Changeâ€"World's Dispensary Medical Assoc'n Gauge-4457.51)†5: Co. W... unduly-nu: (1n UuuuHuâ€"u.u. fl]... ._ , ( hangsâ€"The Russ)“ Hardware Co Changeâ€"J Huh changeâ€"P. (2‘ Savage 6; Son Changeâ€"J A Johnston 6:00 Lhuugeâ€"W A Sanderson Tendersâ€"J 11 Mr “can Court of Revisionâ€"C H Btivar Btmyedâ€"W l" bichnlls Seed Potatoes-H 14 Heine Notica to Creditorsâ€"W Conk Rev. Prof. Wallace of Victoria College, who preached forceful ser- mons in the Methodist Church here last Sunday, referred to the regret- table fact that so few of our young men are offering themselves as can- didates for the ministry. The ser- mons were preached on behalf of the educational institutions of the church, and the speaker took occasion to say that a fund was necessary from which students, preparing themselves for the ministry, could borrow until such time as they were able to re turn the money, without interest. The fund was necessary from the fact that few of the young men who went forth to preach the gospel be. longed to families of wealth. The profession of a minister is an honor- able one, yet we have only to look around us to see that the number offering themselves for this line of work is on the decline. Scores of bright young men from our High School have been educated as teach- ers, laWycrs, doctors and men of business, but the number to enter the ministry is exceedingly small. Why should this be ? “’e would mt like to think the decline is ow- ing to indifl‘erciee to religion. No doubt one of the causes is the in- adequate income paid to young preachcrs, and the distant prospects of promotion. It is unfortunate that such obstacles should stand in the way of those who are imbued with an earnest desire to save souls. The call to the ministry should not be looked upon as a call to riches or to a. life of ease, but such a call should appeal to the best that is in a young man. No other sphere can give him a better opportunity to be a man among men, and challenge the best in everything that is worthy of man- hood. The lite of an earnest chris- tian minister is often a hard one, but he will have a wide ï¬eld for every talent he possesses, and he win he in a position to help on many occasions through life the sor- rows of the. rich and poor alike. A bright and pious student is a credit to any community, and those who haveadesirc to preach the gospel should receive every encouragement. One of the popular suhjgcts for discussion these days is Church Unior. It may be years Lefore the propossed Union of the Method- ist, Presbyterian and Congregational Churches is consummated, but the letters and addresses of many of the l-uders in those congregations 'durâ€" ing the last few weeks show the necessity of such a union. Much mrrespondence in various news- papers has been carried on in a brondminded spirit, and the con‘ tributions go to show that the above I named churches have been gradualiy ] drawing closer together. It is true all three denominations differ some- what; in doctrine, but many little} differences can easily be brushed aside if the great object of Christian ' churches is to persuade mankind to? lead holier lives, to persevere in the work of helping fallen humanity. Particular doctrine is so little rc- l ferred to uow-a-days in the pulpit, and the preaching is so similar in Methodist. and Presbyterian Churches, that, as a rule, it would be difï¬cult for a stranger to know the denomina- tion of the preacher to whom he is New Advergisements. Rxcaifoxn HILL. May 19. 19M YOUNG MEN “'ANTE CHURCH UNION. listening. There will be heartburns and probably bad feeling in dif- ferent congregations when the ques tion comes up as to which church will be closed at some hamlet or cross-roads, but the union of the above named churches will only be a matter of time. burn) or “zooâ€"Imp. Clydesdale. the property 01 l) 0 Steele, will be M Richmond Hill. Mauls. Oak Ridges, Victoria Square, Thornâ€" hilletc. 'l‘ci'ms $14. mm WATTmâ€"lmp Clydesdale, the property of Blough Jz Legue. wxll be m. 103 2 mm 4 old aurvev King.King Cuy. Ouk Ridges, Bogar- town, Newman-lion etc. Terms 311. Lulu) MACQUEEN â€" Clvclesdule smlliun, the property of W. J. Wells, will he at Tempur- nucavv’lle. Whitchurch. Newumrlmt. Aurora, Kettleby etc. 'l‘ei-mssm. Rout. HATTON‘Clydesdale stallion. tte prop- orby of Bloughdz began. “ill be at King Olly, Maple, Aurora. Oak Ridges aw. ’l‘eruis all. PRINCE Lucnmmm â€" Clydesdale scallion, the property of J E Teeson, W1†stand ul. his own stubleJol‘. 2 con 2 Minimum. ‘l‘enus $11). Fouls“ Buryâ€"'l‘mttiug-bred stallion. the prop- erty of W Meek, will stand at. his own stable. EALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed “Tender for additions to Examining \Vm'ehouse, Toronto. Ont.,†will he received at this ofï¬ce until Thursday, May 19, 1904. iiiclusively, for the ad- ditions to the Examining \Varehouse. Toronto, Ont, according to plans and speciï¬cation to be seen at the Ofï¬ce oi H. E. Hamilton. Supt. Dominion Public Buildings, Examining \Vare- house, Tor-onto, and at the Depart- ment, of Public “'orks, Ottawa. Tenders “'illnot he considered un- less made on the printed form sup- plied, and signed will) the actual sig- natures of the lenderers. An accepth check on a chartered hank, payable tn the. order of the Honorable the Minister of Public \Vm'ks, equal tn ten percent. (l0 p.c.). of the amount of the tender, must. acâ€" company each tender. This check will be forfeited if the party tendering decline the contract or fail to cum- plt-tn the work contracth fur, and will be nelnrned in case of non-accept- ance of tender. V 7The Department does not bind itself to accept the lmw-st 01' any tender. Bv m-dm‘. ' FRED. GE LINAS. Department of Public \Vorks. Ottawa May 4. 