All Lhnrsu ï¬-nds are cxh‘cmoly inter- ;psting'. because of the fact that each Jupparently has its own mission to lperform in the world of commerce, {of science, and of medicinv. What mission in particular each may have is now being tested and found out ,by the savunts of every branch of science all over the world. ‘This“? COMMERCIAL USES. . Learned men and women are so busy trying to make startling ï¬nds in the various paths of scientiï¬c knowledge that the average person is showing signs of Wearincss at being usked to follow them so rapidly. [It seems but yesterday that the great Finsen light came into prom- inence, followed by Rontgen's great discovery of the X-rays, which in its turn was supplanted by the Curies' discovery of radium, to be followed Vgain by the finding, by Professor .Zlondlot, of other hidden rays. The hatter discovery, which is the last 104' the family, brought. into being the rays that are now called the N-ruys; ‘lbut there appears to be some doubt. 1as to whether these are well authen- licuted. Take the pearl industry. A new application of the Xâ€"ruys has been discovered by Professor Raphael Duâ€" bois, of Lyons. In the pearlâ€"fisher- ies there takes place every year a wholesale destruction of oysters and incipient pearls. To ascertain the size of a pearl it, was necessary, of course. to open every oyster. The death of the oyster naturally follow- ed, andâ€"as in nine cases out of ten the pearl was too small, or was only in the incipient stages of formation -â€"-both the oyster and the pearl had to be thrown away. Thousands of pearls have thus been lost in that way. and they might have been sav- ed if the ï¬shermen could only have had some means of examing an oys- iter ! They come in here. The discovery of the Xâ€"mys, for instance, is one of l~the oldest, and scientists have been {'xpcrimenting with it longer than with nnythmg else of‘Lhe same na- urc. Apart from the medical uses with anything else of‘tha same na- lture. Apart from the medical uses Pf the Xâ€"raysâ€"und there is no ques- ;tion that in the practice of medicine and surgery hundreds of lives have ialrcudy been saved and deathbed miracles performed by the Xâ€"mysâ€"- Rontgon's “ï¬nd†is already being made useful in the world of com- merce, where everything is positive and matter of fact. We write the above paragraph in the past tense for a very good reas- on. As a matter of fact, the cus- tom of opening every oyster, just to See what sort of a. pearl is nestling within the shell, is carried on at k‘VeI‘y pearlâ€"ï¬shery. In a. short while, however, the new system will be coming in; and this cansists of lexamination by the help of the X- ’l‘a.ys. and by them it will be possible Jto tell the size of the precious pearl 'Iwithout opening; ‘nd thus killing the valuable crustaCt n. It the rays discover that. the treasure within the shell is yet only half grown, the livâ€" ing oyster will be replaced in its lodgings by the sea, and left till its hidden treasure has grown to its proper size. ISUMEMUNEY-MAKING RAYS The practical person might ask: But. what is the practical use of all these wonderful scientiï¬c "ï¬nds"? 310W DIS‘COVERIES ARE PLIED T0 COMMERCE. This must. mean more pearls than usual being placed on the market. and their price will come down, and probably no more “corners†in pearls will be heard of. Now, what. is possible for the X- rays to do is possible for any other kind of rays already discovered, or on the eve of discovery. For a while. they will be the property of the scientists, and they will have on- ly in. scientiï¬c value on the account; but. it is clear that sooner or later other ruys'will be found to possess perhaps an even greater commercial ‘vulue than the X-rays. Uses of X-rays in the Pearl Fish- eryâ€"Radiumâ€"rays for Madi- ical Purposes. Xâ€"RAYS 'AS DETEC"[VES. Tulling criminals by their thumb- narks is an especially valuable ad- !unct, to‘ the dctectinn of crime, but Bertolct’s happy discovery is some what, scienlillcally lessened i‘l impor- tance by the fact that the _\'â€"rnys are now frequently employ.»I Fr Hn.‘ min- lons of the law in (hair hunt for :vildnc-rs. Germany is Iirst 5:1 1er ï¬eld with that. bright idl‘u. To avoid detection, thicvus all ovu- tho world. it is wcll known. think To avoid detection, thieves all -.