‘It It is easy to sit in your carriage And coumscl the man on foot; [But got down and walk, and you'll change your talk As you feel the nail in_your boot. .Miss Johann Mayor, Given up by Two Doctors. is Again a Strong Healthy Girl. Lochiel, Glongan‘y Co., Ont., May ]2.â€"(Special).â€"â€"That Bright’s 'Disease has come Within the reach of Medical Science and is no longer on the list of incurable diseases is again proved in the case of Miss Johann Mayor, of ‘this place. In an interview Miss Mayor says: What shrunk your woolens P Why did holes wear so soon P You used common soap. It It is easy to tell the toiler I How best. he can carry his pack; But no one can rate a burdon's weight Until it has been on his back. ,1 Mrs Henry Peck (Whose mother \has been visiting them for over four anonths): "I don't know what to buy mother for a. birthday present; do you ‘2" Mr. Henry Peck :â€"“ch, \buy her a travelling bag.’;’- i’I‘ho upcurled Can preach But give it a IS NO LONGER A . "I had Bright’s Disease in its worst stages and had to give up a proï¬t- lable position with a. corset ï¬rm. Two doctors whom I consulted gave me ;up, telling me I had let the disease :go too far. I spent a fortune with doctors besides going to Caledonia Springs each summer, but no good resulted and I began to think I could not endure life much longer. “It was then I started to use Dodd's Kidney Pills and it is owing to them entirely that I am at work toâ€"clay. a strong healthy girl. It tool: eight boxes in all to complete the cure, but I did not take the ï¬rst two boxes regularly as I had no faith in them. You may he sure in future Will never be Without Dodd's Kid- lney Pills." I Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure Bright's Disease, How sure it is they mill cure all the earlier stagvs of idney Disease. BRIGHT‘S DISEASE AGAIN CURED BY DODD’S KID- NEY PILLS. Effects of Thought on Mind and Body Alike. u Wrong thinking is indicative of weakness. It is, indeed, a species of insanity, for a wrong thinker is conâ€" tinually tearingr down and wrecking his own mental and physical strucâ€" ture. The right thinker is the only sane thinker, and he is the happiest us well as the most successful man. He knows better than to keep con- stantly tripping himself up with the adverse thought which produces deâ€" structive conditions. Worry is one of the greatest enâ€" emies of the human race. It carves its deep furrow wherever it. goes; it carries gloom and unhappiness with it; it delays or prevents the procesâ€" ses oi digestion and assimilation unâ€" til the starved brain and nerve cells utter their protest in various kinds of disease. Wrong thinking, whatever its naâ€" ture. leaves indelible scars on mind and body alike. It infects characâ€" ter and mahkrinl prospects equally. Every time you grumble or ï¬nd fault; every time you lose your tem- per: every time you do a mean, con- teuiptihlu thing you suli‘er a. loss which Cannot he repaired. You lose REDUCES EXPENSE “Brown is weak ï¬nancially, isn't, he '2" "He hasn’t much money, but he gives employment to u. great many men.†"Who are they?" U'Other people's billxcollectiors.†Won-y cmies of its deep carries g it; it do! tomptiblu thing you suli‘cr a loss which cannot be repaired. You lose a certain amount, of power. of self- respcct. and 01‘ an uplifting and upâ€" buildiug characterâ€"force. You are conscious of your loss, too, which tends to weaken you still further. A man who wants to do his best. musL keep himself in good mental trim. if he Would achieve the highâ€" est, success he must; be a correct thinker. ‘ He cannot think discord, and bring harmonious conditions inâ€" ;to business. His wrong thought ’will honeycomb and undermine his Prospects in life. ' must kc trim. 1 est sw thinker. ‘and brir 1.0 busin ‘will hon prospect Minard's Liniment fa saIe evewwhm \V DO YOU THLNK RIGHTLY ? )curled mouth of pleasure preach of sorrow's worth; ve it a sip, and a wryer lip never made on earth. Ask for the Octagon Bar. THE CRITIC DEATH SENTENUE Fogg. in a contemplative mood. "that I don't understand. One of these is, how the world got. along before I came into it; and the other. how it, is going to get along after I have left it." “So this is your dull season, ch?" observed the visitor. “When is the busiest period in your factory ?" "When the whistle blows for the men to leave Work," answered the manâ€" ufacturer. ’ “Bcught my Life for 35 cents."