100%. Newspapers inselcing this flde'llih‘O- ment without authority from the De- partment. will not be paid for it. .â€"n House with two acres of land nn moud street. Guud stable, with orchard, apples, pears and fruits. Vaughan Council. The next meeting of the Council 0! the Munici palicy of Vaughan will be held in the Town Hall. Vellore, on THURSDAY. MAY 28, 1904 aim gavtttiacmmta. Stallion Register TO RENT. at 10 8.111 App] y to P. G. SAVAGE. J B menu)â€. clung Secretary. Rich- small small +++++++++++++++++++++++++ a“:+++++++++++++++M++WH~§§ TENDERS FUR CU'AL, Sealed tenders, addressed to the Pi-nvincial Secretary. Parliament buildings, Tux-unto, Marked “ Tenders for Coal.†will he received up to noon on Monday, May 23rd, for the delivery of such quantities and qualities of coal in the shvds of blw fullnwing Provincial institutions on 01' before the 15th of July next. viz.:â€"Torontu. London, Kingston, Hamilton, Mimico, Bi-ockville, Uohuurg. Ol'llllil and Pene- ta‘ng Asylums; also the Central Prison, Mercer vavrniatm-y, Deaf and Dumb Institute, Belleville. Blind Institute. Bi-antford. Spociï¬catinns of the qualities and quantities of coal required and forms of application may he obtained an ap- limtion [n the Department or from the Bul-szu‘s of the respective institu- tiuns. Tenderers are to spvcify the mine of (nigin and the quality of respective kinds of coal, and furnish evidence nn delivery that tho coal is of nrigin specxï¬cd. fresh mined and up to the standard of trade grades. Delivery subject, to satisfaction of ofï¬cers of Department of the Provin- cial Seu'y, who may require addition- 21.1 deliveries, not, exceeding 20 per cent†up to 15th of July, 1905. u- .1 Tenderrs will be received for the Whole quantity Specified, or for the quantities required in each institution. An accepted check for $500, payable to the older of the Honorable >tbe Provincial Secretary, must he furnish- ed by each tenderer. and two suf- ï¬cient, sureties will he required fun the due fulï¬lment of each contract. Theluwem 01- any tender not neces- sarily accepted: n Hm“ . mmn‘V 1'- @15- Llï¬Ã©â€™fiz‘iléo 9 $1.00 IN amuse. COURT 0F REVISION UBLICINOTICE is hereby given to all Whom it may concern. that the FIRST SITTING OF THE COURTOF REVISION for the Village of Rich- mond Hill will be held in the Council Chamber on At 8 o’clock p. 111. To hear and determine an appeals against, the Assessment Roll ful'the current year, of which all pexsnns in- terested are required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. M. TEEFY, Clerk. Clerk’s Ofï¬ce, RICHMOND HILL GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. Michael Bros., June 11, 1003 May 13th, 1904. Coal and Provincial Seoretm‘y, Pallinment Buildings, Toronto. MW UAY. MAY 30I 1904, B iC-lnnond Hill There is n. he made anywherr- that is supenwr to it in an) Tr- spect. It makes the. ï¬nest, fl‘kiest, whitest brem', the lightest his- Cuits, the must bri*tle and ap peï¬zing pie- crust, the most superb cake it and you will be convinced. URGRA BELLE FLQUR J. HALL. MUNICIPALITY OF â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-Sold Byâ€" ï¬ce, Richmond Hill, May 10th, 1904. 1904: j \Vood Dehvered. ‘1‘ices Right. GOAL J. R. STRATTON. WOOD 4548 .3...» @ifl‘iiiiii’iiFFF in;avowwwnwvflnwnw4% Seï¬Ã©Ã©ï¬téï¬ï¬Ã©Ã©ï¬ttï¬Ã©Ã©ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬Ã©QQQQtaééï¬Ã©Ã©Ã©tï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬r‘éï¬Ã© $9©9§9§3®9§5Q3Q§g®9$3©5 METROPOLi‘iâ€"AN STORE $TRIG§1§RE$ 5?; DR. SPINNEV. Founder of Dr. Spinney & Co. FRESH GBOCEBIES, BOOTS SHOES, AND BUBBERS. T. B. LUQFQRB, Prep. SOAPS OF Fir_e 85 Life Insurance. ACCldent Insurance. NEW WELHWS’ :: : SWIM mam Tuesday, May 24, ’04. A. G. Savage, â€" IN THE â€" AGRICULTURAL HALL 0n 290‘NOODWARD AVE" DETROIT. MICH. We carry a complete line of Agent for Pianos. Richmond Hill. Call and see our stock Strictures. no mattcrw‘iere located. are apt to involve the surrounding structures. If neglected or improperly treated, urethral stricture will produce distressing symptoms. Cut. ting. stretching and tearing are the old barbnrous methods of treating this disease. The strictly modern and original meth- ods employed by us are free from the horrors of surgery and are absolutely safe and harmless. The abnormal stricture tzs- sue is dis<olverl and leaves the channel free and clear. All un- naturnldischargeseease. any irritation or burning sensation disappears, the Kidneys. Bladder. Prostate Gland and other surrounding organs are strcumhened and the bliss of manhond returns. Uur ADSORI‘TIVE TREATMENT will positively cure you. YOU CAN FAV WHEN CURED. We Cure Varicocele. Blood and Skin Diseases. Nervous Debiiity. Strictures. Bladder. Kidney and Urinary Diseases. CONSULTATION FREE. Question List For Home Treatment Sent Free. SWNNEV $3 See our exhibit of Lcly sink-78nd 13a flux! and leaves :chanzcs cease. :c ghauncl free and clear. All gn- ,- n-rimlion or burning sensation adder. Prostate Giand and other re the old bannF riclly modern an mm the horrors KINDS.