A Mllsicale undm- the auspices of .the \V. M. S. will he held at the home of Mrs. Andrew Newton on Llw own- ing of Tuesday, 26th inst. Flu-th1 notice by hills. Seedsâ€"“7e have Clover and Timothy seed, No. 1 quality at; night pxiu-s. Beet and nmngold seml, uninn sets. garden and flower seeds. ' Nuug'nton Brus., Elgin Mills. The Epworth League on Friday evening will he in charge of the Liter- ary Committee. Shout, essays will he fend by sevequ 01' the High School pupils. All are cordially invited. Mrs. A. Summers nf Guelph. Mrs. T. Mitchell 0t T01 onto. Mrs. ItBestm‘d of North Toronto, and Mrs. 0. Murphy of Davisville. spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Bastard. New Vzulencionnc laws and inser- tions. new Ribhnn Hole Valenciennes. and bmdings, new Paragth Vallem-"- enucs. new ’l‘vnnux-iï¬e insm-tinns and imitation Duchesso laces ut Atkinson & Switzer’s. Mr. John D. Putlm- stnvk was in the \ illug called on n numhn- ()fl Mr. Jen-y Smith has nut been able be :11. his jkulry slmp fur the p week (\1' (Wu, but we are glad to 19: that, he is improving in health and ‘ pects to be back at wm k in u fuw du The water made its way into the Imseuwnt nf the Methodist chm-ch last. week to such an exh-nt that the furnace t'mlld not he used nn Sunday. uml mmsequvntly the Services were held in the School mom. Rev. Mr. Spence, a. young nmn mut-h pmmisv, preached Lu'u impr sin- sermons bu the congregation the Methodist church last Sunday. The somiu'mnuul mar-ting of the- Onturin ()urlvrs' Assncinliun will lu- hvldut the \anker Hume, Toronto. am Tuesday 19th inst. at 11 n. In. First representative for Richmond Hill Mr. J. H. Sanderson, second Mr. H. A. Nicholls. Arrangements have been made for the x-eâ€"prvseimuivos Iodine nt the Walkm~ Houseatl o’cluck in the private dining~mnm. Miss Bvx-tlm Pnlnmr le-flu Saturday to spe-nd the anb three mm:th with rulntivus in Chicago. Full stock (:1’ garden seeds, Dutch Seth and 8119110“ (miuns, nnmgold and turnip seeds at, Atkinan AL Switzer’s. Mr. John Brown. (‘ll'l’k in the T. Eaton & (70’s ('shlblishnwnt, is spend- ing a Week wiLh Mrs. Glass and family. IS manufactured by the Dresden Sugar (30., and rvcomnwndod as it high class dairy fund hy every fau-mvr who has used it. Only cost you 800. in bags. H. L. Breen, 41 Cottingbam St, Toronto.‘ “'hvn you buy 11 of yuur pnl'clmsvs; endurance and exc & Swilzur. Misses Olivo and were the guosts of M; the Easter holidays. Mr. OsnmndWYright, u (‘k‘l‘k in the Post. 011100 Dvln. 'I‘m-nutn, is home fUI' [bu-e \veuks‘ Imliduys. ‘ Gan increase their proï¬ts by fccding Cotton Seed Meal and Molasses Stock Food. 7:111 or write for names of farmers who are using those funds. 11. L. Breen, 41 Cottinghum Street, Tux-onto." The lmst, \nlm' in Sugm C(Ilfm's and n1] “ISL ulnss Atkinson & Switzvr‘s. Bros. J. \V. Oslmrlw and ’I‘. F. Mc- Mnhun :u-(tnmpunivd R. \V. Hm. H. A. Nicholls un his vï¬â€˜k-inl visit to Tuscan Musmlic Lmlge. Ncwmm-kvt, lust, twen- Ill . Our lnrgv slvck unsures the cheap- est pncv. ALkinsnn St. Switzcl'. Mus. J._' A. M. mws of Turuntu smmgc. ‘ Misï¬t Davidson of vamnrlwf. hm-n Lht- Kllt'St uf M r. and Mrs. \V Pugslvy. Manny kinson é: Mr. J. J. Lunau. auctioneer, will sell by public auction at the Palmt-u' Huuse, on Saturday, 23rd inst.. the west half of lot 64, 15!: con.. “'hit~ gym-elk Bond Luke; also the Golden iii-ngliâ€"infél property‘, advh on another page. James St. John. the fatheruf Joseph W. St. John, M. P. P.. for \Vesb York. died on Saturday at Sunderland. He was 93yea1‘s of age. and one of the leading men in Sunderland. He is survived b three sons. Joseph “7., barrister ; V. G., and James. and ï¬ve daughters. Mrs. Henry Glenderinq 0f Manilla. Mrs. John GlendexfnJ Mrs. Thompeou and Mrs. Bl‘cthnnl‘ u f Valentine. and Miss St. John of Sun- don-land. DEATH OF JAMES ST. JOHN. RICHMOND HILL, April 11. 