..â€" Changeâ€"World's Dispensary Mullen! Aaaoc': Changeâ€"J. C. Aye! 5: Co. hangsâ€"The Ruaafll Budwue Co (mangeâ€"J Hull Changeâ€"Atkinson a Switzer (mangoâ€"C. d: E. Mason. For Baleâ€"Geo Reunion M. Teefy, Esq, our village post- master, received the hearty congratu- lations of many friends on Monday, 18th April, that day being his 82nd 1 birthday. Mr. Teefy, we are pleased ‘ to say, is enjoying good health, and it is the privilege of few other men to retain unimpaired their intel- lectual faculties and business pro-l pensities at such an advanced age.‘ He arrived in “Little York" (now‘ Toronto) from Ireland in the year‘ 1824, and when quite young engaged ‘ in active life. In 1837 he was a printer in the “Patriot†Ofï¬ce, To- rJnto, and his recollection of many startling incidents in the Rebellion of that year is very vivid. In 1850 he was appointed Postmaster at Richmond Hill, before the Post Oï¬ice Department came under the control of the Canadian government in the Dominion, and he is now the oldest living postmaster in Canada. In 1853 he was made a Justice of the United Counties of Ontario, York and Peel; a. Notary Public in Upper Canada in 1863; and in 1873 he was appointed Clerk and Treasurer of. the incorporated village of Rich- mond Hill. a position which he yet fills with credit to himself, and with E112 ï¬ribeml. advantage to our municipality. Mr. Teefy attends to every department of his work, and is as capable as when he was half his present age. That he may long be spared to enjoy life is the wish of every citizen of this village. All the hotel-keepers in Toronto Junction applied for licenses this spring as usual, notwithstanding that that town a few months ago, carried Local Option by a good majority. Hon. J. R. Stratton, however, made it plain a few days ago that neither retail nor wholesale licenses would be granted. The people of Toronto Junction surely knew what they were voting for, and having carried the measure they should give it a fair trial. Many municipalities will watch closely to see whether Local Option in Toronto Junction will be a success or otherwise. A move is on foot in Toronto to en- deavour to shorten the term of im- prisonment for Co]. Gray who was sent to the Central Prison for tam- pering with the ballots at the recent municipal elections. Col. Gray was M. P.‘P. for West York in 1883, but at the following election Dr. R. B. Orr secured the nomination at the Conservative convention, and was de- feated bv Dr. Gilmour. Col. Gray’s experiences with Dr. Orr have not bzen very satisfactory. In days gone by the genial doctor snatched the party nomination from the COL, and the latter seems now to be in trouble for having marked ballots in favor of his former opponent. It will not be creditable to Toron- to if that city re-olects Mr. F. 11. Richardson to the position of con- troller. Furthermore it will not add to the dignity of the Conservative party in the city if Mr. Richardson is their choice. Mr. Richardson in a letter to the press did what few men would care to do in announcing himself a. candidate in municipal matters. He made an Open bid for Conservative support, saying that he was a supporter and admirer of Mr. Whitney. S cly the Conservatives of Toronto shonid be satisï¬ed in knowing that they can elect their New Advergisements. H ICHMOND OUR POSTMASTER. 11111.. April 21. 1904 in Toronto men in Dominion and Provincial political elections. They can well afl'ord to drop party politics in muni- cipal aï¬'airs. The vacancy in North Renfrew after the death of the late Col. Mun~ ro, showed both sides of the House that a change in the law was neces‘ sary to insure the ï¬lling of the seat within a reasonable time. Conse- quently the members of the Legis- lature decided on Monday that the writ for a bye-election must not be delayed longer than three months afteraseat becomes vacant. The new act states that if the writ for the election of a. new member has not been issued within three months it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery to issue the writ forthwith, and all courts, of- ï¬cers, and persons shall give full ef- fect to the writ so issued. Is manufactured by the Dresden Sugar 00., and recommended as a high class dairy food by every farmer whuhas usedit. Only cost you 800. in bags. H. L. Breen. 