Emu. Mrs. Shaw; Cor. Secffhlrs. J. A. ,I'}. Switzer; Trms.. Mus. I. Crosby: Hunt‘s Program 00:11.. Mls. Hume and Mrs. Mason: Organist, Mrs. Hume. “\Vu go full!) into amnthvr year’s Work. humbly trustiing unAn'rva-only anhar for étmnqthflzuldr bun for guidance." t4?an of oï¬cers was held art the home of Mrs. Jennings. Thursday nfLm-nmm. May 5th. The following ofï¬cers were elected: â€" President. Mrs. Andmw vatnn ; 1st Vice-Pres., Mrs. Mason : 2nd Vine-Pres., Mrs. Huppm': Rec. Ema, Mrs. Shaw: Cor. Sea. Mus. J. A. E. Switzer; Trou‘su M15. 1. Crosby: u.___u. n. -h, , “ (‘. & 1‘) . ('I'vuln S: O mudv. A meeting of Canadian and Ameri- can cupitulists was bold in Tm‘ontn yesterday, at which the question of water and sewage- fnr the outlying suburbs was cnnsidered. It, is proposâ€" vd todi-awnn some northern snui-ce. and all the municipalities between Aux-urn and the City will, it is expect- ('d. be enabled tn secure an unlimited supply (if water fur manufacturing. domestic or farm purposes. \Vith the innugumtion of this plan nmny of the difï¬culties which at present confront the dwellers of tho nnrtht'rn suburbs will be renmved.~â€"Friduy‘s ‘Vol'ld. ‘V. M. S. OFFICERS. The annual meeting uf the \Vn- ){mn’s Missionary Soqiyty fg-x- @ho elvc- There. will be an auction sale of culls and horses. fresh milch cows. spring- nrs and beef ringers at, the Pulmvr House on \Vednesday. the 18th of May. Bills announce the following fur sale: 10 fresh milch cows with calvvs by side; 20 steers and heifers. and a num- her of hurses and colts. Sale to com- mence at 1 0’ clock. Credit; will he given till the lst of October. J. H. .Hrillinger, proprietor; Snigcun & Mc- Ewen, auctioneers. Mr. Jerry Smith, weal-e pleased to he nhle to state, is back in his shop again, attending t0 his watch making business. aftm-un illness of ahuut 4 weeks. Mr. Smith has mzulo arrange- mmts for the purchase of Mr. \\’. T. Sturvy’s shop and residencv, opposite the Standard Bank, and hopes tn 1-9- movo to his new quarters early next month. Aurora Bannorâ€"The engineer of James Bay Railway was in town on Monday and along with Mr. H. XV. Fleury and Mr. A. E. Taylor drove down to the Ridges to see if a passage (:nuld he discovered through that height, of land so as to bring the Rail- way to this town. “’9. understand nu feasible route was discovered and the nutlook for thp mud here is not very bright. The same holds good of New- murkvt. Mr. Allie Buer who smut thp past winter at, St. John, N. B., in the ofï¬ce of the Canadian Paciï¬c Rail- way Company. was home fur a. few days. He now goes to Montreal for the summer months in the employ of the same company. On Saturday, May 21, there will Im an auctiun sale of ï¬rst-class household furniture. dishes. etc.,at the residence. Unionville, the property of Mrs. A. Shiver. Sale at one o’clock. Terms, cash. J. H. Prentice. auctioneer. There will he an auction sale of blacksmith tuuls, buggies. fnrnflure. 0th, at Ellesmere. Scarbm'n, Lhw propâ€" erty of Jas. Ley. on Tuesday. May 17. Sale at, ()nv o’clock. Tex-ms, 6 mos. J. H. Prentice, Auctioneer. The store that gives you the most liberty to lgmk gives the bz’st encour- agement to buy. Our stock is well assorted, full and cnumlvte and \‘HlllCS best to be obtained in Canada. Atkin- smx & SwiLzer. Mr. Almnnd Sm‘ngu and Mr. Alhr‘rt. (ilusw attended the annual At. Hm: e nf the Royal School of Danan in Forum Building. Toronto. (m Friday evening. 6th of Muy. Bust qualiLy whiting. 8 Has fox-10¢â€. best. washing soda. 8 lbs fr)l'10(‘.: vm'y lwst baking smln, 4 lbs. fur 10c.: 2i nz. lmttlus pum fruit, extracts 100. At- kinson & Switzvr. The Ludivs :Ind Methodist their lh‘lh‘ll hut, 21th. Seepmlx in l'_\' lnudv. Rem I’I'uf. \\'uII.-u-.o will pl'c‘nch in thv lehmlist t-hurch next, Sunday, I'm-rung and (-wnmg. in the interest uf the Educational Fund. TWU Chinnnwn were in the Village Mundny making enquil'it-s “hunt, a .x'lmpin which they think of Upt'llillg .