Changeâ€"World's Dispensary Medical Asmc'n Ch mgeâ€"J. 0. Ayer 6: Co. (in Lugeâ€"The Ruaalll llnrdwnra Co Luannâ€"Atkinson a S'ailzer Uhnngeâ€"P. (x. Savage & Bun Changeâ€"J Hull Vaughan Council-J B McLean l‘ublieNotlceâ€"Alex Russell creased that the Government, since the total grant remained about the same, had to grant smaller sums t) the individual libraries. Finally the discussion turned on the meaning of the term “dollar fordollar,†being the words of the Statute deï¬ning the grant. The complainants believed unquestionably that if a library board expended $100 for books a “dollor for dollar†grant would be $100. It was held by some of those present that the obvious meaning of the act was that the Government At a meeting of the Ontario Li- brary Association in Toronto on Tues- day a warm discussion took place on the Government’s new method of ap- portioning the public library grant. The discussion was occasioned by complaints from representatives of some of the smaller libraries regard- ing the cutting down of the Govern- ment grants. It was asserted that the number of'libraries had snin- Elle ï¬ribcrnl. previous year. the act was that the Government would furnish only half the amount of money expended on books the I We are not inclined to accept the latter reasoning. and feel certain that the new interpretation of the act will kill many of the smaller libraries. A committee was appointed to wait on the Deputy-Minister of Education, and get a definite understanding of the situation. For many years the Government paid the grant in full “dollar for dollar.†and it does seem a. little late in the day to be placing a new construction on the statute bearing on the question. been Liberals they must now go over to the Conservative party if he did not pass the required legislation. If there is the least spark of humor in A deputation of clergymen and others called upon Premier Ross .on Monday and urged him to close the bars. Some of the preachers told him bluntly that although they had Mr. Whitney he must have laughed when he read the remarks of the above deputation. Deputations that wait on the Gov- ernment from time to time relative to prohibition or advanced temperance legislation never fail to remind the Premier that the task should be easy judging by “ public opinion " as ex- pressed in the plebiscite and refer- endum votes. The case of Norzh Toronto is only one among scores of others which should open people‘s eyes on that point. In that riding the Ontario liquor act was carried by a majority of 1,600, but a few months afterwards Dr. Beattie Nesbitt de- feated quite easily Mr. Marler, one of the most prominent men in the temperance ranks. Mr. Marter was formerly Leader of the Conservative Opposition in the Local House. and he was defeated notwithstanding the fact that the Liberals pieced no man in the field to oppose him. CUTTING DOWN the Legislature had been under the influence of liquor in M3 House, and that others had drunk to such an ex- tent that they were incapacitated from attending some of the sittings. The matter has been brought to the not'ce of the caterer and the store- keope in charge of the supplies of the House. As liquor is not supposed to be sold in the House an investigation into this serious charge should be ' The Toronto World a icw days 350 charng that certain members of New Advertisements. RICHMOND HILL. THE GRANT. April 7, 1004 know what members of Parliament are bringing disgrace on their con- stituencies and on the Province. To prove what Anti-Pill, the Great. System Trmunvnt will do for yon, Derangement of the stomach is re- spnnsihle for much sickness and suffer- ing. Every nrgan of the burly depends upun the stomach for its nntl imentand strengthâ€"If the stumar-h is net wurk- ing right the hlrmd carries tn the liver, heart. nerves and kidney tissue imper- fect nutrition» â€"They become weak and unable to perform their workâ€"become clogged. diseased, and threw out their distress symptoms. Now you may get. slimulative, temporary relief by the taking of a kidney, liver. nerve or heart specific but the on use remainsâ€"â€" The stomach is at fault, and so long as it keeps loading the blend with impin- ityâ€"\\'aste,s01ung will the, blond trans- pm t and depnsit disease breeding ele- ments in the weak plaeesâ€"- VVheu you feel sick.helpthestumaeh ï¬rst. A well stomach means a well lmcly. Anti-Pill. the Great System Treatment, is a new discovery that has a marvellous influ- ence in cur-rectng system ailments. Address, \Vilsnn-Fyle Cm, Niagara Falls. Ont.. for free. sample. Regular size. a. month‘s treatment. 