Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 May 1904, p. 4

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Dmuugeuf h<-rse up tn $60. m- lnss (‘f hm'su up to $100 [mid by the (inv- \'m‘m|wnt. but. hm 903 are rarely hurt. as (hwy are wvll fed. und the best. cm-v taken uf (hem. Recruits shrruld 1m nvm‘ IS yvars of «up. Fm mM-s. or fnxnn 1’s suns, own- ing their own horses pl-efe-rm-d. The training lusts I2 days. The rat" (‘1' [my is 500. 11 day and rations. in- cxensingz fur gnod cnnduct and offici- vnny in $1 a day. “(1189 pay $1 a day and furugo supplicd. All those who cauld bring an extra horse for this pa y (m- any «we who has :1 suitable hux'sv in rent) cmmnnniI-alo the fact at once tn pho gvntlemuu whoa:l name is lwlnw. The receptacle of all you out or drink cannot help but get crippledâ€"very few c -apr-. How 0 *u they”:J Just think u: what, lands in the stomach during a few hoursâ€"All sorts of thingsâ€"sour. swept. acid. starchy. light. heavy, \pgetnhle and animal: :11] this raw m Lerial is lmnhlvd into the stomach \vlleut much thought as to the. order of its gning. every parliclenf which has to he worked over, digested. and «‘nm‘erted into fund for non-was, hlnnd. ‘- ain. kidneys. liver and Lo velsâ€"fm- e Pry tissue. cell and fihre nf thebody‘. mmwtimes the stinmach is overloaded, shocked and dm‘ungnd and cannnt do Rs wmk properly, and right hrre Iwginu the starting pniub of disvaao, us no organ nnw wet-ivos proper nutri~ monf. and usually the Weakest, cry out (heir warnings. That's why u Wull atnnnu‘h means a well body. and that's why ANTI-PlLLhas such an marked rivet. It: suntst the irritated linings of the stomach. and 90 acts on the mu ~nus memhmne that the nPcessary supply of gastric juico in secure diges- tinn is llSfllN‘d â€" ANTI-PILL. the Gwat System Treatlm-nt makes a well stumuch. The Annual Trainintr at, Niagara Mkes placonn June 14th. The Gov. G91. Budy Guaul u ishcs to re ruiL in Hus District. and names of thnse \vhn wish tn juin the Regiment. to ho given at, mum (u the gentleman lu-lnw. On another page will be seen an advertisement asking for recruits for the Gov. Gen. Body Guard. It is to be hoped that the young farmers of this section of country will back up the County Fathers, and show by their keenness in coming forward t 1311 they appreciate the Wisdom and patriotism of the County Council in providing quarters for the local squadrons. Cavalry Training New names have to be designed every y ‘ar to zlccummodnte the Disensv Faxnily.but thvy all nwulvc around one causeâ€"the Stomach. measure is properly enforced. The temperance people of Toronto Junc- tion realize this, and are evidently prepared to put their shoulder to the wheel. All good citizensshould en- deavor to give local option a fair trial even if they have to make some sacrifice. By all accounts local option in To- ronto Junction seems likely to get Well tested in that town. It is said that on the one hand the hoteltkeep‘ are have sent away their boarders, closed their houses to the public, and are making it as difiicult as they can for travellers to get accommodation. On the other hand the temperance party and the Citizens' League . are providing accommodation in various ways, and they say that travellers and citizens generally will not suficr by the recent change in the law. It is right that those who voted In fa- vor of local option should now be "up and doing,” and exerting themselves to find a solution for hotel accommo- dation It too often happens