n...» I \... lTlTEMENT OF A sun GRUWER HIS LUMBAGO WAS CURED BY DODD'S KIDNEY I’ILLS. Suffered for Twenty Years Before He Found. Relief in the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy. ltoscdenc, ()nt., May 9.â€"(Special)â€" Robert C. anpman, the well known Gainsboro farmer and stock grower. is completely cured of a long-stand- ing case of Lumbago, and he has made a statement for the benclit of the public, in which he gives the en- tire credit for the cure to Dodd's Kidney Pills. In his statement Mr. Lampnmn says. "For twenty yours I suffered from Lumhago with all its worst symp- toms. I hall the most distressing pains it seemed possible to bear. coupled with an irritation of the spine. "At times I was entirely prostrat- ed and was for weeks unable to do anything whatever, and required the services of my family to assist Inc in dressing and movingI from a chair to the sofa. “I tried doctors and medicines. but got no beneï¬t till, on the advice of I. neighbor, I commenced to use Dodd's Kidney Pills. After the, ï¬rst box I noticed an improvement, and when I had taken six boxes every Iymptom of my trouble had vanish- Id." Likn Rheumatism, Lumbago is :aused by Uric Acid in the blood. Souud Kidneys take all the Uric Acid out of the blood. Dodd's Kid- ney Pills make sound Kidneys. â€"-\â€"‘â€"â€".uâ€"_â€"â€".~_ / HOW TO SUCCEED. The Way 3. Young Man May Meet With Success. The sort of thinking that is neces- sary to anyone who wishes to rise is that which has been aptly dcscrib~ ed as thinking ahead. The clerk: who makes his start in commercial life and thinks only of leaving~oil time land amusement may as well stop ihoping for the day when he will be imaster on his own account. The lyoung man who gets a business of 'his own is he who thinks ahead, and )in this way: "Let me suppose,†he says to himâ€" self, “that I am starting in business. How should I set about buying, or l.pricing, or selling goods?" Starting from that point, he proceeds to plan and to look‘ about to see what oth- ers do, not exactly with a View to copying them, but in order to com- ‘pare, and so to evolve an original method that will attain the object better or more quickly. In his inexperience he naturally conceives notions that would land him into difficulties. but he discovers this in time, and gains knowledge thereby: In the course of this planning as a. master. he finds that there are cer- tain details that, reguire to be acâ€" quired before he can hope to do well ' as a principal, so he turns his attenâ€" tion to these details as carried out by subordinates, and he thinks about. those also. - He soon attracts attention. planning has given him originality and brightness. lie is selected to 511 this or that position temporarily. rerformed the duties. In time there 5 a vacancy, and the young fellow and does it well. because he has, in his mind, filled that post bolero, and who has been thinking ahead steps into that vacancy, to th: envy of the others. {is -_.___+_.___ WORLD'S FAIR, ST. LOUIS, MO. From April 25th to Dec. lst, in- clusive, the Wabash Railroad will sell round trip tickets to the Great :World’s Fair, St. Louis, at the low- est oneâ€"way firstâ€"class fare, good for ï¬ftecn'days, fare and a third; good lfor thirty days, good either via “"3.- ,bash direct. line or via Chicago, with stop over privileges. Canadians go- xling to this, the greatest of all Ex- ;positions, should remember the great Wabash line is the shortest, quickest and best route. The only line that owns and controls its own rails di- rect to the World's Fair gates. For time-tables and descriptive World's Fair folder, address any ticket agent, lor J. A. Richardson, listrict I‘asâ€" sengcr Agent, North-east corner King and Yonge Streets. Toronto. ¢.