1.004 MOLASSES STOCK FOOD MORTGAG 1C SALE. ()(7A 2.9%.. DAIRY FARMS is n. surety hora Arnlstmng und little un- gnu-sis at. the Par- (‘11! you can lw sure Ind certain of tlu-il' :vllencv. Atkinsun ktorson 41f “'nnd- Huge Monday and of old friends. vamurkof. hm: Nnx-nm Morgan . Nichnlls dming Lansing. See s. Teas and groan-[es ut At- tn ‘lSt Old Plug,†to the dr-liglit of the nudi- ence. In the patriotic selection DIES Olive Switzei', in El long robe, repres- enth “Britannia,†and representa- tives from India, Australia. England. leand. Scotland and many other countries brought in their respective products. and in neat, little speeches laid them at her feet. At the close of this piccv Mr. E. Mason in ï¬ne voice sang “Sung fur all the Britons,"ull usr-d in :1. creditable manner. Aft/e} some \‘k-ry prutty turns and marshes Lhc‘ jnngff \Vte‘ll_ ï¬ght for the D941:- the representatives joining in the chorus. The nccompzuiists during the evening were Mrs. Hume. Miss M. Trench. Miss Barker and Mr. E. New- ton, and the excellent Mason & Risch piano, furnished by Mr. Pethick. the Company’s representative hei-e, gave the players a good opportunity to play “ith delfg ntful precision, and this pant, of the pun mm was also thornughly enjoyed. ï¬etween the two put-ts of the program it spirited sale of old magazines was held. Mr. H. A. Nicholls acquitvtiug himself as auctioneer with distinction. Mr. P. G. Savage as chair. mun explained at the opening the objch of the eutertaimnent, which \VHS to provide funds for the Lihriu y. and before the close. thanked all the performers for their kindness in ful- nishing such an attractive program. The ieceipts after deducting expenses amounted to $26.00. For the decoru- tvion of the stage the committee are much indebted to Mi. J. H. Sander- sou. lmmun, a reading. Particularly in- teresting features of the entertain» mom. were 4). Flag Drill given by twelve girls and :1 Patriotic Selection by a. large number of boys and gills trained by Miss “'iley and Miss Switzer. The twelve girls werepret- Lily costumed in white dressvs. red Etrmjnuke-t‘s and red c:1p~‘, and each Irl-icd small Union Jacks which thoy Mrs. J. H. Duhsnn and little daugh~ ter Nuua are visiting with Mr. T. F. McMahon and family. Flourâ€"\Vi’ are (rife-ring special in- ducementsin flouriu bhl. and a hhl. lots. Quality guaranteed. Naughton Brus., Elgin Mills. Miss Ada M. \and was on “'edues- day nf last week married to M1. \V. J. VMill‘f/il] at the residence of her “"0 sell nut. [mm at 400.; ram hmn at 95c. in hulk; (201-11550. pt-r bushel: add Mulnssvs Stm‘k Fund. and yt-u have an excellent fuml fm‘ lmmtl 50W“. or grmving hogs. Fm- snle- by H. L. BPPCH, 41 Gulliuglmm SL. 'l'uruntm' The onbm'tainmr‘nt. committee of the Agricultural b‘nciety have “111-de swured u nnmlH-r of highâ€"cluss (Ll-fists fur the annual cum-mt (m the evening: of tho 24th 01 May. Mr. Hun 9y Lloyd, Tumnm’s fuvnrite- (:nmic singer, knmvnns “the funny man" wfll hv hm-p. Alsn H. Ruthwn Mucdonnld, bm'itnne; Miss Emily Frances SCnLt, nprann; and Miss Marietta Ln Dell. father. Mr. H. ward; 'Th'ciéix‘flilll'liéi G. McKiuh-y ofï¬ciated. ThP I) in Ulll' la Switzn-r A farmer nu Tuvsdny drow- intn the \‘illagmund, apparently nmmticrd. tied his horse attache-(l tn a buggy in the Palmer House shml. This was uhuut 9 o'clock in thv morning. As the hm'se- and rig rvmnincd in the shr-d all day the citizons were inclim-d tn hu- “(WP that they had hot-n stolen, hut. :Il 91)’(:ln(‘k at night, the owner made his nppr-zu-ance. and drove thv horse away as if nothing out of the ordinary had om-Iu're'd. It is tn be 11vde the hmsv enjnyed its supper. Thc lutmt in Indies bolts :It, 25. 