Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Apr 1904, p. 1

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VoL. XXVI. AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING dc PUBLISHING HOUSE moxnmND HILL, our. IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING ‘1‘ . F . Mo M AHON, L \9-8 maian n‘waw'mn at: Western and Grace R. mpitnla ,‘l‘aruubo Best fitting teeth. also replating, at lowest, prices. Good work. D3 W G L SPAULDING DR A W SPAULDING I)eutists Room “ A," Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. Telephone Main 2124- Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. DR. ARNOLD D. A. MASON, Faentist, Our. Church and Carlton Sts., Turuntn‘ Will be in Richmnnd Hill eve-1y \Vud nesduy. Oifice, next dour suuth of Public Schnnl. 'Otfiw Hoursâ€"3.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, J. H. SANDERSON VETERINARY SURGEON Gulls by day and night promptly at tended to. Bamadelled,mnd newly furnished throughout 0 no of the most convenient 3nd comfortable hotels on Yonge Street. Every modern con- venience Sample rooms {or commercial cmvellers. Anidealstopping place for riding or driving pmrtiesfiicyclistm or farmers going morreburning from market. Electric can; pass the door Liveryinconnection Room 12, 12L Victoria. St. Tm-cnto. PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, $1 per annum, in advance.] 6‘ JOHN ROGERS, TERMSISIflU PER DAY W. C. SAVAGE - AGENT FOR McCormack’s Harvesting Ma= chinery. M. Campbell Fanning Mill Co. of of Chaflmm. Cull rind see their Incubators, Scales. Etc., Etc. THE -' LIBE 0,nc¢E11111'sâ€"Bbo!0 n m; 12 to ‘2 p m 7 m 8 D m. (Successor to Dr. '1‘. A. Currie), B USINESS CARDS. VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. lowest, pl-ic RICHMOND HILL 653:: gmme 13mm. DB. WM. R 1-25333, I)euti§it. Sliliscribe for T HORNHILL, Eamon & Pacmum‘ok A LS Thou-nil“! $31 etcriuary 80 AGENT FOR THE «Rudiml. STUBBS HAL Prop G G S LindsnyJi C A H F Imwrouce W m‘iout Wadsworth Home Life Building (fnrmvrly Free- huld Lnun Bldg), 00:. Adelaide & Victoria. Sta. Tm unto. LIBERAL Ofl‘xce, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. Barristvrs, Solicitors. etc. TORONTO OFFICE: No. 33 Rich- mund St. \VvsLJVe-sley Buildings, (BIvthudist Bnok Room.) To- l'untn. Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Tlmlsday afternoon of ouch woek. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. LENNOX 8: MORGAN Monsv to loan on [and andchntbal lowest rates Aurornomceâ€"Removeu u; the old post ofllco one door west of the enuunce to the Ontario Bank Newmarket ofliceâ€"Three doom south of the p ysc olfice T HERBERT LExNox, Gr STV MORGAN. RI. TEEFY. " NOTARY PUBLIC ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSESI E IJGINT 13111414585 Licensed Auctioneer forthe County of York. Goods sold on consignment General Sales (,1 Mac etc promptly attended to at reuaouubh retrial: Pesideuce Uninuville G R Gouldifié: RE§§£0£IEmokmgenlfor the above . J '1‘ Saigeon. Maple Licensed iuctioneers for 9119 Countyot York Sulesmttendedtnnnshortestnotiotand a. tea. sonublerabes Patronagesoucited JAS. NEWTON Licens e Auctioneer to: the County of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence sales attnnded on the sLoxâ€"test notice and at. reasonaberatea. P.O.nddress King LicensedAnctioneertorthe Counting of York and Ontario Allsales o! farm stock, m. at- tended to on the shortest notice and reasonable refine. Mortgaaenndbnilifl sales attended to. Reehiencefitoufl’villo Ont Alarge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL A mun to represent, “CANADA‘S GREATEST NURSERIES" in the Villngt‘ of Richmond Hill and surrounding country, and take orders for ooumsawnnnmrnm HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE January 28 Ln: [3 Fruit Trees, Small Fruits. Orna- mentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, Etc. Stock true to name and free from Sun Jose Scale. A permanent pnsitinu fur the right man on either salary or cnm~ mission. Stone & Wellington, FONTHILL NURSERIES, OVER sou ACRES. Lindsey. Lawrence Ea Wadsworth, Undertake-rs & Embnlmors, OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES MONEY TO LOAN AT 5‘2 COOK & JOHNSTON Barristers and Solicitors. arristers,Scllcitors. Notaries, 85c. 932333 $993339, T0 RONTO, 158 KING "ma EAHT. TORONTO accommodation 90:11:65". Board.$l Der day Saigeon a: McEwon. WRIGHT BROS, WANTED H. ngmm J, H. PI entice. D. G. BLOITGII. N. E. Smith. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, APRIL ‘21, 1.904 Emmi. A urom In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." G STY Mom” N, Phone Main 2984 ONTARIO. J Ix McEwcn. \Vustou mnrtgages at Newlharket Tho Markham Tuwnship Council met ut, VicUu-in Hall, Uninm'ille, on Tuesday, April 12. Me-mhers all prvsvnt. Minutes rend and confirmed. Cmmmmicutions \x'cn- I‘m-.Pin-(l :â€" me J. A. Mitchell, Jnsh Hm-ner, F. H. Quantz. \V'nltvr Chattm-ly. and W. H. Mayer, applying fur positions as mad cmnmissimwrs. From Julius Lewis. re. work on the townlme hf W'hitchunrh and Markâ€" ham. with account, amounting to $14.56. From J. Ross Rnhortsnn, asking for a grant of $10 {01- snniturinm. Fruncisâ€" MOI-llsnn â€"- that Yunge street, account. fm- Mun-ch, amounting tn$117.42; Murkhum‘s share, $58.71, be paid. Francisâ€"Harpvrâ€" that, the follow- ing account. he paid: F. Robinson, 65 yds. grgn‘el, $6.50. ' A petition was rocvivod from Mr. Eiijfih \Vismm- and 35 others praying that Andrew \Vidmmm he appointh n. commissioner for M t. Joy division. The hyâ€"luw luhm' received passed. Morrison â€"â€" anp â€"â€" that Messrs. Francis and Harper he cmumissinners lnwpnirbridgv between lots 10 and 11, con. 4; also a culvert, in the 2nd 0011.. oppnsite lot 5 â€" amounts payâ€" able on their older when Work is completvd. Frzmcisâ€"anpâ€"thut the Rveve and Mr. Mm-rison he cmnmissimlels to repairculvert atlnts 10 and 11. con. 6, amount payable (m thvix order when work is cumpk-twd. Fruncisâ€"Lappâ€" that the Printing Cummittw be authorized to have 1.30 oupie: of by-law commuting statute luhnl' printed in book I'urm. A h§'-luw to appoint road commis- sinnm's for the serI'n] divisions of Mmkhmn was passed “ilh the blanks filled :15 follmvs :â€" I)i\'. 1.â€"P(-1H‘ Duncan, Thnrnhill. I)iv.2.â€" Juah lion-nor, Richmond Hill. Div. 3.â€"Ad:nu Hand, Hagen-man. Div. 4.â€"F. H. Qunntz, ()uslu'l. Div. 5.â€"\\"m. Junrs. Buxgi'm‘e. Div. (5.â€"â€"J. A. Mitchell. Hingwond. Div. 7.â€"â€"('l'110mhill)â€" “'alter Chut- terly. Div. 8.â€"(Uni0n\‘illc)â€" Rulit. Camp- bell, Uninnvillv. Div. 9. â€"â€" (Mount Joy) â€" Andrew “'idenmn. Markham. That those (-mmnissiunvrs :11? up- paiulml (lining the plvusme of the. council. ancisâ€"anpâ€" that the fulluwing he nppuintod mud and bridge com- missioners :â€" Divs. 1 and 2â€"AF1-uncis and Harper. Divs. 3 and 4â€"the x-eeve. Divs. 5 and Uâ€"Mm-risuu and anp. Lappâ€"Flancisâ€" that the 1-wve he a committee to examine and repngr bridge opposite 10:2. in con. 5; am- ount, payable on his m-du “hen the walk is cumpletsd. Francis -â€" Lapp ~â€" that all (:ummis- sinners. outside mad cmmnissiunm-s who are nut; members llwx-euf. he paid at the same rate as the members of the council in \\ ul'k. Han‘pPI-â€"Mun-ismlâ€" that the tx-e urer_pag_the followmg accupnts :â€" “C J. Thomsun. filling L‘l‘ll) at bridge. Int 9, (inn. 7 .