Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 May 1904, p. 1

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\\,.\ ,, ' $1 per annum, in advance.] VOL. XXVI. .. (Ell): airmail " I grind. ,, ,7 . (I. (I S Lindsryfii C .\ (i I“ Imwrmum W ICIIIULIC \\ uusworth Lindsey. Lawrence & W adsworth, Barristers , Solicitors. lictaries. 8w. It'. I‘UIILISIIEIIE VERY THURSDAY MORNINGI A'I‘ run I .LIBERIIL PRINTING cl PUBLISHING HOUSEI RICHMOND HILL, ON'I‘. "I‘ . h‘. Mo '.\i.A..II(}1\I,l E mron AL‘ Pnormm‘ou. Phone Main 298.! Homo Lift» Building (I'm-nuu-ly Fruc- Iudil imun Bldg), (7m. Adrluidc «8.: Victoria Sm, Toronto. LinnRAL ()I’Iico, Richmond Hillcn COOK & JOHNSTON Busrun‘ss-CARDS. filt‘lliflil. MUM I Burristurs, Solicitors, ole. M v . ‘ "I‘ORON'I‘O Oli‘Fii‘E: No, 1?. Ilir-h- BR: 13- S "WWI Sf. lestJVI-slvy Buildings, Thonflnml' (Methodist Book Ruum,) ’I‘o- i-uulo. Mr. Cook will ho at Maple on Thursday aftx‘rnonn of ouch work. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. IAS. N EVVTON â€" [swan MARRIAGE LICENSES, spherier MILLss M. TEEFY """" Q T: \t0“‘|§l'l1fl‘.'l‘lVSlclilllllt Nunoru and Grove R )spimli , I‘M-mm 0th H luvsâ€"5 to m n. m: IE to 2 p m '7 to S n in. V ‘7 ninth. “brim; i252 m, I)»Qlltifi$. g, Room 12, I:Zl Victoria St. Toronto. . ' \ , r 7 Best fitting torch, also replatiug, at I A lowesb Mia‘s. Good Wnpk, oonmssronxnm run 7 HIGHCOUR‘TOF}USTICE,&C. Issuer of Marriage Licenses ‘RIUEIMOND HILL POST OFFIUE. LEN N 0X & MORGAN Barristers and Solicllors. . : Monev to loan on land nndchntt lowest rates Aurorno‘rficoâ€"Bemmed to the old post (11th one door west. of the entrance Ontario Hank DRE-WC L SPAIJLDING DR A W SPALILDING I)en Lists 1 Room ‘f A,‘.’ Yonge Street; Arcade, Toronto. Telephone )Iniu Zl‘ll DR. ARNOLD D. A. Misc 1) elitist, (Successor to Dr. T.‘A. Currie), Our. Church and Carlton Sts., Toronto, Will be in Richmond Hill every “’cd- ncsduy. (Paine, next door south of Public School. N 3 ' 1: lat mlice 'I‘ HERBERT Lsxxox, u STV MORGAN, Aurora. 1.7731.- Pier n...” nice. Licensed Auctioneer {or the County of York Goods sold on consignment Gennral sales cl atoc one promptly intended to at renaonubh rates Residence Unionville G R. Goullling, above Oflim Hoursâ€"1301b- "1- t" 5 P' 1’" J 'r Suigeon, Jr} McEwen, .. ~ v. ’ Maple Weston _. N ‘ Salgeon a: McEwcn. deteriunry Licensed Auctioneers forthe County of York. _~h_-â€"-_ JORN R. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SU RGEON, 'I‘hornhill. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. J. H. SANDERSDN. VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL Calls by day and night promptly at tended to. EWUUJSE RICHMOND HILL, 1: allelledmnd newly furnished throughout all: of the most. convenient 5nd comfortable hotels on Yonge Street. Every modern con. veuien-re Sumple rooms {or commerch travellers. Anidealscopping place for I'I'llllg or driving purties.bicyclists. or runners gorng him-returning from market. Electric cars pass the door Livaryin ‘onnectlon TERMS $1.00 PER DAY W. C. SAV \GB - JbHN m -â€" THORNHILL, son ublerates Patronagesolieited D. G. BLOUGH, License Auctioneer {oz-theCounty-ol York, re- spectfully sollmts your patronage and friendly and at reasonaberatdn. P.0.nd(tress King m N. E. Smith. LicenseflAnctionosrfortho Counties of York nudOutnrio All sales of form stock. d'c, nt- tonlled tn