Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Apr 1904, p. 5

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Mr. D. Sloan has purchased from Mr. W. T. Storey :1 rough-cast. house on Cont-re street, between the rosi- dencos of Mr. McDonald and M1. Hewisnn. Mr. Sloan will mmmence improving the house at once and hopes to remove. them early in May. Mr. W'. T. Storey, for many years foreman in the wand department of Trench’s carriage shops. has taken a Rosition in Toronto, and stun-ted work Ionday. Mr. Storey’s faunin will go to the city as soon as he cm: secure a. suitable housfl. Our citizens regret very much to lose Mr. Storey and family. R. \V. Bro. Nicholls will pay an nfii- ciul visit to Richmond Lodge Nu. 2.3 on Friday evening of this week. The brethren are expecting a large visitu~ tinn from sister lodges to (Insist in doing honor to the distinguished R. \V. Bro. Mx'. Pethick has rented the Sivers shop and residence. and is l-e-painting the frunt and doing the necessary re- pnirs before moving in. The front shop will make an excellent show- room for Mr. Pethick’s sewing machines, organs and pianos. The ladies of the Missionary Society extend a special invitatinn tn the gentlemen tn he presvut at the Musi- cale at. the home of Mrs. Andrew New- ton next, Tuesday vvvuing. R. W. Bro. H. A. Nicholls. D. D. G. M. of Torunto East. Dist. No. 112:. opened the new hall of Acacia Lodge A. F. and A. M. at East Torontn on Monday evening lust. and at the same Lime paid the lodge an officile visit. Mr. J. H. Sandm'son, as delegate from the Richmond Hill Curling Club. attended the semi-annual meeting of the Ontario Cul-lers‘ Association at the Walker House on Tuesday. The Epwurth League on Friday evening will he addressed by lue‘nlhel's of the VVomun’s Missionary Society. All are invited. Cullection in aid of the Forward Movement. When you get a bicycle get one that is up-to-date. Such a. one is the Gent’s Cleveland Grand, the cushion- fmme roadster. Cull at THE LIBERAL Office and sve it. This wheel has also the coaster brake. The rider who has not used a, cushion-frame and coaster hmke does not know the luxury of wheeling. Miss Smith. Toronto, and Miss Johnston, Mnnnu-al. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Suvuge from Tues- duy till Monday. Light l'vfreshmvnts will he. served and an enjoyable program furnisth at the musicals to be held at the resi- dencevf Mrs. Andre-w Newton next Tuesday evening. Mr. Wallace Michael left, Saturday to resume the position of fireman on a. vessel luuning between Erie and Port, Arthur. Mr. Michael spent last season on the Same bunt. Mrs. \V. R. Proctm-and Iittyleduugh- tvl'. Kathleen, of Barrie, spent, from Thursday eve-Hing till Monday wile relatives in the village. The \Villing \Vm-kors’ Mission Band will hold a. Japanese Tea in the S. S. room of the Presbyterian church on Friday evening, April 22ml. Pro- gram at, 8 o’clock. Dr. Lmvmson \vus confide to his house for n WPt'k tln'nuph illrmns. but hopvs sewn to be able Ln attend to his practice again. One of Mr. “'11:. Marsh's teams. attached to a 5 ring wagon. broke loose from the lgalmer House sheds Thursday evening and mode R. dash for home as soon as they found they had their freedom. They run wicked- ly through the village. but reached their own stable without doing much damage either to themselves or the \vaggon. You’re fairly \vvll drosst-d, hut hunk at your but; we can furnish you with the Ian-st, and save yuu umnuy. Atv kinsun & Su'itzur. Remember the hat and mush gram in the PleshyteI-izl n r-huu day evening. Silver cullvctiun dour. The newest effect, in men‘s (Vim-1 is st-en in Athuson &, Swnzor‘s fancy 8 «wk. Lnts nf art, and hvauiy fur littlv lu-mey in our line uf mm) dvlicumes at 25c. yd. Atkinson & Switzc-r. Mr. W. R. Proctor has sold his 1h"- er‘y business in the town of Ban-lie. Miss Aggie Cherry. Gmmh-y. spr'nt acuuple of days last, week with Miss Switzer. Mr. Osumnd \Vright has gone to Duh-nib. Michigan, to spend part. (this holidays. Mr. Han-y Newton and Mr. \V. (‘luzie of Toronto spt-nt. over Sunday with Mr. Thus. Newton. Japanvse Ten in Presbyterian Sr-hnnlâ€" room Friday owning (tn-nwn'nw) April 22nd. Musical program. @112 fiihmi. RICHMOND IIILL, April 21. 