“(13112 Cï¬iheml.‘ Gnu-den tunls of all kinds at, C. & E. Mason’s. A chef-ring mm of ton always found at Atkinson & Switzm-k. Dr. Lelmmnn of Toronto. visitth his sister, Mrs. S. M. Brown l'xst. Tlmls day. Mr. F. J. Pothick prom;th in Carl‘- ville on Sunday evening. ~ U. & E. Mason SVHS the Magnet Cream Separator; one of the best, made. C. it E. Mason sells the New tm-y W'ushing Machine. The made. hhs.l has horn dunghuw, Markham Band has been engaged by the R. H. & Y. S. Agricultural Society to play at; the Fair on the 24th of May. Clover and timothy seed of the host quality. Union suts, mungnld and Danish sugar beet. Nzulghton Bros, Elgin Mllls. Mr. A. TE. Glass was amnng (1 6 guests who attended the 01d Orchzud Club At Home in Temple. building, on Friday evening April 29th. At the Quarterly Ofï¬cial at. the Methndist Church on the licenses (If Mr. \V. Trench F. J. Pethick were renewed as p :eac bar's. At the Quarterly Board business meeting at; the Methodist Chm-ch Ln Monday, Mr. Switzel- of this villagu and M1'.Hagerman of Victoria Square, were appointed delegules to represent the circuit at the District meeting. R. W. Bro. H. A. Nicholls paid an ofï¬cial visit, to Ionic Ludge A. F. (S: A. M., Tot-(into, last Tuesday evening and was accompanied by Mr. D. Hill. 0n \Vednvsday the Rf W. Bro: of- ï¬cialiy visited Broughzun Union Lodge of Claremont. Russo] Bros. received a, telegram nn Mnudav stating that their brother. Mr. John Russell, Winnipeg: had died suddenly. He was found dead in bed the same mnx'niug. Hezut trouble is supposed to have been the cause of death. Deceased was a hamster, and was one of the prominent men of ‘Vmuipvg. Mrs. W. Powell, formerly of this place, but. who for a numbox of years past; has resided in Toronto, was in the village Saturday saying goodbye to old friends. previous to going 10 )Vinnipeg, where slie will reside with her son-in-luw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. \Vhittukm-. The latter is head agent, for the Massey Harris Company for that city. Newnmrket Express-“'0 are pleas - ed to announce to our patrons that we have been furtunate in securing the svxx-vices of Mr. \V. E. Wiley. of Rich- mond Hill. to take charge of the job department. of our Newmarket Ofï¬ce. Mr. Wiley is one of the must tasty printers in the province, and hence this Ofï¬ce will continue in the future as in the past u) turn out, the ï¬nest quality of printing known to the printer’s art. ‘ A Measuring Social. under the am:- pices of the Epworlh League, will he held in the school Mom of the Method- isb church on Friday evening. May 6, commencing at 8 o’clovk. Admissiun sacks, which contain directions inside, can he had at Sunderson’s Drug Store. A good program will be rendered. All are cordially invited. Judge Winchester gave out, one day last Week his judgment m the appeal ugainstthe decision of T. J. \Vond- cock of Newmnrkot, who ï¬ned John \Vatson $50 and costs. for shooting a bound belonging to Robm't Mosply; The argument; of the defence was that, MI. Woodcock was only an ex-ofï¬cir) Justice of flip Pence, made so by his oï¬â€˜lce as County Councillor. but that he did not hold the property qualiï¬ca- tion for a J. P. Judge \Vinchos’m' held that Mr. VVoodcock’s ex-ofliviu appointment made him a J. P. with- out the property qualifications. Years ago when bicycles were ï¬rst introduced those two wheel vehicles were. looked upon merely as instru- ments for pleasure. Then they were ridden by young people only. Now the business man in every walk of life makes daily use of it. The merchant. the. mechanic-Ahe- professional man all make good use of it, in cities, towns and villages, hut nowhere is it more useful than on the fmm. Many :1 tired horse is sewed a trip in the even- ininfter a. hard day‘s work by hnviug a. icycle on the farm. Buys don’t, need to he coaxed