that a temperance measure is carried by a substantial mojority, then the voters settle down and expect Government officials or Municipal officers to see that the law is enforced. If it is im- portant to carry a measure, it is of far greater importance to see that the (:hcngoâ€" World's Diapvusury Medical Aseoc'n Chuugdâ€"J. C. Ayer & Co. Oliwgaâ€"‘l‘he Russ)“ Hardware Co Court of Revisionâ€"J t5 Madman (‘oun of Revisionâ€"NI Teety Seed Pmtuas ~'l'hos Palmer Tenders-Fred Geliuns Cavalry training“) H Enowu. @119 flihcml. New Advertisements. RICHMOND HILL. May 12, LOCAL OPTION. C. H.‘_ELLSTON. Richmond Hi1}, Out. A Big Family. WANTED â€"Specia! Representative in this county and adjoining territories to represent and mlvertxae an old established business hnuse u] sohd fiuancmt standing. Salary $21 Weekly, wi'h expenses. raid each Mnudny by clumurI direct from baadqum‘ters. Expenses advanced; pnsition permanent. We furnish ex-ervthing. Address. The Columbxu, 530 Kano Building. ChicagoJll 35 6 MONDAY. MAY 30. 1904. At 8 o‘clock p. In. To hear and detox-mine on appeals against the Assvssment Roll fut-the current year, of which all pexsnns in- tm-Psted are required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. M. TEEFY, Clerk An accepted check on a chartered bank, payable to the order of the Honorable 'the Minister of Public “’m'ks, equal to ten per cent. (10 p.c.). of the amount. of the tender, must ac- company euch tender. This check will be forfeited if the party tendering decline the contract; or fail to com- plete the work contracted fur, and will be lé‘llll'ned in case of non-accept- ance of tender. Secretary. Department of Public \Vorks. Ottawa May 4. 1904. Newspapers insmting this adveuise- ment without authority from the De- partment. will not be paid for it. REVISION for the Villugé rof Rich! mond Hill will be held in the Council Chamber on Clerk‘s Ofi’ire, Richmond Hill A Fresh Mile}; Cow. Apply tn COURT OF REVISION UBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to all Whom it may cvncern. that the FIRST SITTING OF THE COURT OF The Dvpax-tuumt does not bind itself to accept the Inwest or any tender. By order, FRED. GELINAS, RICHMOND HILL VEALED TENDERS addressed to k the undersigned, and endorsed “Tender for additions to Examining VVarehouw. Toronto, Ont.," will be received at this office until Thursday. May 19, 1904. inclusively, for the ad- ditions to the Examining \Ym-ehonse, Toronto, Ont, according" to plans and specification to be seen at the Office oi H. '13. Hamilton. Supt. Dominion Public Buildings, Examining \Var‘e- house, Toronto, and at the Depart- ment of Public “’urks, Ottawa. Tenders willnot be considered un- less made on the printed form sup- plied, and signed with the actual sig- natures of the Lender-em. Your“; MAan Imu~GPneral purpose stallion D \Viitsan manager. will be nt Maple, Chu- cord, King (lily etc Term» 38. GENERAL Wn‘suxâ€"Cnrrioue stallion. the prop- erty of John lingers, will he at l'hornbill. Ellesmere. Scaruom Junction, Mnivorn, Markham, Unicnville. Victoria Square. Oak Ridges. Richmond Hill etc. Terms #10. LUCKY hTBlKR â€"â€" Standard bred smlliuu the property of John Rogers will be at, Thorn- bill, Ellesmere. Scurboro Junction, Mulvarn. Markham. Unionville. Victoria Square, Oak Ridges. lliohmond Hill. Terms *1“. BENEDICK JBâ€"Romlswr stallion the property 018 Ireland will be at his on ii atxible Sher- wood. and Monday nights at Nobleton. Terms 510. YOUNG GmmwnoDâ€"Coach stallion the property of Henry Line will be at Maple. Richmond Hill.King City Kettleby. Nobletnu. Mack- villa. Bolton Kleiuburg.Woodbi-idge. Edge- ly elm. 