on the shortest notice and reasonable mth. Mortgnqennd bnilifi sales attended :0. Residence Stoufl'vllle Ont WRIGHT BROS, linden-takers A: Embalmrrs, RICHMOND HILL 8: THORNHIIL Alarge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. E. Z8926”, @3333 EQQER, 158 mm: arm-t EAST. TORONTO accommodation to gusatl. BonrdJl per day WANTED A man to Prov represent “ CANADA‘S AGENT FOR. GREATEST Nrnsumns" in the villugr , ‘ of Richmond Hill and surrounding MCCOI‘mflCk S Harvesting Ma= ’ country, and take orders for chinery. OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES ALSOAGENT FOR THE In Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Orna- M. Campbell Fanning Mill Co. of I mentais, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, of Chatham. I I Seed Potatoes. Etc. Call and see their Incubators, Scales, ‘qt‘wk true to mum! and {we {mm S‘m ' 1 Jose Scale. A permanent position for Etc" ht“ I the right man on either suluryor cour- WANTEDâ€"FAITBFUL renal»: To Timâ€"5 mlss‘m" _ I .91 for well established houss in a. Iew counting, Stone & ‘VCfllngton’ calling on ratml merchants and gents. Louul territory. Salury $20.0lper week With expen- FONTHILL NURSERIES' OVER 800 ACRES. Rut! sdditionnl.a.ll payable in cash each week. Money {or expenses advanced. Position per- nt. Bu mess suc-essful and rushin . ($3:de Rousse. 830, firstborn St., (Thing: ’ 1l; hov. 12-25 win. Janus," as “3 ' el mortgages at to the Newmnrket ofliceâ€"‘l‘hree doors south of the N uwmarhot Newton Brook, agent for tho Salon itteudedto on shortestnotic ( and a. ren- inflnence sales attrnded on the shortest notice ,m'r-mupuuird by his sister. I I | RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, MAY IQ, 1904. Thornhill. Lust I’iidn’y, ('hluluclm- Fur-r, of tho Motiopolitnn Iinilwuy, who was 1-0- coully hurt by falling off a car, visill-d his II'II‘IHIN it) this hwulily. Ho was Mr. Farr says llml ho is improving nicely, and will ln- uva to resume dutios in :1 fl’“ \n-vks. . 'l'lw good folks: of Tholuhill are not mining. Thsz :no only house-clean- hug. Your-21mm! find us muny good housolvams in any othrr part of On- turio. for tho population. l’lim‘ipul Allison spent lust Hubbulh with his bmlhrr‘in-luw, Principal Ln- mon of Richmond Hill, and his luolhâ€" or. Mr. G. I’. Allisonofthosumoplnro. Mr. and Mrs. (‘hupumn' of Toronto, are visiting with tho formm’s pun-ills. Mr. and Mrs. Ilobvrt (‘huplmun “li- uro glad to we Mr. \Vm. Edoy couvuIcSccutafter so lengthy an ill- I u". ‘ Mr. Fred Furl‘is pushing his new building, and in u. few months will hnvr :m up~t0~dutc butchcry shop and dwrlling combiucd. Cuuiuillnr Hui-poi’s son is still very low, uud is sulfur-lug ve-ry much re< c: n‘ly. .. Mr. \anlor CImllm-loy has been ap- pointed (‘mumissionor for the com- mutvd statute labor on the Murlchum side of this village. “'0 hope now to hove belle-r sidmvulks. No person wants to wulk on gravel walks in this day of improvmncnts and inventions. I o‘â€"__.. King Township Council The above council melt. at Trent‘s Hotel, Noblctou, April 3!), 19M. Mpmbm-s all prcsrut. Rt‘t‘Vl’ Logge in the (:huii'. Several communimtious were reâ€" ceived and road. A polition was pre- sented by A. L. Lloyd will) the, signa- tures of some sixty l':LIUpllyCI'S of the \‘illugo of I,.ondto\vu and surround- lug country locouunending the chang- ing of a certain I'Uud running between Lloydtowu and Schombcrg from its present position. The Council in Committee of the whole on bills, Mr. Phillips in the chair, when the following wore order- ('d to be paid :~â€" Jos. Billings, month’s salary Yongc St. . . . . . . . . . . ......