Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 May 1904, p. 1

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Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. Ramoielledfindue‘flv furnished throughout One 015336 mosh convenient :ud uamfortahle hotels on Yuuge Sweet. Every modern con- venianm Sample moms for commerch travellers. Anidenlshogmiugplacn for filling: or driving pmrcies.‘.ricyclists, or farmers going tn'vr'amruinz Fr. m muket. Electric cars pass the Jew Livery in ‘ouuoctiun AT THE: uaem anma & PUBLISHING HOU'SE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Int-I.- raananhw‘wmciau M. Western and Grace B agitals, Forunbo Best, fitting tocth, also rnplnting, at lmvest prices. Good work. CANS 11y VOL. XXVI. J. H. SANDERSD PALMER HOUSE '1‘. F. McMAHON. Telvplmne Main 2424 JOHN R. CAMPBELL; Our. Church and (Lu-lam Sts., Town tn. “fill he in Richmzmd l-{ill every \V ncsd-Iy. 011169, next (lmn' south of Public Schuul. OffiJe Hours-$.30 a. m. to 5 n. m THURSDAY MORNING DR W G L SPAULDING DR A W SPAULDING 'Denaists Roan “ A,“ Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. D3. ARNOLD u. A. MAsfi I)enti:-sl;, TERMS 31.009211 DAY "v.0. SAVAGE - .The undersigned has for sale a quan ml}: (3f seed poMLm-s. \V.-\N 1‘} el hr well calling 0.11 1 Smoking Chair, 1 Kin-hon (lupâ€" lmzud. 3 Small Tables. ;. Tullvb Stand. 4 Bedstvnds, 1 Small Drvssvr, 1 Pan-lor- Queen Stove. 1 Kitchen Stuvo, 1 Small Show“. :1 uuantitv nf Qtnrunfinue I muueut. 553111303 I mutlwl‘ hair-ch) VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL Room 1‘3. l2l Victoria St. Toronto. 6‘ (the floursâ€"44 to m n m: 12 $0 '2 p m 7 to 8 I) m. (Successor to Dr. RICHMOND VETERINARY SURGEON, ’l‘hornhill. Seed Potatoes. BUSINESS CARDS. DR.E.J.STUBB; FOR SALE 13mm. ha."w. ma 1) entire 5, as per annum, in advance.] "LEM @ihml [S PUBLISHEDBVEMY tovo. 1 Kitchen Sun‘p, 1 Small l quantity of stove-pipes, l «‘m‘m-ed Luungu. l Sofa. black I), 1 Candle. 1 Bully-c:l,lringe. \V. T. STOREY. Richmond Hill. D 75:5.[1‘BRUL PEHSUN 136 THE Emma dz E‘noenxm‘oa d ay 3t? Herman! 'l‘hm'uhill. r amatml and night promptly at tended to. THOMAS PALMER ‘Fâ€"TTT urrie Prop m. J '1‘ Suigennv Maple Licensed Auctioneers for th e Countyx Sales Lnelldedto on shortest notic ( and souablemtas Patronagtaollcited Licom: e Auctionegr to.“ the County of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence sales “traded on the shortest notion and at reasonabemtea. P.0.ud(u-eas King [Parrish-rs and solicitors. Monev no luau on land and chattel mortgagesat lowest rates Aurora. officeâ€"Removed bu the 01 one door west of the en Olltlfl‘ll} Bnuk Newmarket officeâ€"Three doors south of the p :56 office T HERBERT meox. G STV d post 0330.; trance to the Licensed Auctioneer for the County Goods sold on consignmenn General atoc etc promptly attended to at. 1'6 mnea Residunce Uninnvine G It Gouldmg. Newton Brook.age above Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York and Gamma Allsales of farm stock, Aw, at- tended m nn the shortest notice and reasonable ratnc. Mortgagenndhuilifl anles attended to. Residencafltoufl‘ville Out HIGH COURT OFJUSTICE,&C. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at, both pthPS. Ban-Esters. Solicitors. etc. TORONTO OFFICE: Nu. Rh mum] St. “7951.. \Veslvy Buildings (Methodist Bonk 1100111,) To~ l‘untn. Mr. Cook will hp at. Mann. m. "mummy G G S Liu A (‘r F hmvronce W Itiduut \\ atlsworth M. TEEfi‘i’IW NOTARY PUBLIC A man to represent, “CANADA’S GREATEST NURSERIES" in the villngv of Richmond Hill and surrounding Country, and take wders for Stork true to name and free fmm Sun January 28 in: In Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Orna- mentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, Etc. [SSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, ELGIN 311141425 OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES linden-takers (Q Eunhnlmors. AS. N EWTGN mm- Lifc Building (formerly Fr? lmld Loan Bldg.), 00:. Adelaide «K: Victoria 81s.. Tot-onto. LIBERAL Office, Richmond Hill on Suturdavs. t TORONTO, E. £22m”, MLWEE fiamaw EN N 0X & MORGAN Barristersfiolicitors. tharies, 8m MONEY T0 Lindsey. Lawrence w adsworth, 158 mm; awn}: EAST. ronoxro accommodation znuueatr. Bond Der day max & JOHNSTON 00k will b5 iii-1pm on Thursday afternoon of each week. SI b . J Ix McEwen. Maple Weston Saigeon & McEwcn. WRIGHT BROS WANTED D. G. 31.0170“. COMMISSIOIEB IN THE . '5. Pa Hutu-r. N. B. Smith. Aurora. £1:an “In Essentials, Unity; in Nmz‘Essmtials, Liberty,- in ail thing-s, Charity RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, MAY 15). 1904 LOAN AT 57, STV MORGAN Brook. ageui for the Phone Main 2984 ounty of York ONTARIO. punty of York mral sales oi M reasonanh bewxlmrket Rivh- Bu 1'88.- ‘ree- There is a great deal of plvnsmnt reading in the June Dvlinentm'. Fuslx. inn's foibles, us llH‘P set furth by pen and pencil, are well designed to delight, the feminine mind, as well us to prwe a. delusion and :1 snare to the nmscn- lino. There are hosidt-s a gre-nt lnnny very p1 etty ids-us in (lresse< for child- ren. \\'hich_will be welt-tuned by moth- ers. 1n the literary parts of the mug- azinvfihe first place is gh'en tn a grace- ful Japanese tale, “The Givvr of Hun- nr”, by Mrs. Hugh F1-:-zm-, :L sistvr nf Marlon Crawford. which is refreshing in its swwlness and purity. and is Thefunornl of the late Ald. John Russell uf \Vilmipog. tuck place from the residence of his ln'otlwr-in-law, Mr. John lsnuc, Markham Village. on Salurdny. 7th inst. tn Sf. Andrmv’s Uvmotm‘y where the x-vmuins ws-re laid hesith [hose ofhls wife who died in the year 1888, one year after murriagv. The pull-homers Were his brothers. Jame-s. Andn-W. \Villinm :und Alexan- dm‘, his lnuther-iu-lzm'. John Isaac, and D. H. Cooper-(1f “'ilmipvg. in fur- mvl'partnm‘. ’l‘hv I'I’mnins wow LIC- mmpnniud from ‘Vinnipog by Mr. C0()p(1‘.zln(' the casket was cmuplrtely cmerm‘l with beautiful floral tributes from u-pn-senpntlvo lmdips a nd h-ivnds. Few men have had a more, honorath and successful career than the. late Ald. Russell, and genuine sorrow was feltin \Yinnipeg on the morning of the second of May when the sad dis- covery was made that he had died sud- denly of heart failure in his rooms at; the. Molson’s hank. He had been ap- parently in the best of health, and the announcement. of his death came as a. shock to his friends. relativet-s and on- ly daughter who was an infant when he! mother died. Deceased was about 50 year of age. He was born on the homestead a. few lots south of this village, and was edu- cated at our High School and the To- ronto University, graduating from the latter in the arts course. He after- wards took up the study of law in the office. of Messrs. Blake, Kerr, Lash 86 Uassels. He completed his course in 1881, went. to \Vinnipeg the following year, and afterwards moved to Bran- don where he engaged in a general law practice with Mr. D. H. Cooper, but the tw shortly afterwards return- ed to \Vinoipeg. Since his death col- umns have heen written in the \Vinni- peg iieWspapers relative to his in- tegrity and Worth, and sincere regret