to go to the Post Ofï¬ce fm‘tvhe daily mail. to go after the cows in the pasture ï¬eld, or to bring a. basket. of groceries from the store. Every farm should have a hicycle. and it costs little more to have a. good one than a hard worker. If ynu would he np-to-dute get 8. Cleveland with cushion~frume and masts-Lhmke. Call und see them at Tue LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. Rxcmmxn HILL, May 5, 1904 BICYCLES FOR FARM ERS MR. VVOODGOCK A J. P. EPVVORTH LEAGUE. \Villiums, Jackson’s Point. sprnding the week with her Mrs. VVaI‘reu Howison. The best meeting Monday and M r. local ’ The beauty of mu- lmrguius is that they are genuine. Atkinsun & Swit- zer. than thosu Wo‘f'stcd guods 86 Switzer’s. Turnip send, manguld seed. the bust kinds in stuck at lowest, prices. Afr kinson & Switzor. Dressmakers are \vm-kiug over time in Richmnnd Hill. The-re. is a good opening in this village fur a cuuplc more up-to-dute seamstresses. The VVonmn's Missionary Society (If Victoria Square, have secured Miss Jean Smtt. Supt. Dvucmmss Home. to speak Sunday. May 8. lmth SPI'Vit‘PS. Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair of Stuut’fville, will sing. A nice, new and nifty stm-k nf flake zephyrs. cnstume muslins, white mut- tings. mull muslins, white organdies. dross linens, and Victoria lawns. ‘um increase their proï¬ts by feeding Cotton St-ed Maul and Molasses Stock Fund. 3:111 01- writv fur names of fax-mots who :ll‘P using these funds. H. L. Brown, 41 Cultinghzuu Street, Mr. Harding wishes, thrnugh THE LIBERAL. to express his thanks to all those who worked so faithfully and judit-iously in saving his buildings frnm ï¬re on \lenesduy of last week. Nothing hut, hard wm‘k could protect the buildings. and Mr. Hut-ding is pleased to :mknnwlege the good service of neighbors and friends. Flake zephyrs, 15c. yd.; white mut- tings, 250. yd.: dress linvns 20c. yd.: Victm‘ia Inwns, 40 inch, from We. Atkinsml & Switzex. REGRUITS \VANTED. On Saturday last Reg. Sar. Maj. Hmigins. Cpl-p. Vaughan and (30]. Sgt. Fulconhiidge of the Qnevn’s Own Rifles were in the village looking up recruits for thr Gov. Gen.Body Gum-d . It is proposed tn revive Lheuid Onk Ridges troop, and tn go (in dutynt Niagara (\n the 14th of June fm 12 divs. An ofï¬cer or instructnr will he sent out. here later to complete the organizatiun. It is to he hops-d :1, strong {mop will he raised in York cvvunty. No svnsible pmson will lung for war, but if our land should ever he invaded by .1 foreign foe it is well to be preparer“. Names for recruiting pur- poses may b9 left, with Mr. C. H. Ellston of the Dominion House. Tux-(m to A meeting; of those interesth in the game of tennls was held Monday even- ing. at the home of Mrs. P. G. Suva 9. Th(' President, Miss KPith, was in t e chair. and Mr. Jolm Moi-gun :chvd as secretary. The Treasurer’s report- showod a balance on hand of $3.60. The fee for the present, year was placed at $1 for gentlemen. and 500. for ladies. The following ufl‘icers were appointed :â€" Honomry Pres, Reeve Savage. President, Miss Keith. Vice-President. Mr. A. G. Savage. Secretary, Mr. R. Shaw. Treasurer. Mr. H. A. Nin-hulle. Com. of Managemmitâ€"Mvssrs. Moi-- gnn. Osbornv, Oxlev : and Misses Wiley. Storey and SwitzPr. It Was suggested that the committee procure another net, a number of ten- nis halls. and have netting stretched along each end 0f the courts as back- stops. Reeve Savage presidvd last evmiing at u nweting of ([19 Village Council to considx-r the advisability of establish- ing :1 ann Gas Plant fur the purpose of lighting the village with gas. A numth of rate-payers ware present, and M1-.E. D. Murris 0f the Permaâ€" nent Light Cm, Tux-onto, suhmiltnd a p opositiun Ln ei-nct :1 suitable building. and install an acetylene gas plant. This wuuld cost, $5,000. A company would be furnwd, and