E112 gihcml. (‘vrnqunt sets fm AL Offlco. It costs nuthing In see our gnr Give us an early can. Atkinson Switzor. The‘Epwm-th Imung cars on Friday nw-ning The Public School horn will br- 0105‘ 0.1 tn-dny and (n-mnn-nw mving tn the cmu-vntinn of Nun-Ll] Yurk ll’ilClN‘I's, to he held in Alll‘t'l‘fl. Rev. Father 'I‘vufy lms lam-n up fI-mnthe (-ity [hie \vm-k visiting his father. Pnslmuslr-x- Tvcfy, who has lwt-n suffering from a severe attack ()flugrippe. . Owing to a broken wire at York Mills on Saturday tlw ï¬rst. Melin- pnlimn our frum the south did nut l'ouch here until the middle of mu furvlluon. Seodsâ€" Mammoth me Mnnguld, Yellow Globe Mnngvl. Sugar Mange-l, Danik‘h Sugar Bret. Turnip and (‘m- l‘ut, Seed, Seed Corn and Buckwhle allnt right prices. Nuughtvn Bmsq Elgiu Mills. Next Sunday, morning and even ing. nunivvrsnry st'rumns will lw reached in the Methmlisl, clnuch 1:)- av. E. A. Pun-sun, B. A.. Aurm-n. Special mmic is living prepared by 1h:- g‘hoir. Collecxiuns in aid of Trust Fund. Bnntsand Shuesâ€"â€"“'o are still suc- l'iï¬cing our large stud: of summon- fuutwonr. We have grout lmlgains in lioys’und girls‘ school boots. (fllll (ll-en’s ï¬ne. hunts and shoes, Women’s Oxfords and heavy milking shoes. Naughton Brus., Elgin Mills. _ Mr. H. A. Nichnlls, I). I). G. M. fun- this district, will prvside M. a. high- clnss concert, in be gii-vn under tlw auspicvs of Markham Uniun LOng, A. F. & A. M.. in the Town Hall. Markham, on Friday eveningnfihis week. As thvpmcoedsm-e in aid ml" the Sick Children‘s Huspitzil. nu dnnm the Worthy object will receive lilneml patronage. Hon. E. J. Davis, Commissioner of Crown Lands has made :u-mngmnents for township survvys in New Ontario district. The pi-Uanvd townships will be named "va1- \wllâ€"knnwn Canadians and famous (church leaders. One uf the new Lownsllips will he named Teefy after Rev. Father Teefy, son of our esteemed Post-master. The friends are requvsted to keep in mind the :ecmid Saturday and Sunday in June for the annual sports. and anniversary semmns will be pl'vm-he‘d in connectiun with the VictnrinkSqum 0 church. Furth xmlice will be given by bills. DIEAES AT THE CHURCHES. ‘ As usual the lzulivs of the Presbyâ€" tl-rian and Mvthodist churches will furnish at hot dinner and an enjoyable ton. on the 24th of May. Dinner frum 11 to 2, tea from 5 to 7. The ladies sn- licit, patronage on that (lay, and will do all in their power to make their [riehds comfortable. If you don't, ï¬nd othvl- stud-es cmue still, cume to ours Switzer. AN UP-TO-DATE-ULOCK. The cluck-nmking industry . in America, has advanced by leaps and hounds during the past quarter Ufa century. To prndlwc precision, clocks that, will actually mensme time to the second, hst for yours Occupied the timenud brains of the must skilled mechanics. A gund sample nf the latest and closest rating regulator clocks can he stern in Mr. Jerry Smith’s shup. manufactured hy the \Valtham Cluck Co. This Cluck is worth $400 and guaranteed to rate within two seconds per month, if Placed where it receives wry little jar. l‘he pendulum is charged with mer- cury (to overcome variations. caused by changes in temperature) and le- ceives its impulse by the force of grav- ity through twu pallet aims, which are alternately raised from, and re- leased against the pendulum every second. By using gnuin tn \‘ihrnte the pendulum, that pnwei which has the least vibration is applied. The case. is mu.th of mahogany, and has plate-glass front sides and hack. The : purchase of such an expensive clock evidently shnws the interest Mr. ‘ Smith takes in his business. The. tennis season has nnw mum. and two of the Courts 11!: the Park are ready for use. Thuse intending to plny tennis this season should call on the sec’y. Mr. Shaw, and get their membership tickets as $001) as pos- sible. The game was entered into very enthusiastically lust your and it is tn he hoped the same. interest. may he kept, n this season. Snne by- InWS passe last year were : No one to play until the membel ship fPe he paid. Rubber soled shoes to be won; 0' Un- courts. Members after playing one set. t givu way to (ï¬ber players waiting. The pl-Iyers Using the nets lustt take them in. RICHMOND HILL, May 19. 1004 st, year were : play until the member- TENNIS. sule at THE mem- what, you want in to ours. Beth-1' ï¬â€™.