Early oxmnplvs of spring excellence those fancy white mntlings at 250. yd., thos: fam'y dress linens at 20c. yd., those White Orgzunlivs at. 15 and 200. yd†and thnsv fum-y Bulls at, 2.3 and 50c. Atkinson & Switzer. Mr. \Vm. Bi-adly of Muskuku. and hisihridv, who are on thvii- \vx-dding (our. came up from the City and spent Friday afternonn with his cousin. Miss Kinnee. Mrs. F. Danie-l and little daughter Lillian nf Tm-nnm Junctinn, :llSlI spent Fi'iiluy nl'tm-nonn with her mutht-r, Mrs. It. Kinnvu. who has been ill ful‘ the past :91: months. Just to hand at Atkinson & Swit- zer’s a. full ussurlment ut‘ Patterson's fanvy chncolute for Easter. Atkinson & Switzvr. . The Agricultural Sonimy mat again Saturday. The members prewnt aftvvl' making a few amendments cuuï¬x-mod the Prize law as levisw] hy the Ex- ecutive Committev. Thl' Executive at, their last, mveling pl‘upnavd an in- cmase in the prizes in Suva-a1 (If the classes for horses, and sumo. of those were again raised uu Saturday last. During a storm nn the 22nd of Mar-ch the burn and lmsmneut stable at Al- mirn, tie prupei-ty of Mr. Mead, “as burned by lightning. No contents as the lï¬u‘n was unoccupied. Loss $1.500. luminance is not known. It. has been said that lightning never strikes twice in tin- same place. Thel‘v are excep- tions, however. as the buildings on the same gruund were destroyed three years ago by the same cause. \Vlll doln‘er a lecture, (suhjm-b chosfln hy himself.) in Edgely Methodist Church. at 8 o’clock. Silw-r collection at, the door in aid of Missionary Fund Bnys‘ Imus should suit, their fzmos as well as their heads, we have that kind. A stylish but is the ï¬nishing touch uf a. gentlr‘man’s attire, we have the latest. Atkinsun & Switzer. On Eaï¬tvm‘ Mnnday evening the Rz-v. John Manugnll, D. D.. Supt. uf Mis- sinns in he Nurthâ€"weï¬: 'l'un-irm-iue, will deliver a lecture, (suhjm'b clmsfln of Y. P. S. C. Mesew. Iinpper 8: Brillingm- are shipping to-dny from Aurm-n to Stuyner :1 rmrloud of twenty hmsvs. The proprietor-c purpose having an auction sale in Sta‘ylwl‘ whore lxm‘svs bring high ï¬gures. Cash-1 zor. D1. Coulter cnnw fr'mn Ottawa Sut- urdny to see his father whn has 1mm very ill for several Immlhs past, and was delighted in ï¬nd that his “god parent, was much stronger than wln-n he szuv him lust. Special quotation fur best St remn- gmnnlntud sugar in 1001!». Atkinson é: Switzer. \Vehnvc to thank our old friend. Mr. A. E. Ké-var. of Lethhring. Al- berta, fur a phutn of his new home. a neat hmking cottage, in which is shown himself. Mrs. Kk-ifvr and children. and as those who know him might expect, a 1101-59 and vehicle. Many nld fl'ivnds in Vaughan township, where he fur- mmly raided. rend lust word; in THE LIBERAL his intvrqsling letter giving Mrs. \Vilsnnhumo t-f Pntv-l-hm‘n. spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. D. Hill and l’PUll'lH'd 'l‘m-sdny. Mrs. \Vm. Ford dim] at hvr houn- a short distance sumh nf ’I‘hurnhill on Tuesday. in 1191-68111 your. Inn-r- mont in 'l‘ht-I-nhill come-[cry tn-dny at 2 p. m. Dem-used was moths-r of