$82 00 Neil Cumpbi-ll, snow shovelliug. 13 93 S. .lameisou “ " 3} 79 T. K. Fr-rguson “ ” (5 5!), III. Mcb‘riuuis, repairs to bridgo. I 50 \Vm. Jowclt, snow shovelhug .. 4 75 F. IL‘. Jackson, “ “ 19 29 John Fry, “ " 6 25 Jars. Armour, “ “ 1 00 B. Mch-roll, “ “ 6 77 F. Aitchcson, “ “ 9 70 John Deacon. “ “ 3 12 Patrick Vansh, up. to culvert. . 2 55 Mr. A. Cairns, snow shovelliug. 75 Geo. Storey, “ " 25 85 H. C. VVehI), “ ” 4 12 Lavis Jarvis, " “ 1 12 Ed. Baker, “ “ 9 50 C. Shropshire, “ “ 2 13 M. Stevens, " “ 5 37 J. T. Curtis, “ “ 2 00 (1LT. R., freigh on Road Machine 6 45 Alex. Mitchell, snow shovellfng. 3 37 J. T. Scott “ " 10 75 Mark Gillham, “ “ 7 15 J. Gillies, moving road machine 1 25 I J. T. Duvis, snow shovelliug.. 27 ll Elias Hilboru, . “ " 2 26 R. S. Cuok, “ " 17 00 J. M. O'Bricn, blacksmith acct. . l 55} J. A. Ireland, drawing gravel .. 3 62 Thus. McMui-chy, grave-1.. . 17 50 J. A. Ireland, snow shovelling. . 9 33 Jus. Egan, “ “ 4 50‘ Ed. Murshull, “ “ l 30 Phillip Phillips. “ " 18 95 Jars. Kerswill. " " 7 ()0 “7m. CIur-kson. “ “ 21 71 \Vilmer Brodie, “ “ U 00 \Vutson Sweezie, “ “ 4 00 .1213. “’oolven, “ “ 3 12 \V. P. Mills, “ “ 2 75 Win. Riclly, “ " 3 95‘ \V. H. Sharpe, repairs to ruud.. b 20 Gmrge Cu: e, snow shovel}ng .. l 50 I Wm. Curr, " “ 5 13‘ A. L. Lloyd, u u 19 31 I Chas. Newton, " “ 40‘ Alex. Davis, “ “ 21 26 John Cutting, “ “ 5 37 Hiram \Yhite, “ “ ll 75 Elmer BlucK, " “ 2 87 Resolutions. Lurkinâ€"Armitugeâ€"Thut the tron - urcrpuy the following shGC claims beingg’ value of same :â€" \Vm. Cloland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5 33 Lurkinâ€"Armitugeâ€"Thut the Twas. puy the Gouernl Hospital, Toronto. the sum of $4.40, being amount due them for maintenance of Robert Simps‘on, and that the clerk make a dcnmnd On him for the same. Lurkinâ€"Armitage â€"â€" That Edward Murshull be and is herrby appointed Inspector of wire fences for Southern division of this Township in place of Janus Huuibly, removed. Lair-kin â€" Armituge â€" That the reeve be and is hcreby uutlml‘lde to sign an order on the Treasurer for payment of neat. $245.00 presented by Good Roads Muchim-ry Codess freight cluu-gvs, us soon as muchine has beL-n tested and found satisfactory. MucMui-chy â€"â€" That the Ilm-vo, Councillors Armilugc and Lill'klll be u commiva lo l'x:‘llllll(‘ road that a uumlwr of tho Iutrpnycrs of Lloydlown and viciully petition as ton ('lmngr nud rcpoit :it uvxt llll‘l‘l.» iugr of (‘ouuciL I’hillipsmLm-kinu‘ That J. D. Mc- Cullum and Ale. l):1\‘is be mid are hereby :Ipp(>iirl.v(l operators of lulld machines for tho souson of 1901. Phillips â€"â€" Mlu‘Murchy A ~ 'l‘hul. tho rocvo und Councillors Ariuiulgcund Lax-kin be :1 committve to moot. with the ()onnnissiouers of the Police Vil- Ingeof Sl-hmubL-rp; to urruugrugrw~ mont and by-Iuws us to tcrms bvtwecn the village und the Township. On motion of S. \V. Almitugo, Council adjourned to moot at ’I‘ompur- :nu'c Hall, Kettlvby, May 28, IllOl as u. Court of Revision. «wwrfi S. S. NO. 9, Vaughan Report for the mouth of April. IV classmlluy I’enwick. Algn. Rob- iuson. Sr. III