has been expressed on every hand. The following editorial paragraph is taken from the W'inuipeg Free l’iess of th 3rd inst. : “By the death of Mr. Sohn Russell this city loses a most valuable citizen. To his legal training he added exceptional ability and ex- peiience as a financier: and to these he united a high sense of Civic duty. It; was this sense of obligation to the community that made him place his knowledge and lmsiness capacity at the service of the city as an alderman; and it was only his own modesty that prevented him heng chosen by his fellow-citizens as Mayor. It will he reinemhei ed that Mr. Sharp announc- ed last fall that if Mr. llusSell intended to ofl’erhimself for the lllayoialty. he himself Would not oppose. one so worthy of that honor. Alderman Rus- sel‘s surviving colleagues in the City Council will he the first to admit that he was the best equipped menihrrof the City louneil to handle municipal afi'airs. The integrity of his ptrsonal character was on a par with his ability. He has left behind him a ream-d of faithtul service to the city and of an uptight, honoralnle life. He was held in deservedly high regard by the peo- ple of this city; and his death has aroused genuine regret throughout rememhewd that Mr ed last fall that if MI to ()fl’ur himself for t himself \nuuld nut firnused genuilh the community." ful Japanese tale, “'l'he Ulvvr 01 Mun- nr”, by Mrs. Hugh F1-:-zm-, :L sistvr nf Mal-inn Crawford. which is refreshing in its swwlness and purity. and is sympathvticully illusnut.ed by Mr. C. l). \Vclduu. Other iuxus (If fictiun For svve-lal hours on the day of loav- ing \Vinnipvg thl- remains lay in state in the city council chamber, and Wore visited by hundreds of his personal friends. Latex- in the day, nits-nde by his late colleagues, the city council, and the Masonic and St. Andrew's so- cieties, to which he belonged, the re- mains weie home to the G. P. R. dvpot for removal to Markham, previous tu which a sm-vice had been conducted by Rex. Dr. Bryce. The 00119934. marshnlled by the Chief of Police, pI‘UCl’Nlt‘d to the depot; in the following Oldenâ€"Policp. Fix-much, Civic Officials, St. Andrew’s Society. Masons, Board of Trade). Parks Board, School Board. Police Unmmissioncas; City Council, hoarse and pull-ht-arers, mourners, Citizens on foot, Citizens in carriages. The floral coutrilmtiuns include-(l olf- m'ings from the fullmvingz~0ity Coun- cil, Parks Board, Police (Ymmnissinn- 91's, SchunlBuard, Preside and Di- rectms Nutimml Trust, Umnpzmv, \AI'- Lhut Stewart, J. T. Rum-Ms, \V. R. Mulvck, J. E. Smith, R. A. 31nd Mrs. Hal-vie. Dr. and Mrs. (lm'lnett, H. Al- ston. D. H. (Jumper; E. F. llulchius and R. J. Campbell fur Sinking Fund trustees. Members of Uummcx-uinl Club, etc. THE J UNE DELINEATOR. The Late John Russell. uf L50 mug- " Us a grace- vvr of Hun- Trustworthy lady or gentleman to manage business in his county and adjoining territory for well and favor- ably known house of solid financial standing. $20.00 straight cash salary and expenses paid each Monday by check direct from headquarters. Ex- pense money advanced. Position per- manent. Address Manager, 810 Como Block, Chicago, Illinois. m-o two collng tales. “At the \Vludow of Paradise.” by R. H. Barbour, and “Bailley‘s Sister,” by Allan P. Amps. A nontrihntion of great interest is the I Chim-su and Indian photographs in the “Around the \Vorld" series. As views these are so beautiful, and so {uâ€" , alislic so away from the trite, in de- I tail. that every one who looks at them must experience unusual pleasm-o. Dr. 1 Grace Peckham Murray's article on i the. "Cure of the Neck and Arms.” will , he found helpful to many women. I Mrs. Harris is agent for this monthly. A meeting (If the Oak Ridges Tenny- son Club was held on Monday even- ing. May 9. at, the residence of Mrs. (J. B. Newhery to conclude the hnsinesr; of the svamm, and to reorganize the Tennis Club. Aftm the various 1-0- pm'ts WPre read and adopted the fol~ lowing ofiicel-s were elected: 91-93., Miss Louie Logge; Vice.