l $1 per annum, in advance.] “In Essentials, Unily; in Non-Essentials, Libsrty; , ., ._,_4._A_,.,-..;4. VOL. XXVI. ,zt . n “ one collateral (S PUBIIISIIEDEVERY 'QEURSDAY MORNINGz I LIBERAL PRINTING (I; PUBLISHING HOUSEI RIOHM'JKD HILL, our. '1‘. F. McMAHON. Enron & Pnormsron. ‘ gasts‘ssgcmps. AT THE ailulicnl. "Tim; Swiss. '~’[‘h0l'u!:i"q I: rte resident. ~)‘iv»uciun M N eatern and Grace Rispitals,’l‘umnbo Ofï¬ce Hoursâ€"8 to m a. in; 7 to 8 I) in. -mm 1?. to ‘3, p m m 3122111221. Bil. Will. ROOMS, D an sis L. Room I2, 12I Victoria. St}. Toronto. Best. ï¬tting tccth, also repltiting, at lowest, prices. Good work. D3 W G L SPAULDING DR A W SPAULDING IDCHtists Room “ A," Youge Strees Arcade, Toronto. Tclcphonc Main Zilli- DR. ARNOLD D. A. MASON, Dentist, :(Succassor to Dr. T. A. Currie), Cur. Church and Carlton Sts., Toronto. Will be in Richmond Hill every \Vcd- nesdny. Ofï¬ce, next door south of Public School. Oï¬icc Hoursâ€"$.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. Whit JOHN R. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON, leornhill. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. ' J. H. SANDERSON, VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL Gulls by day and night: promptly at tended to. G (l S l.inds"y.3 C .\ G I“ I. MVI‘OLH‘U W .ii-ltvut Wadsworth Li'idsey. Lawrence 84 wadsworth, Barristersjolicitcrs. tharics, 85c. Phone Main 2984 llomc Lifr- Building (formerly Frecâ€" hold l.n::n Bldg), 7m. Adt'lilldt‘ & Victoria Sis. Toronto. LmI-JRAL Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill on Saturdays. “took 8? JOHNSTON ILu-ristr‘rs, Solicitors, etc. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, APRIL 2%, 1904 Congratulatory. Brut. wisln-s, fricnd ’l‘ccfy, P. M., of the “ Hill," You sun-ly, of all men, are “filling the hill.“ \Vhllr- chrinzvs nrc huppcning all ov'cr tho land You ore doing business still at. the sumo old slnnd. Kind Providence still. has extended your (lnys _ - And gin-n you much mcrcics to praise. You uri- linnlthy and strong, you are cheerful and hale. And can make things “stand mund“ \\ hcn you sort up the mull. reason, His llow nnlny lnlvc pnsscd through your postmï¬lcc (lmu' TORONTO ()iflpï¬ï¬‚q; N†1*; Rip“ , “'hosc faces me- such, in our village, mmnl St. \Yple‘Vcsh‘y Buildings, (.llr-thodist Book Room.) To- roulï¬o. Mr. Cook will be at. Muplc on Thursday aftcrnoon of such woe-k. 415m ,TO LOAN- AT 5%,, . IAS. N EWTON ISSUERMARRIAGE LICENSES, EE:(£~IN 3111414533 or. FY. NOTA RY PUBLIC. GOMMIBSIOREII [N THE HIGH COURT OF jUSTICE,&c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. LENNOX & MORGAN, Barrislcrs and Solicitors. Moch to loan on land and chi.th mortgagesat lowesc rams Auroraofliceâ€"Ilcmoved no the old post (>ch one door west of the eutmuce to the Ontario Bunk Nowmsrhet ofï¬ceâ€"Three doors south of the 1. studies 1‘ HERBERT Lsxsox, G S'rV MORGAN. Aurora. hewmurkct .F, ll. Plculicc. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Goods seldom consignment flenorni sales o) 5:06 etc promptly Attended to at reasonaolt rates Residence Unionville G R Goulding, Newton Brook.agcnl for the sham J T Suigeon. J K McEwen, Maple Weston Saigcou & McEwen, Licensed Xuctioncers forthe County of York. SalesLttomlerlmonshortestnntictand a. ran.