‘ R. A. \Vilsun, drawing pipe- 2 culverts, and putting in . R. A. “'ilsnn, drawing plank and putting in bridge on tuwnliue Ym'k, ank to pay half . . . . . . . l l . . . . . . . . . . . V David Duncan and team, 1 day (ll-“wing stone for crusher, Frisby 8105.. brvnkiug ice bridge, between lots 10 2 11. cnn. 6 . . . . . . . . . . . Roht. Myers, breaking ice J. l". Dnvisun, 61bs. gunpuwdel- 2 40 “'. J. Mitchell. repairingculvert on north tmvnlinv. “'hit- church and Murkluun, \\'hit- churrh having paid half .. .. 10 00 Harperâ€"Lappâ€" that. tho tender of M r. Hickson he. acceptvd for opt-rating lhv ruck crusher at. 90 61:. per hour and 20 cts. per mile for nu-ving. Council zldjuurnod to mn-ut again on May 10th. The first parkuge of Hom-Rnid (the infallible Pile cum) that was putuut, went. to a sum]! anu in the state-of Nebraska. lt made the. our? of :1 case of Piles that was considerl-d hnpvlvss. The nvws sprvud and although this was only twu yours ago the demand pI-um )Led Dr. J. S. Lt-onhni-dt of Lin- culn, Nob" the discuverer. to prepare it fun gom-rul “so. Now it is being smut to all parts nf lhv world. It will cure any case of Film. There is a month's t'rvulment in ouch lmx. Sold fur $1.00 with uhsnlute guaran- Markham Tp. Council It is ful- snlu by all dmggisls. 1902 hx-idgz‘. hétwven Int; 11. con. 6 . . . . . . . . . . .â€"Ad:nu Hand, Hagen-man. .â€"F. H. Qunntz, ()ushcl. ‘.â€"\\"m. Junrs. Buxgl'm‘e. i.â€"â€"J. A. Mitchell. Hingwond. '.â€"â€"('l'110mhill)â€" “'alter Chut- How It Spreads. to commute statute its third reading and ice at 10 and 10 and :Lt $770 600 300 300 “HS TORONTO’S GREATEST FIRE. Fire ln-nko out on Tuesday ovenin in Cnn-ie’s. \Vvllingtnn st. \Vust mu snnu spread tn Bay and Front Srs. \thlesnle district swept by flames. Loss est-hunted at, $13JM)0.UOU. LOSS to insurance companies $8,000.000. Ahnut 5.000 persons will be thrown out of employnmnt. Hamilton. Buffalo, Ningnra Falls, London. Polm‘horu and suburban t0\\1'ns sent detachments to fire bri- gm 9. H No lives were Inst but Chin Thomp- son and others of the fire bligude were illjrlfl'edr. vl'he firemen Walked like heroes, but, the. system was inadequate. The fnrmm‘s in this vicinity are xmxinusly wailing seeding but tho weather continues very cold, with occasionally a snow storm. Our hlarksmith is doing :1. rushing husinvss this season. having engaged an assistant. He is prepared to do ll.“ kinds of iron and \vundwm-k. \V(\ are phased tn learn our Worthy tnwnsnmn, Mr. Hubert Omig. has re- turned to his home here. Mrs. A. l’IPI]l'i('kS has moved tn the brirk residence on Main St. Miss Ethel an-km- has gone to spend the summer with her brother, Mr. Chas. Barker, at Assinihoiu. The far rum-'5 of this place when pur- chasing hinder twine would do well tuipnnlmjzg 0_nr new agent. Mr. Ralph Flishy, (If Cashel spent Sunday :11; Mr. McBridv’s. Our ministers intend holding a sorivsnf special son-vices in the near future. Mrs. C. Brodie and Miss Hattie have been spending the past, week at New- nmrket. 0m- estoemed tearhm‘. Miss Byam. has resumed her work after the Easter vacation. Our schnul is quite large now owing to quite a number of ad- vanr-od pupils attending. “'e :ul'e énrry t0 I‘Pp6i't Master Fred Johnston is quite ill again but hope he will soon recover. Mr. A. E. \Villinms has left our (-mmmmity. and is wry much missed. Mr. \V. Neil has taken the place- of Mr. \Villinms and Mr. T. Schell 0c- cupivs the place of Mr. Nt‘il. Mr. V. Humphrey's got back safe after his Fnstm- Vacation. Mr. J. Hicksnn will up“! up spring will) a siege (4" threshing. Mr. .I. Klinck