__. GIANTS OF SCIENCE. Magniï¬cent Work of Lords Kelvin and Lister. A London correspondent writes: The {University of Glasgow honored itself recently by making Lord Kelvin its @hanccllor. llc tilled its chair of natural philosophy for 5:: yours, and meanwhile did some other things. It onuld be imponsiblc here to recount ,eV'cn a tithe of the comributions lwliich this prince of Science has made lbolh to theory and to practice. He lhe‘nlled the German physician Helmâ€" il’loll’l. and others to consolidate the greatest but one of all the generalizâ€" ations ever reached by the human mind, the law oi the conversation of energy. He iouiuled 1hermoâ€"dynamics. ’He made ocean cabling possible. Ilis conmass is used on every boat that sails the seas. How many lives and how much property it has saved no one can say. in a few weeks he will be an octogenurian; yet only the Jother day he read a paper before the Royal Society of Edinburgh, on a Subject, which he had introduced tol it seventeen yours before, and said that he hoped to return to it again. but “not .at so long an inli‘I‘an.†The only possible way to appreciate ithe proiunditv, originality and comâ€" prehensiveness of his genius is to read the history of physics (luringr the last sixty years. He has done much more than anyone else, living or (lead, to make it. Another giant celebrated his birth- day the other day. Lord Kelvin is a Scotsman, Lord Lister a YOI‘h'ShiI‘Oâ€" man. “ho so imagines that his race is played out, or that there are no great men nowâ€"aâ€"days, must reckon with these two Britons, each of whom has made a new science. Foch of them has been given long life, has Seen the fruit. of his labors; and they have, between them. broken the re» Cord in causing the elevation of a man to the to science. peerage for his services, Lord I.ist‘br. of course, is‘ half the battle in cleaning greasy dishes is in the soap you use. If it’s Sunlight Soap it’s the best; GB MW DISIHNDS His ARMY. The Prince of Monaco is showing an example to the. rest of Europe by disbandng his army. It consists of a. single regiment. the Royal (luards. It comprises seventy men, entirely More than . 1 :lians \vil 11 TX in ii v the founder of modern surgery. luxcry El ' 1" t O ‘ C“ l “1 Of t‘ O ._ , , , . Frenchmen, who entered the ranks surgeon on enith, melv opeinting . . I t , A . . ~ . compai atn nly recently . I‘ho com- theatrc. is a tribute to him. Most. . . . . _ I. u would not 0“.“ but for him mander-in-Lhiel, as well as other if†L01" I _ “0W .‘ ‘miqsimmr 01lidistinguished members of the force, {Km} 31:1 Iq‘ m‘wo t‘} .. t have already received their conges. fl] 1 ‘1.†103111.? "1212' ï¬lm; “CS‘ 0 and toâ€"dny all that remains of this “m' N“ as “"g “ val (005‘ m a quaint military force is one oflicm‘ million others now living, to say noâ€" thing of the future. Of course, no man stands alone in science. With- out t.he immortal French chemist, Louis Pasteur, Lister could never have been. cherthcless, it is true to say of him that "he saves more lives every year than Napoleon took in all his wars." _._._., _+ Blessed is the baldvhoaded man; he never gets his hair cut on a Saturâ€" day night. +_._._. . Beware of dintments for Caiarrh that Contain Mercury. as mercury Will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely (lerange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on pre- scriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Ilull's Catarrh Cure, mun- ufactured by I“. J. Cheney & Co. 'l'o- ledo, 0., contains no mercury. and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of ‘-be system. In buyng Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is tak- en internally and made in Toledo. Ohio. by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testi- monials free. Sold by Druggists. bottle. Toke Hall's Family Pills for consti- pation. Price, 750 per 1â€"..