the enuncil nr private ‘individuuls would he required to take stock to the umnunt. of $1,000. The company would also ask u, franchis» of 25 years. Mr. Morris said the (:umpany wuuld expect a. guarantee of about 21) lamps on the sly-eels. as well as the lighting of uhout 25 or 80 hnuses m- StIH'PS. He will submit his pl'upnsitlnn in writing when the Council and ratit-pnyrrs will be in a better pUSlLlOIl tn discuss it. Mr. Morris asks that the Ununcil will grant his company a yvar’s franchise after plans are sulunittvd, during which time the work must. be com- pleted. There are n good_ many \\'nr$v_tl_nings N“WBP.RY-:\t Elgin Mills, on Sunday. May 1. the wife of G. B. Newbury. 0! a. son. A proliï¬c cause of Film is the use of cullmrtics and pills of :7. drastic \‘ioâ€" lent nutm-o. Fullowed bgn reaction on account of the resinous drying properties they contain. There are other causes. but no matâ€" ter what the (muse or what the kind uf Piles, Dr. mehm-dt’s Horn-Rnid can be relied on to cureâ€"tn stay cured, It’s an intm‘nal remedy that Eemoveé the causes of Itching. Blind. Bleeding m- Suppurutiug Piles. V r A gh‘amnteevguos with each package captainipg a‘mqnthjsitregarl mvnr. r It. can b:- ohtuined for $1.00 gist. WANTED â€"Special Representative in this county and adjoining territories to rapresonï¬ and advertise nu old established business house 0! solid flnaucmlatnnding. Salary 321 weekly, with expenses, paid each Monday by chequa dirach from headquarters. Expenses advanced: position permanent. We furnish evervthing. Addross. The Columbm, 630 “one Building. ChicagoJu 356 EXPRESSION OF THANKS. DAIRY FARMERS PROPOSED GAS CO. TENNIS MEETING. Pills and Piles. I“ R'I' IIS. AtkinsGu drug- six months under our instructions, is nmv earning $25 er \Vt-ek for six hulll'S wm'k pc-r ay, at Mt-mphis Tenn. Miss Nollie Carson. after the munths' training. IS nnw with the \Vesu-rn Uninn telegraph company at Dam-int, Purl)ng $70 per Innnth. Mr. W. H. Hi'udgsnn. after four months’ training, is now with thv G. P.. R. at. T\\':-t-d.0nt.. earning $40.00 [301' month. Numerousntht-rsare being placed in equally as gnud pnsitinns. Our winter term npens January 4th. and those desiring to take up the \VOl'k shnuld rm-nll on (w lwfnre that. date to ensure thmn a pnsitiou in the spring or early sunnnvr. Five cmnpetent instructors of exceptional ability Nl‘t‘ giving theit personal and individual attention to the rapid advancenu-ut of our pupils. Young ladies are preparvd for cmn- mert-ial tt-lvgraph positinns.and young men for the same and railway pnsi- binns as rippratnrs. train dospatnhms, agents. etc. This is a profession not m‘vrmnwdrd. and one which will com- mand steady ompluyment. the year around at. good wages. \Vl'itt‘ at. once- for particulars as tn terms, etc. Can- adian Railway Instruction Institute. Cor. College and Ynnge Sts., Toronto. Trustwmthy lady or gentleman to manage business in this county and adjoining territory for Well and favor- ably known house- of solid ï¬nancial standing. $2(l.(){l straight cash salary and oxppnsvs paid each Monday by Chmtk direct. from hvadquurters. Ex- pense money advanced. Position per- nmnt-nt. Address Munuger. 810 Como Block, Chic-xgo, Illinois. WANTED. SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE in this county and udjnining lvr-ritories, to represvnt and advertise an nld estab- lished business hnuse uf solid ï¬nancial standing. Salary $21 weekly with expenses advanced each Monday by chvck direct, from headquarters. Hurst: and buggy furnished when m-céssary; position permanent. Ad- dress Blew Bros. 85 00.. Manon Bldg., Chicago, Ill. ‘ A First-Class Nine-Rammed Hons:- wilh inf un zlttl't' of land. Guud sum» foundatinn and collar. Situated on Ynnge street. Richmond Hill. Apply to uvv n ‘rvvrv‘vv ï¬idï¬Ã©ï¬eï¬s’s;constlpation prevent re- covery. Cure these wlth Ayer’s Pills. M r. \‘V The Next, Sitting of Division Court to: N0. 