Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Mar 1904, p. 4

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('hangeâ€"World'a Dispensary Madical Assoc' ('bungeâ€"J C. éy 6: Co. ‘ {IAâ€".l‘rnvn fin Loyal Canadians will lual‘n with regret of the serious accident wh‘ch betel Col. W. D. Otter Monday even- ing. \Vhile riding histavoritc horse, Paddy, he \'as thrown to the pave- ment and was found sometime after- wards, lying unconscious, and suf- fering from concussion of the brain. Colonel Otter rode Paddy at Paader- burg while in South Africa with the first Canadian contingent where Can- adian valor did much in winning the day and covering themselves with honor. The first number of the Maple Leaf, under the management of. Mr. W. E. Wiley, as Editor and Pro- prietor, came to hand last week, and it presents a creditable appearance. The paper is bright and nevsy. and a glance at its columns shows that it is well supported by the business men of Drumbo and vicinity. The number breathes more of patriotism than politics, and the editor in his silutatory tells his readers that he greets them “not as Conservatives, not as Liberals, but as true-hearted loyal citizens, upholding our al- legiance to the Grand Old Empire which stands without a peer in the history of to-day, and proud to be- long to Canada, the fairest, brightest gem in Britain’s Crown.” We shall look forward with pleasure to receiv- ing a weekly copy of The Maple Leaf, and wish every success to the new editor, who spent more than half his life in THE LIBERAL Office. The Council in Cummile 0f the \vholuon bills, Alex. MACMurclly in L119 chair, when the fulluwing bills were ()n’leled to be paid :â€" Joseph Billings, nmnths’ s:1lau'y.$32 00 Snow Shovelling. L uuuguâ€"u. u; u,“ .. v... Changeâ€"The Ruamll Hardware Co L huugeâ€"J. Eyer A“: Son lthugnâ€"A. J. Hume. For Saleâ€"M Smith @1119 fiihmfl. Luke Gibbons \V. Hi Slmrpe \V. P. Mills . . . . . . Charles Newton . .l. A. \Vonlx'en .. Bunj. \Vllhmns J. \V . quulmlc .lns. Newton . M ichzlcl McGiunis Hubert, Armour . Jnhu J. Ash .. .Ins. Paluzel . . . . . Juhn ShL-urdmvu \ndy McOlmc. Cnuncnl met at Pliillips’ Hotel, King City. Men-ch 26. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting wad anfid ~confirmed. .\.t\1it«1iit-ll ......... 9 00 -‘t. B. \Vells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 37 Frank Atcnvsnn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 0U .l. Hairingtnn ‘ . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 25 Thus. Burden . . . . . . t . . . . . . .. 16 93 . Jas Armour t . . . . . . . . . . . V . . . . . b7 ' John Fry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Sill Neil Campbell . i . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 75‘l \Vni. Jewitt A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 L4« l’etm-Bovair .. .. 24 (SW Thtvs. Hult-. .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 4 0‘ James Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll 75% 'l‘. K. Felgusnn . . . . . . .... 9 23 lio'nt. (a‘rellatly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 04 1 John F. Curtis . . . . . _ . r; . . . . . . . . 27 88 Hen. Phillips, Judging one, J. lIl‘lldt‘I‘Sl »n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Larkiiiâ€"Pliillipsâ€"Thab an under he Ill'il\\'n on the 'l‘reasnrur fur the sum of $15 payable tn \Vin. Lmr as charity for Julia Cutting, an aged and indi- gvnt wmnan. Lurkiu â€"â€" Arinitage â€"â€" That the fol- lnning Sht't‘p claims he paid lu-ing urn-thirds ut sauna :â€" Milton Peat-sun. $6.66. Piiiilipsâ€" Macllnrchy â€"â€" That, Jnhn l’nllintt, he paid $1.01). refund nn dug ‘ lax, being “'mngfully assessed. Larkinâ€"Arinitaqvâ€"That an Ul‘dt‘l‘ luv drawn on