s business. and by all nppi‘ur- auces trade is fast increasing. Suc- ce-Ss in the future Ed. “’9 are! sorry tn hour that Mrs. Gen. Brown, Sh. who has >pent the winner with her daughter. Mrs. G. Luvs. is not very well at present. hut hupe she will sunn ream 31' as Spring is (-uming. Miss Mei- 9n is still in Towntu. M r. D. Vnndnrd “THIS :1 brand smile Lhrse days. It‘s a lmy. \Ve undeistaud Ralph has nut-Ppted tlw pr-silion of cum-tnkm- (:f a Public snx-l'y tn hear that Mr. F. \Villiumsuu is on the sick list but wish for a. speedy l-ecm ery. The Passing of the Winter. Carrville Cashel â€"RUSTICUS‘ 1a number wean) prevvnted from Mâ€" tvnding, but those who woxe there ihad a pleasant, time. During the evening an address was read tn the l newly married (-nnp'p and a. pin-so pre- lsontvd to than) by the choir of Hope ‘Uhllrnh. The bride also rewind : nmny other usoful and beautiful pres- - ents. l Mr. Gm. Gm'mw and family of ,anv, have nmve-d into llw home | lately mwnpied by Mr. D. Burgess and the latter intu one of Mnli. U.B:Liley’s l hullsvs. Upon the return nf Mr. and Mrs. ‘3. T. (look from their hmwynmnn, last, Friday m euing. n roceptiun was held at; the home of Mr. \Vm. Tlmmu: . Owing tn the inclement \Ve‘;I:tlll'l’. quite. Mr. H. C. Bailey had'the misfortune to luso two 01' his horses through sick- nvs< last Wt-ek. Miss Exhel Rum-1t nf Shel-\ynor', gave a very enjoyable party to [HP friends un ’l‘m‘sduy evening. ‘ Preparations are being made that I indicate extensive . ixnprm‘emei‘its i to ‘town property this spring. lhe ! pain-t (leak-rs and the pann-rs are looklng lnrward to a busy season. | A pmminenb paint dealer, who car- 5 lies the pruducts (If (me Of (he. largest paint, and varnish manufacturers in the. .(zuuntly. slated yesterday that i never hefure had he had so many in- 1 quirios regal-(ling paint at this time of year, nnr had he ever known so many pinperty owners to be contemplating painting. He was conï¬dent that, the .cuming,r season “‘uuld he a big one and ‘ he had put, in an especially large stock ; tn take care of his trade. A millinm-y opening was hold in the Masonic Hull (m Tuvsduy afternoon and VVvdnesduy by McDonald & Sun of King City. A. B. DaVidsnn, P. S. 1.. paid his half-yearly visit. to the Public School herv on Tuesday of this wrwk. Ml". Mmtlin lvft. nu Mnnduy for Chil- l'Lwnck, B. 0., where hp has secured a nnsitim) as farm instructor in a school 1’ :1- Indian buys. Paint Should he Buughb and Painters Engang Early. Other (1031918 and painters in town have had practically the same expvr- iwlco. -It, is notable that hath paint dealt-rs and painters struneg adult-ate the importance of property owners ï¬gm- ing on their painting early. hvfure the l-c-gular painting seasnn 0 ans. The reasnns put. t‘m-th are summit). Early preparatinn, the deciding on the kind nf paints, the cnlurs to be used, engaging :«f practical painter, in- suies getting the work dmw (in time, and having thr' benefit of the ilnprnv- rd amwaratme of your hnuse from the hoginniug (If the season. The, cnnihiuzltions nf colors used (In a lmuse are of cnnsiderahle moment, and should nut, he decided upon hurâ€" r edly. A single trimming nut in harmony witl often make a house an aggravation. Smeral paint, manufac- turers, appreciating the value nf this fuature. h~|\'e an organich depanbâ€" nn‘utmfartists and architecm \thse Suli‘ duty is to Spvrify good culm- nun- l-inatinns. anal (19.1le rvpurt. that. it is a common practice for paint, huye-rs tn givv thvm a phuto 0r draw- ing of their hnnses tn submit tn pzliub makrrs fur culnr spwiticntiuns. Another paint in mum-Minn “ilh st-lm-ting colt-rs is that an e-nrly decis- iun will enava the dealer to order any special colms he may not regularly carry in stock. There is ernnnmy. two, in engaging :1 painter before- the swnsun rush is (Ill. \Vlwn the smsun is in full swing and thv painter has many juhs ahead. it is often a matter of speu-ulnt‘iun when your “'lll'k can be taken (“are Hf. Painting shnnld ht- dune early in thv spring. as Sollll as the ml-isture is nut nf the lumber and the \voullwr settled. The (-m-oful lxnuselmldm- has all the wm-k arranged many weeks ahead. This annt-uncvment is mad:1 Without any qualiï¬catinns. Hem-Ruid is the one preparation in the world that guarantees u. ,, , , a It is the only Pile remedy ured in- termilly. It is impossihlv to our? an ostulilishvd (vase of Files with nintnwntx suppusitoâ€" x-iPS. ianctiuns, (n- uutwm-(l appliances. DVï¬Hï¬-Roid rwill cure any case of Piles. It is in the- fm-m (:f a tnhlet. A guarantee is issued with (Ann-y p-lckage of Hmn-Rnid. which cuntains 0. month’s trentuwnt. Samuel Hun-is. formerly of Aurora. died at, the residvnce of his snn. Thus. Han-is. Lansdt-u'nv. Ann. anuntu, (v11 \Vednvsduy. :23 inst. Deceased “'us in his 80111 yt'ill'. Go and talk to your drug Much Painting this Spring. A Broad Statement. Maple N ews N ones. :gist car- -ge§t ‘s m that about Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery CURES Weak Lungs. $3,000 FORFEIT General Banking Business 1 Transaetedi. sum 1 run. u...‘ "‘07.". ,, well again. A! last I concluded (o l: medicines. [bought a bottlc of' ical Discovery.’ look it. and $001 to feel a little bzttcr, (hen ou di take both ghe 'Goldsn Me ical D Azi.‘ . ...\.:..y STANBMB BMW ()f Canada, RICHMOND HILL “KC UULII Linn vv _â€" -7 , (h: 'Favoritc Prescription.‘ which I gether I have taken elghtcen bottles Medical Discovery.“ twelve of the ‘ F: scription,’ and ï¬ve vials of ' Pellets.‘ A - nabâ€"bu ""1 (In g'll mv Dr. Pierce‘s Pleasant and regulate the bowels. Received in Savings’ Bank DPpm-l ment and inturestalluwed at lllf'lll. illlll HEGHEST 6mm RATES. Monov Lenin-d on l‘nrmelw“ 3‘ - Ron-s. Blank Note I- arms Supplied Free. For other particulars call at, the Bank New Spring Goods, New Styles, New Prices, A. J. ï¬UME’s, (“znpixal [Lest Notice of withdrawal not neces- sary. All deposits payable on demand. ’Ripang'l‘abules cure nausea. Ripans Tabules. [Single copies, 3 cts. For your new Suit you will ï¬nd Tailor, Richmond Hill J". W. OSBORNE. DEPOSITS lungs wean ? 31.000000 925.000 Pellets cleanse Are You: No. 3‘) AGENT