VOLXXVI. AT THE LIBERAL PRIHTmG & PUBLISHING HOUSE nwauoxn HILL. ONT. (s PUBLISHEDEV‘EBY THURSDAY MORNING Inca maidens nhvmc‘mn M W eeteru R papibulsJ‘amntu ileum. DR. wmiï¬ï¬Ã©Ã©as, Dentist. Room 12, 121 Victoria. St. Toronto. Best ï¬tting teeth, also repluting, at, lowest prices. Good work. .‘. F. McMAHON. DRLTARNOLD D. A. MASON, $ I per annum Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. Cul‘. Church and Carlton Sts., Torunm. Will he in Richmond Hill evexy \Ved- nesduy. Olï¬ce, next door suuLh of Public Schunl. Olï¬ce Hours-8.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. (l JOHN R. CAMPBELL, 0.1.115 by day and night, promptly at tended to. MIME R HO USE RICHMOND HILL, Dentists Room “ A," Yonge Street Arcade. Toronto. Ofliuo Hoursâ€"8 to 10 n. m ; 7 to 8 v In. G L SPAULDING DR A W SPAULDING VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL TERMS $1.00 PER DAY W. C. SAVAGE - JOHN ROGERS, THORNHILL, AGENT FOR McCormack’s Harvesting Ma= chinery. ALSO AGENT FOR. THE M. Campbell Fanning Mill Co. of of Chatham. Cu]! and see their Incubators, Scales, Etc, Etc. WANTED -FAITBFUL PERSON T0 TRAV- el for well osmhlishe-l house in a few counting, calling on retail membums and agents. Local territory. Sentry $20.00 per week wxch expen- sss addlumml.nll payable in cash each week. Money for expenses advanced. Pcsitiun porâ€" mnneut. Business Successful and rushing. Standard House, 830. Dearboru 8%.. Chicago. Xov. 12-26 wks. B USINESS CARDS. ephone Main 2424 (Successor to Dr. T. A. Currie), ï¬leflisal. DR. EideSiTVUBBVS, VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. (Tyke gikml Eamon & Pnoenm’ron. Dentist, é‘ï¬cterimmcg SAN DERSDN, in advance.] 12to2pm and Grace Prov G G S Lindsey.K C A G F Lawrence W Riduut. Wadsworth Barristersï¬oliqitors. tharies, ace. Hume Life Building (formerly Free- hold me Bldg“). Gm. Adelaide & Victoria. Sis†Tunmln. LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. Barristers, Solicitms. etc. TORONTO OFFICE: Nu. 33 Bid» mnml St. \VostJVeslI-y Buildings, (Methodist Book Room.) To- mntn. Mr. Cook will be at Mapie on Thursday afternoon of earth woe-k. JAS. N EVVTON ooumssxomnzm Tm: HIGH COURT OF jUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFIt'E. ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EEJE’rIN 311141435 DI . Th1 l3 IVXV . NOTARY PUBLIC, RICHMOND HILL POSTOFFIFE, i“Mi-)3:'Efbiu‘iwine and Master Max “M '~'--~ â€"-â€"~~ r .le-ft. here last, week, and intend 1‘0- ; x Imuining fin-3L time at Mr. Jus. Stewâ€" LENNOX 65 MORGAN ‘ill't’s, Oak Bidgvs. Barristers. I . :1 Mr. and Mrs. \V. B. Gram nf ‘ ' 4'“ 3°"¢““"‘- |\Vvst,0n, laveumne to stay with the 1‘ 7- ~ r LL . AL 1 f‘ ‘iltun|l‘.n|-:D Money to loan on land andchaLzel mortgages at lowest rates Aurora oflice‘nemovcd m the old post oï¬ma one duor west of the entrance to the Ontario Bunk Newumrket ofliceâ€"Three doors south of the 1mm; orï¬ce T HERBERT Lnxxox, G STV MORGAN, Aurora. hewmnrket Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Goods sold on consignment General sales 01 shoe ecc promptly tctended to at reaaonauh rates lles' rncoUuinnville G B. Gouldmg. Newton Brook.agenlforï¬xe above J ’1‘ Saigenn. Maple u u unnncu. Maple Weston Salgeon & Mc Ewe“ . “The dam of Schmidt‘s mm was had- : 1y eaten through by musk 1~aLs,but the damage was discovered in time to pre- vent, seriuus cunsequencvs and with- t stoppirr‘sg the regular output. y , _ n ‘ l. . I n I “u \YA...o....h.n..lz “mu Licensed hmtioueert anhe County of York. Salemttendedtn on shortestnntic e and a. ren-‘ sonsblerates Patronageaolicited Licena e Auctioneer for theCounty of York, re- specbfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonaberatos. P. O.a.ddress King LicousedAuctionemforthe Counties of York and Ontm-lo Allaalex of farm shock, &c, at- tended to on the shortest notice and reasonable mth. Mortrzageandbnniï¬ sales attended to. Easidenceï¬boufl'ville Ont RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL Alarge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept, at both places. Lindsey. Lawrence & Wadsworth, A man to represent “CANADA’S GREATEST NURSERIES †in the village of Richmond Hill and surrounding country, and take orders for In Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Orna- meatals, Shrubs. Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, Etc. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. Stock true to name and free from San Jose Scale. A permanent pnsitjnn for the right man on either salary or cum» mission. COOK & JOHNSTON January % 4m Underlakers & Emhaimors, OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES E. ï¬gng, @nyï¬ï¬ Eflwma, TORONTO. 158 xma an}: an“. 'rnaom‘o accommodation to guests. Board,6l Der day WRIGHT BROS, Stone 8: Wellington, FONTHILL NURSERXES. OVER 800 ACRES. WANTED J, H. Pl entice. D. G. Bl,0ITGiI, “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†N. E. Smith. Emmi. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, MAY5. 1904 Phone Main 2954 J B McEweï¬, by siékness. Weston r The dam ( ONTARIO. The fouowing is Langstaï¬ School report fnr April;â€" â€"â€"- "\ . . H '4‘_ S;i1im‘-HI\-7.- ~Clara. Robinson. Jean Chapman, Otto Jumes, Lucy Robin. son“ ~» a- run. cuu.< Junior IV. â€" Florence Farr, Hiidn. Fan-r. Mary Lowery, Lmne Geode-X‘- hnm. m'éliiï¬m- m. # Myrue \Vpldl-ick. Adm Farr. Bnynton \Veldrick, Erwin Hulten. Junior III. â€" Florence Guoderhnm, Robbie Lowery, Alice Page. Senim‘II. â€"- Gladys Bull, Georgie Robinson. Jnnim II.-â€"H(‘rbie BnyIv. Part. II.â€"-Nathun Chapman, Nellie Page. .â€" . n n I1'.II:.‘..t.\-.. .on the ï¬fth concession is being smveyed by Mr. Gibson. P. L. 8., as lme of the fencr‘s is thought to be Loo ! far out on the road. Mr. Jus. Oliver and family moved last Week to their fmm north of the village. _ _ -_ .i. n Y‘- n ,1 71:" .- “D‘- Pnrt I. â€"- Amy Bull, \Vvllingtnn Monkmnn, Violet. szsely, Ellswoth Weldrick. Quarterly sex-vices were held in the Methodist Ohm-ch on Sunday. va. C. Monrhnuse of Victoria University preached in the morning. The "10%- ingnf the Quarterly Bmud is in be hPld next Monday afternoon. Rev. S. Brown of Tux-onto, conduct- ed quarterly services at the Methodist, Ohm-ch on Sunday. ' W. Edy has returned from Mark- ham. where he was under medical ‘ treatment, and states that he is much improved in health. L A ,, L..__,_LL «IV. mgiwcmluézr‘ï¬'céé me being): held in the church at, Edgely. The pastor is being assisted by the Mom-ehouse Brothers. M. Keith of Richmond Hil’, visitodover Sundle with her fxitnd MI'S. (Dix) Si§!r-y._ . .. . ‘1 H \r’iTuIter Cbattcrly has bought the hnuse in which he has lived for unmy years, paying $700 fur the property. _ Elijah Francis is detained at home “rt-nunâ€, Ilflvx» mu.“ m. y“ lattor‘s father. Mr. J. C. Vi‘u vâ€, .77, r’"'o ’ U L Berber Satchel of Newton!†ouk waé arrested by (J. 0. Lawrence 011 Sat/ur- day afternoon on a charge of attempt to derail Metropolitan Railway cars. Huge buulders were placed along the truck for some distance, and one was fuund on the steep hill here, close to the_ bridgeprossing the Don. If a cat- had been thrown off at this spot, sev- e-rai fatalities could scarcely have been avoided. Satchel will appear before Magistrate Ellis on \Vednesdzly on the churge.â€"â€"Tuesday’s Wm-ld. T “‘I\IT:;;:£lle’1:¢:|~ot;thâ€";I_§. J. Kerr, Freder- ick Trent. \V. H.7Mil_ms; - ‘ weal-)3 "â€"I ‘VT-jâ€"iBourke; John Bailey, two_months for repairs; Mrs. Lellis, tron [nuntljsforiopnirs. v M.-- wï¬iyyut-lbfidgoâ€"Jnhu Elheler ; J Sheï¬ield, twu months to sell out. Fm- description of the great battle in which the ans put the Russians to rout. see inside page. SLAUGHTER SALE OF BOOTS AND SHOES. “'9 are closing at about half price 500 pailsluen’s, women‘s huys’, git-13' and children’s boots and shoes. Light and heavy stack. Comv and see us. The goods must be sold. Naughty" 8105., Elgin Mills. West York Licenses. Langstafl Thornhifl. Maple nmes Splendid value here new in coffee at. 20, 25, 30 and 400. ll). Atkinson & Switzm'. The Ottawa License Commissioners the reduced the hotel licensws in that city fmm 77 to 67. The greater portion of the town of Fernie. B. 0., was swept by ï¬re on Friday. Loss about half a. million Friday. Loss about mu: 0. muuou doll-dis. Lucy Otelia Clayton Eakin. wife of J. J. Dunn, died at her home in Union- Ville on Tnosdz . nng 48 years. Funeral to-day ('Fhursday) at 10 a. m. Edna McBride, in her 17th year, daughter of Robert and Sarah Mc~ Brideof \Vlllowdule, died on Thurs- day last. Interment in the “WHOW- dale cenmtery on Saturday. Tilsnn’s Outs, Quaker Oats, Banner Oats. Slu'oddvd \Vlwat Biscuit, Force, Cream of W heat, Malt Breakfast Fund and \Vheutine all fresh in stock. Atkinson & Switzvr. Mr. D. FotheI-ingham, P. S. In. sgfctnr for South York, who has been :i sent on leave for some time. is still too ill to resume his duties. and grave doubts are entertained of his speedy 1‘3 crux-y. Mrs. Mnrgrm, wife of his Honor Judge Morgan. died Tuesdny morning at, the family residence, 63 Lowther Avenue. Deceased was a sister of the late D’Altan McCarthy and leaves, ‘ besides her husband, three daughters. two (if whom are now in London, Eug- lnnd. The funeral will take place at Barrie tu-day. Making the best. of life is getting the ' best health you can out. of itâ€"good digestion is the key. \Vhat you eat may or may not, do you good. It de- ‘ pends upon how it is handled by the digestive apparatus of the stomachâ€"â€" If it is deranged, the blood, instead of taking new life and strength to the various organs of the body, takes ‘poisou which clogs the kidneys. irri- ‘ bate-s the nerves, disti'esses the heart, causing headache sleeplessness. weary, dull feeling, backache, rheumatism, neiimlgiuâ€"umkes the complexion sal- lowâ€"cnuses biliousness and constipa- . lion. The great new discovery ANTI- , PILL has n. marvellous influence in I correcting a crippled or rebellious stomm-h. and the results that follow-â€" ANTI-PILL is the most perfect help to have when you feel wrongmut of sorts. sick or getting sick. It brightens you upâ€"mukes you feel better. Fifty cunts per bottle at druggists or \Vilson- | Fylc 00., Niagara Falls. Out. In Manitoba the demand for cemrmt is very great because of the absence of building material. 7 The Munitgbu Cemené’ Co. intend manufacturing those hollow blocks at their new factory in Mordeu. This will make building cheap and convenient. Ce- ment, because of its ï¬reproof qualities. is becoming a general favorite with Western builders. Railroads are using a great amount for bridges and cul- verts. Governments use it wherever they can because of its permanency. Ir. is being used for burn foundations, houses, cisterns, silos. granuries, eleva- tors, mills, piers. dams, in facbit is becoming in general use where other materials are so scarce. Yours truly. The Story of Life. N ews N otes. RIFLE ASSOCIATION. Cement is King. H. 'C. KENNEDY. a civilian’s Rifle Associatinn to be known as the Oak Ridges Rifle Associ- ation. t) encourage rifle. shooting in the North and Central ridings of the County of York.†It. is expected bhur. from 200 to 300 names will eventually. be secured as the opinion nf the mem- ing was that, the czlnditinns Lhomugh“ ly wun‘zmted n. Government, Range being constructed. and is expected that the people of Richmond Hill and Newumrket and the North and Contral I Ridings generally will be ull equally interested. ‘ Bust, Canadian reï¬ned sugar in yel- lmv. extra. granulated, Paris lump, ipmvdm-ed and icing always in stock ' and the biggest S’s worth given. At- 1 kinson & Switzer. Douglas, Lacey & Cn‘s Stockholdem Wishing to use their six months’ divi- dends now due will be intervsted in knowing that, we have arranged a plan whereby they may immediately at- cux-e their full value. \Vrite us stat- ing number nf shares. of dividend pay- ers you hold and amount, due as per rate of October dividends and you will hear from us at once. Spectator Bldg. We sell oat bran at $7 ton: com bran at 95c. in hulk; feud 00m $17 per ton : add Molasses Stock Food, and y u have an excellent food for hIOOd 50ml, m- grnwing hogs. For sale by H. L. Breeâ€, 41 Cottlugham St., Tot-onto." 350. per Foot. All Kinds of lmple= ments Repaired. Is manufactured by the Dresden Sugar (30., and recommended as a. high class dairy food by every fannm' who has used it. Only cost you 80c. in bags. H. L. Breen, 41 CnLtinghum St... Toronto} Mixed Grain, 5 cents per bag. Outs 4 cents per bag. Up to the 21th of May. No use of letting Water go to waste. Sieeiï¬sg Tmughs INVESTMENT EXCHANGE CO. C. H. ROUTLIFFE, Mgr. GRAIN SHOPPING Cux ru In». FREE. Dr. Piarce's Common Sense Med- ical Advisar is sent/rt: on receipt ofstnuips (0 pay customs and mailing only. Send 50 one-cent stamps for the cloth-bound \mi‘ ume. Addie.“ World's Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors, Bnï¬alo, N. Y. _‘ MOLASSES STOCK FOOD [Single copies, 3 cts; . Mager, Prop. Made to order at Dividends. Hamilton, Canada $5M No. 44 WM 6mm Cured. BC