the '1 uasnrer in favnr nf King City Came-Lory Un. fur the sum ' it $20.00 for illlpl'tn't‘llll‘lll they hm u made hn rnml nppusiie- Urinetory. Phillips â€" MacMui-chy â€" That; the' were and trn-asurer lll‘ and are horeliy autlmrizvd tn invest t-f Sclnml Funds ‘ liH‘ sum nf $3,(ll)0 in City nf \Vinnipeg nit-lientures instead nf OWe-n Snnntl de- bentures, as prnpnsetl last mot-ting. Larkin â€" iilacMuruhy â€" That. the It‘eaflll'trl' pay the Assessnrs. M. )lc- l‘allnni and Zrnas Black on arcunnt. ' u-acll the. sun: uf $50.00. By-Law appointing Punnd-lx’eupt-x-s, Euler-Viewers, and Slump-Valuatnrs, ‘ received its several readings and pass- I l N. Stahl, bal. on printing act. .. 40 00 i John Black I s. Egan J‘hos. Muss mhu Egan .\. Min-in King Township Council RICHMOND HILL. New Advertisements. March 31, 1904 $19 ~13 31 16 37 9 00 3 37 13 35 10 57 8 (53 l 50 3 25 3 4L 47 35 (“Oak Ridges") will u-cluix' Nurth (If TOIOnto as lonnvrly. This Squadron is Lhu (Iltl McLu-ml or (021k Ridges) Troop, which [hr lute Uulnncl Mth-ml cmnmnmlml for 50 many years. '1‘his’1‘nmp, the lJuLtnn Tronp(Markham), now "1)" Squad- ron. and the Dcnisnn Lump, now " A " Squadron. are among the uldesL Unval- l‘y urgunizulinns in Unnmln. ' Transfers were lllzldu in Orders by which Gaunt. M. (l. Cameron Luke-s Transfers wen- nmdu in Orders by which Unpt. M. U. ‘uunemn Lukv: tempormy cmunmml (It “ B" Squad- ron, and Capt. D. l. Vm-n-n of " U " Squadron. The N. (E. U’b‘ hf "B" Sqmulum will nuw bu Squadron Ser- geant Mnjur J. R. Hmmycnmlv. Squad- run Quarter Muster Sex-gennL Gun. Smith, S(‘1‘gt‘1lllts1\. I). \v'hrclvr. U. B. \Varron, U. Hall and \V. U. \VhiL- ney. Unrpurnls-Lzuwe Sergwunts J. I). Oates, J. “'ilsm), G. A. Thompson, \V. J. \thntley, and onpm-uls IL Bobeer, Crucknull, Schufivld, Muc- Kenzie, \Vouley ; with Um’purnls Mar. fin and Vaughan on Sllpci'lxuuwmly ist. Tuesduy. night, March 30, 1904, at. the weekly parade of the Governor Uenoral’s Body Gumd, Mnjm- Mvn-itt, issued an order which will he rvcu-ived with satisfaction by the pl'Uph‘ of the northern part, (If the Ummly uf York. The order was that "U" Squmhun (“Oak Ridges") will iuclui: Nurth " " B " Squadron (cmnmzmded so long by Lt. Oulom-l Orlando Dunn) cmnâ€" mences its new can-or a splendid (we-1'- fluwing Squadron; and “ U” Squad- ron (0sz Rldgt‘s) will keep up its Lrudi- Lions and send a. full Squadron intu Unmp made up (If the host class of Yeoman fl on) the North Country. “A” Squadron, which the pw-plu- of York and Turnnto have known for nearly a hundred yeaxs, ismpidly fill- ing up to its increased vsbnhlishnu-nL with the best class of lads in Lhe City. Other changes were, Lt. UKL. \Vul- lace of “'Oodhl'idge and Um‘puml Ubus. Fry are u-nust-Ired from “1)” to “U " Squadron and Lt. J. Ux'eulnmn from “ U ” to “ B ” Squadron. The recruit class wnll continue every Tuesday and Friday evenings under Sergeant Livingston. The large N. 7). 0’5 class finished its examination Tuesday night. The memhers of the Ontario Agri- cultural and "xperilnentul Union are, pleased to state let for 1904 they :Ii'e prepared to distribute into every Township of Ontario mute ial for exâ€" periments with fodder Cl ops. mots, grains, grasses, clovers and fertilizers. Upwards of 1,500 \urieries of farm crops have been tested in the Experi- mental Department, of the Ontario Ag- 1-iuulturul, Uollk'ge Guelph, for at least, five years in SHUCUSSIOII. ’l'hesc consist of nun-lyull the Uarnzuliun sorts and several hundred new \‘ni~ie\.ies,soine of which lime (lone exceedingly well in the carefully conducted experiments at. the College and are now being dis- tributed free of charge for C(mperaiire experimean throughout Ontario. The following is the list of cooperuxive experiments for 190i :â€" Nu. Experiments. Plots. lâ€"Three varieties of Outs . . . . . . . . 