- :‘1nimblerutcli Patronagesoliciced D. G. BLOUG", License Auctioneer for the County of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence sales attpnded on the sLox-test notice and w. reasonaberm. P. 0.8.ddress King N. B. Smith. LicensedAnctionealforthe Counties of York and Ontario All sales of farm stock, (90, at- tended to on the shortest notice and reasonable rates. Mortgnacandbailiï¬ sales attended to. Residenceï¬touï¬ville Ont OS, PALMER. HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ' Bsinoielledmnd newly furnished throughout One of the most convenient and comfortable hotelson Yonge Streets. Every modern conâ€" venience Sample runns for commercial travellers. Anidenlslzoppiug place for riding or driving parties,bicycii5ts, or {anneer going toorreburuiug from market. Electric cars pass the door Livory insonnection TERMS $1.00PER DAY c. SAVAGE ions ROG RS, THORNHILL, AGE NT FOR McCormack’s Harvesting Ma= Prop chinery. ALSO AGENT FOR THE M. Campbell Fanning Mill Co. oi of Chatham. Call and sec their Incubators, Scales, Etch, Etc. S ubscribe for THE LIBERAL Under-takers d: Embnlmcrs, RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL A large stock of Funeral Furnishings ’ kept. at b 1 ~ 1.94 u-L- 1.; oth places. E. lunchâ€. @ï¬ashE sums, 158 KING STRE EAST. TORONTO accommodation to guestn. Bonrd,$1 uerday A mm to represent. “CANADA’S GREATEST NURSERIES†in the village of Richmond Hill and surrounding country, and take orders for OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES In Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Orna- mentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, I Seed Potatoes, Etc. I i Stol-k true to name and free from Sun I Jose Scale. A permanent position for l the right. man on either salary or com- ! mission. Stone & Wellington, FONTHILL NURSERIES, OVER 800 ACRES, TORONTO, ONTARIO. Jaunarv 28 4111 “ll llllll l', Oucc hustling and active, now pmcc- ful and still They sh-I-p in the graveyard, just. hack of tln- hill. And some they have scattered o‘cr land and o‘er-son. SOHH‘ :u'c “sprwuling out wide" in the “Land of the in cc 1’" But you handle thc letters, cuc'n wand- l'li‘l' scuds Bringing glndncss or gllt‘f, to their “Richmond Hill" friends. \Vhat niissivcs you’vc hnndlcd, til"! y-four yc;.rs, Sonn- lndcn with joy. and some spot- tcd with tears; Somelcttcrs with money that. made the folks glad Some lcttPi-s with duns, nmking other folks mud. in Tons of newspapers, story Told from the standpoint, of Grit, or of Tory Passed through your hands, to instruct or surprise , Their rcudcrs, or plausible lics. czlch with its stuif them with Postmaster, Justice of Peace, VIII-:ng Clcrk, None too much pay, but heaps of hard work, Faithful to duty, though over four- score \Ve hope God will spare you for many years lnnl‘P. Is the wish of Yours truly, F. ELLIOTT. Niaple I REV. C. “lilson. pastor of tho Chris- tiun church, Newmuikct, preached in the Methodist church Sunday l-vcning. There. is an outbrch of diphtheria at Hope. thre-c cases having dcvcl'opcd. The monthly sale of liorScs and cat- tle last \Vednesdny was well :ittcndv-d, and quite a number of animals chang- ed hands. Miss \Vinch of Heudford, is visiting at the parsonage. The trustees of Purpleville have en- gaged Mr. ’1‘. McCormuck to tench their school until midâ€"sununcr. A number from here attended the Masonic supper ill. Richmond Hill, last Friday evening. The monthly meeting of the “Ioni- ans Auxiliary was held on T. H. Keys. _â€"â€"‘9 / Mount Pleasant / __._.