-\'cr l the world, it is well known. think little of swallowing; procimls stmms. the more artful being able to retain them in the larynx. A wellâ€"dressed man, according 'to a Kich jcurnul, was arrested in that city the other day for personal incapalnI-Iaszss: but It. turned out that he had men drugâ€" ged, rendered insensihlo, nnd then robbed. The lcl‘man police were Sn m on the track ol the suspected thieves; Ind ï¬ve men were arrested the same afternoon. Nearly £100 was f-mnd upon them. and by means vi the. X- ruys the best part. of the balance was found. The latter treasure consist- od of diamonds, which the thieves had swallowed just before their capâ€"l turo. I Another scientist, named Becqucrel, has recently discovered certain rays strong enough to he used in the pro- cess of letterâ€"copying. The disco“ ery has leapt into cmnmercial value at once. In the aggregate, thouâ€" sands of valuable business hours are BEFORE OPENING IT They Made Him Strong and. Well After Years of Intense Suï¬ering From Lumbago and Other Kid- ney Troubles. North Pelham, Ont., May 16.â€" (SDeCial)â€"Mr. Joseph L. Thomas, a substantial farmer of Pclham Town- ShiD. well known and highly respect- ed throughout this neighborhood, has joined the ranks of the great army of Canadians who pin their faith to Dodd's Kidney Pills. Mr. Thomas gives his reasons for doing so as fol- lows: "For several years I was sorely :lfâ€" llxctcd with Kidney Trouble, having many of its worst. symptoms in an flagl'avated degree. I had Lumbago, and was in such a condition that I was unï¬t for anything for weeks at a. time. FARMER GIVES HE PINS HIS FAITH TO DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. "Insomnia resulted and I was an intense suï¬crer. I had almost por- petual headache and grew thin in flesh. "I had been treated by a doctor without good results, so upon the recommendation of a. cousin, who had been saved from a, life of misery by Dodd's Kidney Pills, I hogan taking them. “Thu- ï¬rst box gave me decided beneï¬t and after taking ï¬ve boxes the old trouble was a. thing of the past and I was again in every way strong: and well.†Ask those who have used them if they ever heard of a case of Kidney Disease Dodd's Kidney Pills would not cure. spent by every business house in the process of copying letters. It is a long and tedious process, as every junior clerk knows; but, with the Becquerel rays in use the process is expedited, and is much cleaner. whilst there is no fear of a bad copy being taken. ’l‘hese rays are able to photograph letters in the fraction of a second. and nothing more need be done. The X-rays have been up- plied to the same purpose in insur- ance ofï¬ces. RADIUM TO THE FORE. It is only a question of time as to whether the Nâ€"ra.ys will he fathered upon commerce in the same way as the others, if we admit the fact of their discovery. Radium-rays, how- ever, seem to be more adapted for medical purposes. It is devoutly hoped by many a medical man in this country that that may prove the panacea for two of the greatest scourges that afllict humanity. That they have already done some good in cancer is reported from more than one hospital; whilst in a certain painful nasal disease radiumâ€"rays have eï¬ectcd a, surprising cure. No one can say with any certainty, how- ever, whether cures by radium are lasting. At the best, they are only successful experiments; but the be- lief is universal that they will be lasting remediesâ€"London Answers. “You have not kissed me," she pouted, “for ï¬fteen minutes." “I know it." he said. “I have a. very sensitive tooth, which is liable to ache if I do." “What do you mean, sir ?" “Why, you are so sweet, you know !â€- Beware of Ointments for Caiarrh that Contain Mercury. Miss Sharpeâ€"“Believe in vegetari- anism? Why, I love good beef!" Chollyâ€""I wish I were beef, you know!†Miss Sharpeâ€"“Never mind. Calves grow you know.