â€" SUI'I‘ABLE FOR THE WORK. “Why is it that the attendants in telephone ofï¬ces are all women?" Mrs. Brown asked her husband. “Well,†answered Mr. Brown, "the managers of the telephone offices were aware that no class of attendants work so faithfully as those who {re in love with their labor, and they knew that women would be fond of the work in telephone ofï¬ces." "What is the work of a telephone oflice‘?" Mrs. Brown further inguirod. “Talking,†answered Mr. Brown, and the conversation came to an end. A woman says more than usual when she keeps silent. ilinaid's llnlmant Bums Bums. Bic. Be careful what you do here and don't worry about what will be done with you hereafter. I Know MINAHD'S LINIMENT will cure Diphtheria. JOHN 1), BOUTILLIER. French Village. I Know MI‘NARD'S LINIMENT will cure Croup. J. Cape Island. I Know MINARD'S LINIMENT is the best remedy on earth. JOSEPH A. SNOW. Norway, Me. F.‘CUNNI.\'GHAM. _â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_.__.â€"__ Our idea of a mean man is one who spends twoâ€"thirds of his time in get- ting money and the other third in keeping it. Heart Disease Relieved In 30 Minutes.â€"â€"Dr. Agncw's Cure for the llcart gives perfect relief in all cases of Organic or Sympathetic Heart Disease in : 30 minutes, and speedily effects a. cure. It is a peerless remedy for Palpitation, Short- ness of Breath. Smothering Spells. Pain in Left Side, and all symptoms of a Diseased Heart. Ono dose cooviaces.â€"83 ,_,.-_ Anion: a number of notes rcCeived i)_\' u teacher in excuse for the L.bsence of children was the following:~â€" “llear 'l‘vncher,â€"l\'indly excuse Minnie for , having: been absent yesterday, as she i fell in the mud on her way to school. i I:_\' doing the some, you will oblige. I “Her Mother." ; 9mmwlm The harder you cough, the worse the cough gets. Shiloh’s ; @onsumption The Lung " Tonic is guaranteed to cure. If it doesn’t beneï¬t you, the drugglst will give you your money back. Prices: S. C. WELLS & Co. we 35 5%. fl LeRoy, N. Y.. Toronto. Can. ‘ 1â€"2' with which later. and ten privates. July illst. These will go on What’s the Trouble ?â€"Is it Sick Headache? Is it Biliousness? Is it Slug- gish Liver? Is your skin sallow? Do you feel more dead than alive? Your system needs toningâ€"Your Liver isn't doing its workâ€"â€"Don't resort to strong drugsâ€"Dr. Agnew's Little Pills, 10 cents for 40 doses, will work wonders for yewâ€"85 Somehow a fool man usually main 1ch to get a sensible wife. For Over Sixty Years M‘Rf. Winslow's SooTniNo SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. It'snothrs the child, softens the gums. allay: pain. cures umd coiic, regulates thcstoinach and bowels, and is the best remedy for Diurrhrna. Twenty-ï¬ve cents a bottle Sold 1-: druggists throughout the world. Be sure and um for “ Mus. \VINSLOW‘S Soornma SYRUP." 22â€"01 .._... No man ever poses as a hypocrite when alone with his thoughts. Minaid's Linlmenl Believes lleualgla 'l‘hc frankness with which a 17â€"yearâ€" old girl refers to herself as an old maids only exceeded by the frankness she denies it ten years WEE Md"? M‘TRAQIVE. An Offensive Breath and Disgust- ing Discharges, Due to Catarrh, Blight Millions of Lives Yearly. Dr. Agnew’s Catarrhal Powder Relieves in 10 Minutes. Eminent nose and throat specialists In daily practice highly recommend Dr. Agnew‘s Catarrhal Powder, as sure. permanent. ' painless, in all cases of Cold in the Head, Tonsilitis, Headache and Catarrh. It gives relief in 10 minutes and banishes the disease like magic. 28 se Dr. Agnew’s Pills. 