made in the present County Counci‘. While the amount as given above does seem a lot of money, Tm: LIBERAL is not in a position toquestion any of the items. The county auditors no doubt looked carefully into every account, before signing their report. The Banner’s criticism seems to cast discredit on every member of the Council.†The Banner also singles out Mr. Pugsley and Mr. Woodcock as " men of im- portance,†though the latter accord- ing to the ï¬gures does not take second place, Mr. Quantz drawng considerably more money than Mr. Woodcock. It does not reflect dis- credit on the County Councillors to be told that Mr. “K H. Pugsley, with all his long experience, draws more money than any of his col- leagues, and no blame need be at- tached to Mr. Quantz, Mr. Wood- cock or any other councillor if he honestly did the work that was en. trusted to him by the majority of the Council. \VANTEDâ€"FAITBFUL PERSON T0 TRAY. a] for well eatabliabed house in a few counting, culling on retail mexrbnuta und agents. Local texritory. Salary £520.00 per weak mm expenâ€" eas addmonul.s.ll payable in cus'u each week. Money for expanses advanced. Pcsiziou per- manent. Business successful and rushxug. Smudm’d House. 330. Dem-born St. Chicago. Kay. 13-26 Wks. What nonsense. What has Mr. “’hitney evordone to purify politics ? He has long shown a desire to purify " Grit" politics, but who ever heard him condemn corruption committed by a Tory ‘P A couple of years ago in a public address at Holland Land- ing Mr. Whitney insulted every deputy returning-ofï¬cer and poll- clerk in the Province by declaring that “an organized eï¬'urt was made at the previous General Election to steal one or two ballots at every polling booth in the Province." Mr. Whitney has never given any proof to strengthen the extravagant state ment, and it is safe to say he has no proof. If Mr. Whitney and Mr. Richardson have an earnest desire to purify politics, they should not close their eyes to corruption in their own party. Although nearly every per- son accused and convicted for wrong- doing in the recent elections in To- ronto is a Conservative yet the Grit newspapers have practically made no use of it politically. Surely it ill be- comes Mr. Richardson to endeavor to make political use of it in his miser- able letter to the Mayor. A recent number of the'Aurora Banner gives the amounts paid to each York County Councillor last yea' as attendance and milage at Council meetings, also attendance and milage at Committee Meetings. The ï¬gures show that including the \Varden's allowance of $450. the amount paid the Councillors for 1903 was $3,524.20. The Banner con~ eludes its criticism by suggesting that “ it is about time a change was rightly will not tolerate any interference with the ballots and have stronglv endorsed Mr. Whitney in his great battle for purity in poli- ties." He then goes on to say that he is “a supporter of Mr. Whitney and of the party he so honorably and ably leads,†ere. Controller Richardson in a letter to Mayor Urquhart acknowledged that he received bogus votes at the late municipal election in Toronto, and resigned his ofï¬ce. The resig- nation would have come with better grace had he left politics out ot the question. The late controller should blush with shame when he expresses his desire for “purity in politics." He says “The people of Toronto rightly will not tolerate any interference with the ballots and Change-World's Dispensary Maximal Assoc 11 Changeâ€"J. C. Ayer dz Co. Changeâ€"The Russm Hardware Co on anusâ€"J. F. & Son Mortgage Sale . M @119 RICHMOND HILL. April 1:}. 190! New Advertisements. MORE HYPOCRISY. nusury Medical Assoc" The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of km proved Chester white hogs, lot 32, 15!: con. Markham (Thornhill) has for sale some good young stock. ThorougE-bx'ed bulT and hog kept for service on {he premises. Tevms of Sula :â€"Ten pt‘l‘ cent. of purchase money to he paid in cash at the time of sale and the balance (If the lit-chase money is to be paid in thirty :iys thereafter. 