1904 L()(‘) t} 113$. .1] pro- h Fri~ at. the Boots and Showâ€"“'1‘ :u-e shun-m grent bargains in Bunts and Shm aftvr stuck-taking. Men's. wmn-n‘ and children‘s. Many lines m h-tpricennd Ipss. The goods must h ' sold tn make room. Naughton Bros Elgin Mills. The Richmond Hill bachelors gave their second At Home on Friday evening, April 15 in the Masonic Hall. Althoughn very stormy night. over sixty of their friends were present, in- cluding quite H. number from outside places. The hull looked very bright and pretty with hunting and flags for decorations. Th0 platform was fitted up with rocking chairs, couches and cosy corners. The large room at the hack of the hull was used for gumeu and ntlll‘l‘ amusements. Dunning he- gzui at 10 o'clock and was kept, up for a few hours, the music being all that, could he desired. A dainty lunch was served about midnight in which all took some share of doing their duty to the good things provided. The buchelmsare to be congratulated on their At Home. A NEW SPRAYER. E. J. Cable has just seemed the exclusive right in this locality for selling new Sprayers, made by The Lowell Specialty Company. for the spraying nf potatoes, plants, trees and cattle. This sprayer works on the compressed airsy>tem Llwreby securâ€" ing a thorough mixing of the. Ingredi- enls, as Well as the power for spray- ing. The sprayer will huld ulmuL 2 gallons of mixture. to which can he applied 10 to 15 pounds air pressure. It; can he easily carried in one hand and is guaranteed to spray three acres of potabncs in a day. A number of our citizens asked the editurwhy no mention was made in THE LXBERAL of a disgraceful Scene in the street on \Vednesday evening of last, week. lessms-by were shocked at, the language they were compelled to listen to In going to and from the Post Office. THE LIBERAL has on many occasions very reluctantly re- ferred to unseemly rows and indecent occurrences and has often been re- minded that such paragraphs are a poor advertisement for our village. \Ve can truthfully say we huve never written in malice. and have always regretted having to make reference to anything of an unpleasant nature. But newspaper writing has apparentâ€" ly not had the desired effect. The fact of the matter is that those who haven tendency to be unruly know that our municipality has no village constable. and that they can do just about as they like. Tm: LIBERAL has long contended that we should have uconstuble employed by the village, whose duty it would he to maintain order and decency. but apparently our citizens are content to allow matters to rest 33 they are. On the evenin referred to. dozens of people whispered to each other and Wondered what could be done to stop the street exhibition. but they all seemed powerless, and the affair continued for more than half an hour. The Richmond Hill Auxiliary of the \V. M. S. will give a grand musicale at the residence of Mrs. A. Newton on Tuesday, April 26. Tea set-vr-d from 5 to 9 p. 111. During the evening an excellent program of vocal and instru- mental music will he rendered. Adâ€" missnn 20 cents. The public are cur- dially invited to be present. Trimmed hats bore at trimmed prices. Atkinsun & Switzu'. Mr. Julm G. McDonald. teacher in S. S. No. 11. Vaughan, m-ar l)lll'Plv- ville, fm‘uu-i-ly a studan at, the Rich- mond Hill High School, has hr-(‘II cmnpelled thrnugh illness to give up his position for the presmit. The Dr. has advised Mr. McDonald tn unfit until after the holidays. Miss Stewart of Oak Ridges. was on Monday of last week awarded $900 to he paid by the M9tr0pnlitun Railway fur damngvs sustained in he-iug thrown from :1 “'nggun at Llu- southern boundary of Aurora in July, 1902. The charge was that the. Metropolitan road was not in proper repair at the point where the accident occurred. toot is truthful. H Atkinson & Su'it'lmr. Delegates have been :Ippnint.n(1 by the Methodist Church, thv Ruynl ’l‘emplm-s and the W. O. T. U., tn at.