lms purchased the farm of Mr. J. Bvstm-d. Mr. \V. (‘nsgrnve and MLA. E. \Vil- liums will Sum) have to get the masons at the stono work of their barns that thy intend raising next summer. T119 regular meéfing nf the Victoria. Square Off-hand Rifle Club \vus held on SutuI-dnv. st. G. “'elhmm had two nephews to visit hex- over Sunday. fmul Tux-On- tn, before leaving for the-i1 new home in the Nnrth \Vest. Tho council met on April 14th, 1004. Members present: The Reeve: Coun- cillul-sGluss. Innes. Punlin and French. Th:A minnLe-s of 4th February were read and approve-(l. The fullmving um'nunts wvre wad. \‘iz: Dr. Lung- staff, for oil tank. $4; .luhn Stnrlup. fur service-b, $11.50; P. G. Savage, aid to trumps, PUT” $2.35; Hurt Lk' Riddell. Pulls, Ptc“ $6.00. “ Ed." has wheel vehicle Moved by Mr. Glass. seconded by Mr. Innm. that the 'I‘rmsurer dulh pay the above "commits.â€"Um-x‘ivd. Mr. Henry F. anpvr :Iddl'PSSHI thv onuncil in l’f‘flill't] :0 il. culvcxt (m Kit-h- Mr. Henry F. anpvr onuncil in regard to n cu mund street. An eminent physi~inn snys. ” human ' life should last five limo»: lhv yvms it take-s tn nmture”â€"thns if t\\’(-nlvy-(Inu is maturity we shunld live ave-1' a hundred _V'(‘:IIS. hut there-m1» nut many roach the century mark. A groutdmxl more longevity would exist if thv stunnu-h (lid nut got crippls-d and played nutâ€"that m-gun gets pln-nty of "bus". and is (lova‘Ving of attentionâ€"â€" It is thusuu'lingpniut of must ailments and it, needs the lixst attention u'hr-n sympme nf sickm-ss nppmu'. If an I eldm'ly xtnnmch can he kept, wurkin r ' right, ym'l‘mny he sure- nf u iipe am ‘ cuntentvd ulil ago. cmnpul'uth’ely fr: 9. from physical Inn-(lens. 'l‘ht- gI-vutlww dismn'I-ry. ANTI-PILL, the Great Sys. tn-In 'l‘rvatmenc has a gmml off-wt in helping old and (lH‘nngod stomachs. Any "gt-(l persun who will ndtlrt‘ss :1 l Postal 10 “'ilson-Fyle (30.. Niagara , Fall<, Onl.. will get :1 free trial botlle lyy ruzuru mail. The council adjnuruml A Present for the Old Folks. For the Slmnm-h's S Village Councfl. Vinegar Hill Hendford purchased a. new one M. TEEFY, Clerk. .1 k9. Muney makes money when well in- vested. mey 15 well invI-sted when used in purchasing securities of un- questioned merit at less than their intrinsic worth. Circumstances creute opportunities. One man‘s necessity is often the other man's opportunity. As Investment Specialists we have placed before men anxious to make money, many golden opportunities for so doing. Many availed themselves of such money making opportunities and are to-duy satisfied with the results. How is it with you? Are you making money? Is the money you have mode making money for you? You worked hard fol your money, now make. your money work for you. Three per cent. is all right for the man with a hundred thousand dollars. but of little account to the hard work- ing man With an honest ambition to forge ahead and materially better his financial uondition. A thiee per cent. dollar is pretty much like a lazy mun. Youhaveto have a lot of them to make a showing, and individually they are scarcely w u~t-h their salt. Don‘t employ a. lazy man to do your work, and don't keep a lot of lazy dollars loitering away theirtimc at three or five per Cent when they can be employed in safe and profitable work, bringing you in from ten to thirty-four per cent. They can do it. We know where some of your dollars may secure some very profitable employment. Call at our office and let us talk the. matter over. You will find us in the ‘ Spectator Bldg.. Hamilton. and we in- lvite you to write to us, or call upon us. We make appointments for even- ings to