Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 May 1904, p. 4

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I tion and symmetry, and of the best breed in Scotland. His legs and feet are perfect. He is full brother to Cawdor Cup (10045), who was winner of the Glasgow Premium and cost £1200 at one-year-old. His sire Prince r of Kyle, is one of the most successful ' ““cl‘i‘l‘d- stallions of the present day, and in “mils- 1893 won the Cawdor cup and was stud horse at. Kilinarnoek at the hand- t. i. some stun of £10 at time. of service and New Advertisements. Changeâ€"World's Dimy Medical Anoo'n Changeâ€"J. C. Ayer a C0. Changeâ€"The Busaiil Hardware Co Changeâ€"J Hull mood street. apples, ’4’,”â€" literal. pears and Apply to 'r o RENT. l House with LWU acres of land on Rich- E Uood stable. with small small 1’. 0. SA\' AG 1‘}. / " ' ” ’ "' ' “ £10 if in foal. Prine 5 of K 'le 5 Ild fir RICHMOND HILL. May 5. 1904 ‘ l ‘ ‘ £l0.000 as a l\\'Uâ€")'eal'~nl(l. Prim-e. of Albion. Prince of Kyle‘s brother rvas sold for $l5.000 when two years old. Grandsire. the celebratld lllerrytmrn Prince of “'ales (073). Fullerton's dam Lily Buchanan (“605) by Go Ahead (5052); 2nd dam Lily of Letten (1008) by Prince Kepdmvnie (057) : 3rd dam by Justice. (-12). rl‘he sire of the dam of Fullerton, Go Ahead was bred by Mr. Min-dork, HilllSlfltS. and im- ported to America by Galbraith Bros, aha high figure. lie was afterwards taken back to Scotland on account, of his grand breeding. Grand sire St. Lawrence (322.0): gr. g. sire the re- nowned Merryton Prince of \Vales. It will be seen by the above that Ful- lerton is an inJm-d Prince of \Vales. which horse sold by public auction when 18 years old for 900 guineas and died when 22.5 years old. The last fight of the hotelmen of Toronto Junction against the closing of the hotels there, will he made next Monday at Osgoode Hall, when the adjourned motion to quash the by-law closing the hotels will be argued. Mr. Charles A. Kelly, pro- prietor of the Occidental Hotel, is the applicant, and asks to quash the by-law, on the ground that the by- law did not pass its second reading as required by the by-law regulating the proceedings of the Toronto Junction Council. M , About 10,000â€" peopTe congregated .in Toronto Junction on Saturday to “celebrate” the closing of the bars ls hereby given that the tinned Crown bury, North (lwilliinbury are offered for sale. the NH) (lay of May next. Patents will be issuI-(l by upon payment in full. 1‘1. J. DAVIS, ______________â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"- Department of Crown Lands, Toronto, 23rd March. 1004. EAST G \‘V ll Li M BURY. Part of lot. 122 in the 1st con west of east branch of Hol- land River . . . . , . . . . . . Stallion Register Dunn 0v ARGOâ€"Imp. Clydesdale, the property oil) 0 Steele. will be at. Richmond Hill, Maple. Oak Ridges. Victoria Square, Thorn- ' . Th rou h element liilletC. Terms .114. _ ,. . In that Town e g . . RED “'ATTIEâ€"Jmi) CldeSdfile.tlIe property of Part of lot 123 in lst con. west from Toronto was much in ev1- Blough snaggemrn beat lot 2 con 4 old (,5 east branch ‘ I t t . h I I I t I I 76 h fl b . d :liivovNqulJJxEng City. yak l\l\lt!8$, Bognr- P wt of lot 12, in 1.“ mm We“; .1 tin an ls. own. ownmriet etc. "arms sir. i ' , . . t n deuce! and muc g g L‘U‘D MACQI‘EE-‘f â€" Clvdcsdnle stallion. the or east brunt-11.. .. . . . .. oz orderly conduct was the result. property of \\.J. \vens. will he .tt Tetnper. [M 129 h, 1,, ,.n,,(.,.ssi(,n , _ I t _ v 40 aucev'lle,“ hitchurch,Newumrket. Aurora, , ‘l ‘ V T Hundreds of drinking glasses were Kett'oby etc. Terms s12. \\ ES r b“ “LIMBL Ry d E t h t l b Ron" int-rig?N hillty‘ifmma smmon' “6 map" lot 0 in 2nd Concession ’1‘) I l 6 en 0 63 “TWO 011:: ' egfle. will be at Kin Ci , 1 ‘ i - . > '-: taken from the r - . , y Maple. Aururu. Oak iridues etc. ’1 emigs Lot 10 In 2nd concessrou . . . . . 