3 Zâ€"Three \‘:1rieLiesofB.lrley . 3 3â€"Two varieties Hulless Barley .. 2 4â€"Twu \‘urieries o‘r' Sprini,r \\'he:it. 2. 5â€"Tn'u varieties Buckwheat. . z (iâ€"Two varieties Field Elfin-is for Northern Ontario 7â€"Emnu-r and Spelt i . Sâ€"Uow Pens and two \‘21 eLii-S of Soy, Sojn or Japanese Evans” 3 9â€"1‘hree varieties husking Uorn . . 3 IUâ€"Three varieties Mungolus . . . V 3 llâ€"Two varieties of Sugar Beets for feeding purposes. . _ . . . . . . . . . . 12â€"1hree Varieties :jwmlish Turnips Iiiâ€"Kohl Rubi and tu'u \‘urivtivs of Full 'l‘ux Hips . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 14+lel'snips and two Huh-{it‘s (Jur- ruts . 15â€"Thn-u \‘nrivties of Fodder ()1' 521- age Corn . . . . . .. .. . . , . . . . . . . lfiâ€"Tlu-ve varieliI-s (If Millet, . . . . . . . 17â€"'l‘hlve mricl ins uf Sm-ghum 13â€" Grass l’rus and two vurietivs of Vutches . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19â€"Twn mrietivs nf Rape . . . . . ZUâ€"ThI'eH \m ietivs «If L‘lm‘er . 21â€"Szlinfniu, Luuerne. and Btu-nut". 22â€"Sevcn \‘arieiivs (-f Grasses . . . 23â€"Three \‘nl-iI-Livs of Field Beans . . 24â€"'l‘hree varieLic-s 0f S\V'('('L Um'u . . tabâ€"Fertilizers with (Em-n . . . . . . . . . 25â€"Ft'rlllizrl's with Swedish Tin-Hips (5 27â€"(1‘1‘nwing putatth on Lhe lmel and in hills . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . .. 2 ZBâ€"Tu'n varieties of early. medium (-1' liltl' l’ntnhms . . . . . .. 2 29â€"Plunting Gut, Putnitle-h which have and have not liven coated m'er with land plaster . . . . . . . . 2 BOâ€"Plunling Out-n in rows and in squares (an excellent, variety of Early Uni-n will lw usvd) .. . . . . 2 The size of vauh plot in each of the first twvnty-slx experiments is to he qu rmls lung by one i-ml wide: in Nus. 27, 25:1ml29mnt- 11"] square; and in No. 30, fnm- mds squule (one-tenth of an acre). Each pm-snn in ()ntnrin who wishes in jnin in the. \x'm-k may chunse any ONE of the- oxpu-imcnls fur 190-1. and apply fun- the S-‘Illlt‘. The mam-rial will he fun nishvd in the ()l'dL‘l’ in which the applications :u-v rem-ived until the Sllppl} is exhausted. It n'uighL be Well f:-£'0.'ICI) applicant to makeY a secnnd ('lluiCP. forfe-nr tlu-filst. (-nuhl nut he. grantud. All material will he furnish- vd entirely five of charge In eat-h ap- lin'unt. and tlw produce of thr- plnts will. of amuse, became thv property uftlv- pvt-sou who conducts the (-xâ€" pex-iuleut. A." “- C. A. Z.\\'IT7., Director. Ontario Agricuituml College, Guelph, March 190:. 190%. Distribution of Choice Seed. A Historic Squadron. gm To bee Sev chlm~ A black and fun fox fx-nm premises, 10b Vaughan. That’s what you need; some- thing to cure yosr biliousness, and regulate your bowels. You need Ayer’s Pills. Vegetable; gently laxative. J‘C-Avercm- Lowiell‘ Mans. A limited quantity of red clover seed WP“ clemmdfrov of :111 had wee-(Is, (:1) Int, 7. Cum. 4, Vaughanmezu- Edgoly. Sample at: THE LIBERAL Office. M. SMITH. Two fresh milch COWS: horse flgefl.’ Seven Illullths The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd of IIolszein Cattle and Breeder of Im- proved Chester white hogs, lot 32, 15!; con. Markham ('l‘hornhill) has for sale some good young stock. Thnrnnglrln-m] hull and hog kept fur serviCc nu the prefufisqs. HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. 350. per Foot. All Kinds of- lmple= ments Repaired. GRAIN SHOPPING Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. RICHARDSON HOUSE W. HEWESON, PENNYROYAL WAFERS. Want your moustache or heard a beautiml brown or rich black? Use Mixed Grain, 5 cents per hug. Oats 4 cents per bag. Up to the 21th ('f May. No use of letting \vntt‘r go to wasts'. BUGKINGHAM’S EYE RESIDENCE, RICHMOND IIILL Calls from a distance promptly attended to. muntbs 00W Pu‘v fibrseé and colts credit to Oct. 1 SUNNYSIDE FARM giver Pills EIAI’I 1E. THOROUGH LY REFITTED. 