__. /Sevcral-tl0cks of wild gecsc have [ecu sccn rcturning from the north. nc flock of them took up their abode , or several days in u fit-Id owned by Mr. R. Hootcn of Czuun. Finding ,thc lakes in the north closcd with ice, like Noah’s dove they were forced to return south again, as no resting place on the Water could be found by thcm. Sunday, the 17th inst., being a line ',and the roads llcing in it fairly gm '1 condition, there. was A large numbcr at thc Mcthodist church to hear a discourse by thcir pastor, who foundcd his text on the prophecy of ll‘licuh. chapter 6, vs. 5. No better text. could lnue bcrn this“). It is full of infonnntlon ncccsssry for the human 121cc to know. It is tree from all dogmas and crecds and so simplc [but any of Adam’s rucc can fully undcrstmd what the Lord icquircs of thcm. Rev. Mr. \Vhitclaw’s sermon was full of thought and instruction. His subjoct. was "Diversity," and “Unity.†The fccling that now exists in I'm or of the union of all l’rotcsznnt churchcs was likely the lt‘iltull for the punch- H's (liscoursru l-lis sci-moms prmc [In-H.110 spends time in lln-ir prvpul'u- tion. “'9. hope [lie time is ncnrut band when u union of all Protrstunt chln'clics will tukc plucc. Our clicesc mnl lvuitcr factory will be in operation in a {cw days, undcr ‘(L ncw :tnd t-llicicnt Ullt‘t'selllitkcl'. Lct a good fccling exist among lhc patrons and lrl. us cuticuvour to homc industry. It may not bc possi- ble to satisfy all with the lllhtlt' of do- ing busincss, but let our motto ho “I nilcd we stund, <li\idrd we full." I’crl'cction is not to be found in the \Vedncs- ' day of lnsL week, at the home of Mrs. ' patronize. rity." working of any (-f our institutions. (T-lmrlly Should be lho ruling principle Dr. Dcnn has movcd into the Usi- dcucc lab-1y occupiod by C. Cnscy, his oilicc is adjoiningr the dwelling. llis practlm- is incrcusing. ut IN‘I' Son's rcsidcncc in Pctcrboio. Miss Annie Gill of Pembinu, who has boon Visiting at the home of ln'r rand-purents durng tlic wintcr .ms returned home to spend hcr (lays in the land of blimids and cyclones undcr the Stars and Stripe-s. Miss Ella Marsh of lClmsle-c, is con- templating making a visit in thc future to the: homc of box grundpnrcnts in Mount Pleasant. Thornhill. Miss Daisy Nollvs gave an enjoyable curd party to a lnrgc number of licr young,r fricnds on Friday evening lust. Quurtcrly Svrvicos will be llt'l(l at the Methodist Church on Sunday ne’xt. T.Kcys has tnkcn outtlw foundation for his new rcsidcnce on the Thornhill sidcroud. The old Arnold homvstend, one of offs-rod for solo. D. (i. Goodvrhum has an attack quinsy following one of grip. T. Brooks has rcmovcd from New- Lonbrook and inkcn residence hero. RI. \Vor. Bm. .I. E. Francis and the brctlircn of l’nttvrson Lodge are paying .-1 visit. to Robertson Lodge, A. F. 8.: A. M., at King City to night. Principal Lumon and wife of Rich- mond llill, have rcturncd from a Visit to \V. G. Allison. \Villium Edy is lying: seriously ill at tho l'csidcnco of Dr. McDonald, Markham village, whcrc he wont to bn trr-atcd u month ngo.â€"’I‘ucsdny's “Vol-Id. MAY CANADIAN MAGAZINE. Slowly but smcly Canadian period- icnls are forging to tho frontâ€" :1 frai- urc of om imlimml dcvclopmcnt which is as natural as it is cvidcnt. The May “Canndinn Magazine†is an at- trnctivc numbcr. with several import- ant features. Pursuing its policy If explaining and «thronicnling the pro- gre-ss in nit. tlivrc is an article on '* The Art of Paul \Vickson,†the first. "nimulinii to dmota his tulcnts to the study of the horse. "My Misconcr‘p- l‘luns lit-guiding the Mormons," by JullH‘SL. “lights is n timclynrticlo', since thorc has been so much discus- sion roccnlly concl-rning the-s9 people, and since thcrc are several Mormon svtth-nn-nts in the Northwcst. This Iis profusrly illustmtld. The most ponder-nus:nrticlc in the issue is “ Indcâ€" dvpcndt'ncc and the Ti-cuty-Illuking I I’owcr,†by Pi-ofcssor dc Sumichrust, ,of Harvard, who mildly protests prcsvnt relations with the Colonial ofï¬ce. The character sketches of the month include "Hon. J. I. Tell-tr," by the inimituble l-I. F1 unklin Gadsby; “Grunge Mcrcdith,†by Hal- dunc llI;I':Fall, an English litelnry writer; and " ldith \Vynne Matthi- son,†the. star in “Evcrynnm.