3, Cnunty of York, will be held in the Court, Room. FOR SALE â€"â€"() 1%â€" TO RENT RICHM’OND HILL EWISHW - GBURT. SATURDAY, JUNE 11,1904, The prOpriebor of Sunnyside Herd of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Im- proved Chester white hogs, 10:32, lst con. Markham (Thornhill) has for sale some good young stock. ThorongB-bred buli and hog kept, for service on the premises. Sarsaparilla 'ï¬méi E. nuaï¬niinï¬'zï¬} Vineland. N. J 51:90} home. .1. 0. 4372300 2m 'dr'uéglsg Your doctor will tell you that thin, pale, weak, nervous chil- dren become strong and well bytaking Aycr’s Sarsaparilla. Small doses, for a few days. The change is very prompt and very marked. Ask your doctor why it is. He has our formula and will explain. "When 13 year: old, fnr many months no one thought I could live becuune of thin blond. But, In a few week Ayer't Sun' parilla com- pletely restored " .A_; \v v The Children SUNNYSIDE FARM FE\V TI MELY FACTS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. M“ " ' 49¢. $1.09 I?! ABVAHGE. RICHMOND HILL ()nmmencinq at 10 a. m. Manager Wanted. Moune, after spending under our instructions, is 'Ig $25 01' week fur six ‘14 pc-r uy, at Mt-mpnis stllie Carson. after the uining, IS nnw with the \V. E. “"1 LE Y, T. F. MCMAHON CLERK D. G. GOODERHAM, Proprietor for Mar. l7, 12 wks. Apr. 2], 6 wks Richnurmd Hill. J. C. AVEâ€. 00. Lowell. Mass Guaranteed to cure coughs, colds, heaves and broken wind in horses. Horsemen will ï¬nd this an infallible remedy foramy affection in a horse’s wind, whether caused from after effects of distempvr or from eating dusty hay. Price. 50c. Sold in Richmond Hill by Geo. McDonald, harness-maker. Your own recipes made up properly from pure drugs at wholesale prices. Yorkshire Stock Fwd FOR HORS [ESâ€"Gives them n good appetite, a glossy coat, a lose hide and a healthy appearance. Highly recommended by nm'semen. FOR CATTLE it. has no equal. It. improves the ap leLe. aids diges- tion, It causes a perfect assimulutinn of the fun and fattteus Lhuxu quickly : also a grand lepeu-utiun fur milch cows. FOR UALVESâ€"nllxetl)\\'itl1 skim milk at separatur milk it, will make calves thrive as well or better as when feed on new milk. Prevents scams, nids digestion, and rapidly ï¬ts a Calf for market. FOR HUGSâ€"this Wil be fuund 0. grand tonic for fattening hngs rapid- ly. Ituids djgestjun, killsyox-ms, and keeps them healthy. The Stock; Eigufs ( CHEF. becéuse it makés yuur étuck thrive str'ungvbust and cheapest stock fuod on the market. Five feeds fur one cent. Yorkshire Cough & Heave Cure All drugs and patent medicines at wholesale prices. J. A. Johnston 4%: 00., Here’s a = = Cumsa=Taa You can out up the word “tea†to the last letter and always have tea. Look But you can’t tell the quality of the article you buy by the number of letters in the word. T-E-A is not always pure tea and T may an be only one third pure. “ VVhat’s in a name ?†If you want good Tea PURIâ€"TEA This makes a tea ï¬t for a King to drink or any Canadian citizen ; when you want this kind call on Tea, (Successor to C. D. Daniel 6: Co. and Hugh Miller & Co.) “Wholesale and Retail Druggists. 171 King St. East,;Toronto, Opposite Clyde Hotel. ATKNSQN 81. SWETZER. you can always get it no matter how the word is spelt, and no better tea in the market than our Green and Black teas. We guarantee these ingredients: Now is the time to select your paint for Spring decoration. We have a large stock to choose from, PAENTS made from strictly pure leads and oils, guaranteed by the makers. Also garden tools of all kinds; lawn mowers, all sizes and prices to choose from. All kinds of repairing prompt;- ly attended to. LAWN MOWERS A SPECIALTY. JAMES EYER & SEEN Richmaï¬ï¬ Hil! :mmmmmxm QUALLTEA QUANTLTEA rmrxmrmï¬g m