†“And so you left your last place through having had words with your mistress?" “W011, mum, not words, mumâ€"not, adzactly What you might call words, mum. I only spoke to her same as one lady might to an- other." as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and Completely dorunge the whole system when entering it. through tho mucous surfaces. buch articles should nevor be used except on preâ€" scriptions from reputable physicians. as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hull's Cntnrrh Cure. mnn- uincturcd by I“. J. Cheney & 00., '1‘0- ledo, 0., contains no mercury. and is \uken internally. acting directly upon the blood undamucous surfaces 0! the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Curo be sure you get. the genuine. It is tak- en internally and made in Toledo, Ohio. by I". J. Cheney &. Co. Testi- monials free. "Trike Hall's Family Pills tor consu- putlou. To Cure You Now That We Have Learned How. Relief In 30 Minutes. "Sold by Druggists. Price, 75c per bottle. V V For years the author of Dr, Agnew's Heart. Cure has believed that. the health or the heart. is almost entirely respou- siblo for the health of the narves and stomach and now it. can be proven. Dr. Agnew's Heart. Cure will relieve heart disease in 30 minutes and cure it. It feeds the nerves through the heart by giving the heart. the necessary power to pump rich blood to the nerve centres. when stomach disorders and nervousness disappear as by magic. Ono dose will convince. 29 Dr. Agnew's Liver P315. 40 doses Io Cults. It ig _sa__ Easy Mlnard's Linlmenl L‘ures Handrqu THE REASON WHY A curious wedding has taken place in the little town of Kalberge, in Germany. The husband was an in- mate of the prison of that town, and the bride an unusually pretty girl, who lives with her parents at Berâ€" lin. After the ceremony the hus- band returned to prison; he has still two years to serve unless he is pardoned. They married in order not to forfeit a considerable legacy. " Pure soap 1" You’ve heard the words. In Sunlight S o a p you have the fact. Chairs were in use in Egypt, so long ago as 3399 13.0. The Chinese employed them from about 1300 B. C. In India they were used. and are mentioned as dating from 1100 8.0. House chairs with bucks Were in use in India AD. 300. They are known to have been employed in Rome so early as A. D. 70, being mentioned by Pliny at that date. Chairs with foot rests were used in Rome AD. 150. SUHLIGHT SOAP :::::;:: â€Well, now that you are married do you ï¬nd life a grand, sweet song?†“Oh, no! The ï¬rst thing I did after We got back from our hon- eymoon was to hide my wife's mus- Aflelï¬- saving up money for a rainy day many a man blows it in some night. “Will you love me when I’m old?- she whispered. “We’ll wait till you are old," he said. p‘ractically. "It's as much as I can attend to just now to love you when you're young.†Head of the Bureauâ€""I suppose you know something of the duties of the ofï¬w?" Applicantâ€"“0h, yes. They are to come late, go home early, and do as little as possible While you are here." Head of Bureauâ€"“Quite sat- isfactory; you must have hold public oflice before." A Sour Stomach and a Sour Temper travel hand-in-hand and are the precursors of mental and physical wreck. Nine hundred and ninetyâ€"ninetimesin a (hou- sand food ferment (indigestion) is the cause. Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets keep the stomach sweetâ€"aid digestion-4:30p the nerve cemres well balanced-they‘re nature's pnn- fleaâ€"pleasant and harmless. 35 cents.â€"88 Tedâ€""She cuts rather an odd ï¬g- ure." Nedâ€"No wonder! Her gown cost nine dollars ninety-eight, her hat two dollars fortyâ€"nine, and her shoes one dollar seventyâ€"four." Have You a. skin Disease?â€" Tetter, Salt Rheum. Scald Head. Ringworm, Eczema,1tch,Barber'sItch,Ulcers,Blotches, Chronic Erysipelas, Liver Spots, Prurigo, Psoriasis, or other erupï¬ons of the skinâ€" what Dr. Agnew‘s Ointment has done for others it can do {or yenâ€"cure you. One ap- plication gives relief.â€"35 centsâ€"87 Mus. Wmsmw’s Sooramo SYRUP has been use“! by million: 0! mothurs (or (he‘r children while teethinz. Itsnolhel the child. {ofteus the ums. allay: pain. cure: wind colic. regulates the Icomnc and bowels. and in the belt remedy lur Dinrrhma. Twenty-tho cents a bottle Sold by druu'lsu Lhroughout the world. Be sure and ask for“ Mad. Wmsnow‘s Soowmsu Strum" 22â€"00 A curious wedding took place the other day in a. church in Glasgow. The bride and bridegroom were Poles and could not speak English, while the clergyman did not understand their language. The ceremony was, however, successfully carried through by the aid of an interpreter. Minatd's llniment Cures Burns. etc. Dear Sirs,â€"MINARD'S LINIMEN’I‘ is my remedy for colds, etc. It. is the best linimont I have ever used. MRS. JOSIAH HART. “George, it you do love me as you used, why don't you tell me so?" “Deuce take it .all! I love you, love you, love you, love you, love you, love you, love you, you. you, you, you. you, you, you! Now, for heaven's sake shut up and let. me C. C. RICHARDS &, CO “George!