â€"PI-es., Miss Ada Imgge; Svc‘y. Miss EthPl LngP; Treas., Mr. A. E. Newbery. The Club is to nwet every Monday evening al- tm-natvly (In the lawns of Mrs. Fred. Luggp and Mrs. G. B. Newbvry. After the business pox‘tiun of the meeting was concluded the Club pi-esente Miss Ethel Logge with a handsome edition (if Shukespere as a mark (-f their appreciation of her services in (-nndncting the Literary portion (if their meetings dui ing the season. H. \V. Hudgin. Mm. 8:10.. F.G.(‘.\I. (Lnnd.). teacher of Voice Pl-mlucLiun, Singing. Pinnn. Organ and Tammy. ()n stuff of Turonto (Jullvge of Music. \\'ill be at Richmund Hill and North nn Tuesday (vm'mu-y for fnur more pupils): Thm-nhill and sumh nn Thursdays and Saturdays (vacancy for two mmp pupils). \Vc “iere pleased to see Mr. Ernest Pleasunce. of Maple, formerly Of this place at church once more. “Come again.” Miss Ethel Patterson has accepted a situation in the city. One certain young gentleman ap- pears to have found his hat int-mun- cinus. “All is fair in |0ve or war.” \Ve m-v pleased to hear Mr. Norman Bowen is convalescent. Mr. H. Pleusuncc is gracing his villa with u now fence. Our lttle village extends its welconm to Messrs. Bumble. and MrMill-am. w‘ 0 have moved onto Mr. Cnnk’s farm, fin-lule ni-cnpii-d by Mr. I’le-asancu. There cmst a “nil from Solomon’s court \Vlmb can the trouble ho. He's mourning the luss uf his pmm (lug spurt H195 sncl as sud (‘Hll be. Special nttentiun tn pupils prepar- ing for any examination at Unllr‘gu (.f )ousm'vatory. Pupils vex-y sm-uvs-- ful. For terms address 270 Chm-ch St. Miss Lottie Jackson of Niagara Fullsjs spending a few weeks with her friends here. The pulpit of our church was occupi- ed lust; Sabbath evening by Mr. Peth- ick of Richmond Hill. After preachâ€" ing a good sermon he sang several $0103 with guitar accompaniment, both to the edification of all present. Farmers are through seeding in this vicinity and both spring and fall crops 100k well. Mr. H. Jackson of Sherwood. has purchased from Dr. Sisluy the house lately occupied hy Mis. Rupert. Mr. Thunms Keys ishaving material fox-a cnncwte dwelling hunse drawn tn his lot where he purposes building. Miss Noble is having her in ink rosi- dence painted and when finisth it will present a very attractive appear- anoe. Dr. Sinclair of Buffalo. N. Y.. made a trip in his automobile fl‘UllI that, city to this village last week. He was ac- cmnpunied by his brother Rev. P. Simpson and daughter of Sonya. \Vhile here they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gm. High. The diphtheria patients at Hope. are progressing favorably and the card of warning has been taken down at uue of the houses, Mr. A. Travis has disposed of his tonm 0f ponies to Mr. H. Cousnus of \Vcston. \Ve regret to hear that oufim-ganist‘, Mr. \Vm. Tyndall, is ill. \Vc wish hipla speedy recoyel'y. Tux-onto. Manager Wanted. Oak Ridges Camrvi lle M USICAL. Llaple Mar. 17, 12 wks. 46-2 mus Douglas, Lucoy & Co’s Stockhnldcrs > wishing to use thi-ir six months‘ divi- dends now due will he ill‘l‘l'Psted in knmving that we h:l\‘(‘ill'|'£|ng('d u