Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Mar 1904, p. 8

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Gum further uoticfiluils willbe closed at the Bichmond Hill Postomce as follows:â€" MORNING ......... 8.00 EVENING N.B.--He:iatered Letters must be handed in O least Fifteen Minutes outlier than the above Mentioned hours [or closiun. OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.3C P M @etweun Toronto and Newmnxket. “. (10le NLvBTE Leuve‘c P R Crossing at. 6. 7.20. 9.40. 11.30 1.39, 2.40, 4.45 5.40. 7.45 p. 111. Leave chhmund Hil18,20, 10.3u u. 111.; 12.1 :3 30.435, 6.30, 8351).)!1. Church of El: Sunday. Ptesbyterian 7 p, m, Sundn Wednus‘lay 0" "ammo ..~ R '1‘ of 'l‘yemporanceâ€"Meots first Wednesday of each womb Firel'h‘ignzleâ€"Mcens first Monday of every month Public berary and Hemline. Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. Thursqu 11nd Saturdav evenings Euworth Leagueâ€"Meets evorv Friday. Leave Néwmurkoc 7.30. 9.15. 11.15 a, 7.30 p. 111. Leave Richmond H11] 7. 8.10, 9.55 2 40, 3.55. 4.55. 5.35, 8.10 p. METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE \Vill ropuir your old sewing machix or exchange for a new 0110. Needles for all kinds of machines. Organs Repaired. Also agent, fox the HEINTZMAN PIANO. Prepare fur Swing. And Se? if they want :my repairing 01- shul'pt'l.illg. If they dn, hrng thvxn nnw and (In nut, wait til] yuu :u'e needing them. Three thousand dollars to 1mm at u n Inw lute uf inter est, on (inst-mort- gage fauln pl'inI'ty. Anni) HARROWS OF ALL KINDS MADE TO ORDILR. Seed Grain For Sale A small quantity of the Famous “'au'erly \Yhitv Outs. THOMAS JOHNSTON, 'Tiiél‘ éifiEfi'flL.’ $1.00 IN ADVANCE. ' V V V V ‘ '_. . ,, Anyone sending n sketch and descri tion may quinmy ascertain our opimon free w ether an invenuon is probably patenmble. Communica- Hons strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents cont, free. Oldest agency ior securing patenu. Patents _mken through Munn 82, Co. receive lpecml notice. vlthout. charge in the .--.A flew Singer Agent 1pc 7cm A handgun}er “lustmtgd r n 4. “mm” yezii: four menu;de bulu u} .5. & cn_3613roadway, Hrunl‘h Office. 635 F St" “'nsh POST OFFICE NOTICE Money To Loan \Li‘ 1? iclnnond IIill *‘és‘fE'ézégsffiiéfifimgrisgqfig \H‘xt dmn- north of Mocdie’s store. . J. PETHICK. GEO. COWIE, Brfiilhh 0mm. 6 FARMERS ! iaws & Harmws Village Directory. 9-4 Call and see our stock. 31-6 RICHMOND HI LL. Now is the time to Look over your Gome’ SUUTH mustmted weekly I .nmcst Mr- ‘y scientific jlourlml. Torma‘ $3 x: mm. $1. $0 d by all-rewudanlern. T'H'E‘ LIBERAL OFFICE. â€"TIIEâ€" SES AT 7.3C P M M. TEEFY. Bushmaster. Washington J etfmsun l’. N'éMQrk 11.55 a. m 11.30 a. m T1220. 2.20, achine 2, 3.15, TUESDAY, APRIL 5,1904 June 11, 1903 Coal and Wood Dellvered. Prices Right. GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. Michael Bros, Also a large line of Standard Farm Gates always on hand. Evezy progressive and -. upâ€"todate farmer insists on having FROST 9 GATES. Catalog and prices on request. FOR SALE BY CINE & PEARSONLThornhill. JOHN ROGERS,1 THORNHILL, RICHMOND HILL BIVESIUN - GWRT. The Next, Sitting of Division Com-l in) No. 3, Cmmty (if York, will be held in the, Court, Room. LIVERY COAL AGENT FOR McCormack’s Harvesting Ma= chinery. ALSO AGENT FOR THE M. Campbell Fanning Mill Co. of of Chatham. Call and see their Incubators, Scales, Em, Etc. THE - LIBE ©33‘33‘3‘393Ak’3'3‘36‘8WG‘6m o a o o oVoVo‘W’S’Kf ZZZ/L: Nuw is the limo to see that yr'ml‘ H: fl‘ Q’~ I ‘ ' and Collars are in shape fur spxmg “ COUG‘H AND COLD SEASON ! I um prepared to supply the puh- lic with the best cough and cnld remedies in the market. Try Snuderson's Emulsion of Cod LiverOll. Filly per cent. Cod Liver Oil. and tastekss. For sealed colds and coughs. sz cure a cold in one day. Our W. A. Sanderson DRUG-GIST Subscribe 101‘ Sanderson’s White Pine and Tar. Bromide Quinine Tablets ’ol- coughs and colds in small childrcn. RICHMOND HILL Rielnnond H ill Cummencing at 10 :1. m. T. F. DICMAHON‘ CLERK HIVE CROUP SYRUP None better. Our WOOD RAL “ FROST” Ornamental Gates Light In weight Artistic In design Reasonable in price N0 sauna-headed man asks tn-flay “ Is it, cheap to buy the best, harness ? " He knows, either because he’s had om- hnrnvss and learned its wm-th, 01' because he’s had some cheap stuff and lvm'nud its Worthless- ness. You can’t do better anywhere than hove when buying harness. va is the time to see that your Harness and Oollm-s are in shape fur spring work. HARNESS REASQN +++++++++++++>2+++++34~++~ ' A man tn represent, "CANADA’S GREATEST NURSERIES “ in the village of Richmond Hill and surrounding country, and take orders for Stork true to mum- :Ind free frqu Sun .1050 Scale. A permanent pnsiljuu for the right man on either salary or cumâ€" mission. Stone & Wellington, FONTfllLL NURSERIES, OVER 800 ACRES, human 28 Am +2»?++-:.+-§~++~:‘++++++oz«z« OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES In Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Orna- mentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes. Etc. Don’t put OH trading where )ou get the ifiesfi EWour. The finest Pastry and sweetest Bread is made from MBRBA BELLE L998. Its users are constant users TORONTO, WANTED J". HALL Snld byâ€" ONTARIO. .3. J. .2 ." .‘ Bichmunfl Hili Harafiwe Siam Magnet Cream Separator, All makes, sizes and prices. Eavetmughing, Roofing, 2 ad Tinware made to order. Repairmg promptly done. HARDWARE AND TINWARE. Stoves & Range One of the best made guaranteed ior 2 years. \Ve also sell the McMahon, Agent, Richmond Hill. WE SELL ALL KINDS OF

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