†"What?" "George!" "Oh, what do you want?’ “George, you don’t love me any more." “O, of Course I do. Let. me alone, I'm reading the paper." MARRIED TO GET A LEGACY. INTERPRETED WEDDING THE AGE OF CHAIRS Port Mulgmvo, June 5, 1897 Ask {or the Octagon Bar. MAKING IT CLEA R For Over Sixty Years THE DAW§ON commrlssgon 99, Limited Corsetaâ€""I Wish there was some way to make him stop buying expenâ€" sive presents." Maeâ€""You might. Potatoes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Apples marry him There are only two kinds of child- renâ€"your own perfect little cherubs and the ill-behaved brats owned by other people. Dropsy Is one Positive Sign of Kidney DIseaso.â€"Have you any of these unmistakable signs? Pufliness underthe eyes 1' Swollen limbs? Smothering feeling? Change of the character of the urine? Ex. haustion after least exertion ? If you have there‘s dropsical tendency and you shouldn't delay an hour in putting yourself under the great South America Kidney Cure.â€"â€"86 dcncc had méde me a. man!" Mother â€"“Perhaps he has, dear;~ only you haven't found him yet." 1y setback A man who is fearless is never liar. Mlnard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgl’a WORLD'S FAIR, ST. LOUIS, MO. From Aprll 25th to Dec. lst, in- clusive, the Wabash Railroad will sell round trip tickets to the Great World's Fair, St. Louis, at the low- est one-way ï¬rst-class fare. good for ï¬fteen days, [are and a third; good for thirty days. good either via. Wa- bash direct line or Via Chicago, with stop over privileges. Canadians go- ing to this. the greatest of all C):- positions, should remember the great Wabash line is the shortest, quickest and best route. The only line that owns and controls its own rails di- rect to the World's Fair gates. For time-tables and descriptive World's Fair folder, address any ticket agent, or J. A. Richardson, District Pasâ€" senger Agent, North-east corner King and Yonge Streets. Toronto. MinaId's Liniment for 33h: everywhen Mama â€"â€"lâ€"-‘â€"â€"p Lifebuoy Soap-disinfectant -â€"- Is strongly recommended by the medi- cal profession as a safeguard against infectiot s diseases. Shilchk i Censumpï¬iani No girl is Willing to believe that marriage is a failure from hearsay. If a. man’s mother-inâ€"law acts up it is usually his own fault. Claraâ€"“Oh, hum! I wish Provi- Let us have your consignment, of any of those articles and we will get you good prices. Letters to be used in anvwrs only as many times as they appear in the above words. Competition closes May 30th. band in your list to-day. ADDRESS, DEPARTMENT “A†CANADA CYCLE 8: MOTOR 00., llmlted, Toronto Junotlon. Do you catch cold easily? Does the cold hang on ? Try 810 In one prlze for the greatest numbar of words. 810 In two flva dollar prizes for the next Ion 031: lists. 310 In flue two dollar prizes for the smaller late. We will pay these prizes for the best lists of English words made out of the three word. : “ MASSEY - HARRIS WHEELS. †WORD MAKING. Write for our new “ Silver Ribbon " Booklet. Cor. Woof Market and Colborno Btu. TORONTO. 1â€"28 ‘ung had (ï¬led Sultl would loo‘; hetbord 04. I! no age" a! Main your Lovu. write direct outrenl, Box 158 BRITISH AMERICAN nvzma co. COCCA EPPS’S An admirable Food o! the Nutritious and Economical, 48â€"21 Finest quality and flavour. The Wintou Touring Car is appre- ciated by the best informed because built on correct mechanical princiâ€" ples, of highest grade materials. As a. prospective automobile purchaser you dare not, in full justice to your- self, take chances on an inferior car. By presenting a car of such imperial merit as is the 1904 \Vinton, we become “automobile underwriters"â€"â€"iusuringyouagainst risk or loss. Have you seen our new catalog ? The Wlnton Motor Carrlaée Co Represented in the Dominion of Canada by THE AUTOMOBILE 8i SUPPLY C0 79 Kin‘ Sh. E.. Toronto. Ont. Su‘) Aécncies in Chief Dominion Clues YOUR OVERGBATS The Musoleavrlo In fund with the cushion farm and Mornw ooauor brakeâ€" tho two Improvements that have made bloyc'lng Io famouuly popular. AUT 0M 0 B I L E UNDERWRITERS ISSUE NO. 20â€"041 Cleveland. 0., U. S. A. ï¬Ã©m‘hEm NOTE,