Mrs. John Palmer. LIBERAL his intvrqsling letter giving: a gum! descripliun of that; section (:1 country. The High \‘illngt- (-h-Ss ration. Rs: Miss Keith, nf Tan-unto. u-turnml yoswrdny uflm- spouting tlw past “Tank with lwrsistor. Miss M. Kt-ith, at Mrs. J. Eyrr's. Monday wus‘ “PnstumsU-rs' ngl‘t" in Richmund qudgv. All the chairs we‘re ï¬llvd hv flu-mar Mnstm‘snflho Lodge. Bushle the rc-gnlnr wmk lhv nld hmuls pnssml :1 cundldntv tn Un- Sccnnd Degree. Tn-nmrrnw lwing Gmud Friday. the Past Oï¬im‘. Bank. and ntlwr Mucus of husim-x‘s will he (‘luh‘l'd as usual. Nut nnn Inn-gain lu-rv hut, AtkinSUn & Switzvr. Every cunt munts hm-n. \Vx- prv svnt strong claims but true 0st Atkinson & Switzvr. CHURCH OF ENGLAND SERVICES Elle Eihcraii. 11th of On Gnod Friday Divine svrvice will l he. held in St. Maiy’s chm-ch. Richâ€"i moud Hill. :iLB p. m. and at Trinity church, 'l‘hurnhill, at 11 a. m. The! collecLit-ns at [lapse services will be in ' aid of the fund fur promoting Christi- anity mnung the Jews. 01) Easter Day the services in St. Mary’s church will be at 9 n. m., and at Trinity church ut 1111. m. and 7 p. m. The Sucrmuenb (if the Holy Cnnununiunl will he administer in buth churches. On Easter Monday thu annual Vestry meetings will he hvld at Trinity | church at. 10 a. m. and at St. Mary’s at S p. m. RICHMOND HILL. Mum-h \\' l BURNED BY LIGHTNING. ek ï¬llvd with bargains is this week here. Atkinsnn S; Swit- A \VESTERN HOM E. [igh and Public Svhm-ls nf tho :Insv [0-day fur thn- Rush-r vu- Rv-npvning un Mundny. the a storm on the 22nd of March and lmsmnent stable at Al- pruperty of Mr. Mead, “us ' lightning. No contents as 31. 1001 mu Hy hugs 1:11" - Annie Km-swill V Mul'tmi Gilisun i Fwd (Jamplu-ll . Dunald Atkinson Myrtle Klinck . . . Murray Stm 9y Clarence Kinm-e \Veu'rvn Page . . . Keith Hill . . . . . I Erling Gibson i Nellie (‘Inwie . . . . . 1 Arthur Bull . . . . . Jusoph Elliott .. Murgun-itc Boyle Hazel \Velsll Georgie Brown Nun-“um Blrrell . Mr. W. S. Moone, after spendng six months under our instructions, is now earning "25 per week for six hours work per day, at BII‘lllpnib Tenn. Miss Nellie Carson. afler li\e months†training. 15 now with the \\'est.e1-11 Union telegraph company at Dem-int, earning $71) per month. Mr. \V. H. Hudgson, after four months’ training. is now with the C. P. R. at Twat-(LOnL, earning $40.00 per month. Numerous others are being placed in equally as good positions. Uur winter t-erln opens January 411), and [hose desiring Lolake up the work should enroll on or lwfore Lhat date to ensure thmn a position in the spring or early summer. [“ivecompeu-nt instructor-5 of exceptional ability are giving their personal and individual attention to the rapid advancement of our pupils. Younbr indies are prepared for com- mercial telegraph p05ilions,and young men for the same and railway posi- tions as operators. train di"S[):ll.