â€" tem’] a. meeting, in ’l‘urnnt-n tn day, with a View nf impressing their viuws upon Hon. G. \V. Ross and his guv. eminent, relative to temperance lt'gis- lution. We sell out ln-nn at 400.: corn hum at 050. in bulk; feed earn $17 po-r Ion; add Mulussns Stock Fond. mul ynn have an excellent fund fur hmml S()\\s, or growing hogs. .Fnr <31? by H. l., Breen, 41 UntLingham Sh, Tm'unln.“ Mr. Thns. Farr. n cnndnt-Lm- m1 Ilw Metropolitan Railway, full from u mn- ye‘storday. breaking an urm and re- ceiving mher injuries. “? was tnkvn tn theGenet-ul Huspitul. “’0 have snnw mun‘s suit lengths in fancy worsted :lml Swatch tam-«(l that We will get, made In your Mums» 1111- in best styl». Fit guarantm-d, and anP yuu $5.00 on the suit. Atkinson & Switzer. “'9 me tfujtipg uur horn and BACH ELO RS AT HOME. NOT CREDITABLE. MUSICALE. u-h ng lf WANTED â€"Specinl Representative in this county and udJOimng territories to represent and advertise an old established business house 01 solid financml standing. Salary $21 weekly, wifh expenses. paid each Monday by cheque direct from headquarters. Expenses advanced; position permanent. We furnish er‘ervtbiua. égfiress.v'_l:he Columbn, 680 Mono Building, Trustworthy lady m’ gentle-mun to manage husinvss in this county and adjoining tvrriml-y fur \VP” and qunr- :Ihly known hnuse uf solid financial standing. $20.01) straight, (wash salary and PXpPhSl-S paid each Monday by check directvfrmu headquarters. Ex- pense money advanced. l’nsitinn per- mmwnt. Address Manager, 810 Uumu Block, Chicago; Illilmis. Md the Sarsaparllla’by keeplfiiit’hâ€"e bowels regular with Ayers Ills. Chicago, Ill A First-Class Nine-Ruomed House with 2. of an acre 0f land. Gund stone foundation and cellar. Situated nu Yonge sheet, Richmond Hill. Apply tuv “’2. E. \VILEY, A FE\V TIMELY FACTS FOR _ YOUNG PEOPLE. Mr. \V. S. Momw, nfu-r spending six mnnlhs under uur instructions. is nnw earning $25 puz- WPek for six hnurs work pe-r day, at Mvmphis Tenn. Miss Nvllie Cut-sun. after the mnnths‘ training, IS nnw with [In- VVusbvrn Union telegraph company :11 Detrint, varnng $70 pvr munth. Mr. \V. H. Hndgwn. :Ille-r fuur months“ In accordance with u. r-soiutinn pussrd at, the last meeting of Court, ltwhmund. Nu. 7046. A. O. F.. the sw- H-Lm-y has forwarded Ln Bru. J. E. Cluhinouf Maple, n letLel‘ of Condol- ence conveying the Cmum‘s deepest sympathy in the bereaxvuwnt. he hu» H'(‘Pi\‘l'l’i in the death of his wifr. Mr. Céuhim- has bet-n nu hmmrod member in (tum-L Richmond since the year 1-H). \V. H. Hmlgsun. “lie-r fuur lnnntlh“ training. is nan with the) C. P. R. “I T“'r‘(-‘(l,0[ll.. earning $40.00 pl‘l' month. Nunn-i-nus ()tlnvrs aw being placed in vquully as good pnsitinns. Our- winin- u-rm ups-us January 4th, and thaw- dvsiring tntuko up the wnrk should I-nmll (in ur before- that (late to ensurv them a pusitiun in the spring or Pill'l) summer. Five cnnnieu-nt instructuw of exchtiunnl :lhilily an ghing the-ii pvt-mun] and individual nLtvnlinn In the rapid mlvunwnwnl of our pupils. Young ladies are pl‘o'pnl‘f'd for mun» Illl-‘l‘clHl telegraph puslliunsfind young mi-‘n for the same and railway pnsi- tinns as upr‘ralnrs, train (lvspntl‘hvls. agents, eta. Thisis a profession nul nvvrcmwded, and mm which will amn- mund steiidy vmplnymvnt, thy ymr around at. good wngvs. \Vrite at hum. fur pal-ticnlms as [-1- terms. etc. Cahâ€" adian Railway Instruction Institutv. Cor. Collt-ge and Ynnge Sts.. ’l‘m‘untv. GUULDâ€" In Richmond Hall, on Friday 15, rbe wife of \\- ml Gould, of a. sun. (EAL ml Alf-ES Cunnmâ€" lNNRs~Ou Tuefiday even"ug. Aprh 1 , an the home of mm IIrl ~e's pannm. ‘2; Tm :- L01] \ve. [01111130. by l'ev. Mr. 8min. Pu»- byteriun mnnsler, Finnk (‘urrie m unle 14‘, daughter uf Mr. auu Mrs. Geolge Innes. SMITHâ€"II] Rivhmoud Hill, on \Veduesdnv “ISL. blue Wife of Jerry smith. of u. dun-J1 'l‘lw Victm‘ia Square Riflv Uluh nu-t fur prulmhly their last shout, fm this .‘I‘HSOII un Suturduy uftvrnunn. lb'Lll inst“. cumpeting fur a numhm' of prim-s. Thus. Rq-nd pulled out ahmul :uftH-ahut-chast- by C. 1’. Read and G. FowsU-r. capturing u put, (If honey with a sweet, smil». The following an» Llw scures: Thus. Rvnd 86, Geo. Fum-stvrSfi. C. P. Re-nd 80. \V. Smll. 76. Jns. me 63. The Club will meet th'l‘nrnuuv team of six men at ll)» Glengrme range on Sutmday after- uonn 23rd inst. fur a frivndly match. Following :II'I’ tlw n40rnges of team for sol-mun nf 1904: W. Caplwll 73. G. Fun-ester. jl., 72. U. P. Read 71. A. Quanta 69. Thus. lit-ml 69. \V. Sm.