41 Cottingham St.. Toronto." Can increase their proï¬ts by fveding Cotton Seed Meal and Molasses Stuck Fond. Call or write fur names of farmers who are using these funds. H. L. Breen, 41 Cottinghum Street, Toronto.‘ SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE in this county and adjoining territories, to represpnt and advertise an old estab- lished business house of solid ï¬nancial standing. Salary $21 woele with expenses advanced each Monday by check dil'PCt from headquarters. Horse and buggy furnished when necessary: position permanent. Ad- dress Blew Bros. & 00.. Monon Bldg.. Chicago, Ill. A run 1 WANTEDâ€"FAITBFUL PERSON T0 TRAV- el for well established house in a few countins, calling on retail nvelchants and agents. Local territory. Salary $20.00 per week Wm: expan- ses additlonal.all payable in cash each week. Money for expenses advanced. Position per» manent. Business successful and rushing. Standard House, 830. Dearborn St. Chicago. Nov. 12-26 wks. STANDARB BANK ()f Canada RICHMOND HILL Received in Savings' Bank Depart- ment and interestnllmvod at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES. Senegal Banking Business Transacted. Money Loanod on Farmers’ Sale [\ou-s. Blank Hole Farms Supplied E‘rcve. For other particulars call at the Bank. SE9! Hag Tmughs 350. per Foot. All Kinds of lmple= ments Repaired. A good fresh milcb cow. Apply GEO. REAMAN. “T1113 élï¬'Eï¬aï¬Ã©o ' 81.00 IN ADVANCE. (,‘apilal Hes! Notice of withdrawal not, neces- sary. All deposits payable on dmnaud. Mixed Grain, 5 cents per bag. Oats 4 cents per bag. Up to the 21th of May. No use of letting water go to waste. MOLASSES STOCK FOOD GRAIN SHOPPING FOR SALE. . Mager, Prop. J'. W. OSBORNE. DAIRY FARMS DEPOSITS Made to order at WANTED. Apr. 21, 6 wks. $1,000.01") 925.000 Concbrd. AGENT. Dizzy? Headache? Pain back of your eyes? It’s your liverl Use Ayer’s Pills. Gentl laxative; all vegetable. Sold or 60 years. {aï¬rï¬mfl’z Is hereby given that, the undermen- tinned Grown Lands in the Townships of East Gwillimbury. VVe-st Gwillim- bury, North Gwillimbury and King are offered for sale. Tenders at a price per acre for each lot will he received by the Dapm‘tmeut of Crown Lands up to and including L119 14th day of May next. Patents will be issued by the Crown upon payment in full. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. E. J. DAVIS._ ' Cummisrsioner Department of Crown Lands, Toronto, 23rd March. 1904. EAST G \VILLIMBURY. Part of lot 122 in the 13!; con west of east branch of H01- land River . . . . A V . . . . . . . 81 acres Part of lot 123 in lst con. west of east, branch . . . . . . . . . . . . . ’76 " Part of lot 12$ in lst eon. west of east, branch. . . . . . . . . 52 “ Lot 129 in lst concession . . . . . . 40 “ WEST G \VILLIMBU RY. Lot 9 in 2nd concession . . . . . 52 Lot 10 in 2nd concession . . . . . 15 Lot 11 in 2nd concession . . . . . ‘ 8 Lot, A in 3rd concession , . . . . . 21 Lot: 24 in 2nd concession . . . . . 9 South half 23 in 11 concession 100 North half 23 in 11 concession 100 Lot 24 in 11 concession . . . . . . 44 Lot 24 in 12 concession . . . . . . . 94 Lot 24 in 13 concession. . .. . . 89 u u u u u u u u (5 KING, Formerly West Gwillimbur Lot 4 in the lst concession... 123 Lot 6 in the lst concession. . 175 East part of south half 7 in 2nd concession . . . . . . . . . . . 53 South east part of north half on u u ‘5 ‘Want your mousta‘EVerbr beard a beautiful! brown or rich black? Use lot 2nd céncessiun. . . South half 8 in 20d con. south part ofï¬m-th half 2nd concession .. Lot 9 in 2nd concession. Lot 10 in 2nd coucvssinn Lot, 11 in 2nd concession BUGKINGHAM’S DYE ouuuu y'JAI/ v. ..v.-.. 7 , 2nd concessio .. . . .. . . . . 60 Lot 9 in 2nd concession . . . . . . 154 Lot 10 in 2nd coucvssinn . . . . . 190 Lot, 11 in 2nd concession . . . . . 194 NORTH GW'YLLIMBURY Lot 1 in the Isl: con . . . . . . . 