{v laundry. Mr. Jnsvph Hall was called to the city Mnuduy tr: act as :I inrynmn, hut mving tn the innl'SS of his wife he was (‘Xl:lls(‘d. A te-nnirx r-luh has hown furnwd at lht- High Stthunl With Miss Bell :15 SPC- I-Mary and Miss Nora McMahon, treas- uror. Spt-cinl vnlm- umv at Atkinwn &- Swnzr‘r‘q III Japan and Green Ceylon Tth at 25c. and 300. ll-. .‘i (inrdvn tuolr of all kinds at C nsun’s. \VATER FROM AURORA. I 1cm" ,xn H121 ]J(’)(7 Ain‘t}. LE. Mnsun sells the. Now CH]- \\'ushin_fl; Machine. The lwst CONVALESCENT. AUCTION SALE. nf the Preshytm-inn Churches will huvo dinner and t‘e-a nn the 'I‘S lam-1'. a 3‘ 2 1904 Buy. I matter. PROPOSED GAS COMFANY. Mr. E. D. Morris, of the Permanent Light. Company. Toronto, has handed to the Reeve and Village Council a writu n statement showing upon what terms he and his Company are prepar- ed to furnish acetylene gas for street lighting, for the lighting of stores and private residences, and for heat and power in the village of Richmond Hill. Mr. Morris proposes to form a Com- pany with a capital of $5,000, and he. asks a guarantee that $1,000 of stock he bought by the Village Council, or by prxvate parties hole. He also asks a guarantee that the street lighting will be given his Company at $12 per light per annum. As we now have 19 street lamps this would mean $228 per annum. For private residences Mr. Morris will guarantee that the cost shall not be more than $2 per 100 feet of acetylene (ms. and if the Company decide to change the plant from acety~ lene to water or coal ens. then the cost to he $2.25 per 1.00) feet. The Company would Ask a franchise of 25 years. and the promoters would like a hy-law paewd at once giving them the sole right to establish the plant any time dm ing the next 12 months. The village Clerk has written for informa- tion relative to a similar-plant at North A fair sized andionc - gatheer in the School Room of the Methodist Church Friday under the auspices of the le- Worth League. Every p(']'SUll who at.- tendvd was provided wiLh a neat, little suck into which the admission fee was placed, and this was reckonud at. two cents for every foot the person was in height, with an extra cent, added for every inch over the exmzt number of foe-r. Rt-\‘. '1‘. Campbell occupied the chair. The following interesting selections were given during the even- ing: Vocal solos, Miss Ida Glass. Miss Luurn Duncan. Miss lithelSn'itzvnMr. Harry Sanderson ; recitations, Miss Byum ; guitar solos, Mr. Earle Newton; vocal gum-Lethe. nnaccompnniud, Misses “’ilvy and Switzer, and Messrs. Mason and Derry. The accompanists were Miss Glass, Mrs. Hume and Mr. Earle Newton. After Lln- programme- refrpshnwnts were Wired, and a Social half hour was spent together. Mr. R. B. MCCEQHI'y, fm- many ymu's a resident of this place, died Saturday morning, aged 73 years. The 0nd came suddenly though he had been in poor health for the past year or t‘V'U. Deceased had berm a soldier in the British army, and served at Gihraltar and nther places. He was of a pat- riotic spirit, and never failed to dis- charge his old musket; on the late Queen's birthday. Dmninion Day. and other occasions. He was int-erred in the village cvmetw y Sunday after- noon, previnus tn which n sex-vice was conducted at his inte- rusidvuco by Rex: J. A. Gmnt. Mr. Grunt spoke of his kindness of man. his loyalty to the church, and his faith in Gud. De- ceased leaves :1 wifv who has done her best, in nth-riding to the needs of her husbzmd during his protracted illness. I ergr’ ('Ulnl't‘d pustvrs are out an- nmmving (hr Alum 1 Spring Fair If tln- R. ll. (C Y. S. Agricultural Sm-ie- I Ly, tn lw ho-ld hr-ro nu Victoria Day. ’[‘unsd:ny. tlu- 24th of May. Awards tn 1hr amount of rwurly $l,ll00 will he given l'm- lmrsrs, Cnitlo. she-Pp. swiuv. poultry, dairy produce. grain. ludieA’ wm-k our. und a purse of $100 is nif- ervd for an open Lrnt. (xr puma. A :1me programme- of :ulhlPtit: spurt.