35, 5!) and ’70 cents: umhrvllas at, 750., $1.0Q. $1.25, $1.501md $2.00 at Atkin- All wv knmv is at your kinsun (K: Swilzux'. $1.00. $1 sun 8: S Rank Poison is Created when Food does not. digest and that, is when Sickness Cmumences. If the man or woman who does nnt feel right. will at once look to putting the stomach right they will strike the right keyâ€"Every ache and every pain is a. cry of poison. too much of which has been made in the process of con- verting food into nutrimcnt. It may be the backache or sideache of the kidneys telling they are overtaxed and cannot ï¬lter the poisonâ€"Ir, may he weightpnin or distress in the stomach thut tells 0f ferlnentatiun and decom- position insth of digestionâ€"It may be houdflchu. dull. depressed, which tells poison has reached the fluid which surrounds the blaiu cells. The ï¬rst FOR THE 24TH CONCERT. Switzer‘s hPst for the money is wrapped line of wrappers. Atkinsan & Poisoned. VASTING. sex-x icv. WANTED Special Representative in this county and deynimug tm‘rimrirs m rspresonr mud arlvprcise nu old established 1:“ #95 human orsohdflmmrm!mauding. Salary 321 weekly. wi'h expensns. paid and) Mnndny by cheque iirec: frou Headquarters. Expenses nd‘nnced; position permanent. \Ve furnish evcyrthiuu. Addrusik the Cuiuuibm, 630 Mono Buiidmg, Chicago, Iil 35 G STANï¬RE WK () 1' Can ada A First-Class Nineâ€"Rnomed Ilousu will) 2 nf an mth of land. Good stump foundation and cellar. Situated on Ynnge street, Richmond Hill. Apply [,0 adjoining turrilm-y for Well and f ably known hnuse of solid ï¬lm standing. $2<Ltmatmightmush s and (‘Xpl‘nSI‘S paid each Mondn chvck direct frum hoadqmu tum. . pPIISP mom-y Advanced. Pusiiini mum-mt. Address Mnnugm'. SMH Bluck, Chicago, Illinois. Mar. 17. 12 w A FEW TIMELY [3 YOUNG PEL Mr. \V. S. Mot-u". six umth under mu- nmv earning $25 pvr huurs \vm'k pm- thy Tenn. Mi.“- erlic in: munths‘ training. 1s “Is-stern Uniun u-lvgru Denim, «nu-Hing :37!) pe- \V. H. Umlgsnn. :lllvl \V. H. Umlgsun. :lllI-I fnur il‘nining. is nmv with “in C. ! T\V(5I‘d.01]l'., warning $40.0†pm NUIHI'I’(‘IIS omen-s :uv lwing p vquully :Is gnod positions. nu H‘rm upvns Junnnri' 4m. :u: «h-six-ing to lnku up tlw \mG rm-nll on ur lwfm-o lhnL vlnto r: tht‘m n pusiliun il1(lI1-.\'pl'illg 1 summer. Five cmnpvlvnn 1m nf oxcuptinnul ability nrr gh in pursnnal and individual uer-x UH' rapid :Idvanm-nwnt of mu Young ladies are pn-pun-(l 1" mercinl tvr'lugrnph pnsitirms,:m 111M] for the same and mil“ tinns us npm-uLv-rx. train (L s] agents. one. Thisis n pl'l'f{‘>:- m'vrcrmvdvd, :Lnrl nm- whirh \I mnnd st, may mnplnymvnt. : :u-uund ntv good wages. \Vrilt for particulars as In terms. Ptr adiï¬n Railway Instruction Cul‘. Colle'gv and Yonge SIS Trustwmvlhy lady or gemlvn manage husinvss in [his (mum Receivod in Snviugs’ Bank Depart- ment and interestullowed at, HIGHEST GURREHT RATES. Fenfly laxative. A‘er's "Pmé‘aié’ T w Samaparllla. ey greatly aid t Money Lonnn-d on Farmers' Sale Notes. Blank note Forms Supplied Frre. Genml Banking Business Transacted. For other particulars call at the Bank. Rich EEOGfl ,‘apiml [Rest Notice uf withdrawal Bill’y. All depnsits on demand Sarsaparifla You know the medicine that makes pure, rich bloodâ€" Ayer’s Sarsaparifla. Your mother, grandmother, all your folks, used it. They trusted it. Their doctors trusted it. Your doctor trusts it. Then trust it yourself. There is health and strength in it. “I anfl'ered tnrlmy from indigaatlon and thin blond. l {nund no relie! until I took Ayer's Smaparilln. Your bottles perm» neatly curml mi." .._A “ ".