â€"-This ems one man'; way of putting it when he had been pronounced incurable from chronic dyspepsia. “ It was a living death to me until I tzied Dr. Von Stan's Pineappb Tablets. Thanks to them to-day I am we]1.and I tell my friendsl bought my lifa for 35 cents." 60 in a box.~80 First of Them Nearly Completedâ€" Great Feat. The ï¬rst of a great, series of un- derground tunnels, which is to SOIVe the congested trafï¬c problem of Greater New York, has now -been opened. It is a tube running under the North river from Jersey City to the foot of Morton street, New York, and it has a length of 5,600 feet, being 18 feet in diameter. A party of guests walked through the tunnel, and came near being inâ€" volved in EL serious accident, as the ventilating arrangements are not yet ï¬nished, and the party was obliged to subsist on compressed air. They were in acute distress for a. short time, but ï¬nally emerged on the Jersey side not much the worse for their experience. The Principal of a High School iu‘ a flourishing California. city says: i “For 23 years I worked in the school with only short summer va? cations. I formed the habit of catâ€" ing rapidly, inasticated poorly which coupled with my sedentary Work led to indigestion, liver trouble, lame back and rheumatism. “Upon consulting physicians some doped me with drugs, while others prescribed dieting and sometimes I got temporary relief, other times not. For 12 years I struggled along with this handicap to my work, seldom laid up but often a. burden to myself with lameness and rheumatic pains. "Two years ago I met an old friend. a physician Who noticed at once my outâ€"oiâ€"health condition and who prescribed for me an exclusive diet of Grapeâ€"Nuts, milk and fruit. “I followed his instructions and in two months I felt like a new man with no more headaches, rheuma- tism or liver trouble and from that time to this Grapeâ€"Nuts has been my main food for morning and evenâ€" ing meals, am stronger and healthâ€" icr than I have been for years withâ€" out a trace of the old troubles. "Judging from the present vigor- ous physical and mental state I tell my people Methuselah may yet have to take second place among the old men, for I feel like I will live a great many more years. "To all this remarkable change in health I am indebted to my wise friend and Grapeâ€"Nuts and I hope the Postum Co. will continue to manufacture this life and health givâ€" ing food for several centuries yet, until I move to a world where in- digestion is unlmown." Name given by Postum 00., Battle Creek, Mich. The tunnel is one of two owned by the New York and New Jersey Rail- way Company, the second not beâ€" ing yet ï¬nished. Tracks for elec- tric tram cars are to be laid in the tubes, and passengers will be transâ€" ported from end to end in ï¬ve min- utes. rl‘he new tube is one of the great- est engineering feats ever attempted in New York. The work was begun twenty years ago, but owing to difï¬culties encountered in digging through the treacherous bed of the river, it was twice abandoned. The tunnel has I‘OW been completed through the eï¬orfs of Sir Weetman Pearson, who designed the system of construction. ' The Pennsylvania Railway Comâ€" pany is engaged on the building of another great tunnel, which will run from New Jersey under the North river to New York, then below the city to the East river. and under the East river to Brooklyn. This tunnel which will cost $50.000,000, will be nearly three miles long, and will be wide enough for four tracks. The School Principal Talks About Food. Mlnam's Linlment Ralieves Neuralg‘la Ask any physician what he knows about Grape Nuts. Those who have tried it know things. "There’s a reason." Look in each pkg. for the famous little book, "The Road 23 Ml- ville." .NEW YORK'S TUNNELS There are two things HAS A SAY the great- attempted was begun owing to remarked From April 25th to Dec. lst. in- clusive, the Wabash Railroad will sell round trip tickets to the Great World's Fair, St. Louis, at the low- est one-way ï¬rstâ€"class fare, good for ï¬fteen days. fare and a. third; good for thirty days, good either via. Wa- bash direct line or via Chicago, with stop over privileges. Canadians go- ing to this, the greatest of all Ex- positions, should remember thc great Wabash line is the shortest. quickest and best route. The only line that owns and controls its own rails di- rect to the World's Fair gates. For time-tables and descriptive World's Fair folder, address any ticket agent, or J. A. Richardson, District Pas- senger Agent, North-east corner King and Yonge Streets. Toronto. WORLD'S FAIR, ST. LOUIS, MO Customerâ€"“Than, watch you sold me 1119 othnr any does not keep good time." Dealerâ€"“It. isn't the fault of thC'WatCh. Haven’t you heard peo- ple say that. the times are very bad just. now?†Beware of’ Eintments for Caiarrh that Contain Mercury. as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derunge the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except, on pre- scriptions from reputable physicians. as the damage they Will do is ten (old to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hull's Caturrh Cure, man- ufactured by F. J. Cheney &. Co.. T0- ledo. 0., contains no mercury. and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catnrrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is takâ€" en internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testi- monials free. I was Cured of a had cauo of Grip by MINARD‘S LINIMFIN'I‘. Sydney, C. B. C. I. LAGUE. I Was Cured of loss of voice by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Yal‘mouth. CHAS ILUMER. man gets automobile I was Cured of Sciatica Rheuma- tism. by MINAR’D’S LINIMWNT. Burin, Nfld. LEWIS ’ BUTLER. Mr. Lookahoadâ€"-"Did my daughter give you any encouragement, sir?" Mr. 1)onothingâ€"â€""\\'liy, yes: she says that your business is increasing, so that you can soon support us in the style We both would like." Even a swindle-proof man can someâ€" times bc taken in by inviting him to drink. "Sold by Druo‘ ‘5» bottle. °gl ts Minnieâ€"“Did he kiss you when he proposed?" Mayâ€"“Certainly; I wouldn't consider any but snalcd pro- posals.†Také Hall's Family Pills for consti- pation. ’ Two $125 prizes for a newppig- ment for tattooing black-cared pigs are offered by the German Economi- CaI Society. The tatooing‘ of whiteL cared pigs is well known and sucâ€" cessful, but a dark color is useless for dark ears. 'An additional £5 is given for every year the tattoo last beyond the ï¬rst year. Bought Yesterdayâ€"Cured To- day.â€"Mrs. 0. C. Burt, of 26 Broadway, New York. says: “I am surprised and de- lighted at the change for the better in my case in one day from the use of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. It worked like magicâ€"â€" there's no excus‘c {or a person suffering pain with this remedy within reach. 50 cents. ~81 A man who wished to take proceed- ings against a creditor in a distant town sent a letter addressed: “To any respectable lawyer in A-~." The Post Ofï¬ce returned the letter markâ€" ed. “Not known." "Yes, indeed." the teacher Uwhen you thiak, for example the humblcst \ascct has its :1 mama. ‘ Teacher promenading in the ï¬eld. “Natur: marvellous," exclaims Minaid's Linimani Bums Dandluff. The Pall of Rheumatic Pains. â€"â€"VVben a sufferer ï¬nds permanent relief in such a meritorious medicine as South Ameri- can Rheumatic Cure, how glad he is to tell it. C.