'J‘eimaslo Nun)me IllsMARcKâ€" Romleter stallion the iroporty of Henry Line Will be at Maple mg City Kuttleby Noblemn Mack-ville Bolton Kleinbnrg Wondbridge Edgely etc. Tenns seven dollars BAILLARD .lxâ€"Freuch Canadian bred horse the property of Peter Wirloruun will be at, Btoun‘ville Whitevale Highland Creek Mai-k- ham Thoruhill Richmond Hill Victoria. Square em. Terms eleven dailars. PURE GOLDâ€"Trutaing stallion. the property of D W Mogaflin. will be at Summit. Huuse, Uuk Ridges; Maple. K413 City. Emiu Mills. Richmond Hill em). Tet-us ~8. Sammian Rv‘ndster stallion. the property of W J Hmlgiun, will bu at Richmond Hill, Maple, King City. Oak Ridges. Aurora. Vic- turin Square. Thoruliill etc. Terms 510. FuhLAirms-Jmp Clydesanlu the prmierzy or John Palmer an:HK G Gurmley. wlll be at. Bichmuud Hill. Victoria. Square. Ringumm. Mnrkiium, Unionvme,'1‘hurnhill. etc 'l‘enua $l5. Lamp 0! Anao-Imp. Clydesdale, the prop~rnv 011) C SLGBIB' will be us Richmond Hill, Mauls. Oak Ridges. Victori-iSquulâ€"u, 'I‘hnru- hillebc. Terms in. RED “'A'X‘TIEâ€"lmp Clydesdale, the prouerty pf Blougli &Le-.:ue.will be at 10:. 3 con 4 old mrvev King.Kiug 0111. Oak Ridges. linear: town. Newwsrlma are. Terms :1). LAmn Muquuan â€" Clydesdale amnion. the property (:1 W. J. Wells, “‘1” be u: lempou ancev‘lle, Wliitchurch. Nowumrken. Aurora, Kemeby em. Terms 512. ROYAL HATTnNâ€"Clydendule bullion. t-le prop. any of Blnupli dc beg-4e. will be at King Cny, Maple. Aux-urn, Oak Ridges etc. ‘l'vruns .~ I 1. Pkmcu Lucummm â€" Clydesdale scallion. the properl. ofJ E Tees-m: \VlU stand at hi~ nwu sbn Ie, lot 2 con 1’. Markham. I‘vrum $1“. Fonvzsr BnYâ€"Jl'rnhblng-bred slullinn. the prop- erty o! w Meek. will awn-l at. bisowu smulu, Vicburiu Sq lire Terms -B. Ton Wannaâ€"Roadster stallion, the property of Samuel Fr-mcis, Will he at. Scuum's cm'a Hem, Cllorry'e HowlV Ell'ely, llaple. Eng 01“, Ouk Ri-lgca. Victor square, Union- villa, l‘bornliill etc. Terms 59. KNochLvlc CHIEFâ€"Roadster stallion, the [wrap- any of Wm Birch, will nmnd at. his own stable. Bedlam Park. Terms all" PURE Uol.Dâ€"’l‘rut:,in2 stallion. the prunerw of Seed Potatoes. FOR SALE. MUNICIPALITY OF Stallion Register May 10th, 190}. advertiscmrntz. JOHN DEVIN E, Richmond Hill. 46-48 45â€"2. 1 Smoking Chair. 1 Kitchen Cup- bmu-d. 3 Small Tables. 1 Toilet Stand, 4 Bedsteads. 1 Small Dresser. 1 Parlor- Queen Stove. 1 Kitchen Stove. 1 Small Stove. 2: quantity of stove-pipes, 1 Leathvr-cuverod Lounge. 1 Sofa. black hair-cloth, 1 Unullu, l Baby-(millage. \V. T. STOREY. Richmond Hill. Lot 1 in the 15!; con 0§§§O§§§§6§§§¢9H§¢¢4¢§+§9 2nd concessinn . . . . . . . . . . 7 Snuth fiast part of north half Int 2nd Concessinn . . . .. . . South half 8 in 2nd con . . . . . . Suuth part of north half 8 in 2nd concession . .. Lot 9 in 2nd concession. . .. Lot 10 in 2nd concession. . Lnt 11 in 2nd concession... §Hfi§§§¢§§§§§§¢§§¢¢¢0§¢ #6 NOTICE 1% PUBLIC REAPERS, MO‘VVERS and RAKES. which 1 will be glad to have the Fen-mew inspect before buying elsewhere. Repairs furnished un 24 hours notice. Dopm-tmnnt of Crown Lands, Tux-unto, 23rd Mmch. 1004. 1A ST G \V I LLI M BU RY. Part of lot 122 in the 13b con west of east branch of H01- land'Rivex- . . . . . . . . , . . . . 84 Part of lot 123 in lst con. west of east branch » . . . . . . . . . . . . 7( Part of lot 124 in lst con. west of vast brunch. . .. . . ... 55 Lot 129 in lst concession . . . . . . 