(.'i)(‘lS, agents. etc. ‘This is a profession not overcrowded, and one which will com- mand steady employment the year around at. good wages. \Vrite at once for particulars as to terms, etc. Can- adian Railway Instruction Institute. Uur. College and Yonge Sts., Toronto. The Public Library Board announce hy postvrs an enjoyable concurt to lw gin-n in the Masonic Hall on the waning of Saturday. the 9th of April. The followng ladivs and gontlonmn have kindly consenth to take par t, in the programme :â€"â€"Miss Ethel Switzvr, Soprano Soloist; Miss Laura Dunran, Soprano Soloist; Miss Mary Trench, Soprano Soloile and Recitvr; Mis< Ida Glass, Soprano Soloist ; Mrs. Viv ian, Soprano Soloist. « f Toronto; Mr. E.Ma;on. (lorrtholoisL and Vocalist: Mr. J. Osborne, Characth Voullist: Mr. T. A. Lanion. l‘llocutionist; Mr. \V. A. \Vright, Baritone Snl(ni>l'. 'l‘ln- program will also includv tm) Fancy Dress Drills by a number of ladirs and gcntlonwn. Accompanists: Mrs. A. .l. lIlHIIP, Miss Barker and Mr. Earle Newton. During the owning an nu."- tion sale of old magazines, (:mnplelv volumes, will take place \vlwn a lot of good reading may he had for a more trifle. The chair will he tak< n by ReevL-Savagv. Admission. 25 and 15 cents. This cannot fail to he an PX» cellent entertaimnent. and as the Boardis in need of funds it is com ï¬dently hope-d that, our citizens gon- vrally will give Lhr-ir patronage and do what they can to make it a suc- cess. All the performers are giving tlwirservicos from Lvt our citizvns show their appm-ciation by getting tickets for the occasion. See our new spring stock at ALkUJhUH & SwiLzrr. As it has been urn-:mgc-d to hold un mmntninun-nt, in aid uf the Public Library on Saturday evening, tho 9th of Apnl. lhu Lilnury room will nut be upon for PXPhHHgt' of hunks on that (awning. hut, hunks may he exchange-d on (In- previous Thursday en-ning Thusn Easter goods me all mnrkr-(l at lowest price. Gt-nls' l'(‘\‘(‘l'>lhl(’ fum'y Bows at 25c†fancy Shield [{nnts EIL25K‘.. fancy Studlmlm Kuuls at, 500., latest suftv zmrl slilf Fvlt, l-ln'ls at $1.75 to $2.25. funr-y Zephyr Shirts at, 775v" $1 and $1.25. Atkinsnn «VI Swilzer. (eh-ning. hut, Inn-L- on (In- previous frum 7 to 9. Lvnten St’l'YiCl' Friday evening 0f this \Vt‘t‘k ut the Epwmth League. Short talks will he gin-n on “'l‘ln- \\'mn(,‘n at the (/‘l-nss." "The Disciph-s m, lhv ()rnss."nnd “The Soltlims at \\'mn(,‘n at the (/‘l-nss.“ "The Disciph-s m, lhv ()rnss."nnd “The Soltlims at the Cross" Ivy '1‘. l“. McMahon. I. Closâ€" hyund J. H. Sandman" respocliwly. Applopliutc mus’ 'ul pl'ngrnm. “’0 talk of Lhmu us gum] fm'thoy are gnnd those ï¬ne fnnry Zuphyrs :nt‘ 171:. yd†those ï¬m- "Paraguay" 'l‘m-ch- nn lamps at 5 and 9c. yd.. tvhnsn ZI'IZP- riff insertions at, 150.311. and llmsu clniny insurliuns at, 10 and 150. YELHI. Atkinsun & b‘wiLZt-r. groutust wln-nt ï¬el‘ :mrdi-llly invited. menue at. S u‘uluck. 