Until further notice lluils will be closed at the lichmnnd Hill Post omce as follows:â€" MHRNING 8.00 EVENING .. .. 6.15 N. B.--Reuiatered Letters must ha handed in I least Fifteen Minute»: earlier than the above mentioned hours [or closinn. Luvs Nowmnrkat'l.30,9.15. 11.15 a. m.; 2. 3.15. 7.301). m. ï¬ve Richmond H1“ 7. (Nu, 9.55. 11.55 a. 111.. 2,40. 5.55. 4 55. 6.55. 8.10 p. m. Leave C P R Crossing at 6. 7.20. 9.40. 11.30 a. to. L3", 2.40, 3.45 5.40. 7.45 p. 111. Leave Rlchmond “1118.20. 10.80 a. m.; 12.20. 2.20. 3.30. 4.35, 6.30, 8.35 p. m. METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE Write for Catalogue v Canada Cycle & Motor Co., LIMITED Toronto Junction Canadian Heaflqxarters for Automobiles POST OFFICE NOTICE Bacweua Toronto and Newmurkot. b Gaasfer OFFICE CLOSES A’I‘ 7.3C P M M. TEEFY. Post-manor Don’t purchase a. wheel without a Cushion Frame and Coaster Brake. You miss the good parts of wheeling. Although the “Made in Canada†wheel is lighter than the English wheel, it is quite as strongly built. It does not carry the encumberances of the American wheel. Are equipped with the two improvements that have made bicycling famously popular. The Cushion Frame removes the last trace of jolting that used to worry the rider in going over rough places. The Coaster Brake appliâ€" . ance is brought into play by a slight pres- sure of the foot upon the pedal. It converts the bicycle into a readily controlled wheeled toboggan for coasting down hill. Cleveland Bicycles GOING NORTH GOING SOUTH Gambian V Frame McMahon, Agent, Richmond £1111. HARROWS 0F ALI. KINDS MADE TO 0mm. Prepare for Spring. And see if thoy \vnnt any repairing or sharpening. If Hwy (In, bring them now and (In nut wait, till you are needing them. Flows & Harruws GEO. COWIE, FARMERS ! RICHMOND HILL. Now is the time to Lunk over your Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. RICHARDSON HOUSE HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. New Spring Goods, New Styles, New Prices, A. J. HUM E’S, w. H'C'WISON, Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL Sanderson's Emulslon M Cod LivcrOII. Fifty per ccm. Cod Liver Oil. and Lasteicss. Fur Seated colds and coughs. For coughs and colds in small children. BIAPI .«E. THOROUGHLY REFITTED. Can cure a cnld in one day. Our W. A. Sandman DRUGGIST I am prepared to supply the pub- lic with the best cough and cold remedies in the market. Try COUGH AND COLD SEASON ! For your new Suit you will ï¬nd Brcmide Quinine Tablets Sanderson’s White Pine and Tar. None belt er. Om' FREDERICK DACK. Pro ,1 Tailor, Richmond Hill HIVE CRQUP SYRUP ma:eam¢wa~i~e 39????m93WWM‘O‘CWW 0 @1166 Spring Wire Fence With large. stiff stay wires, makes a perlcct fence Not one pound of soft wire enters into the construction of ‘ THE FROST. The uprights are immovany locked to the ‘ running wires with THE FROST WEDGE-LOCK, making an ‘ abSOIUtCIy Stock-proof I-‘ence. The Locks bind without kinking i or crimping either the stays or lateral \Vires. W'ill not slip, and our 1 mun rho-OHM n: .Mm.n:.m m": L/‘iri-uv “awn.†nut which adds armtlv ‘ 0.0.0,...,.,.,.,.,0.0.0,& .\.fl.,.,...,‘. Ox.".,w.h.,& 1 C. &E. MASON @ WW £53,1-: VEGETABLE SICILIAN flair Renewer ï¬i .r Rinhmnmi Hill ï¬grsï¬mm mm; mï¬ï¬eï¬cs color to grghalr, all in} dark, rich colof it used to haven? The hair stops falling, grows long and heavy, and all dande disappeggs._An elegant dressing. "grammar?- %///f ‘ "‘31.{‘1‘{;";;§â€};;;ZELLIS an: (10113:; gut-e in :llaï¬e girth-31mg Geo. McDonald, Richmond Hill Wire, 'I‘inware of all kinds 01' made to order. Granite-ware, Glnss all sizes UI‘ cut to size. Edvotroughing. Iron-roofing, Hot Air Furnaces, Stvxn'vs, Oil Uuokstuvvx, and everything in the Tin and Hardware line, all sold at reasonable price. Repairs promptly dune. Lawn Rakes, Grirden Rakes, Hoes, Spades, Shovels, Spading-Forks, Chums, Nails by the lb. and keg. I’oult. ryNetLingall widths, Black, Galvanized and Barbed Bichmand 5%â€! ï¬aréware 8mm LAWN-MOWERS Sells Everything in Season. All prices No snundlleadr-d man asks tn-day “ Is it. cher to buy the best, harness ? " Hu- knows, either because he's hnd our harness and learned its wurth. 01- he-cmlse bv’s lmd smne cheap stu'ff zmd lvarned its worthlvss- ness. You can't dn better anywhere than here when huying hzu-ness. HARNESS REASON Visor-311131.}: SICILIAN AIUl “Ill-I. 'wwmawmyg to see that your HRI'HPSS shape for spring wm-k. 9i? Kb