†by Marjory It. Johnston. Each of tlwse sketches is embellisth with poltrnib'. The short st'orics are strong in this issue, the authors rcprcscntcd being The-odor? Roberts, Captain J. \V. Fuller, Vl'innifz-cd Boggs and Guy dc Muupussnnt. .IohnA. Cooper writes of the St. Louis Exhibition and rc- views the history of the territorial cx- pdllsiol) of tho Ullltl‘tl Statps undcr the bending " The St. Louis Idcu." A. What ‘Vomen Should Know. That the czuisc of it great. (lt'lil of suï¬â€™ming, usually Sllplmsul to bc on account of fcnmlc disulllvl‘s, Clllllt' by ANTIJ’ILL, the discovery of | Dr. J. S. Lconlmrdb. I A grout amount 01' Womcns’nilmcnts are caused by the for d that is tnkcn being turned (through Illiplt)l 8.'( igcs- tion) into poison insu-nd of nutrition. This puis'on cnrricd by tbc blood throughout tho system mnch “'l‘ilk \vome-nâ€"womnn who arc hardly t'\‘o:t' wcllâ€"ncrvcs in t‘rcudful conditionâ€" liinbs ucln-, lmck aches. hl‘ild achcsâ€" billions, Irolislipulcd. ANTI-PILL. the Grout System Treatment, will Correct 'thcse troublvsâ€"it sturls its Work by making it well stomnch â€" itinsuH-s strcngth to wcuk womenâ€"4t is burn - loss at, any stugc or condition of n wonnin's lite, and tin-re is no time ANTI-PI LLcunnot lw used with safety Any wonrui \\ho curl-s to m 1y use a. bottle of AN'I‘Iâ€"I’ILI. free from any expcnsc. If s.ttisi'nctni-y rcsults do not follow its usc. mail us :1 \\ruppcr with name of druggist from \\hom purclmsvd and gct _v« lll money link by rcth mull. \\'iisonâ€"l“ylc Co , Niagara Falls, ()nt. A month's trcnt» mt-nt {01131) ccnls. â€"â€"â€"~rrv‘o-* “'0 scll out lll'.|ll at $7 ton: corn lu'ull :IL 95c. in bulk; food (:orn $17 Iivl' [oi ; udd .\li.In~\--s Hltn'k Food, and you Ill“.‘. 0 an l'XCt'lif‘llt food for brmul so“ , orgwwingliogs. I’or \Illt‘ by II. E. BI'L‘L'II, ll Cottiliglmm 5L, Toronto." in business Inuttvrs with one uuolln-r. Mrs. Jnmos Mt‘lwun is recuperating , the lundunu ks of the village, is being ‘ of ‘ against any radical change in our' . I ls ()\'(‘l‘- [Single copies, 3 cts. No. 43 Money Makes Money. Moncy makes monoy whcn well in‘ ‘ \‘cstl-d. Monvy 1s wrll invrslcd whvn usud in purchasing sorurilics of un- quvslioncll mm'it ut lcss thnn thcir intrinsic worth. (iirmlmstnnccs crl‘nlo opportunities. lone man's nccgssi‘ly is “fit-ll tlic Ulllt‘l‘ man‘s opportunity. As Invvst-mcnb Spccinlists \vc huvl- plncl-d bcfort- nlcn anxious to mnkc moncy, mzmy golden ,opportunitics for so doing. Many :u'nilcd tllcmsolvos of such . [noncy making opportunities .md urn ' to-dny sntislh-d with thc rcsultsl 1 How is it with You? Are you making money? Is the mom-y you lnrvc nindc making monvy for you ? You worked lntrd for your mom-y. now make your money work for you. :Thl-cc pl'l‘ cont. is all right for the man with :1 hundrcd thousand dollars, but of littlc account to thc luu-(l work‘ :ing main with an honcst ambition to ‘ forge uhcnd and nnLtci-iully be-ttcr his I ï¬nancial condition. A lhwc pcr cont. dollnr is prl-tty much like u lazy mun. You huvvlo have u lot of llwm to Inukc a showing, ,und individutu they air scuiccly Iw il'lll tllPll’ suit. Don‘t employ a lazy mun to do your work. and don’t kl-rp u. lot. of lnzy (lollnls loin-ring away tin-irtimc at three- or iivc pcr cl-nt \vhcn tln'y can bc cmploycd in safe :md profitable work, bringing you in from ten to thirty-four pcr ccnt. 