cluss~Archic Cums-run, Elsie Putcrbuugh, Mai-y Cumrrou, Roy Mcâ€" Donald, Elsie errtt. Jr. III classâ€"Muriel Kinnec, Bishop, Delhi Hosp. II classâ€"Bertie Putm'buugh, Percy Pulerbuugh, Floyd, Farr, Lizzie \Vhltr, Roubon Line, Flossie Puter- buugh, Elmer Darker, Bertha Murray, Glenn Harrison, Joseph VVntsou, Pcrcy Line. Pt II classâ€"Burtley Fur-r, Alma HmngII, Lnum. Murray, Ruby Hew- gill, Harold lVilson, Lulu-u \Vatson Jmmiv Bishop, \Vulter Line. Sr. Pt. I classâ€"Lizzie Feuwlck, Donald McNaughton, Viqu Jarrett, Herbie Linc. \Vilbort Burkott, Roy \Vilsou, Agnes Mchlughlou. Jr. Pt. I classâ€"Elmer Bur-kott, Cecil Bur-kctt. ' ANNIE McCu'nn, Teacher. Phillips ~-- Joseph H... , News Notes. Man! J. Young, art the om'lv age of 17 years, died at her father's home in Buttouville on Friday lust. Inter- man on Sunday. Sir Henry M. Stanley, the African exploit-r, died on Tuesday, aged 63 years. He may he Livingstone, in \Vcstruiuster Abbey. Finv fancy table syrup just to hand at Atkinson 8.: Switzcr’s at 20c. im- pcriul quurt and excellent quality. Run A. P. Bruce, B. D., of Newton Bmuk, is billcd to give an address this (Thursday) cveuing in the Methodist church at Bethel, on the Sutton cir- cult. A motion has been made in the Court of Appeal on behqu of Mr. EA. Dunlap, M. P. P., for an rrlcr calling upon the editor of The Globe to show 0 ruse why he should not be commit- ted for contempt, of court. Mr. Daniel Rose. senior partner in the firm of Daniel Rose & Sou. print- ers, was found dead in bed Monday morning at his home, 50 Avenue. Road, Toronto. He lmd [won in his usuul good health the day before. Deceased was 69 years of age. Mr. Joseph Duggim. our of the best known citizens of Toronto, died Mun- day morning at his home on Kingston Road. . He was in his 71st your. De- (eased was owner of the \Vm-dbine race-truck. kept a numlwr of good horses, and wusu winner of the Queen’s Plate. It had been decided to m‘chi-ute the » 12th of July at. Toronto Junction, but atnspeclul meeting Thursday night the VVost York (louuty Orange Lodge changed the place to \Voodbridge. This was owing to tlw fact that local ontinuhad been curried in Toronto Junction. The things thut. prospective visitors to St. Louis ill'i‘ most cugel' to know are relutcd in the Rcvit-w of Reviews for May, by Mr. “'11). F. Suuurh-is, of the St. Louis Busim-ss Men's League. Transportation arrangements, hotel uccommodutions, and facilities for get.- ting ubout are fully drscl'ibt‘d by Mr. Saunders, so that one umy plun intol» Iigontly in udvunc.n for :1. Visit of u few or many days. The art exhibition is drscribvd in :1 sopm-ate article by Mr. Halsey C. Ives, the director. A Broad This annouuomucnt is made without any qualifications. HMLr-Roid is lllv “W” » - Statement. one preparation in the World (but guaranteer it. Hemâ€"Hold will cure any case of Pill-s. It- is in the form of u tublcl. It is the only Pile rcnicdy usvd in- teruully. It is impossibh: to cuw nu ostublish- Pd case of pill-s with oiutumnts, sup- positorics, injections, or outward up pliancus. A guarantor: is i<suvd with (-vmy package of II+~iri-Iloid which contains u month‘s ll'(':lllll(’lll. Go and lull; to your diuggist :rboul it. buried beside Dividends. Douglas, LIICI')‘ .K’ (Io‘s Stovkholders wishing to usv ihvir six months’ divi- dends now due will bu hum-voted in knowing lhul \vr huvcmruluzl-d u. plulr \Vlll‘l'l'lly they muy immediately sv- curr their full vuluc. \Vritc us slut- ing number of shares, of divide-ml pay- ms you hold and amount due us pl-r rate of Urtolwr dividends and you will Iu-zu' from us at our'c. INVESTMENT EXCHANGE CO. C. H. ROUTLIFFE, Mgr. Spectator Bldg. Hamilton, Canada 5‘s». r “'0 sell out lu-nn at $7 ton: corn brun at 95c. in bulk; I'm-d corn $17 pvr Ion: udd Molasses Stock Food, und you have an vxcolh'nt food for brood SU\\.