1;) those in search 0f “SOlth’Iml'Syy and PRINCE LWUMGA“ â€" Clydes‘me smu‘w- “‘8 Lot 11 in 2nd concession . . . . . . 8 f b 1' pmpm"51.)10‘1'J 1: Teal-ST? in” mm“ M hi" Lot. A in ‘%Id conees ion 21- . ' 0 women own std e. ot‘ 0011' or 1mm. 'I'erins 51o, ‘ ' . s: . . . . . . wnh the 355151131106 0 t e p FORE“ BnY-TWM-iugvbmd stulhuu. the Drop- Lot 24 in 2nd concessrou . Z , . 9 “‘5' °' W New“ “’“l “and I“ “30”” Emble- South half 23 in 11 concession 100 ec ers and constables the hOtel k p Victoria Sq me. Terms :8. North half 23 in 11 concession 100 ’ hei houses be- Tomi \VILKES#1{l,mdStt'YStallion, the property , A were glad to 010156 ‘1] r S l of Snip/Tel l‘runlciis, “'11; he lat Steele‘s cor. Lot 24 In 11 C(ilice‘fiSlOD . - ~ - - . 44 ' ours. cvera hora, ‘ierry's otel. Edge y. lluple. KiLg 2,. ' ‘ . . . . . . . 9i fore the“ reg“ at cnv' oak milgas' “cum” Square" Unmn' 2: . 89 ville. l‘hornhili etc. Terms 39. Knocxnmn Cuinr~ltumlster stallion, the prop- erty of Win Birch, will stand at his own stable. Bedloru Park. Terms $11,. arrests were made and two men - ' 0 or six . wele sent to central Pns n f Lot 4 in the lst concesston. . . 123 mouths. Pull; 39L§;§;§;b_i§$ifitaggogg tgl‘fmigggiggyusgf not 6 in the 1st concession. .. 175 ____â€"â€"â€"-_â€"_d_/â€" gaklfiidgeisé Maple, 11mg Cjby‘ Em” M1115. Itazst1 part of'south half ‘7 in VB - . ' '1 r. '1‘: s8. ‘ . . . . . . . . . . a Toronto aeted WIsely on Silmlday Sflmgifigélgmié;gfistmflg‘lis“1? 19"“?‘3l'w.or Soriltth Ciiiilslpphll-tnot north half in defeating cit-Controller Richard- §nplesi535;gitgvgikbgiggegmkfigx E‘iliiici. b10:12?(11?§”F9?1TLW I. H ' ' a'orit . “"3 WWW." 0111 i1 etc. Termfislo. ‘(iu I In ' in ' in con....._. so? by an 0‘ erw‘w‘mmg J y _ South part. of north half 8 In Ex-Mayor John Shaw carried the ;; rd t. 7 2nd concession H U H 1?? ' - 50 . “U Wt I 2 n 5. Lot 9 in 2nd concession . . . . . . a day by a Wt? 0f 7’498 to 2’ 6 ,Imiw,_:§:,wgs a“ t Lot 10in 2nd concession ..... 190 Even If Mr- Rlchardson was “Qt 3' I M Twmww Lot 11 in 2nd Concession . . . . . 104: ' ' 1' x Y . V r art to the wron s committed in the IxORTH (1“ ILLIMBD R1 p y g THE Lot 1 in the lst con . . . . . . . 200 recent municipal election it was 415 I must thank the Farmers and undermen- Lands in the Townships of East Gwillitubury, \Vest Gwilliin- and King Tenders at a price per here for each lot. will be received by the Dapartineut of (ll-own Lands up to and including the (ii-own The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Commissioner 84 acres u u u u u u u n u u IK u KING. Formerly \Vest Gwillimbury H u u u u u u u l .uâ€"aâ€" safer to defeat him, as it was made clear in the investigation that he was the recipient of many fraudu- lent votes. Besides, no man deserves to be elected to a. municipal office who endeavors to bring politics {to his aid. Mr. Richardson we'nttout of his way to declare that he was an out and out supporter of Mr. Whit~ ney, thereby hoping to dravv' the other friends for the patronage they have given me in my short canvass for the INTERNATIONAL HARVESTING CO M PAN Y. The McCormick Machinery takes the lead, and gives the very best satisfaction. I keep on hand ma- chinery. such as REAPERS, MO'WERS and RAKES, which 1 will be glad to have the Farmels inspect before buying Its increases