4( Lot 9 in 2nd concession. . . . . . 52 “ Lot 10 in 2nd concession . . . . . 15 “ Lot 1! in 2nd concession . . . . . . 8 “ Lot A in 3rd concession . . . . . . 24 “ Lot. 24 in 2nd concession . . . . . . 9 “ South half 23 in 11 concession 100 “ North half 23 in 11 concession 100 “ Lot 24 in 11 concession . . . . . . 44 “ Lot 24 in 12 concession . . . . . . . 91 “ Lot 24 in 13 concession . . . . . . . 89 “ KING, Formerly \Vest Gwillimbury Lot 4 in the lst concession... 123 “ Lot (3 in the 1st concussion. . 17a") “ J;i_sb_ part, nf‘sonth half 7 in -n r 7 Patents \{Iill he is'suud by the Crown upon payment in full. The highest, 01' any tender not necessarily accepted. Is hm'vby given that tbP undcrmon- tinned Uruwn Lands in thn Townships of East Gwillimhm-y. \Vusb Gwilliln- bury, North Gwillimhury and King are offered for sale. Tenders at :1 price per acre for each lot will he received hy the Dapurtnuâ€"ut of Crown Lamh up to and including thy 14Lh day of May next. House with two acres nf land on nmnd street. Guud stablv, with nrchurd, apples. pears and fruits. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTING COMPANY. The McCormick Machinery takes the lead, and gives the very best satisfaction. I kevp on hand mu.- chinery. such as I must thank the Farmers and other friends for the patronage they have given me in my short canvm-N fur the PATRONAGE SOLICITED. FOR SALE 1 in 2nd concession . . . . . 194 NORTH GVVILLIMBURY Its use incx-eases the quantity and improves the quality of the. milk and cream separatns better ; thexe is also more butter. Calves getting it mature earlier and are large-1' and better in flesh. One 4 1h. package will make 2500 lbs. of skim milk equal to new for calves. W'hen fed to cattle fat< tening. the animals are not only improved in up- pearunce but they fatten in shorter time. It makes six months‘ feeding equal to eight. It has no equal for work- ing horses, or for horses that are run down or out of cunditiuu. Careful men recommend it. 41-5 9 in lst concession . . . . . . 40 \VEST G \VILLIMBURY. H. F. HOPPER. HERBAGEUM. TO RENT. J. HALL. +8Mdby+ Apply to E. J. DAVIS. ". G. SAVAGE Agent. ummissiouer .200 30 102 1M 81 acres ‘1‘). 76 Rich- small small W@9Q9®$%§®§%§QSQSQQGQS®S® METROPOLETAN STORE m FRESH GROCERIES, SOAPS OF ALL KIE BOOTS SHOES, AND RUBBERS. Also a few renmnnts left, from last season from 2c. per roll up. These have to be cleared at once to make room for our secnnd sllipmvnt. A call will con- vince you that theSe are a bargain. Also, a complete stock of Paints and Painters supplies. We want to call your attention to our new stock of Wall-papers which are of a new design and many shades in color, Wall and Ceiling with border to match. See the Window of the Fire 86 Life Insurance. ACCldent Insurance. P. G. 85 A. G SAVAGE New Williams’ Sewing Machines. PEOPLE’S STORE. \Ve carry a complete line of Call and see our stock If your blood has been pol ?uircd disease you are never 5n rom the system. Don‘t trust I cines, blood purifiexs, mercury or cure youâ€"though thcy may‘ Matches, eruptions. running so Skin, sore throat. aninf; out weak heartâ€"We cm) cuzc you. CURED TO STAY CURED YOU SEE PA ‘3’ AFTER E$EA$E$ 5n poisoned with m“! hereditary of mo- w-cr safe mm! the firm is eradicated trust to fnmily doctors, patent mediâ€" Tcurypqd potash. etc. They will nev- WE £3323 BEE KINDS. >11 (cm pomril . ' Have you mgpams. it: IiflER‘S of the ban, dyspeptic stomach,

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