“ 6%, Ruht. Agar 64. C. J. Brodie 62. R. Frishy 55. Jnmvs vacr 53, 0. Mt?- Kinzil- 45, G. Brown 52. \V. Bruce 41. Pl'tPl‘ Bnyvr. jr. :52, P. Boyer, ar. 30. Junnthuu Nigh 13. VICTORIA SQUARE RIFLE CLUB FOR SALE _()R__ TO RENT "Retuqu from the Cuban war. I wan a erleet moo . Mg blood wu bad. and my onlth wu gona. ut A row bonlol 0! Ajax”- Su'nparula cough!on cued me"' C. Donun. Scranton, Pa. 81.00 I homo. J. 0. An}! 00., All dmfifiau. for Lowell. Mus. Aye rs: Sarsapariiia stomach, then dyspepsia, biliousness, loss of appetite. Your doctor knows the remedy, used for 60 years. Impure blood always shows somewhere. If the skin, then boils, pimples, rashes. If the nerves, then neuralgia, nerv- ousness, depression. If the Impure Blood Manager Wanted. 5N1 Ii‘ Mar. 17, 12 wks. Richmond Hill, ril Guaranteed to cure coughs, colds, heaves and broken wind in horses. Horsemen will find this an infallible remedy foramy affection in a. horse‘s wind, whether caused frumufter effects of distemper or frum eating dusty hay. Price 50c. Sold in Richmond Hill by Geo. McDonald, harness-maker. Your own recipes made up properly from pure drugs at, wholesale pxices. Yorkshire Stock Food FOR HORS [ESâ€"Gives them a good appetite, a. glossy coat, a. lose hide and a healthy appearance. Highly recommended by non-semen. FOR CATTLE it has no equal. It improve-s the ap etite, aids diges~ tiun, it causes a. perfect assimulatiun 0f the fno and fatteus them quickly: alsn a grand piepnration fur milch cows. FOR CALVESâ€"inixed with skim milk 01' separator milk it “ill make calves thrive as Well or better as when fed on new milk. Prevents scums, aids digestion, and rapidly fits a. calf fur market. FOR HOGSâ€"this Wil be found at grand tonic for fattening hogs rapid- ly. It uids digestion, kills worms, and keeps them healthy. The stock- mflll's fin'Ol'ite, because it makes yum-stock thrive strungâ€"bestund cheapest stock food on the market. Five feeds [or one cent. ATKINSN & SIZE. All drugs and patent medicines at wholesale prices. J- A. Johnston dz (30., Yorkshire Cough 8c Heave Cure (Successor to C. D. Daniel 6; Co. and Hugh Miller & Co.) Wholesale and Retail Druggists. 171 King St Enst,_Toronto, Opposite Clyde Hotel. Is what makes this business so steady week in and week out. The record of daily sales shows constant increase. More people are getting to think of us every time they want anything in Dry Goods and the good will of the business ls growing along with the sales. N imifiez Sixpence We aim to have everything good, but we aim too to have everything within your reach. The great thing is that: your money goes farthest here. That was largely true from the beginning, but we never had the Goods and the assortment we have now. Special value all over the store now. .“_~ .fl, .-.‘..u..-~, A‘blll‘|l fox $12.50. Special value in Silk Ribbons @ 3, 5, 6, 8 and 101:. yd. Wine Linen Dress Guuds @ 20c. yd. ‘Fine Flake Muslin 17c. @ yd. Extra. Grocery Sugar 30 lb. for $1. Figs 5c. 1h. Prunes 50. 1b. Best, W'hite Starch Sc. lb. Dates 5c. lb. Full 40 inch Victm-ia Lawn @ 10. 11, 12 and 15c. per yd. Fine heavy 60 inch Linen Damask Tahling @ 25c. yd. Fin» plain 8/4 heavy bleached Sheeting @ 25c. yd. Men’s fine \Vursted Suits made to measure, regular $18.00 C... ('1‘) Cf. Our sales people are quick and attentiveâ€"trying to serve you better all the time. There’s no room in any business for discourtesy. We think we have now the most: cour- teous and obliging help. We mean to treat everybody the best we know how. All of which has its reasons in plain business. 2° mmxmm; a - mmmmmms , 2? t a; V- w Now is the time to select your paint for Spring decoration. We have a large stock to choose from, made from strictly pure leads and oils, guaranteed by the makers. Also garden tools of all kinds; lawn mowers, all sizes and prices to choose from. All kinds of repairing prompt- ly attended to. LAWN MOWERS A SPECIALTY. PAINTS JAG!) EVER & SON Richmond Hill These are only suggestions: mmmf:

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