the use quantity and improves the quality of the milk and cream separatt s better ; theie Is also more . . . elsewhere. He airs f lI'nl‘lT'd ,, Conservative vote to his Side. The 24 hnfirs “DULCE,- ” ‘ U“ butte 1. ~ I Conservatives did right in “ assisting PATRONAGE SOLICITED. SEX-if. 33$“3f8 "1:13:23. and better in flesh. One 4 lb. package will make 2500 lbs. of skim milk equal to new for calves. \Vhen fed to cattle fat- tening, the animals are not only improved in ap- earance but they fatten in shorter time. It makes six months’ feeding equal to eight. It has no equal for \voi k- ing horses, or for horses that are run down or out of condition. Careful men recommend it. in turning him down." _â€"â€"â€" In the death of James Massie, which took place on Sunday, Toronto loses one of her most honorable, up- right and respected citizens. Death came to deceased after an illness of less than two days. Mr. Massie was registrar of East and West York and was connected with many charitable, benevolent and religious institutions. H. F. HOPPER. Agent. slittiti flirt 0f Canad RICHMOND HILL He was torinerly warden of the .“pnm _ $l’0oo‘ooo ‘ S Id b 1â€"“ Central Prison, Mayor of the City of [Rest . 925,000 *"T 0 3 - Guelph, and had served in the Legis- DEPOSITS .l. HALL. luture as a member of the riding of South Wellingtor . Though a man of great physical Received in Savings’ Bank Depart- ment and interest allowed at ,. iturc .â€" . ...._.... Ml . Finn. HlGHEST CURRENT RATES. Notice of withdrawal not neces- strength and large proportions he was gentle as a child, and those who I . _ _ sai‘ '. All de osits 'z bl have done busmcss With him, either ) on dcgiiuudfnl} l e private or public, will not forget his Money Loam.“ 0“ Farmers. C O A L Sale Notes. Blank Now Forms supplied Free. General Banking Business Transacted. For other particulars call at the Bank. .1". W.0_SBORNE. A G ENT. gentlemanly bearing and kindly manner. Deceased was 71 years of age, and leaves a widow and four children. flâ€"Iâ€" Stock Note. Mr. John Palmer. whose Clydesdale stallion, Laurentian, died last Week, has bought a half interest from Mr. Mr. George Gurinley, in that superior imported Clydesdale stallion, Fullerâ€" ton (9910) [2370]. Mr. Gormley. of “Burndennet” Stock Farm. Union- ville, only recently purchased the horse, but since his arrival he has been examined by a large number of D ‘ ? horsemen and leading farmers in the 9 June n‘ 1003 locality, and so well has be filled the Appétite poor? B owels “r public eye that many men with im-‘ constipated? Tongue coated? ? a? Prices Right. GOOD LlVERY . . .. . -.l - . limit-ed maresaud cthershate pionns- Head ache? It’s your liver! ed their patronage. His home stand . . . will be at; the Palmer House. and his Aycr’s Pills are liver pills, all Coal and \Vood Delivered. IN CONNECTION. Michael Bros, Riolnnon (1 El ill MUNN & CO.. at the Seinrrrrric AMERICAN. con- mute will be given next week The - 1 a ‘ ' ’ ‘ i _ I . ‘ . 0 old for 1.0. or On. tlnue to net as Solicwors for l utents. Luveuts. Trade ‘ iollowmg description of this noted vet‘etab ‘e' ““5' ’°”" “'3'- ”‘5‘: ' “3"‘5- 0‘ y““"“’“ f" “‘8 U‘mc“ Smm' cum” horse appeared in last week‘s gni‘ml‘sd'serfinlmeece‘TxlipTi" chm “"13 3°“ imam : i > I . a 0]] r . [1’ '5 ven you Xpel' team. . r ‘ ' ' ~ . __ u ‘ . l 0“ Gus Che Putents ohtslnml through MUNN & (‘0. are noticed J‘- Ma‘ Lban‘ hcauoulht ' 1' “11” “"1 y r m ta or ln thu SClESTlFH' A .