~, or growilrr hogs, For sale by H. L. Brown, 41 lotliughum St., Toronto." Mudv to Ol'drr at. 350. per Foot. All Kinds of Imple= ments Repaired. GRAIN SHOPPING Mime Grain, 5 cents per bug. Outs 4 cents per bug. Up to the thh of May. No use of letting Water go to waste. W. Mager, Prop. MOLASSES STOCK FOOD Is manufacture-d by the, Dresden Sugar Co., and rvcommvuded as it high class duiry food by (-vm-y farmer who has used it. Only cost you SUC. in bags; H. L. Breen, 41 Cottinghum SI... Toronto." Headford Miss Trionc of Toronto was a guest at. Mr. SouIe-s over Sunday. Miss Dom-r who has been visiting her sister. Mrs. Morrison, has returde to the City. Measles have bus-n prevalent in this vicinity, but we believe the children are mostly Convalescent; Fan'mrl's here are "rushing their Spring work. Thr' umjmity have about. finished seeding. Mr. Josh H urns-r attended a meet- ing of Markham Township Council on Tuesday, and received instructions as Commissioner for the Commutcd stat- ute labor for this dish ict. When a woman gives up it is because she has gone to the utmost Inmt of strength and endurance. It is n marvel how women will stagger on under the daily household burdens when the whol. body is racked with pain. _ For the nervous, run-down conditlo. which so many women experience, as I result of overstrain in household cares, there is no medicine can equal Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It stun hens the weak stomach by cur. ing lseases of the organs of digestiafn and nutrition. It purifies the blood of , isons which cause rheumatism and other painful diseases. It nourishes the nerves, and builds up the body With sound, healthy flesh. There is no alcohol in " Golden Med. lcal Discovery" and it is entirely free from opium, cocaine and all other nu- cotics. ’ Accept no substitute for the “DISCOV~ cry." There is nothing"1ust as good‘ for weakness, nervousness and deb1hty. “I want the whole world to know what Dr. Pierce": medicines have done for me." write. Mrs. Helen Ilardgrove, of Bangs, Knoxfio” 0., "I had many of the ills of woman‘s Life. My lungs and throat troubled me besides, and I had rheumatism. About a year a o I had to give u work I was so bad. I ha heard so much agent your medicine I though! I would try it. I took {our bottles of your 'Goldrn Medical DI!â€" mvcry’and ‘Pellrâ€"ts,‘ and by the LimeI had taken half of the first bottle I began to gain. and kept on getting beltcr. And now .I have no more of my old ailments and am entirely cured of their autism, I («I like a new woman." Dr. Pierce‘s Common Sense Medical” Adviser is sent free on receipt of stumps to ay expense of customs and mailing on]; Send 3x one-cent stamps for the book in paper covers, or 50 stamps for cloth binding. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.

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