01' 1.0 01' to JAMES MCCULLOUGH. Under and by \‘irture of the powers of sale contained in two certain Mutt- gages. which will be produce-d at time nf sale. there will lm offered for sale by Public Auction (suhjocb to :1. reservv bid)ab the Palmer House. Richmond Hill, Ontario, by J. J. Lnnau.Anctinn- Minion SATURDAY. APRIL 23, 1904, County of York at Tornntn :19 Numlwl' 47809, and on which Hotel Prnperty there are suibuate a good Hotel Buildâ€" ing and good stables. amd attached to the Szlme is a good Orchard. Dated 8th Apxil. 1904. Ger. ()1) SATURDAY. APRIL: 23, 1904, at the hour .of2 o‘clock in the after- noon, the following valuable propul- Lios :â€"â€"â€" 1. A Farm of 100 acres at m- umu' Onk Ridgr-s, Ontmio, desci'ihvd as fol- lnwszâ€"All and singular that certain parcel nl‘tnu-t nfiand and premises sit- uale 1) ing und being in the Township of \Vhitchurcl). in the Cuunty of York, and bving the west half of Int 64, in the First Concession of tho said Town- ship of \Vhitchurch, containing 100 acres. more or less. For further particulars and Condi- tinus (._f§a_ql€_up_;_)lx 30* 2. The Hotel Property at Lansing, Ontario, known as The Guldm: Lion Hotel and which consists of 1-58/100 acres of the Nmth East Corner of Lot; Number 15. First Cuncvss’on. VVost of YongP Street. annship of York and which said Parcel cf land is more fully described in a certain in- strument by way of Mortgxgu regis- tered in the Begisg'y ()ï¬iceior _the Friday.April 15â€"Auotinn sale of farm stock, implsmmnts and furniture on 101: 3-2, revu- 4th con Wm‘khmu, Lhe px-nperw m therb Again Hale Ml o‘clock. Terms, 7 mombs‘ N E Smith. Auctioneer. Suturdnv. April lGâ€"Auctinn mm; of hnucehnld furniture. etc" below Thornhill. the pronâ€" erty of Wlu.Fnrd. Sale at 1 o'clock. Icrnm. 6 mos. Sstiqeuu 35 Me Ewen. aucbs‘ “Wednesday. April 2Lâ€"Auchinn sale of horsesnnd rattle. at the Maple Leaf Hotel. anle. Salem-21mm. sharp. No renew». Terms. crevi‘i. to October 1. Snigeun 5c McEweu. Auntioneer. After Piles have (-xidvd for u long time and passed through the diife‘rvnt stages, tho. suf'fvring is intenseâ€"pain. aching. lhmlnhing, tumors form, ï¬llvd to bursting with hle blond Symptnms indicating nlhvr lruuhles may appear to a thoroughly Pilv-sick pel-snu. FmeheÃ©ï¬ Pmaanies \VHITCHURCH & YORK It will cure the most, stuhhmn case in existenttvund :1 bonded mun-untm‘ tuthnt, effect goes with every puck- u g Though thn- breath of those- l‘loi‘i’ors is swvot to lm- ‘ I “’1†give them all hark again." He gazed at the flown-s will) leaiful vycs, Ho kissed thoir drooping luau-s ; It was for the Lord of Paradise He hound lllt'lll in his shoavvs. Lt‘mgfollmv‘s Rvapm-and lho Flmvvrs.) The’Reapvr visitu-d this part, of th- country last work and gathvrml one of our fail-0st. ï¬nwurs. liLllH Charlie Grady. Much sympathy is ft‘lL fur tho family in their (ll-op sorrow. Unar- lio will he much missed at st'hlml for he was loved by all the-re- and his fair, swat-t. face will nob soon he fm-~ gotten. This is whvn Hum-Rum. tho only in- ternal and the only nhsrslnm- Pilv «:m'o. brings the. results that has made its fame. Thoreis :L Roupw, whnse name is Death, As with his sickle kan. He reaps the bearded grain with u brmlti', And the tiuwors that grow hetwvrn. “Shall I have "might. that, is fair." saith he ; Have nought l‘ut tho hwmlod grain Though thv breath of those- flowersi Ev SUNNYSIDE FARM It is to he had at, the dmg stmo. 49â€"1: Mmtgage Sale 3011151 WjMpCU LLOUGH, In the County of York. In the Townships of Sale Register. (Too Into I: 1' last week.) Vendor‘s Solicitor. 15 Toronto Street, Toronto. The Worst Kind. â€"â€"0f val unbleâ€" J eï¬erson D. G. GOODERHAM, Proprietor J. J. LUNAU, Barrister. Stoutfville, Ont. Auctioheor. Markham, Ont. 41-2 2nd 'concessiun .. . . . . . . . Squthreqst part u_t‘ north half NORTH GW’YLLIMBURY Lot 1 in the lat con . . . . . . . 200 41-5 lot 2nd cï¬ncessinn . . . . . . South half 8 in 2nd con. . . Squtb p:er (if-nurth half 8 2nd concession . . . . .. Lot 9 in 2nd concession. Lot 10 in 2nd concession Lot 11 in 2nd concession I at 9 in 2nd concession. . . . . . 52 “ Lot 10in 2nd concession c . . . . . 15 “ I 0: 11 in 2nd conCEssinn . . . . . . 8 “ Lot A in 3rd concession . . . . . . 24 “ Lot 24 in 2nd concession . . . . . . 9 “ South half 22-: in 11 concession 100 “ North half 23 in 11 concession lUO “ Lot 24 in 11 concession . . . . . . 44 “ Lot; 24 in 12 concession . . . . . . . 94 " Lot 24 in 13 concussion . . . . . . . 89 “ KING, Formerly “'est Gwillimbury Lot. 4 in the lst concession... 