>‘ ... n. _. r. RICHMOND HILL J. W. OSBORNE. Manager Wanted. DEPOSITS â€"()E{ \V. E. \VILEY, nam- (ml' Instrur ; $2? pnr won-k pm- (lay, a! ‘ NI-llio Carson. u ining. Is nuw on [vie-graph run ing :37!) pm- mum (sun. nllm fum- uw with Ihv C. i F0 RENT hick of gush i( nr. "fur ur instru liichmbnd Hill. 'nb Illl $1,000,000 926.000 liuu )Pl Sm). IIH\V -\()l \V( Ill nnt noces~ payable til Slll AG ENT. Guaranteed to cure Coughs, colds, heaves and broken wind in horses. Horse-own will ï¬nd this an infallible remedy for any affection in :L box-39’s wind, whether-caused from after effects of (listeniva or from eating dusty hay. Price 50c. Sold in Richmond Hill by Geo. McDonald, hat-nessâ€"nmker. Your own recipes made up properly from pure drugs at wholesale plicos. All drugs and patent medicines at wholesale prices. J. A. Johnston 6'5: 00., Yorkshire Stack Fwd FOR HORSESâ€"Gives them a good appetite, a glossy mat, a. lose hide and :1 healthy appearance. Highly remnmnended by non-semen. FOR CATTLE it has no equal. It improve-s the up etitv, aids diges- tion, It cansas a. pm'fect as~4imulutiun uf the fuo and fattous them quickly: alsn a grand pxepzu'ation fm- milcb cows. FOR UALVESâ€"mixnd Wltll skim milk or separator milk it “ill make calves thrive as well or better as when fed on new milk. Prevmts scours, aids digestion. and rapidly tibia calf for market. FOR HUGSâ€"this wil he found it gram] tonic for fattening hogs rapid- ly. It uids digestion, kills wot-ms, und kl-eps them healthy. The stuck- m:m‘s favorite. because it, makps ynlll‘stm-k thrive strungâ€"best and cheapest stuck food on the market. Five feeds [or one cent. " fl ‘3‘ a 1 ‘ <3 4. mmm‘zmp Czammemm & SWITZER SM 3% 1K a Yorkshire Cough & Heave Cure @memxmmmcmmm _.; What ii means T0 tam Qusmmer E (Successor to C. D. Daniel & Co. and Hugh Miller & Co.) Wholesale and Retail Dx-uggists. 171 King St. East,_T01-onto. Opposite Clyde Hotel. Here. are sonw of our pricvs: Mvn‘s fancy dress chirts 50m. 75. 1.00 and 1.25. Mvn’s dress whitv shirts 500. and $1.00. Men‘s hq-avy working shirts 35, 50. 75 and 1.00. Men’s fancy nm-kweux- 20, 25, 35. ~15 and 50. \Vumon‘s blm-k satoon underskirts 80, 1.00 and 135. \Vindmv shades. complete with spring roller 35, 45. 55, 7 The [mat G-cnrd 300 yr]. spools 4v. ouch 01- 450. per dozen. Big usual-uncut. Canadian and English fancy Plints 10;, 115 and 121:. ‘Vnmvn‘s blank and cnlored waists 50, 75. 1.00 and 1.25. A large business means Two Things : A Full Assortment and Low prices. The largest stuck means the fullest and low- est prices. This is the largest storeâ€"has the largest stockâ€"does by far the largest business and sells all goons ( n a closar margin than is pos- sible for stores with a smaller volume of busi- ness-â€"thinl< this over. Our Canned Goods and Groceries GOOD COFFEE NEVER HURT ANYBODY, and that is the only sort: you can buy here, ground fresh at 20, 25, 3o, 40 and 45c. 1b. Tempt the appetite and satist ' it as well. Tomatoes Quaker Brand 2 for 25¢ Red Sockeye Salmon 2 cans for 25 Ham Loat 15c., Canned Beef 15c No. I Corn Starch 8a., Figs 5c \ Dates 50 , Prunes 5c. Now is the time to select; your paint; for Spring decoration. We have a large stcck to choose from, made from stricily pure leads and oils, guaranteed by the makers. Also garden tools of all kinds; lawn mowers, all sizes and prices to choose from. All kinds of repairing prompt- ly attended to. LAWN MOWERS A SPECIALTY. ?AENTS Tag/@717 ’3?! .