40 Oman 10 Cents. AUTOMO B l L E UNDERWRHTERS The VVinton Touring Car is appreâ€" ciated by the best informed because built on correct mechanical princi- ples, of highest grade materials. As a prospective automobile purchaser you dare not, in full justice to your- self, take chances on an inferior car. By presenting a car of such imperial the 1904- \Vinl’on, we become “automobile nnderwriters"â€"in>:uring you against Have you seen our merit as is risk or loss. new catalog I†The ‘Wlntou Motor Carriage Co Cleveland, 0.. U. S. A. Represented in the Dominion of Canada by THE AUTOMOBILE & SUPPLY C0 79 Klné SL. 13.. Toronto. Ont. Sub Adoncles in Chief Dominion Citles keep his ignoruuro ('lllll":l.’l'.i, Potatoes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Apples Let us have your consignment of any of these articles and we will get you good prices. THE DAWEON COMMISSION ()0, Limited Cor. West Market and Coibcrno Sis. TORONTO. » l \ ‘2 A - w - - ' For Luncheons Elisaisnothing’so‘temptlngandsatls- I '_ . E as Libby's Luncheon meats. l‘here are many delicwus ways Libby's Peerless Drie Beef. ?otted and Deviled Ham Chicken Loaf and Veal 1.03 can be served for Luacheonsl (Natural Flavor) Send for our book. “How to Make Good Things to Eat." Libby's Atlas of the World sent postpaid for ï¬ve 1c stamps. ibby, McNeil] 6c Libby, Chicago, U. S. A. . LOWER ' PRICES Vino v.2 ' .5 CAN BE HAD IN Pails, Wash asins, aiak Pans, 8m Any First-Class Grocer Can Supply Vou. INSIST 0N GETTING EDDY’S. ~§€7§ï¬9flfï¬ih 24"E~'4Z:€el%€$f§'£?i? .‘ .‘ .' 2232' - macaw " ‘vï¬ï¬i‘J-Eé'aéihkéi’fc' spawn" hiid%hi@ $10 in one prize for the greatest number of words. $1") in two ï¬ve dollar prizes for the next longest lists. $19 in five two dollar prizes for the smaller lists. rh-Mf» We will pay these prizes for the best- lists of English words made out of the three won'S : “ MASSEY - HARRIS vii-{EELS †Letters to be used in answers only as many times as they appear in the above words. Competition Closes May 3olh. send in your list. to-day. 31 NOTE, Tha Massey-Harris la fitted with tho cushion frame and Morrow coaster brakeâ€" tho two lmprovemqnlgiï¬st have c.“ . made bicycling cor famously popular. sniff-Ks :3. .523â€" l‘it' remit: “MN lVrite for our new “Silver Ribbon †Booklet. ADDRESS, DEPARTMENT “A†BANADA CYCLE 8.: MOTSR 439., Limited, Toronto Junction. ‘5‘ 2.2-». “roadie; 1'. Y‘El’fffii‘m‘" 251‘ v 5.x»â€" ' .WM‘Sszï¬â€˜! {léi-I-i'ï¬iï¬Ã©â€˜?‘ " ’l‘he Victimâ€""So this is really good A ,voun: man considers it a lucky for rheumatism, eh?" The (‘heinistâ€" ‘fall when he falls in loveâ€"but you “Splendid, sir. I know a man who can't always tell. wasn't able to Walk downstairs, and _.__A- _..n;._.:.h__r,::,:g 7 ‘gr‘:__riï¬__ the day after he ï¬nished the sot-(ind the [@3533 Finest quality and flavour. so a Nutritious and Econ omi cal. Ilaâ€"~21 A1: admirable Food. o! le 11? Was arrested for scorching DOLL t V {.7 on a bicycle in the public streets." Miaard's linimenl for sale Eldlll‘lhtil Never judge a joke by the way wo- men laugh at it. What makes you Dospondont? â€"Ha.~; the stomach gone wrong? Havclhc nerve centres grown tired and listless ? Are you threat- encd with nervous prenlralion? South A nicricnn Nervine is nature'scorrector. mach the stomach right. gives a world of nerve forcc.-kc:‘pslberc1r- citation perfect. A regular constitution builder for rundown people. One lady says: " I owe my life to it."â€"â€"84 new Iatles I The Best at tho Lowea‘. Prico i erto for Term- i RED BROS... M’f'g £39.â€) ._.,â€"â€" l Lover's v-z (Wise Head) Disinfect- l 7'5 “‘“38‘ "'9 32.31 ant Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens the water and disin- facts. some doctors who take li“r» escape arrest. (1 n s y :(‘ARPET DYE.“le "J an". thmnmz. This in n xprcinlw with the BRlTlSH AFflERlCAN DYElNG 00. Send psrdculari by po-t and we are sure 'e n‘ isly Address Box 158. Montreai. WJ yo man is n lu’ii‘mlncc frvx‘ YIii/x :21,“ â€"â€" l Linimenl Sues Bandwll. I ISSUE NO. 19434. ,n -J3