“ will l)? carried out. (:mnnwncing with a font- lmll mnlnmm-ntnl 11 u’rlmzk. fur :I cash prim of $16.50. 'l‘hn East York Cilizvns' Band (:f Mmkhmn Villngr- hushern ongugctl for the afternoon. In Llw evening a musical and literary HitvrtninIm-nt will he givvn in the Ag- ricultuml Hall. for \vhirh some of Tn- mntn‘s host himâ€; has been secured. Arrangmne-nts huve lnwn made with the lex'npolitnn Iluilxvy-y Company for n 40 cvnt- return fum fmm Toronto and Newumrkeb. (Jars will leave for “I? nurlh and Snuth immediately after the concert, in the evening. Extra value in Coffee-Wand ground while you wait at 20. 25, 30 and 40c. per ll). Atkinson 8: Switznr. l-‘X-lVl. 1’. r’.. Mayor Fisher, North To- rnmzn;Mr. Broughall, Manager Dn. mininnBunk, North Toronto; High Cnnsluhlv Ramsdon. lmmty Engineer Mchugull. Hem-y Dunvan. ex-Reeve York township: J. \V. Mnyes. Mann - er Metropolitan Railway; H. Prong font. T. H. Bruntun, Major Allen. T. H. Lloyd, Dunfm-d Roche. Alex DIX- un, Mr. Beecher. W. McGuire, Mr. Stewart, D. Bin-ell, W. W. Uzll'SUn, Mr. McGlennnn, Mr. Mauleaml others. Specinl cars were run from the City and Newmarketv. presvntod him With a Arxlnllgtllt)sq present l-‘X PR ESENTATION. “Dick†Buhnma, for the past, 14 y'rs mechanical superintendent (If the Met- rupulimn Railway, has I-Ptirvd from his posiliun. and gnvs [0 work for the cnmpzmy nf which‘ Mr. C. D. \Vurx'ml is presidu n‘. at; Sault Ste. Marie. He was bunquvttud at} Birl‘s-Il's Hotel, York Mills. indny evening, whore an enjoyable time was spent. Mr. Bul- mm was plesonLe-d by cunntyenginPe-r Gibson. (m lwhulf of the nmnageme-nb, With :1 handsome dressing-cum, while Mr. \V. J. Hill, on behalfnf Mr. Moyes presvntod him with a surveyor’s lt-vel. carried out. (:mnnwncin'g hull mlnnmm-nt at 11 0’4 {sh prin of $16.50. T110 SUN-k Fund of fun-mum ‘ Uan im-l-r (Joann 'l‘umn t u EPW‘ORTH LEAG UE SOCIAL Let our citizmw-t-hiuk mm:- this ll'ge ('Ulhn-d R. B. MCULEAHY DEA D. TH E SPRING FAIR DAIR Y FA RME 12w the-h Mason Srlls Hm Magnet piuntm'; (Inc of the lust 19 their pluï¬ts by ï¬nding rm] Mon! and ,Molnssvs I. (hull m- \vritu fur Imuws \\ hn :m- usng these funds. m, 41 Cottinghmn Street. were V". J. Hill shcr, North To RS to His- the late n Day. int-erred A First-Class Nine-anued House with '1’ of an acre uf land. Gumd slum» foundation and cwâ€.sz Sitllubud un Ynnge street, Riclmwnd Hill. Apply [(1 FOR SALE _OR_ TO RENT 40-2 ( Maple. May 11, 1904 All parties interested me hot-why r9- qnested to lake nntice and govern themscivrs ucccrdingly. Revising the ASSPSx‘Hlé-nt Rolls of NIH Township of Vaughan fur the year 1904- will he hold at. the Town Hall, Vellum. on “'AN‘I‘ED. SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE in this county and :idjniuillg territories, to rvpresvntand advertise an old estab- lished business house of solid financial standing. Salary $21 weekly with expensvs advance-d each Monday by (‘hock (lirth frnm headquarters. HUI'SB and buggy furnished when m-cehsury; position permanent. Ad- dress Blew Brx s. & (10.. Monnu Bldg., Chicagu, Ill. VAUGHAN Purple Top Swede Turnip Seed 150. lb., Giunté lung Marigold s« ed 15!: 1h., Giant sugar Mnngnld in 1 1!). packages 25c, Belmiv‘s prize Swvde Turnip Seed in 1 1h packages 200.. Stmvell’s eve-1'- greeu com 200. lb. Atkinson 8.: Swit- zer. IVHURSDAY, MA‘{26,1904 Trustwmthy lady or gentleman tn manage business in this county and adjoining territory for well and fa vorâ€" ahly known hnuw of solid ï¬nancial standing. $21L0llstraight cash salary and oxpvnsvs paid much Monday lvy CllPCk dil-eutvfrum ht-adqnarters. Ex- pense- money advanced. Position per- manent. Address Manager, 810 Cnmu Block, Chicago, Illinois. flair Vigar Thiék Hair 1.00 I botfle. Allrdruggiuts. Extra vnlm- in lm-e curtains at 50c.. 750. $1. $1.23, $1.50 and $2 pea-pair and window shude complete at 35, 50, and 75C. euvh. Atkinson & Switzer. grow, and the scalp will bc clean and healthy. Why be satisï¬ed with poor hair whcn you can make it rl:h? “ My but: nearly all camo out. I then triad Ayer's Hair VI or and only one bottle awppad the tuning. ew her camo In real mm- and nut a “me curly."