'J‘hI- pm‘vplv who \\'m-~‘llip in lhu Blothuda‘t Church and ulht-rs who ('uu ullond on next. 1‘llt'8d;ly0\’0ilillgIllily expect a rare treat in the address nf Dr. Mulhuugnll who has spvnt, mum- “1:11:30 years in thv Far \Vvst. “'le he went out ’twns the lune land hut, has nmv hvcuuw um» 01' the world‘s grontust wln-nt ï¬elds. The public an- :mrdi-llly invited. Svlvicc Lu cum- Alex. Mchmnghv Wm. Lawson Franklin Jamkos. Nam McMahon . The following High Schuu] fur FORM II. Garnet Dickensun Frank McDonald Hurry Francis .. Jennie Clarke . Annie Rumble . . Maggie Uusgruve Jessie Muxgun ... A FE\V TIMELY FACTS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. FORM HIGH SCHOOL REPORT. LIBRARY CONCERT. LIBRARY NOTICE LENTI‘LN SERVICE. is the report of the Mill'Ch :â€" T< «MI 1028 955 922 441 431 Tutell 103$ ,- 857 855 777 770 869 its best. 67 78 59 76 61 51 58 51 66 ($3 74 GU Lulu-n Hichurdstnn Russell Humble .. Main-l Bynm . . . . . Gn-nrgv Dvmlumn Emin Bnylv .... Gvu. 'I'nppt‘l' Jvnn Hnylv . . . . Almt-(ln Uluhine . FORM Ill. LUI'ijIP \Vright F. J. Graham . .. . “'allrr FI-ishy . . . . . . . Starr MvMuhuu . Elnmre- Rmnmu 4 . . . . I“. '1‘. Gmhnm . . . . ‘ . . . Cami-run McNaughton (‘vncil [((‘ys . . . . . . . . . . Edward Nu-llvx‘ . . . . . . . . Ti-nsmvmthy lady or genlh-nmn to manage businth in this county and adjoining territory for well and fund’- ably known hunse (if solid ï¬nancial slnnding. $20.00 straight (rush salary and expvnsvs paid each Monday by Che-ck direct frmu lwadq'nurtm-s. Ex- pensv I)l(Jll('_' :uIvum-ed. l’nsitinn poi-- mrnu-nt. Address Manager, 810 Como Bluck, Chicagu, Illinois. DENNIE â€"an1-nx “Iâ€. on \\ NIAHI' W“ ’1‘ GD â€"Slm(~ial Representuive in this county and udyn‘mnsz terrimri s to represent and advertise nu oh] established business house u soiul ï¬nanvml standing. Salurv #21 wvelcly. wj'h expensr‘s. lucid mull Mnuday by chenuv u soiul ï¬nanvml standing. Salurv #21 wrekIy‘ wi'h expensr‘s. lucid exuh Mnudny by chenur ire' frqu Uuu-iquarterï¬. Enieuxos ndVaured; pnsitzuu perm-Hana. We fnvuish ez'ervthinu “Muss. l‘be Columhm, 630 \Tnno Building; Chicago, Ill. 35 6 Ed ward Nu-llm†I’m-d Richardson Uli\‘('S\\‘ilz¢-r Lurm- I’m-kins... Emu-st Smith Mary (int-mun .‘ Rulph Pmkilh‘ billousfless,consti5§aflon pré‘jént re- covery. Cure these wnth Ayer‘s Piils. A First-Class Nine-ande House- with inf an nun- nf 1.1m]. Gum] shme foundation and crllar. Situated on Ynnge street. Richumnd Hill. Apply to \V. E. “'ILEY. Millinery THURSDAY, MARCH 3181‘; Opening ! __ AT â€"_ THORNH | LL, FOR SALE â€"0 Râ€"â€" TO RENT WILLIAMSâ€"At ‘ZGJ Ritlenu St" Kirgstnn. on '22le M flurch. a. sun to M1" and Mm. L. W. V\ i'~ )imus. MRS. SHUTER H.911 n bqttle Sarsagariï¬ï¬a 1m 'di'uéziéti Your doctor will tell you that thin, pale, weak, nervous chil- dren become strong and well by taking Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Small doses, for a few days. The change is very prompt and very marked. A your doctor whyitis. He as our formula and will explain. “When 13 yenn old. (or many months no one thought I could live became of thin Moml. But. in a few weeku, Ayer'n Sunapuina com- pletely restorml me to hanllh." Mus. E. Bucxumsrzn,Vlneland. NJ. The Children mm “ah i u Will take pleasure in display- ing the latest novelties in Hats and Bonnets for Easter wear. Everybody -:- Welcome. Grunt. M ‘ (If Mr. ‘ Board of Health Manager Wanted. u ‘ \\ m M. TEEF Y, Secretary. RHI \flli‘ EIH'I IIS. â€" Anthea