Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Apr 1904, p. 4

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New Advertisements. a MOLASSES STOCK FOOD at“: qavgtfifitmnng, i SSGTEEEESGflEszSfléG EGfE&EE-;ESE-EE K'EK- E {195?$E~EE€E’ES§§E~E$Sâ€"EG(€ . , Is manufactured by the Dresden . ‘ c ' l w ‘~ 2 change-World's DiRPe.“5“r)'M3dm“‘A“°°n Sugar Co, and reeonnnended as a . i i V W i i i i ~ g} . ‘5‘ ‘ Q F L E fillifi‘é‘éfi-‘f;flitti‘iiigawnw 0. mm am on by TO RENT ' “1 fl Q 4 ‘3‘ " “ “an” to Ben‘rpI GI 55mg.) Iwho has used it. Only cost. you bile. ' 0"7’7" T6 ‘1‘" "Y C'JPE“ . ___;:::. ;.";:1;;#»7~#7 V II” bags. H. L. Breen, ~11 Uotlingham â€"wâ€"â€"~ i’ ‘_bI ._ “VI. "II “I,” ‘ I_ a, ‘ ) 0 5L. Toronto." House with two acres of land on Rieli- ‘ Ii) Sl‘imsibiiihiiiiiiii gIIl 4V, r q \1 l ‘ifi_7_h I I mom] slycpt. (haul stable. \\'llIl small ‘05 “V‘G‘Wil ‘i‘svi‘ulv- “ â€"‘ In P d ' t O . . I (Il'i'ilal'tI, apples, pear» and small '1‘ "“KW' ‘ ((1 fl Revenge is sweet but it won 1 sweet- , “nib. 3“- __I‘7M I __ _ I I W H ,1 Ti, en coffee. It takes Atkinson & Swit» ‘ i. App“. In ' ““m ’ ' ' WI. , zer’s sugar to (In that. “'e sell the i i v v r .1 . " “m, “ RIGIIMQN”Eflij-If‘t’1381v1791’ffi Paris lump, powdered and extra gran~ &' f' I" (1" hA‘ “(11" Dn_5p|NN5Y - 11;; 95‘," If. l_'. i {HT'H‘fP-y .. “5‘ “EMU”; :v " '9» A " W “‘ ” ulated and give a. big worth this __-c_.__ -._‘. Founder of. i f. “1‘. M) in“ [In “ii hum PA 3' Y: t 351d CUBTED. Dr. Spinney 6: Co. Another session of the Ontario Week. Legislature has closed, and a num- ber of important measures have be- come law. Those who prophesied that there was dissention in the Liberal ranks were mistaken as the well-known majority of three was maintained to the end. __.___â€"- A cheque for $71.74 has been re- ceived from the Treasury Depa rt- ment for the Public Library. This is just half what the Library should have expected had the grant been TII lu‘ DELI NEATOR. In addition to an elaborate poi- trayal of current fashions and other matter of special intelest to women The Delineatoi tor May contains literâ€" ary and artistic features of the high- “e‘b “XCl'lll‘lW-l‘. In livtion. are two I _ II _ Tho om Romania Speczaiieis. ,F short stories: His 1“];[1H'00I [W Y“. tinned Crown Lands in the townships L’illia \Voodward Cloud a (It'l'i'htflil “f Ell” (“Vimml‘m'y‘ “"“l (I‘Villim‘ [j‘V’E‘i g i is girl and her advieeful cousins and I‘lll‘fi'v NW1“ (I‘ViHimhm'V "Ml King » iii-I'D: £33 319319-‘3‘7‘7’95‘2‘32‘2‘J’H ~33" w < w > > - r ' - ~ awesome mother-in-law, and the But. are offered for sale. I ‘3 a ”: ’3339}"'Jai3s§3iaagfija"9§359 [10t(,ti,..m.u.,g. hy Juhn “I whit. ’i‘emlers at a pi we per new tor melt ___,“___________ ____________,,____ son. a college story: also a dramatic l‘“ \"in 1‘“ l'W't’iVV‘l 1'." [1“‘DIi'llil'Ihli'Im ' 7 chapter of the Eroliitiui of a (‘luh "f‘m’w" i1?”““ “1’ 1” "W i"" ”‘ “'i-r . r - w. - . .. 4 V} a} AAKI: wit L .“,‘{",\4 VA V A .3“- ‘ I. 391) 9&3) w t. 5 av a.» in. .«J Vii; mfifw§r§§ .i “'5‘” A N a .. MEI ROPQL: a MN & i ORE es. Sirieturos, Varicoeclc, W, Gtzronic,KE:lney, Urinary ::-.i.~_.:zio.1 Free. Books Free. We cure Eloy: Nervous Debilit, " and Bladder Di. 5" Question List 5.» ' '. - t) For Fume Treatment. ,9 me. as. too. i 1* 535"} SdBi-fi'B-‘Efli-‘B Is hereby given that the undermen- 996E ('EEEE-(r EEQGEEEE-EE EE§EC€QZGE€E EEG‘C \Vomaii. by Agnes Surbiiilgo. Th.- lltli day of May next. story of Catherine Sevier. conspicuous Pilu‘ms “’m h” “3””! by “1" “WW” in the early history (lf'I‘l'IHHJSgUpIiS H“. upon payment in full. The highest or tirst ('fa Si'rii-s‘, or} (gym! “3.1.1..” (,f any tender not necessarily accepted. , I I Pioneer Times. Among: the present. E. .I. DAVIS, Paid donal for dollar for backs ‘md day great. Mme. Sembricli. the famous Commissioner ‘I V _ m magazines purchased last year. Mr. sopi-iiiitI».IisItlie slthjt't‘t of an interest- Department of Crown Lands. \Ve carry a Complete line of . ~ Y . h lug tll'iltYJF iy (instav II.obbe. the IIIIIS< Toronto, 23rd Match. Ititll. Whitney might hale 500‘“ t e trations are of Speeial value. In EAST G\Vl[.LlMBURY. Government for thelatter’s interpre- tation of “dollar for dollar," but he did not do it. Many of the Public Around the “'orld in Fiomv _ I‘ r-i , I s I I 9‘) . I ‘ the reader is taken into a field of P‘Utfiflot' L‘s“ th‘o “LEI”? greatest. interestâ€"Japan and (lorea. 1‘“)? TWSL "um" I “k " ' Lillie Hamilton French‘s “unarks (In ant l\(l.... BOOTS SHOFS, AND RUBBERS. 81 acres Part of lot. 123 in 1st con. West FRESH. GROC 'RIES, Libraries will close if they are not P1,Otl‘,‘.‘SI"}"I] .Mj“”'I'g“‘”’]"I ‘5""I‘I“_‘.” of east brain-h . _ . . . . . . . . . . 76 H In gieatel} (llIlt)_\ ed. and Di. Muiia) s P I f] M. l. ,I . .t lDOt‘e generously treated. instructions in regard to the care of '“L 0 (It 1“ m at um" “W rs) u I--# II” the mouth and teeth will he found - “hing! M'MH'hH'" - H a“ O O F1 ’ H ’7» w . . _ helpful by everyone. In addition there LOL 129 m lit "Hm-“SSH”! ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ 40 U L' o U I Although the Provmcml Semeer are engaging stories and pastimes for “'EST G\VILLIMBURY' ’ I ‘ ‘ ordered that no “qoul‘ licenses Eh? liftle ones, and tiiiiely“iiifo1-ii1ation Lot9 in 2nd concession. 52 “ KIA A rm 5:.“ our StOCk' , r or a most ever de iartment of the Lot. 10 in 2nd concession I5 “ mm" """“‘"m .__ would be granted in l‘oronto .Iune- 110nm y 1 LIIII 11 III 2nd CIIIIIIIII‘ISIIIII 8 u - .. -. .......- _...____~_ tion the coming license year, all Lot. A in 3rd concession . . . . . 21 “ T B Prfi WANTEDâ€"F'.\[’I‘HFUL rhesus T0 Tniy. [mt 24 i” 2”“ “"“"“*‘i"“ ' 9 H . Q ’ p. u the hotel-keepers in that town have made the usual applications. The 81 for well established house in a few counties. South half 23 in II ('(Ill(5t‘3~‘\‘it‘ll In” (‘l'LIil'lL' on retail meielmntsuiul merits. Local Nurth half 2;; in 11 “Dnepssion 1(30 H :Wsm‘rs 71‘ ..b”’\,¢“>7’=>f‘~:‘7J ow VQi‘Ag‘uw $23» is; eeoeeeeesee” term??? SaIlmII‘I- #201“! per week witiiI expeiII- I (It 24 In 11 C(IIIIIINSIIIII 44 II . \ ' , ses u I] ioun .n myn i e in cash en. ‘ i. ‘ ~ " ' ‘ " t homl‘kecpels Cialm that there “33 Moneytibl‘ IeIXlelt‘It‘s advancesâ€"I ]’<‘Si[tiiilu“f)ccr~ Lot 21 in 12 concession . . . . . . 94 “ - ‘ ' ' ‘ maven . usiucss Success 1 int X‘l . l ‘ _ . - . I I I - .( “ dn lrrenglarlt‘V In the second reading Standard House, 830, Dearlmirn tn,” Il‘gi’léilnrl‘; (JHIIC‘ 3::y’nII-C‘ A S": ,, H, , I I I I "I I N '77» V of the local Option by.]a\vI and they NOV. 12-26 wku. I. ‘OI'lnPl IV ‘85 1W1 lln airy F & _ " ‘ ‘ Lot 4 in the 1st concession. .. 123 “ purpose b1 mgmg the matte! before Lot (1' in the Ist com-ession. . 175 “ A . ....__..._.... mm ~â€"-â€" 3 “‘6 FOR SALE. En.22:22:153391r”7i" .3 u South east part of north half See the Window of the emitters The Ontario Government has A good fresh mileh cow. lot 2nd concession. .. ,. .. 3O " made a wise choice in the appoint- Apply South half 8 in 2nd con . . . . . , 102 “ In I I I GEO. REAMAN, South part. of north half 8 in D meat 0f ML J' VV' Go‘don 0f 42â€"2 Concord. 2nd concession . . .. .. . . . . 50 “ Brighton: 35 the new Pl‘OVinCiai {jet {foil} ZQddconCession . . . . . . .‘___ License Inspector to succeed the 148:“ 2&1 1;” .. We Want to call your attention to our late J. K. Stewart. Mr. Gordon is non'rn GWYLLIMBURY * new Stock of Wall'l‘fil‘ers Which are Of a L0H”? “1915‘ CO“ ~ - - - - ~ ~ 200 ” new desegn and many shades in color, a. barrister and he has long been known as an earnest advocate of the temperance cause. The appoint- ment will be regarded by those who favor the full enforcement of the license law as a wise selection. _.__.._.. 41â€"5 01' Canada _. RICHMOND HILL ADJOUBIN E cabin" _ $130004)“, AlSo, a complete stock of Paints and Rest - 925.000 I ‘_ (By direction of the Master in Ordinai y m ' . - I of the. High Court; of Justice the Palnters “‘PPheS following proposed Sale stands ad- Rc"d' S:"k.‘B-kD:-t- -. ‘i. -' e“tirintlgidiiitldiihalfiivednip“ igltlfiflfgmfinm bdtumd), Apnl P. & A. G HIGHEST CURRENT HATE3. _°f"”1“"”"_ , New “.71 11a ms itetiifliil Pmllmiis ‘e- on demand. Wall and Ceiling with border to match. Also a few remnants left. from last. season from 2c. per roll up. These have to be cleared at once to make room for our second shipment. A call will con- vince you that these are a bargain. Groceries The best is always the cheapest therefore buy your goods of Atkinson & Switzer. FOOT-BALL. The Elgin Mills Font-ball Club held a. very seccessful meeting on the exam- ing of \Nednesday. April 20th. The secretary’s report. was lead and ac- cepted. The Treasurer’s report was read and accepted. The election of omcers took place in the following manner: Hort-Pres, J. \V. Moyes; Pres, J. S. Clift: Manager and Trees, J. Naughtun; Sec‘y, .l. Grady. The. ' team will shortly begin practice and ' challenges will be accepted and issued to neighboring clubs to play a series of games during the season of 1904. PROPOSED GAS 00M PANY, A meeting of the Village Council will be. held on the eveningof \châ€" nos lay, the 4thMay, at. 8 o‘clock p. Ir. i.the Council chamber, to which all In the Townships of Money Lonned on l-‘armers‘ Silll‘, Roles. Blank Notev & I’m-ms Supplied Free. General. Banking Busiease Transacted. For other particulars call at the Bank. In the County of York. Under and by rirture of the powers of sale contained in two certain Mort- _ gageswhich will be produced at time of J W sale. there will be oli'ered for sale by ‘ ' . - a Public Auction (subject to a reserve hid)at the Palmer House. Richmond AGENT‘ Hill, Ontario, by J. .I. Liinau.Auetirm. eer, on SATURDAY. APRIL 30, 1904, é-Zli e I.‘ * :i - .i r... 1 .m flatmates.» airy deeds. ratepayers are requested to attend. . I . I.‘ _ , - _ I I. I I I The object of the. meeting is to meet i‘iiutiiietiiiemfdiitfiviifi‘ii’iilliiibiein "-' “ e are m SI’icmhd Shape to SUPPLY your wants Mr. E. D. Morris of “The lfermirnem fl tips .'_ ‘ 2’ i K I I in this line. llere are a few hints: giggugfigm‘,‘f1:132:32,“gflmlfiigfl‘31: b I. A Farm of I00 acres at or near I' Barrel Churnsâ€"A complete range of sizes ' g ' " Oak Ridges, Ontario. desei [bed as fol- I in the celebrated Leader Ban-e] Chum, which the purpore of lighting the village Mfidl' to order at with gas. It is desirable that. the rate- ayers of the Village, of Richmond .ill attend the. meeting in order that they may clearly understand the proâ€" lows :â€"All and singular that certain is considcrcd bY competent judges m be the parcel ortraet ofland and premises sltâ€" ~ ‘ very best and most up to-datc on the market. 35 F uatelying and beingin the 'I‘ownshipof ‘: . c. .-._ ’ Prices range upwards from “'hitelini-eh. in the (,‘oiImtIv of York, and being the West halt of lot 64. in Four Dona“ and .rIventy=fiIIe CentsI posed Mr. Morris intends to submit. ' s- . w .- v ‘ _. the I‘ irst (voncession of the sod I'own- I Knlds 0f Emple' ship of \Vhitelmrch, containing 100 3- Butter Workerâ€"N0 well-equipped dairying - ' if'i‘e'v ' "1“35- tilt is com ilete unles" it ireludcs an it -to- The Know It. R I I I I I II on i . _ . p y _ merits epaired' 3' '1)“ HM” “W?” :‘t‘ T"”“‘l‘e’ date butter worker. One saves time and labor Ontario, known as Ihe Golden Lion . i‘i "L-'v“.’l’-$%-‘$‘<‘.\‘."'{'T»' use-.3! Thousands of people throughout the ' I H.401 Mud “MM, mums“ “f 1.59/10” = l and produces an even grained butter. The cost Comm? km“ “mttheOrdinarywm- I acres of the Km“! East (forner (if T- of one is only Three Dollars and Seventy=five Lot Number If), First Concession. Cents. (‘dit's for pilesâ€"ointmelils. suppositor- ies and a )lianees will not cure. - . . » ' .> '. . i ". v .; ‘ ' The beget them only bring passing Mlhed Gmm' 0 cents pm. lmg' I‘l)lfI(I\\\l‘I‘)‘i$il liijiilltf‘tii Ilofhliinid‘ ‘ Strainer Pailsâ€"The real Old-fHSiliOnCd long "“a'fIf-L I _ II , H I I ‘ 19"“ ‘1 CH3)“ 1"“‘1’33' is more fully tIt‘St'l‘iilt't'I in a Certain iInâ€" . lasting kind, made by expert. workmcn from the .f.;..:’:‘.':.:':.‘..:;5.i.. {.‘.‘.1'..“.‘.:i‘.§.fr.;f. it; . P t“ the ‘4‘“ “f “g: Narrative: durable Every is we" and muse of PIIIISI IIIIIIIIII the IIIIIII III IIIIIII he use of letting water go to waste. (ZI‘II‘I‘III’IJ‘III‘. {.IIIfi'IfiTIfiIIIIIIIIII:Numb“; - carefully filled with solder, allowing of no places inaneiit. Exery package sold carries W M f p nng tmd I,” which 1pm.} p”,er . for bacteria to l' (lyre in. A pail that Will give '1 tltt‘iili‘ilti‘EPI‘t‘IlflIIlIt-IIIIII s to II I u ._ thew are sliitllate a good Hotel Build- I you years of satisfactory service. Rightly priced I » v. v I . OI. - I r . I‘. . . . J ’ 'V delicati? constitution A iiieiiihg's {'1‘,T’.;T.‘3,f‘,-:'g 5:12:11]‘(};.[.fi::::]'I|tt'l(hul m at beventy-flve COINS. treatment in each package. Sold at ‘ Terms “f 3.11.. I_'1‘9n p”. (tout. 0f Creamer Cans. ~â€" IVelI made from mi?“- I I _ f _ I C purchase mo‘ney to be paid in cash at specially selected stock, complete with top, gauge ifIIe‘égéoéIIulI): guiltumn “I 1‘938‘d t0 ? tIu-ItllIne of saleIaInd the liaising-e ofItIht: and secure lopking cove-I Prices range up. a . S . purchase mono) is to be pal ill tlnit) wards from Flfny Cents days thereafter. POOP man! He can’t It. For further particulars and Condi- â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-¢o.â€"â€"â€" ‘VANTED. . . . SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE in this I He gets blhous' He needs a I “mm Iii{iiiiknuflhltt‘i‘tLLOUGH county and adjoining territories. to good IIVCI‘ Pillâ€"AYer’s Pills. youddes Solicitor. I lEmil};hisfiittfi‘ii}233.29%..35235 They act directly on the liver. ° standing. Salarv $21 woole with cure biliousness. i‘.%.‘.i’_°§i§£’;t 0”" JAMES MCCULI‘SHfiihY St"““"l”"'0“" 126 EAST KING STREET, TORONTO. expenses fldYullCl‘d each Monday by elieek direct from headqum-ters. Want your moustache or beard - Horse and buggy furnished when . . ’- ' ' necessary ; position permanent. Adâ€" 3 beauuful brown 0" 1'15“ thk? Use 01 to J. J. IAXSCIQIEIIEINI (gross. BlmIvIIBi-os. 6; Um. Motion Bldg., BUG N “ArkhIIIII OI'II lit-ago. . I I . . . . API‘. 21, 6 \V'ks. rm“! m. I. I. nun co. Mum. -. r. D‘ued 8th AI" 11- 1904- 41-2 I m

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