â€":ï¬us. L. M. sxu‘u. flags. N. Y. A FE \\' THIELY FACTS FOR YOITNG PEOPLE. Mr. \V. S. Moone. after spending six munths undx-r nur inst’rluztions, is nmv pun-Hing $25 [wr wet-k fur six huurs “‘m'k pe-r (lay. ut Mvmpnis Tenn. Miss Nr-llic Carson, after the munths‘ training, Is vmw with 1h:- \\"vsl.m‘n Uniuu [uh-graph company at Deh'int. (nu-Him: $70 m-r unmth. M r This falling of your hair! Stop it, or you will soon be bald. Give your hair some Ayer’s Hair Vigor. The fall- ing will stop, the hair will Linus on stock hr- n-quirud THE COURT OF REVISION PUBLIC NOTICE \V e ‘ “11- pm pun-d tn givvclnse qnnta- on all sizes nf windnw glass Ulll' hr:ng pretty full. Glass cut to MUNICIPALITY OF At 10 n’clnck a. m. Manager Wanted. \V. E. \VILEY, pretty full. Glugs cut to Atkinson & Switzer. J. B. MACLEAN. for Clerk of Va uglmn. Bicbmund Hill. Mar. 17, 12 wks. Apr. 21, 6 wks. J. O. AYE}! 00.. prgU. Mun. '«H Guaranteed to cure coughs, colds, henves and broken wind in horses. Horse-man will ï¬nd this an infallible remedy fur any affection in u horse’s wind, wiwthercaused frum after effects of distexnpm' or frum («Ming dusty hay. Price 506. Suld in Richmond Hill by Gen. McDonald, harness-maker. Your own recipes made up properly from pnre drugs at. xx huh-sale pxices. Yorkshire Stock Fwd FOR HORS ESâ€"-Givos them :1 gnod appvtito, :1 glossy cont, 2. k and a healthy nppc-zuunce. Highly recommended by uni-semen FOR CATTLE it has [10 equal. 1t ilnpl'nvvs the nppvtite, aid: tion, it cause-s n. pvrfecb uss‘imulutiun nf the food and futtox quickly: alsn a grand preparation fur milch cows. FOR UALVESâ€"mixml with skim milk ur svpurntnr milk it H il calves thrive as well or beam- as when fwd on new milk. 1’ smms, aids digestion. 51nd rapidly ï¬ts a calf for market. n;\v\ ...\n.. FOR HUGSâ€"this wil he fnmid a. grand tonic for fattening hogs rapid- ly. Itznids digestion, kills worms, and keeps them healthy. The stock- mun’s fa-x‘m-ite, because it; makes your stock thrive strungâ€"bust and cheapest stock food an the max-ken. Five feeds fur one cent. All drugs and patent medicines at wholesak‘ prices J. A. Johnston 6: 00.. Yorkshire Cough & Heave Cure “1N ' xxmmmmmxmmm (Successor to C. D. Daniel 6: Co. and Hugh Miller & Co.) \thlesule and lit-mil Druggiutsz. 171 King St Eust,_Tux-outo, - ' Oppositv Clyde Hotel. This makes a tea ï¬t for a King to drink or any Canadian citizen; when you want this kind call on PURIâ€"‘I‘EA If you want good Tea But you can’t tell the quality of the article you buy by the number of letters in the word. T~E-A is not always pure tea and T may not be only one third pure. “ \Nhat’s in a name 3’†You can out up the word “tea,†to the last letter and always have tea. Look Here’s a = = Cumsflea Tea, Te ATKENSBN & SWITZER. you can always get it no matter how theword is spelt, and no better tea in the market than our Green and Black teas. \Ve guarantee these ingredients: Now is the time to select your paint for Spring decoration. We have a large stock to choose from, made from strictly pure leads and oils, guarantccd by the makers. Also garden tools of all kinds; lawn mowers, all sizes and prices to choose from. All kinds ofrepairing prompt- ly attended to. LAWN MOWERS A SPECIALTY. JAQQB EVER &. 80% Richmond Hm PAINTS QUALI-TEA QUANTI-TEA wEaeW-ootiaoï¬e JR 219$}! cont, 2. lose hide it “ill make 1;. Pru‘vnts aids digni- Lttons vam ngï¬gwï¬ Wuagï¬uaï¬ï¬