\ii:RICAN. the largest. best. and i ' most widely rirculniod scicnllflo paper. Weckly. was bred by Finlay Bell. Monktou, l :3 beautiful brown or rich black? Use Ayrshire, Scotland, is a beautiful dap- c N G "71" C11 L I. .KMIVLKI. ham sent free. Address MUNN & :0. pic brown, rateh on face. hind fet- locks white and is a model of propor- ifimiayear . I" Splendid engravings and lnterestlnz in- ‘ ~ formullon. SpCL‘lmDfl 00in or the Scientific Amer. SCIENTIFIC “IRICAN omen. 2rd ljrocdwly. New York. ___________._._â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"- _â€" Question List Sent Free for Home Treatment. CONSULTATION FREE. 290 Wood- 'h 01' DR. SPENNEY 8: CO Wde‘WWd-Mthdw‘éfiw%%~l~+%++m++%#m+g @QQESE METROPOLlTAN STORE BOOTS SHOES, AND RUBBERS. P. G. 8:: A. G. SAVAGE There IS seldom 9 day that we are not consulted in regard to n condition that. if we were to hare seen It In its earl ' Stages, Ur: sni‘lcier would have been iclievcd cured and saved considerable expense. I his we consuler is-J-uc to luck of knowledge on the part of the doctor who has previously treated the ease: lucrcforc, we say to you, if you are suf- r i 4- 'l' 5’? _ ~§¢ (cnng from {my disuse or condition peculiar to inch, or if you have been a victim and '5 23:11153‘1golpfilctlgll not gettinqa permanent cure Lismvlicrc, we would ask that you i e 0 on 0 cc or pchmml examination or write us for a One 'll‘l B :‘n" Treatment. ~ ‘ ‘ 1 1‘ A far Home é. originated and developed after our whole life 5 cxpe E q. 4' i 4‘ 6‘ g + diseases of mun, . of your case. _ case curable we Will give you a written guarantee to cure you or refund you your money. i “'c will explain to you Ul'k SYSTEM {31 TREATMENT, which we have ea in the trcqlmenl of special We will give vou. FREE (ll? CHAIM“- an honest. and scientific opinion if we find you are incurable we will honestly tell you so. If we find vour â€"YOU CAN PAY WHEN CUREDâ€" We curo NERVOUS DEBILITY VARICOCELE srmcrunes BLOOD and SKIN diseasés, PROSTATIé troubles, ' BLADDER, KIDNEY and URINARY diseases. ward Ave., Detroit. Mich. oscw 5' Le we carry a complete line of z - «-- :.'.~; ‘2'“ .«~- .- --: .2: .J Ritz-3. Soxéfiznéfi" £45.12. I SOAPS OF ALL KINDS. Call and see our stock. A" . __.. ._._..__‘-l “Britanniaradiance. Accident Insurance. l See. the \Vindow of the PEOPLE’S STORE. \Ve want to call your attention to Our new stock of VVall-papers which are of a new design and many shades in color, Wall and Ceiling with border to match. Also a feW remnants left. from last season from 2c. per roll up. These have to be cleared at once to make room for our second shipment. A call will con- vince you that these are a bargain. Also, a complete stock of Paints and Painters supplies. New Williams Just a reminder of things needful for seasonable work. ‘fit’fmdflelf-gm";-giti-L' i": ' Plough Linesâ€"â€"A good strong serviceable line complete with snaps and handloops for 25c; also a very superior line, allowed to be the very best made, will wear season in and out and give splen< did satisfaction. Extra. value at Thirty-five Cents. Manure Forksâ€"A full line of them in long and short handle patterns with 4, 5 and 6 prongs, prices range upwards troni Fifty Cents. Spades and Shovels â€"â€" In square and round pointed patterns short and long handles, wide and narrow widths, for earth, clay, post hole, ditching and draining purptSGS. Dependable tooiSâ€"â€"pi‘iccd 11p“ ards fiom Sixty-five Cents. Rakesâ€"Needful for cleaning up your gardens lawns. We have just the tools you need. Our line ranges from the inexpensive, to the durable and satisfactory solid steel kind. Prices range upwards from Nineteen Cents. The Russill Hardware Co. 126 EAST KING STREET, TORONTO.

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