Manse. Iiichmnnd ‘rmv. 3m]: Muir-h. by Rev. J. i Deuuiu. (-0 Ha. mnh. ulnuzr- Hnynnou. all or Mmkhum for M Richuu’md Hill. 1| l'. l7, 1 620 Tl rt r 93 7‘17 (342 ï¬ll 576 44$) 44 4 402 332 306 130 1 18 490 2 wks. 60 :36 56 35 87 71 6 I (36 (31 50 56 56 Guaranteed to cure coughs, colds, heavvs and hrukon wind in horses. Horsemen will ï¬nd this an infallible rmm-(ly ful' any :lï¬'ection in :1 hurse‘s wind, \vlwthercuusexl from after effects of (lislvmpvr nr frum eating (lusty hay. Price 50c. Suld in Richmond Hill by Geo. McDonald, hurness-umker. Yuur own recipes made up properly from pm-e drugs at whnlvsulv p1 ices. Yorkshire Stack Fwd FOR HORS ESâ€"Giros them a gnnd appetite, a glossy coat, :1 lose hide and a healthy appearance. Highly rocomnwmlcd hy nurscmen. FOR CATTLE it has nu equal. lt imprnvvs the 3l1)pl‘lll.(', aids digt-s- tinn, It causes a perfect, :wsimulatinn uf the fund and fattcns Lht-zn quickly : ulsu a grand preparation fur milch cows. FOR CALVESâ€"mixml with skim milk 01' suparatur milk it \\ ill make calves thrive as Well 01- lth‘l‘ as when fI'll on new milk. 1)l'(‘V('ll’.S Sl‘vlllS. aids digestion. and rapidly ï¬ts a Calf fu-r market. FOR HUGSâ€"this wil ho fnund a. grand tunic for fattening hugs rapid- ly. It aids digestion. kills Win-ms. and kvL-ps thmu healthy. The sun-k- man's fluorite. bet-ause it, makes your stark thrivu strungâ€"lust and cheapest stuck food on the markvt. Five feeds for one cent. All drugs and patent medicines at wholesale prices. J. A. Johnston & (30.. Yorkshire Cough & Heave Cure Wednesday and Thurs‘ciay, March 30th & 3181). On Wednesday and Thursday next and following days we make a ï¬ne show of Millinery of all that is recogniZed as newest and best by Dame Fashion for 1901. We extend a cordial invitation to the ladies of Richmond Hill and vicinity and their visiting friends to attend this Opening. The beauty and elegance of our models are sure to call appreciation and praise. Models that show the impress of style of London, Paris and New York, and smart ideas special by our own Artiste for the benefit of nur esteemed patrons. \Ve will alsU show special value in New Dress Materials, New Suitings, New Waist- ings, New Costume Musiins, .\Tew Colored Alpacs, New Fancy Zephyrs, New French Delanes. Miflmei‘y - Swing We quote Fancy French Delane, special, 250. per yard; Fancy Zephyr, 150 ; Fancy spot; Alpaca, 450.; Fancy costume Muslin, 250. per yard. Also the latest in New Ribbons, New Laces, New Dress Trimmings. (Successor to C. D. Daniel dz Co. and Hugh Miller & Co.) \V’holesule and Retail Druggists. 171 King St East,_Tox-outo, Opposite Clyde Hotel. ng Atkinson & Switzer ...Spring... Atkinson & Switzer. Having received the agency for the famous Superior Disc DliHS 8, 19, 12. 14. 16, 19, 2") and 22 in. disc. Also Shoe and Hoe Drills, \Ve- hhgio invite you tn come and 6 amin thmn hvfurv purchasing, made in the following size-s : JAGQB EVER & SW Richmmï¬ Hm DEERING CULTIVATOR, Formerly the J. XV. Mann. {15373313333 "r‘a'fm? > . fl: â€"â€" and theâ€"â€" â€"â€" and â€" Disc Harrows, Egg} Wm- mm: