Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Apr 1904, p. 5

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‘ T. R. Jrnos. Limxt., Act. Asst. Adjt.. is advertising for recruits for the Governnr Generul’s Rudy Guards. Men enlisting will assemqu fur twelve :lays, once a. year, for thv annule tram- Lng. Farmers m- fxrmere‘ suns mvn. Lug their own horses preferred. Part,- ies interested in this section will get Full iufnrmutiun by applying to C. H. Ellsbon. - ' Just to hand at Atkinson 6‘: Swit- er’s, a. Spatial lot of whole wasted zofiees which we’ll grind while you wait at, 20. 25. 30, 40 and 450. 1b. ' The “'onmn's Missionary Sncicty of ictm-iu Square. hme sutured Miss 19m: Scott, Supt. Deaconess Home, 0 spvuk Sunday. May 8, both services. Ir. and Mrs. Sinclair of Stonfivillo, vill sing. I The reason why Atkinson & Swit- zer, the grncors, have such zl- trade is probably because Lth mind their P's Mud Q’sâ€"Priccnnd urity: Quumity und Quality. Penpe are apt to ap- preciate the highest, in purity when it is associated with the lowest in price. Mr. T. Bnyntnn is building a new kitchenzmd otherwise improving his vsidenceou Elizabeth St, which he ecently purchased from Mr. \V. T. Storey. A meeting of all interested in tennis vill he held at Mrs. P. G. Savage‘s ext Monday evening, at 8.30, for the Ill-pose of 1-e-urguuizing. Everyone vulcome. patronage at H R. W. Bm. Nichulls paid an uf‘ficini visit. to Zuredntha. Lodge- A. F. and A. 81.. Uxhi-idge, on Mundny lust. He was accompanied by W. Bro. J. J. I‘humpsnn. nf Tin-unto. and Bm. G. P. Wiley. of Richmond Hill. Masonry is said to he in a flourishing condition n that place. Messrs. D. G. Blongh and T. 1-1. egge have purchase-d Royal Hutton, l rundly-brvd, impm-tod Clydesdale ta lion, well worthy of uoticv. Mr. Albert; “Wight, Mich., made a flying 191‘8. spent over Sun nothex- and sister. and Owing to the Musicale, the Epwm-th Lonng social which was being :u-i-ung- Ad for this week will not he held until Friday evening of next week. On Fridin evening of this wee-k u Cons»- :rutiml Meeting will he held. va. T. 3nluphell will take u the topic. Miss 3r. Harris will he in t is chair. Jesse \Vright. son of the late \Vm. Vright of this plucp. died at the home \f a brother, Hazard \V'right, Michi- gan, m) the 13th inst. The Prize Lists have been printed. and are being distributed by the Secre tary. Any entorested party not. re- ceivin a. copy should apply to Mr. H. A. Nil: olls. Eight election trials in the Provin- .inl hye-olnctinns will he hum-(l in Si‘p- ember. Nurlll ank at. Ncwmurkvt n the 20th Svptemhor. Mrs. Breednn. wife of the' lutP Rev. . Breedon, fm'mm-ly :L pastor in the Ietlmdist Chm-ch have. has taken up (sidenco on Ohm-uh Street. Mr. F. W. Harrison, 3. student at Queen’s Cullegc, Kingston. spent over Sunday with his pm-vnts here, and on l‘uesday started for the. Nun-ch \Vest where he purposes taking a sclmol for .he summer months. * Dr. John \Vells. L. D. 8., died at the residence of his sister. Mrs. D. Mc- Leod. Aurora. on Friday. 22nd inst. Deceased was in his 52nd year. He .vas a son of tho lflLl‘ J. P. \Vells, u brmer M. RP. for North Yux-k. Mr. Toefy Mulcully of Grillia, who was in Toronto on business, came up tInd spent Monday night with his grandparents, Mr. and MN. Teefy. Fi 5,50. 1h: golden dates, 50. 111.; Juli 0min prnnu-s, 50. 11).; 1000 pnrlur Hutches, 5c.; Fairy soup. 50. Atkin» :on & Switzer. Mr. A. G. Beck, :1 elm-k in the Standard Bank, 'I‘m'untn. spunt Sutur- iny afternoon with Mr. J. \V. Os- borne. Mrs.J. W. Elliott nf Nt-wmnrkot, 1:13 been Rpondinga tvw days in the tillage and is the guest of Mrs. Isaac Crosby. The Palmer House is being tuck minted by Mr. J. McNm'mzun which su guarantee that when (:mnplotvd t will look well. MLNm-mnn Barker nf Chicago,visit- Pd friends here this week. mPeLing I‘m'unto a y. Mr Thm‘nennd Mr. Ruwll-It of To~ ‘nntn. Wore- guesls at the Parsonage n‘er Sunday. Miss Cample of Toronto, spout ‘lmday at, hl'l' home, The Pm-smmgo. @112 @ihcral. M. Tu Rlcnmnxn HILL, April 28. 1904 140(Z‘A11M. 'fy. Esq, uttendvd of Justices of the on Mundny. ight of Crusswell, ying business blip Sunday with his and returned Tuesâ€" a. special Peace in (‘nten-r Bro. D. Hill was complimén‘i: (d on the excellent spread provided. R. \V. Bro. H. A. Nicholls, D. D. G. M., No. 11a, paid an Official Visit to his Inht‘her 10ng here nu Friday even- ing. Visiting brethren were present from Thm-nhill. Maple and other places, and a pleasant, evening was spent together. After tho. iniliatiun nf a candidate the wurk was criticized in a fraternal way hy the D. D. G. M.. and H. \V. Bro. J. E. Francis alsn made a short address. After tlm busi- ness in llm lodge- rnnm was completed all repaired to the luwerhall where reâ€" freshnwnts were svrvvd. \V. Bro. G. B. Newbl-‘ry. arting master. presidvd. After “The King" had been. duly honored. the “Grand Master and Grand Lodge" was prupnsrd. and this brought gut-(l sprechos from R. YV. Bro. Nichnlls. R. \V. Bro. Francis, and V. XV. Bro. '1'. Newtun. The "Visiting Brethren" was ably respond- edtnby \V. Bros. J. Breaky. J. H. Kirby, R. Rumble. ll. Thumpsnn. D. Cooper, and Bros, J. B. Maclvan. A. Muskie and H. C. Bailey. Short, speeclwn “we also given in rvspunse to "Richmond Lodge" and “The Ladies," and gum] songs were sung by Bros. Osborne. Muodie and Newton. President. Mrs. Andrew Nl'wton. Tuesday evening. Tempting refresh- ments were servod, and during the evening a most, enjoyable programme uf vocal and instrumental selectinns was rendered. The curmuudiuus dwellng was well suited fur the occa- sion. and everything was so well arrnngvd that the huge gatheriug’ex- A deputation of our citizens went to Toronto on Thursday relative to the James Bay Railway which it is huped willpuss close to this village. The company should endeavour to come as net-u- Richmond Hill and Elgin Mills as possible in m-dm- to get the freight to and from those places. The gentle- men composing the deputation â€" Reeve Suva v, Jus. Newmn. \V. H. Pugsley. J. I . Sanderson and J. A. E. Switzvrâ€"were well satisfied with the interview they had with the railway authorities. V .. u no periencvd no crowding. The receipts amounted to sumething over $22. The fullnwiug inn-rating programme was givvn :â€"Duet, Miss Murtson and Mr. The Auxiliary of the \V. M. S. are to be cungt-ntnlated on the sucvess of t_heilj imusicule at the hmue nf the A patent was granted at, Ottawa nu the 12th of this month, to Mr. Fr:ka Roliinsun of this village for a leach casting apparatus, to he used in fanâ€" nerivs. Mr. Rnhinson has installvda a machine at the Elgin Mills Tannm‘y, and it has given excellent satisfaction. He will next install a machinv in King’s tannory, \Vhitby, and expects to he kept, busy during the summer months. Auctioneer Snigenn expects a large auction sale of horses. colts, fresh milch cows, beef-ringers, etc., at the Palmer House noxt \Vednesdzly. Twn Cill'lUHdS :lf cattle and horses are adver- tisvd, and it is expected that, a Int of good animals will change hands. I’m-- Lies having stock to dispose of may bring same on day of sale. At a meeting held in Toronto on Monday the fullmving were rvcnm- mended as Cnuuty Constables: anjn. min Davis. Aural-n: SLPphcn Thomp- son.Brndfmd ; Charles SmiLh, Tun-mum Suburbs; “’11:. Buyntnn, Victonu Square; A. B. Peters, Toronto Junc- Linn. Dr. Lnngsmfl’ bud his nutonmbilc‘. No. 192. out fur a spin yestvrdny after- noon. and that. useful machine ilSSlSU’d t‘hP firvmon in taking the hose-reel down to the Hurdng fire. Ursula. wife of M: Fred Pugsle. died at hc-r lult‘ hume at, Indian Head. on the 8th inst. Decwlsvd was a daughtu-r HE Mr. Hum-y Grnse of Kes- wick, and \\'ns 3.3 years of age. The Qll:ll't(-l'l_\' Service for this oil'- cuit will (l). V.) he hold in the Methâ€" odist, Church hme on Sunday, May 1. commencing at 10.30. The husim-ss meeting will he held in the Sunday School room on Monduv at 3 1). m. The Qunrtx-I-ly Service for this oil'- cuit will (I). V.) be hold in the Methâ€" odist, Church hme on Sunday, May 1. commencing at 10.30. The lmsim-ss meeting will he held in the Sunday School room on Monday at 3 p. m. Margaret. wife of Mr. Chzu-lvs Kirkâ€" land (had Sunday night “god 6?) years. lntennent took place. “'vdm-sdny afternoon in the village cemetery previous tn which a short: service WHS conducted at the house by Rev. J. A. Grunt. Mr. John Pulmor's fine Clydesdale stwl-liun. Lum-entinu, died 1:st nighl. The animal was apparently not. :Liling when his manager, Mr. Art-hie Mc- Lean, left him into in the evening, but he was found dead in his stall this morning. This is a heavy loss. Read our guumntee :â€" Good goods always. Undvviating pnlilvness. All goods as “presented. Reasonable price-s. A choice stock. No undel-hand methods. Truth at any cost. Every customer a friend. Every article a Inn-gain. Atkinsml & Switzer. ‘V. M. S. MUSICALE. OFFICIAL VISIT. MONTHLY SALE. D EPUTATION. PATENTED. WANTED ~5pecial Representative in this coumy and adjoining territories to represent and advertke an old established business house 01 sohd financml standing. Salary 521 weekly, wifh expenses. paid each Mummy by cheque direct from headquarters. Expenses advanced; position permanent. We furnish evervhhinu. Address. The 0011111113111, 630 Kuuo Building. Chicago. Ill 35 6 A First-Class Nineâ€"Rnomed House with inf an acre- nf land. Gum! stone foundation and cellar. Situated on Ynnge street. Richmond Hill. Apply to 'TflE Llfigfi'fléo ' $1.00 IN ADVANCE. A FEW TIMELY FACTS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Mr. W. S. Moone, after sprawling six months under our instrurlions, is now earning $25 per week for six hulll'S work per day. at Memphis‘ Tenn. Miss Nellie Carson, after iitc months‘ training. IS now with the \Vustrrn Union telegraph t-ompany at DeLi-iot, earning $70 per month. Mr. \V. ll. Hodgsm], alter four montlis’ training. is now with the C. P. R. at 'l‘\Veed.Ont.. earning $40.00 per month. Numerous others are being placed in equally as good positions. Our winter term opens January 4th. and those desiring to take up the work should enroll on or before that; date to ensure- then] a position in the spring or early summer. Five competent, instructors of exceptional ability are gi\ ingr their personal and individual attention to the rapid advancement of our pupils. Young ladies are prepared for corn- mercial telegraph positions.and young men for the. same and railway posi- tione as ope 'atnrs. train despatchexs, agents. etc. This is a profession not overcrowded, and one which will com- mand steady employment, the year around at, good wages. Write at once for particulars as'tn terms, etc. Can- adian Railway Instruct/int) Institute. Cor. College and Yonge Sts., Toronto. Trustworthy lady or gentle-man to manage business in this county and adjoining territory for well and favor- ably known house of solid financial standing. $20.00 straight (:nsl) salary and expenses paid each Monday by check direct. from headquarters. Ex- anSP money advanced. Positinn perâ€" numvnb. Address Manager, 810 Cumin Block, Chicago, Illinnis. laxative doses of Ayer's Pms each night greatly aid the Sarsaparllla. FOR SALE. â€"â€"â€"() Râ€" TO RENT 'l‘hu- prizes in \‘ill'llllh‘ departmvnls at th Fair to he hvld nn th 21th nf May will he- lurger [his year than over hefnw. For lie-st mum of lu-avy draught horses thv prim-s will ht- $15. $10 and $5: span uf nguivullurnl hm'ws in harness $10, $5. and $4; hm-(l nf milcl) (‘uws $10 and $5.75: herd of lhm-uughhred Durham (taltle $10 and $5. In the spevding (this: $100 will he give-n ft 1' an (vpmx trot. or party. and all through the. clusws the pi izem are lihmal. fir-um-n and nLho-rs rushed for the fire ouguw and other appliances. It was lama-«l that Mr. 'l'hnmas Haiding‘s SI m w-stvat-k, tw“ Int»! lwlow the villagv. Was'un lirv. Afle-r a heavy pull the lnm‘ was rvm-hvd. ,Iml svveral m-igli- hum-s and mcnilwrs of the familv wore diving good \\’(\I k wilh pails and watm'. 'l‘hv lll‘P was kvpt undvr control until \valn-r Was dashed (m the flamt-s hy the fil'r-u-nginv. The hum-(ls along the 31-1" h sitle- of tlw llarn Wt-l'e' smn-Che-d. and nnly hzu-(l wmk saw-d the build- ings. in the face (If a driving wind. Thu fire- startvd in the small stack. though hmv the fire got there is a my --ry. Uh. fir-un 1mg.“ want Prices low ; gonds fine : stuck largv: satisfuvtiun gunrmm-ed at, Atkillsun & Switzvr’s. \Vhat more can ymx £1.00 a bottle. Ami 9135159. Saaésagmrififia the medicine that brings good health to the home, the only medicine tested and tried for 60 years. Adoctor’s medicine. If your blood is thin and im- pure, you are miserable all the time. It is pure, rich blood that invigorates, strengthens, refreshes. You certainly know “I owe my life. without doubt. to Ayer's Snrsnparllln. It Is the most wonderful mem- eine In the world for nervousneu. My ears! permangph 311d 1 cun_no‘_thnuky_ou enpug_ Door Health Almut 4 o‘clock yl-sterday afternoon u "Fil‘i‘" n l’lll WIN snundvd, and MkéL'bkiiXEianiiflfivhifif . NARRO \V ESCA PE. Manager Wanted. GOOD PRIZES. \V. E. \VILE Y. ho-rs rushed for the fire wr appliances. It was \Ir. ’l'hnmus Hmding's .‘n Int»: In-Inw the villugv. Afh-r :1 heavy pull the for Richmund Hill. Mar. 17, 12 wks. Guarantved to eure coughs, colds, llC‘flVPS and broken wind in horses. Hm-svmen will find this an infallible remedy fur any affection in a hurso’a wind, Whethr-I-caused frum after effects uf distemper m' from eating dusty hay. Price 50c. 501d in Richmond Hill by Geo. McDonald, harness-umker. Your own recipes made up properly from pure drugs at, wholesale piices. Yorkshire Stock F0001 FOR HORS ES~Gives them :1 grmd appetite, :1 glnaey coat, a lose hide and a healthy nppenx-ancv. Highly rocmnnwnded by DUI'SHHHI. FOR CATTLE it, has no equal. It ilnpl’uvvs the appvfitc. aids digns- tinn, It causes a pm-fect, nssimulatiun of tin» fund and fattens Llwm quickly a grand p19p;}1~ntinn fur Iuilch cows. FOR (JALVESâ€"mixed with skim milk or svpax-sttnr milk it “ill make calves thrive as well or better as \vhe-n fud on new milk. Prevents Sm-uxs, "ids digestion, and rapidly fits u calf fur market». FOR HOGscthis wil he funud a grant] tonic fur fattening hugs rapid- ly. Ituidsdigestinn, kills worms, and kvas thmn healthy. The- stock- mnn‘s fluorite. because it makes ynul- stark thrive strungâ€"bust. and cheapest stuck food on the market. Five feeds fur one cent. _â€"-â€"â€"l \. 3‘ ' . I All drugs and patent medicines at wholesale prices. J. A. Johnston A: 00.. Yorkshire Cough & Heave Cure (Successor to C. D. Daniel & Co. and Hugh Miller 6; Co.) “'holesule and Retail Druggiets. 171 King St Enst,_Toronto, Opposite Clyde Hotel. The record of daily sales shows constant increase. More people are getting to think of us every time they want anything in Dry Goods and the good will of the business is growing along with the sales. out. We aim to have everything good, but we aim too to have everything within your reach. The great thing is tihat your money goes farthest here. That was largely 13 me from the beginning, but we never had the Goods and the assortment we have now. Special value all over the store now. Full 40 inch Victoria. Lawn @ 10, 11. 12'3md 151:. per yd. Fine heavy 60 inch Linen Damask Tnhling @ 25c. yd. Fine plain 8/4 heavy bleached Sheeting @ 25c. yd. Men’s fine \Vm-sted Suits made to measure, regular $18.00 fm $12.50. _Sjeciz_tl_ value in Silk Ribbons @ 3. 5. 6. 8 and mu, m] Fine Linon Dress Grmds @ 20c. yd. Fine Fluke Muslin 17c. @ yd. _ Extra. Grocery Sung-(.1450 lb. for $1. Figs 50. lb. Prunes 5c, lb. Best. White Stan-ch 80. ll). Dates 5 Efimxmmmmmmmmm: X Is what makes this business so steadv Our sales people are quick and attentiveâ€"trying to serve you better all the time. There’s no room in any business for discourtesy. We think we have now the most cour- teous and obliging help. We mean to treat; everybody the best: we know how. All of which has its reasons in plain business. The . . . . N imbie o . Sixpame A SPECIALTY. Now is the time to select your paint for Spring decoration. We have a large stock to choose from, made from strictly pure leads and oils, guaranteed by the makers. Also garden tools of all kinds; lawn mowers, all sizes and prices to choose from. All kinds of repairing prompt;- ly attended to. LAWN MOWERS Jflflflfi EVER &. SUN Richmeszd Hill PAENTS These are only suggestions: 3, 5, 6, 8 and 10c. yd. yd- ' )od, but we aim too to The great thing is 2. That was largely never had the Gods \v. Special value all 7 week in and week

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