pluu ' whurohy tlwy may immediately se- [ cure- their full \‘alm‘. \Vl-ite us stut- i ing number uf shares. (if dividend pay- ers you hold and :unnnnt. due as pel‘ rate of October dividends and you will i hear from us at once. When you don‘t fee-l well you!" stomach is not Well. That is when the ills nfthe burly cmnmé-nce, and they will never and until the stunmch is made right. \Vhen Llw stunmch is . wrong the whole body is Iiuhlv Lu gu wrung â€"- Poisunous formations are ,thmwn into the circulation in tan ‘ great, a quantity fur the other organs 1to resist â€" Nerve tissue puisonedâ€" Sleepless, excitable, nervous, heart, irregular, headache. kidneys over- tuxed, backache. kidney pains, liver clngged, constipation and hOWl‘l trouble. You can end these afflictions iby helping the sit-much with ANTL ‘PILL. It, is just, what, a deranged stmnzurh needs. an ("an prnvo fur _ymn'S(-lf hy atldnâ€"ssing VVilsun-Eylr‘ Spectator Bldg. “When we mnke customer mach a & Switzer. Thomas Bran died at, York Mills Tuesday. May in his 75m year. The romains of the lute J. H. Steak- ley will be laid to rest this :Iftvl'mmn in Dixun's Hill burying ground. Dr- ceased die-d at his hume at Bethesda; in his 79th year. Hon. Richard Harmurt, MinistPr 0' Education and Hon. E. J. Davis, cum- missinner of Crown L:Inrls,\villaddI-osa a meeting of the Nurth York tenchst :ItAllI‘Ol‘il, nn Thursday, the 19th of The foundation stone Methndist church will Lstkay on the 24th of Mn M Mr. N. A. Campbell. who graduated fi-mn Kunx Cvllrge‘ in April. and was licensed h)’ the Presbytery nu VVvd: m-sday (If last week, has received a. call fxom the Presbyterian Chum-h Mt Newmanth at, :1 stipend of $1,000. The m-diimtiun and induction of Mr. Campbell will take place in New; nmi-ket on thr 26th of May. stmuach needs. me can prnvo for yourself by addnâ€"ssing VVilsun-Fyln Um, Niagara Falls. Out" for a. {rep trial hum». Regulnr size 50 cents (an. monl h’s treatment). V‘Vhyare there so nnmy “don’t feel. Well" mnments? \Vhat is "1,-th cause of these- aches and pains? Can I banish (In-m. How to Help Your Girls. IUII‘UH HI no. I“ Hi “'HO CANNOT BE CL'RED. Backed up by over a third of a century of remarkable and uniform cures, a record such as no other remedy for the diseases and weaknessess peculiar to women ever attained, the proprietors and makers of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription now feel fully warranted in offering to pay $500 in legal money of the United States, for any case of Leucorrliea, Female Weakness, Pro- lapsus, or Falling of “lamb which they cannot cure. All they ask is a fair and n-amnnblc trial of their means of cure. WoaLD’s DISPENSARY LIEDICAL A550. curios. Prqprietor§._ Buffalo, 1:1. Y._ r‘lr‘élcie fir. Pi‘ercefls Pleasant Pellets instead of any other laxanve. The anxious mother of the family often. times carries the whole burden of respon- sibility so far as the home medication 0! common ailments of the girls or boys are concerned. The cost of the doctor’s visits are very often too great for consideration. At such times the mother is invited to write to Dr. R. V. Pierce. of Buffalo, N. Y., for medical advise, which is given free. Cor- respondence is held strictly confidential. Dung] a y. $500 REWARD FOR WOMEN INVESTMENT EXCHANGE co. C. H. ROUTLIFFE, Mgr. glus, [Single copies, 3 cts‘ N ews N ones Talk to Yourself. Dividends. )n stone of a new :h will he laid at, lth of May. to u small pmfit the‘ a big gain. Atkinson dieflr at, his horm- Hamilton, Canada. 17. He was}

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