\V.Mayhew, of Thamosz'iHQOnt..couldn't walk or feed himsclf for momma-four years ago three bottles of this great remedycured himâ€"not a pain sinceâ€"isn't that encour- agement for theumauc sufferers 2â€"8-2 Money makes the mare go until ,an gets enough of it to buy 'l‘ATOOEIJ PIG S lenading with his “Nature's works exclaims the " the teacher re rice iour years :edy cured at encour- â€"â€"82 PUD 3pm pupil 1t Potatoes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Apples WWOOMO “Md-WWW THE DAWE' é OHENILLE GURTAENS OMVWWWWWWMGvMH+MHNWW With the advent of universal peace there will be nothing, left for the mili- tary man but marriage. Mistrossâ€"“Ilid the baskol, of (‘3 floor, Kate?" mumâ€"aisily. O Chairwoman 01‘ the “We. have received a. the chinino M0111 Mus. Wisslnw‘s 3001‘“an Svn millions of mothers for LheEr chi} ltsoothcs the child, softens the gu wind cmic. regulates the stomach 1 best remedy for Dinrrhum. ‘1‘me Sold byï¬qlggig‘g‘ "hunt the Maudâ€"“George told me last mgnt. that ho was madly in love with lfle." Ethelâ€"“Poor follow, perhaps he is. I'vo hoard that insanity runs in his family ask tori Wash grcasy dishes. pots or pans with Lover’s Dry Soap a. powder. It will remove the grease with the greatest ease. Dr. Agnew’s Catarrhal Powder a. Great Blessing. Sceptics turn Beiievers ‘. “When I read that. Dr. Agnew's Ca- turrhul Powder could relieve Cutarrh in 10 minutes 1 was far from being con- vinced. I tried itâ€"u. single puff through the blower afforded instant re- lief. stopped pain over the eyes and cleansed the nasal passages. To-day I am free from Catarrh." B. LV Egan's (Easton, Ila.) experience has been that of thousands of others and may be yours. 27 Minatd's Liniment [Zines Bums. eta. LAGE UURTAINS \Vrice on us about $4 BBJTKE’! AMEBIOAN DYEINS 09., Which of US? Let us h quickly made ready to serve. Serd toâ€"duy for thelittle bonklct. "How to Make Good Things to Eat.“ full or ideas on quick. delicious lunch servinz. Libby‘s Atlas of the World mailed free (or 5 Lwoccnt stamps. Dr. Agnew‘s Heart Cure saws lift. Relieves in 30 minutes, An admirable Food o! the Nutritious and Economical. 48â€"21 Finest quality and flavour. AND ARE CURED, Issmw‘s SOOTHINH svmm has bben “SCJ by. ‘05 mothers for LheEr children while wanking. as the child, softens the gums. alwys pain. cures xic. regulates the Stomach aml bowels. and is the fly for Dinrrhum. Twcuty-ï¬ve cana a bomb: 'druggists throughout the worltL Be sure and 'Mus. “'IXSLUW'SSOOTHISG sump." 23â€"04} and all kinds of house Veal Loaf. Potted Turkey. Deviled Ham. Ox Tongue. Sc.â€"-â€"â€"- For Over Sixty Years Libby. McNeil! 6» Libby. Chicago avc Cor. West Market and Colbcrna $25, VTOROFLLO: id you manage to ï¬nd vggs Hint Was on the Servantâ€""Oh, yis, Oi shteppcd in it." x vod' a proposalâ€"â€"’ Members (rising) told me last night afforded over the 0.55.5313? 0N commassaom 00, Limited DYED & CLEANED LIKE NEW. con Board (reading y Luncheeams Bax 158,Monlr3|| l Put a variety into Summer livingâ€"it's not the timeof year to live near the kitchen range. Libby’s yes and To-day I [1‘ Egan's been that nt, of any of the you good prices usel by All A girl hasn't much use for a young man who attempts to kiss her and then quits. The Winton Touring Car is appreâ€" ciated by the best informed because built on correct mechanical princi- ples, of highest grade materials. As a prospective automobile purchaser you dare not, in full justice to your- self, take chances on an inferior car. By presenting a car of such imperial merit as is the 1904. \Vinton, we become “automobile underwriters"â€"insuring you against risk or 1035. Have you seen our new catalog ? Represented In the Dominion of Canada by THE AUTOMOBILE En SUPPLY C0 The 'Wlnton WEWQN 79 Kind $1.. 3.. Toronto. Ont. Sub Aéencies 11: Chief DumZnion Clues AUT 0M 0 B I L E UNDERWRITERS Ilnton Motor Carriage Co Cleveland. 0.. U. S. A. ISSUE NO. 18â€"04. ll‘tiC m