50 cents at Druggists. Friday. April I5â€"Auctinn mfle of farm stock. imphmauts and furniture on 10632. rear 4th cou Markham. the property at Ruben Agar. Snle 3.1-1 n,cluck. Terms, 7 moans. N E Smith‘ Auctioneer. Saturday. April )6â€"Auctinn sale of homath l'uz'uitm'e. 9150.. bolow Thorulxill. blue 1mmâ€" erty of Wm. Ford. 83's as 1 o'clock. Terms, 6 mos. Saigeuu 6: Mc Ewen. nu ma. ¢¢§¢¢§§¢+¢§§¢¢§¢§¢¢¢O§OQ§¢ *¢+¢ 4/2/04. ï¬Ã©Â¢Â§Â§Â¢Â§Â§Â¢Â¢Â¢Â§Â¢Â¢Â¢4駢¢§§¢¢ 9+§0 HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Cures "cues. Chronic Cuugh. and all mzrnnic Am» ‘ioszs-n' Unc'l‘hroat and Lungs. ’l‘hr nuly medicine in be world that will 01:79 the above "-euc. making lhu xnimalsoundin wind and useful to hisemxer. Price.$1.50 Dr. McGa'uey’s Kidney a: Cough Powders 'orull Acum- Aï¬eclions of the thmat and lungn. such u Diszcmxmr. etv. For sweliing and stocking of the lugs. ’he result of hnrd driving. Kidney 'I‘roublz. cm. one low wjll mlicve, and one bux will cure. l’ricm 50¢. w. HEWISON, Twn fresh milch cows: hut-seggvfdi ‘3 'Jx mnnlhs’ Every Accommodation for the trav- elling pubiic. RICHARDSON HOUSE Every Rmder of this pupm‘ inuy huve A Sample Bottle sent Free by Mu“. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL If you like something good to eat and want to buy it at the right price, we believe here is the place to get it. Our goods are always fresh. GRGCERIES ! Teas and Have you tried our Tea at 25c. 1b. It’s making us hosts of iriends, the Quality is there, that is the secret. 0 will mlievé. and one ï¬bx will c'uru. Prick 501:. THE 0R. B1CGAE§EY WEEINCENE 00., Kclnpnllle. om. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. DIAPI THOROUGHLY REFITTED. 39-‘ FREDERICK DAG Ié.’ VANnEImL'uGH. Lot 24, 2nd (Jon. Vaughan, L2 Richmond Hill P. O. FOR SALE 3. HALL Sale Register. CHOICE A Speciï¬c monthly medicine for Indies to mum and {wuew me new“: groanan trace. healthy and pdnloss lachnrgu. So aches or pains on up- pmth How uncd by our $0.0001ndiet (mauled wlllusongaln. lnvigmu" (MinJI‘glntul‘nuy or ‘ r. hicï¬ahey’s coiiees For Broken- “WU Winded HORSES also one credit. Ii. Pro WANTEDâ€"FAU‘nFUL l'L‘l|~h'.I.\ l‘u Th .V a] for well esmblishw [muse m u few countins calling on retail luen-haubsuunl mums. Lmn territory. Salary SZUMUpcr week Wm; expuu sea addlllouuLull .mynbia in cnsn each week Money for expvnses a-lvnncml. l’csil-iuu per umneut. business successful and r- slung Standard House, 830. Dearboru 55.. (‘hlcugu Nov 122-25 wka. Is it acting well? Bowels regular? Digestion good? if not, remember Ayer's Pills. The kind you have known all your life. 1.0. AyorCc.,Lowon,Maus. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. PUBUG NflTIGE Total number of licenses granted for 1903-1904 ; Ho- tel, 29 ; Shop, 0. Total number of applica- tions for 1904: 1905; Hotel, 27, Shop, 0. ON SATURDAY, APRIL 23; 1904 CLYDE E OTEL Toronto. AT 10.30 A. M. For the purpose of granting Licenses for the ensuing license yezu'. ETA†petitions and protests against grunting Licenses must be lodged with the Inspector at least foul-days previous to the ï¬rst meeting of the Board. By order of the Board. . r uxr DI'YCQYPI T A limited quantity of red clown- soed wr-ll clennodirev of all bad wm-ds, (-n Int, 7, can. 4, Vauglmn,1w:u- Edgk-ly. Szuuple at THE 1113121an Ofï¬ce. M. SMITH. Dated at the Inspvcltm’s Ofï¬ce. Unionvillc, April ]st, 1904. a beutfful brown or rich black '1’ Use Want your moustach¢_or_b_e{1yd BUGKINGHAM’S BYE Your @523? Published in accordance With the R. S. O., 1897. Chap. 245, Sec. 11, Subâ€"Sec- tion 6 The Board of License Commission- ers w111 meet The (1.. yearly membel’shb fee is OneDonar fnrl wmah you get all above. and you mo;wl‘.h- dmxvnny limo within three month. it you want to do so nudge: ynlu' dollar back. If you don'tcm-a to upon v.00. send 25 cents for three monthamembenhlp. Nobody can altord to as this outer by. You w!“ 31;: {our money tree In value 1mm flmesover. . ul. particulars will ho sans tree 0 churn, but 1: you are wise you will zend 1:1 your reque‘t tnr membership with the groper tea av. once. The :5 eta. three months mem- ersmp on'r-r will soon change. Write at once ad- drsaq‘ngyour Inner Lnd enclosing $1.00 for sun yam-‘5 membmhin er mcnty-Gvu cents (or three License District of the East Riding of Y0: k. 39-2 iltw gavertiscments. FOR SALE â€"-At theâ€" A'LEX. RUSSELL. Iuspecjogi R. Ylllk. R. P. DALI. k ((1 1411;;er P. 0. ‘l‘H 'l'l\-.V ‘w cuumin 40-2 a9a9a939@§@5@§@ §®§%SQSQ METROPOLITAN STORE smweswwwegmmï¬mmï¬ FEE SH GROCEBIE S, BOOTS SHOES, AND RUBBERS. T. B. mmmm, Pmp. SOAP’S OF ALL KIND Fire 86 Life Insurance. Accident Insurance. We want to call your attention to our new stock of VVall-papers which are of a new design and many shades in color, Wall and Ceiling with border to match. Also a few remnants left, from last, season from 2c. per roll up. These have tn be cleared at, nnce to make room for our second shipment. A cull will con- vince you that these are n. bargain. Also, a complete stock of Paints and Painters supplies. P. G. & A. G, SAVAGE See the 'Window of the PEOPLE’S STORE. New} Williams’ Sewing Machines. We carry a compiete line of Call and see our stock.