39-2 40â€"h Iter @flmtificmmta. . Mager, Prop. Juuues [‘IREDF. “Hill HACK. Prop FOR SALE FOR SALE {I VANDERBURG H. Lot 24, 2nd Con. Vaughan. 2 Richmond Hill 1’. I “(15'le m-vutlv Auction Sales Made to order at LUST Farm stock and Implements mun near Weatnu Sum utl 1). GOODERHAM, THOS horses IL 1’. BALL & 60.. NASRUA. k. E mu mnl .mcessfu Den l‘llul‘ k and implements nl )c-m Vullghun Sule aiueon sale of farm stock prnperty M Jqu 5 lo. Terms. 7 mos. hr-und strays-d 2U, 3rd cnn. colts, frth Inich RU MBLE. Mn p19. f ringem m. the nmvm Hill Sula u fuw couulius m ems. LUV“ (1k “‘th BXPH' llall ear-b “wk Edguly P. O. rm wk». (If 'M‘IIIS Pnsitit uuu r P1 npl'ivtx-l £1 McEwen also one credit. farm 130 T0 ‘1' “AV in“ s Muse r slump, (‘hlcua'u IIIUS @navwwwun 3‘???@9??§§‘¥$Â¥V?Fi§ii§96iaifi i ",7 "-7, v_,,,_fim,“ V395éQQ-fifitéééfifi-fiéat?!fiéfifiééfiééééééfifiéfifiéfiéfififlfifl§ METROPOLWAN STORE QQ§§$QS®Q©®§§ $$RE®?E§ ES DR. SPINNEY. Founder of Dr. Spinney & Co. FEE SH GROCERIE S, BOOTS SHOES, AND RUBBERS. 'r. B. .mmmm, Prep. m2, The Cunfpdm'ntion Lif( part for 1903, just publishe: tinn had a must sumwssf furniture or other pudding 833,366.00 and ca pita] stuck paid liabilities amounted to $9128.46 .03 cash surplus almve all linhili ness effected during tho year an and the amount in force at clnse 383.00. I‘he COlifi'dt‘l'HiiUn L Guafieéeraiég 833,366.00 and C2 pita] stock paid up. $100,000.00, the liabilities amounted to 559.138.469.80, leming $533.38!- .03 cash surplus almvv all liabilities. The nuv lmsi- “(’SS e‘fi'ected (luring tho your mnounted to $4,137,973, and the amount in fUI'CU at closv of year was 9536,68”,- 3831)“. I‘he Confi-demlion Life, Association is a. thoroughly solid insurance institution. (lull or write for pamphlets regarding different. kinds of policies. \Ve can give- you any kind you wishâ€"Endowment, Pnynwnt Life. Culinary Lifv, Specials of all kinds and Joint Pulicie-s: also Accident) Policies from $1.(K) up. A gond (-hoico of Fire Conl- pilllll’s consisting of tho MPH-untile, “'estex'n, Nor- wish Union and York Mutual. SOAPS OF all Ewe” awa‘amm {R i 290 WOODVNARD AVE.. DETR01T, MICH. We carry a complete line Call and see our stock strictures. no matter where locate-r1. are apt to i'wolve the surrouudmg struc: "as. if uL-glmted or improperly treated, urethral stricture “l l produce distress?" avmploms. Cul- ling. wretchim; nnd tearing me the old lmr afous methods of treating this disguise. The nti'ictly modcrn and original meth- ods employed by us are free from the horrors of surgery and are absolutely safe (1Hle :uicss. The abnormal skin".an lis- ue is dissolved nzid leaves the channel free and clear. All un- naturaldis;h:\.31:qccnsc. any lrrimiiou or burning sensation disappears. lh: Kidncys. Bladder. Prostate Gland and other surrounding organs are strengthened and the bliss of manhood wrroundmg structuze: urethral stricture will ling. stretching nnd tcx treating this disease. ods employed by us an are absolutely safe and :1: is dissolved nnd lea natural discha: 9 can: disappears. 1h- iduc surrounding organs (11" returns. Our A 850] NW S‘Ou- YOU CAN l We Cure Varlccceie. Blood and Skin Diseases. Nervous chility. Siricxurcs, Bladder. Kidney and Urinary Diseases- CONSULTATION FREE. Question Liat Far Homo Tremmont San: Free. &' A. G. SAVAGE A SU£CESSFUL YEAR ya I'mr"Ah50uan~13 TREATMENT wiu positively You CAN PAV WHEN CURED. $33.3 We fissas’n. Cured To Stay cured w

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