'l‘hcy can do it. \Ve know whore isouic of your dollars may Scl-urc some \cry profitable employment. (‘ull at. our ofï¬ce and lct us talk the mutter over. You will find us in the Spot-tutor Bldg†Hamilton, and We in- vite you to writc to us, or call upon us. \Vc make appointments for cvl-n- ings to suit those who cannot Call in . the (lay timc. YOUR. OPPORTUNITY IS NOW. INVESTMENT EXCHANGE CO. I C. II. ROUTLIFFE, Mgr. Spectator Bldg. Hamilton, Canada â€"ra¢>â€" STOPPED BY POLICE. Thorc was a scnsaLion in North Toronto Monday morning when the - hlctlnpnlltnn Railway Company Star’- ed to lay trucks across thc sidcwalk on rthc west side of Yongc 5L, north of the (I. P. R. trucks, to cuter the lot purchascd from the C. I’. ll. as 21 site for their terminus. The poiice- thought there was another rnid being made, upon municipal rights, and stayed the operations. The Mayor was informed of the- action of the polic». and askwd for inslruclions. City linginwr Fel- lows was authorize-cl to procccd to the sccm- of operations, when he found that tho compunv wore (mrryingout thcinstrucrions of thc courts to rc- , more tln-ir Lcrminus to another site. I 779-- I DAIRY FARMERS Can increase their proï¬ts by fhcding Cotton Sr-cd Meal nnd Molasses Stork Food. Call or writv for muncs of farml-Is who are using thcsc foods. 1H. L. Brccn, 41 Cottingbam Street, I um Reveals itself in many ways. Some~ times the impurities in the blood mark and mar the skin with blotches, pimples, boils or other eruptions. Sometimes the result of bad blood is rheumatism or a debili- tated condition which is popularly described as “feeling (played out, liar ly able to drag myself around.†The impurities and poisons which corrupt the blood, clog the liver and cloud the skin are removed by the use of Doctor Pierce‘s Golden Medical Discov- ery It does more than eliminate the poisons ; it increases the activxty of the blood-making glands so that there is an increased supply of pure, body-building blood.‘ It brightens the eyes, cleanses the skin, and gives new, physical energy. . Accept no substitute for Dr. Piercc's Golden Medical Discovery. "1 thank God for the good your medicines have done me," write: Mr. James M. Sizeumr; of Mitchell. Lawrence Co.. Ind.. Box 50!. "I was not well for two years. My throat was alwavs sore. head acheti and back achcd nearly all the time. My weight was 155 pounds. I was taken sick with typhoid fever, land when the fever left me I had such a pain in mylcft side I could not breathe without pain. I thought I must die. My Wife went to tha: drug store and rocurcd a bottle of Dr. PICTCC‘S Golden Medical) Discovery and a Vial of his ‘ Pleasant Pellets.’ I discontinued the use of my doctor's medicine and began with [he ‘ Golden Medical Discovery ‘ and ‘ Pcllets.‘ I at once beaan to feel better: the pain soon left my side and I could breathe with case: In a WECK or so I full so good I could not stay in the room. I began to walk about the strecls: I felt bent-p each morning. After a month's use ofthe medi- cine I was wcll. That was over a year ago. Now I weigh :34 pounds and fed better than ever in my life." Dr. Pierce‘s Pleasant Pellets cure colic, stipatiou.