200 41-5 Freei’mm Properties VVHITCHU‘RCH & YORK of sale illin certain: Moi-t- gages.which will be produced at time of sale. there will he ([ï¬iei'efd fu'r sale by Public Auction (suhject, to a reservv bid) at the Palmer House. Richmond Hill, Ontario. by J. J. Lunzm.Auct,inn- eer. (In SATURDAY. APRIL 23, 1904. at the hour of 2 n'cluck in the after- noon, the following valuable propel- tit‘s :â€" 1. A Farm of 100 acres at or near Oak Ridgvs, Ontario. descrith as folâ€" lnwszâ€"Alland singular that certain parcel ortmct nfland and premises sit- uate lying and being in the Township of \Vhitchurch, in the County of York, and being the west half nf lot 64, in the First Concession of the said Town- ship nf \Vhitchul-cb, containing 100 acres. more or less. --‘ . .v (IA/1C0. nu \. u- 2. The Hotel Property at Lansing. Ontario, known as The Golden Lion Hotel and which consists of 1â€"58/100 acres of the Non Lh East; Corner of Lot. Nulnlwr 15. First Concession, \Vest of Yonge Street. Township of York and which said Parcel of land is more fully described in a certain in- strument by way of Mortgage regis~ tered in the Rvgistry Ofï¬ce for the County of York at Toronto 215* Number 47809, and on which Hotel Property there are suituate a good Hotel Build- ing and good stables, and attached to the same is a good Orchard. Terms of Sale :â€"Ten per cent. of purchase money to he paid in cash at the time of sale and the balance of the purchase money is to be paid in thirty days thereafter. - 1 was: un Va Lur;« "nun. Fnr further particulars and condi- tinus nf snl y to .- nvvr r nrvnrr Or to Dated 8th Aplil. 190-1. Under andrbyfAiI-t‘m-e of thg powers Mortgage Sale Bilious] 34m gavettimmtuts. to JAMES MCCULL'QUQH. NOTICE In Lhe County of York. 35ii‘ni'\"ii’n(c‘cp_r,poueï¬, In the Townships of â€"â€"of val ua bleâ€" ’ehdnr‘s Solicitor. Toronto Street, Toronto. J. J. LUNAU. Auctioneer. Markham. Ont. 90L 41-2 Barrister. Stouï¬fville. Ont. in 102 We make no misleading matcments or unbusi- nessuke prapookions to the mutated in ordorto 0&- m... Innir nnnnnnua. We cure to mav cured. n $®9§§©S¢3®9®§§$®®®Q§33®5 METROPOLITAN STORE 3R. SWNNEV 8: @GEBZ 'r. B. mnmnn, Pmp. gesésasegaï¬egggekeg@§a@@? Dr. DR. SPINNEY, FRESH GROCERIES, SOAPS OF ALL KINDS. Largest Established. Mos! Successfni, Reliable ssecialisls in Diseases of Men. mamamm Founder of Spinney 6: Co. BOOTS SHOES, AND RUBBERS. Fire 80 Life Insurance. Acmdent Insurance. See. the Window of the \Ne want to call your attention to our new stock of Wall-papers which are of a new design and many shades in color, Wall and Ceiling with border to match. Also afew remnants left from last season from 2c. per roll up. These have to be cleared at once to make room for our secmnd shipment... A call will con- vince you that. these are at bargain. The Russill Hardware Co. Also, a complete stock of Paints and Painters supplies. P. G. 80 A. G SAVAGE Galvanized English Poultry Netting, galvanized after weaving, thereby greatly increasing its wearing and last- ing Qualities. Put up in rolls of ï¬fty ing qualities. Put up in rolls 0k htty running yards, in heights ranging from one to six feet. Priced upwards from about One Cent 21 yard. . It you are going to buy Poultry Netting, it will pay y SEC 115. New William s’ _ Sewmg Machmes. PEOPLE’S STORE. ifty Thousand yards of it we have 126 EAST KING STREET, TORONTO. Stricture, Varicocele. ~Non-ram; chilily. Blood Distases. Weakness. Kidm-v and Urumry Discasas and all dnscascs due to inheritance, habits, excesses, or the results of speciï¬c disâ€" Casts. We make no misleading statements or nessuke prapoalï¬ons to the mutated in Ordl euro their patronage. We cure to may cured. e carry a complete line of The many years of our successful practice in Detroit proves that our speczal treatment fer men is safe and certain. You. do not want to bc mutilade and maimcd for life in trying to b: Cured of Varicoreie, Strictler and kindred troubles hy surgical procedures. We Guarantee :I SAFE AND Posrnvr: Cum; in the shortest possible time wilhnul injurious after-effects. Our charges will he as low as possible for couscmuuous, 5km. {ul and sncccssfufl services. ..__..__. .. cor...“ mnâ€"A-u..«.-m Call and see our stock AI-II nuu manna): u: 3..- “LL... CONSULTATION FRI-1E. SPECIAL- HOME TREATMENT For Patients Who Cannot Call. Questxou Blank bent. Fxce. It’s the very best imported Consultaï¬cn Free. Cures Guaranteed. 290 Wood- ward Avc., Detroit. Mich.