123 “ Lot 6 in the lst concession. . 175 †Eqst_ punt, nfï¬outh half 7 in if) n Is lH‘l‘Olly given {lint the undormmn tinned Grown Lands in the Townships of East Gwillimbury, \Vesb Gwlllim- bury, North (J‘rwillimliury and King m e offered for sale. Tenders at :1, p1 ico per acre for each lot will be received liy the anzu-tnuâ€"ut of Crown Lands up to and including “191‘th clay t-f May next. Patents will lie issuud hy the Crown upon payment in full. The highest, 01- any tender not necessm-ily accepted. E. J. DAVIS, Commissioner Pan'th lot 122 in the 15b con west of east branch of H01- lnnd River . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 1 Part. of lot 123 in lst can. west nf east branch , . . . . . . . . . . . . Part of lot 124 in 15b (-01}. west. of cast branch... Lot 129 in lab cnncvssion . . . . . . Duth at the Insipec'tor’s Ofï¬ce. Unionville, Aplil 15E, 1904. 402 CLYDE HOTEL Toronto. For the pnrpnw nf grunting Licenses fur the ensuing license your. WA“ pntitiuns and pL-utusts :Iguimt, grunting Licensvs must he lndgml with the ln<pector at least fuurdays previous to the ï¬rst nave-ting of the Board. By order of the Board. . ‘- “‘7 nvvnnn‘r T Depmtmont of Crown Lands, 'l‘monto, 23rd Mulch. 1904. EAST G \VILLI M BURY. ON SATURDAY, APRIL 23; 1904 Total number of applica- tion-s for 1904: 1905; Hotel, 27, Shop, 0. Total number of licenses granted for 1903-1904 ; Ho- 1361,27 ; <61210110. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. MUG $50T3§§E \ ant your moustache or beard . a beautifu! brown or rich black? Usc Ayer’s Pills are good liver pills. You know that. The best family laxative you can buy. They keep the bowels regular, cure constipation. {3332; XBEQKINGHAM’S DYE Good Pills "I?! I L'l’S. The Board of élï¬ï¬‚igflée ’ $1.00 IN ADVANCE. Published in accordance with the R. 0,1897, Chap. 245, Sec. 11, Subâ€"Sec- ‘ tion 6 Lice se District of the East Riding of Yo:k. (ï¬n cnncvssion . . . . . . 40 \VEST G \VILLIMBURY. Earn: fldvrttiscmcute. NOTICE AT 10.30 A (.f Licvnsv ‘ 01:1 will moet â€"â€"At theâ€"â€" ALEX. RUSSELL, Insp(-c_my R. Yurk. 33W ‘1me a. r. mu.) m mnmissior «mum. Kl}; 19-1: 102 21C res 39333 WARNING SlGNALSâ€"Ntrvousncss. bashfulness. poor mem. ory, pimples on the face. aching buck. cold fact and hands. no nmbiï¬ou or energy. ï¬red mornings. poor appetite, sympathetic dreams at night. fits of dcyression. morosc and suHen temper. restless and Suspicious. specks before the cym. dcsirs fcr soli- tude, inability to ï¬x the attention. etc. YOU HAVE NERVOUS DEBILITY. Don‘t negleclit. It is onlya step to paralysis or complcle loss of manhood. No matter the causeâ€"whether ind-.5- crcelncssiuyoulh.excesï¬cs in manhood or bumncss worries- OUR VITAL'IZED TREATMExT WILL CURE YOU. 03' SP'NNEV' rounder of YOU CAN PAY WHEN CUEED. CnsmnncyénCD- We Cure Varicocele.5|rlcturee. Blood and Skin Diseases. Prostatic Troub- les. Urinary, Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Consultation Free. Qucsuou L15! Scm Free For Home Treatment. NEEV®E$ @EEEEEE“? BE ï¬PENNEY % ï¬g} THE FRESH GBOCE SOAPS OF AL 290 WOODWARD AVE, DETROIT, MESH WWWW‘NVVJV‘AWARMW BDUTS SHOES, AND RUBBERS. W :'â€"~, m. .- 6331532133 TO STAY QUEER N‘Q’WWVM’WMMflW‘WW‘ 'r. B. mmmm, Prep. Ready Roofing. rooï¬ng material on the market. If you this season, you will save a lot of money by calling on, or writing us about Russili’s to ten squares a day according to the lay can put it on, one man can lay from ï¬ve of shingles does of the roof. have any rooï¬ng or roof repamng to do It lasts longer, Also a fmv remnants left from last, season from 2c. per 1-011 up. Thvsv haw t’n he (flu-rod at; Unce in make 11mm for our secund shipnwut. A cullwill cun- \ ince you that these are at bargain. Also, a complete stock of Paints and Painters supplies. \Ve want to call your attention to our new stock of \Vall-papers which are of a new design and many shades in color, Wall and Ceiling with border to match. See the Window of the Fire 80 Life Insurance. Aceldent Insurance. P. G. 6% ‘A. G. SAVME RUSSELL HARDWARE New Williams’ ‘ Sewmg Machmes. Next to slate it is the most durable l26 EAST KING STREET, TORONTO. em: PEOP] \Ve carry a complete line ( Call and see Our stock ï¬QSQGQQm a: m ,_ JPQLE a A :E'S STORE. KINDS