suit those who cannot call in the day time. YOUR. OPPORTUNITY 18 NOW. INVESTMENT EXCHANGE (:0. C. ll. ROUTLlFFE, Mgr. Spectator Bldg. The Canadian Press Associutlnfl have arranged for an chursinn to St. Louis in the month nf May. A sp- cial train will leave Tux-untn on Saturday morning the 14th of May. and will reach the Fair grounds the fullmving morning at 7 a. m. Neil N. McDungnll. mr-rchnnl; tnilnr. died at his hnmP in CHI-hurry, Mam, on Monday. Deconsvd was formerly a. resident of Newmarket. That, smnkeless pUW'tIr'I' has its dangers as well as its advantages is pointed out by 1L rmtent Illr-(likznl writ-1'. 'lhe gnsvs from it produce very «lis- agreeuhle symptoms. mnung which are .convulsiuns. difficulty of breath- ing. feeble pulse- nnd hmlrt, :Icliun. headache. or even luss of (-(mscinus- ness. These are due chivfiy tn the nitrous products of combustion, \Vhil'h while they are not, so objectionath in the open air, may become dungemus in a confined space, such as the tun-“ts of a battleship.â€""Suc‘x-SS.” Mm £035 190 Mam: When the price paid is the mother’s health and happiness. The father doesn't realize as he ran! with the child what year: of wife y sufleriug must be set against the baby's laughter. Chronic invalidism is a high pnce to ay for the painful joy of maternity, yet t is at such a cost that many a woman becomes a mother. Such aprice is too much because it is more than nature asks. By the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre- scription maternity is made fractically painless, and a quick conva escncc b assured in almost every case. The proprietors and makers of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription now feel fully war- ranted in ofi‘ering to pay $500 in legal money of the United States. for any case of Lcucorrhea, Female Weakness, Prolap- aus, or Falling of Womb which they can- not cure. All they ask is a fair and reason- able trial of their means of cure. "There are thousands of sick women drn ‘ng out n wearz, miserable existence. who we be well and nppy did the but have my experi- ence with Dr. Picrce's avorile Prescription" writes Mrs. Annie Lenmnn. Lady Commander Star of Bethlehem. Lodge No. 17. of 106 jackson Slfeel. Atlanta. Ga. IlFour years ago I w“ nearl dead with inflammation and ulceration. 1 en ured daily untold agony. and life was . burden to me. I had used medicines internally and exlcrnally until I had made up my mind that there was no rclicfin sight for me. A friend of mine endorsed your ' Favorite Prescri lion.‘ and l determined then to give it a trial. I look patience and :rseverancc for I was in a bad condition, and3 had to not your medicine for nearly four months before I was cured, bu! what a change it brought; from despair to happineh, from misc to the delightful,exhilnraun {cel- ing (hit on y health brin s. 1 would note range back for a lhouund do us. Your ‘Prcncnpâ€" {ion' is a grand medicine. I wish pvcr sick woman would only try it and be cunvxucc ." Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prgscription con- tains no alcohol and is armrer free from opigm,_cocaine and all other uarcotica. ,A,L ,.:.._A_ 1', 7 IMMI, bvuunun. any. _.. V".-. __..V_".., The dealer who ofiers a substitute for “Favorite Prescription " does so to gain the little more profit paid on the sale of less meritorious medicines. His profit is your log; therefore. accept no substitute. a “AA ~A._..u_.~ .L- L-~-1- $500 Reward for Women Who cannot be Cured. Dr. Picfce'a Pencté xegfilatc the have“. Money Makes Money. ‘lngle mums, fl cts News Nm‘es Hamilton. Canada. No. 42

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