~st. Atkinson & see our goods: will e-loct l-iï¬- nf this week. On Saturday. May 21, there will l=e an auction sale of ï¬rst-class hnusehold furniture. dishes. Plumb the residence, Unimu'ille. the property of Mrs. A. Sther. Sale at, one u’clm-k. Terms, cash. J. 11. Premier. nuctinueer. In stark here (‘rn'ylun Grs-vn. C(‘yInn Black, Japan and Hyson Tensâ€"which dn you use? Ynu (tun (h-[H-nd that each tea. is the w-ry lwst uf its kind. The IIr'S | 5 ry uur 'l‘vns pllH‘S I eat, tlwir quality clmict‘s nude with us. Mr. \V J. Hnwau'd uf Amhm‘. offs-rs a $3cush prize for host. yuan-ling cult m- ï¬lly ail-ed by Bulnlunnn. M H)" (‘()l|1~ ing fair on the 21th «If May. This prize was inndeh-nLly omitted in umking nut the prize list. Arrungmnonts ï¬ll" the July (‘xnminâ€" atinns pxm ide that llw following 0x- muinulinns begin at 8.45 :1. 11).. un the 4th hf July :â€"DisLl~ict. (:vrtiï¬cutv, jun- ior mntriculutinn, junim- leaving (Part. II), senior leaving m~l1mml nmtriculu- lion, and commercial specialists. mninulinns 4th «If July im‘ mutricu II), senior] lion, and (:1 MAPLE \V. M. S. The annual meeting of the \annn‘s Missiunul‘y Snuivty fur tlw elwtinn 01' ofï¬cers was held at thv hnnw (If Mus. Thomas Oliver, \Vrdm‘sduy aftm- nunn, May 11. The fullmving afï¬rms were elevtod: â€" President, Mus. ()huntler; lstv.Vi('0-Pws..Mrslhvnsnr: 2nd Vice-Pres†Mrs. Tlmnms Oliver; Rec. 890., Mrs. Snigmm; (‘vmz Sum. Mrs. Byam: Trms., Mrs. Cruddnck; Organist. Mrs. Kilhy. “ \Ve go {with were t-lvvtvd: â€" President, Mus. ()hnntler; lstv.Vi(-o-Prvs..Mrslh-ensm-: 2nd Vicv-Pn-s., Mrs. 'l‘lmmns Oliver; Rmz Sea, Ml's. Snigmnn: (‘vmu Sum, Mrs. Bynm: Twas., Mrs. CruddnL-k; Organist. Mrs. Kilby. “ \Ve g0 {with into nut-thew year’s work, humth trusting mn- Hom‘rt-uly Father, and lookng to Him for guidance.†Selected giant sugar mnngnld, sugar beet; long red mungold, giant yellow half-lung mnngnld, purple-ml.) Swve-d turnip sendsin bulk and pnckngrsut. lowest, price. Atkinson & Swims-1'. sugar. powdex yellow sugarâ€" son 3: Switzer. H‘it'd those plows pmncuuce them gnnd. Farmers il'ltvrv-sted should he on the look out for Mr. Almitage’s exhibits an the 24th nf May. The Toronto News 01" Fridny lust contained a very gund portrait of the lam Mrs. Wm. Shaw, who (lied at \Vhithy a. few days ago, at, the age of 90 years. Deceased 'was formerly Mar-y Stockton Jenkins, (laughter (If Rev. Wm. Jenkins, fm In 1-1}? of Rich- mnnd Hill. The f:anin also liwrl :lt Auromsumu years ago. The News’ correspnnrlent says that, decmsnd was married sixty yvars “gm and that " General Brock acted as gmnummun at the wcdding.†AQ Gmwrul Bun-k fell in the war of 1812 it is diï¬ivulb tn understand how that grail snldim could attvnd :1 wedding that was celebrated 60 years ago. All tle is now nocessm-y tn ensnle asuccossful day on the 2-1tl1 is ï¬ne weather. Thvlist uf entries will h» large. and gnnd oxhihits are exp-u ted in all dupnrtments. 'l‘lw fnntlmll tournament, for cash pv-izv of $16.50 starts at 11 a. 11)., and \hvw will he a good program of spn‘ls in the after- nonn. ln thv hm-se vii-g the principal. item will he the open (rot or pure for a purse of $100. Markham Imnd will supply Imuic during the afternoon. The program fur tlu- concert in the evening cuntains the nnmvs of Mr. Arthur Blight. Miss Max-191m Ln Dell, Miss Emily Scum, and Mr. Hurvny Lloyd, with Mm. \V. E. Ramsay us piano uccmnpnnist. A number of pupilx‘ (If Mr. H. \V. Hudgin. Mus. Ban, F. G. C. M.. gave .1 i'vcitnl at Mrs. Bowes’ residence, Thm‘uhill. on Saturday Inst. A very cmnprehensive pmgmm was present- ed, and all acquitted themselve very Croditnhly, showing midwives of care‘ ful training and hard wmk at, prac- tice. Particularly enjoyable were the numbers rendered by Mr. H. Francis and Miss M. Buwvs. huth of whom give promise of hon-mnng artists in pinn'opluying. Twn other enjoyable numbers “'PI'F the “(300" song by Miss lmig. and “For all 1%?! nity†by Miss Elvlim-e C. Atkinson who ls‘ possessed nfa ï¬lm rivh contmlm \‘nioe. The fullmving is tlw program : Overture, “\Vln. Tt'll“. . . .Miss Bmves Overture, “Faust†. . . Miss M. Heslop Elvnm-e U. A of a ï¬lm rivl fullnwing is! 0\""l‘t.ul't‘, “V Overture, “F Slumber Sou “'J‘urantelle" . . . . . . . . Miss A. “Cradle Song" . . . . . . Miss L91". Song. . . .Mise E. C. Atkinson Sung . . . . . . . Miss A. A. (‘I-uig Prayer to Virgin . . . . Miss I \Vcdding i‘lill‘L‘l) (anffngyin) V Miss Nellie Brown Hallelujah Chorus, Spring Syng“ ' Miss anes Evening Snng(\'ioiin)1\1iss L. Francis Another recital is announced to take place the thinl Week in June. Fine Vn‘lnncionne Laces :It 3, 4, i and 81-. yd. Fine :xplflique trixmni a: 8. 1D. 12.14. 15 am 206. yd. I 40 in Victmin lawns at 10. H. 12' and 200. yd. Atkinson é: kazer. Extr RECIT EXHIBITS COMING IN. VICTORIA DAY HERE ':L gmnnluted sugar, Paris lungp powdertd sugar, icing sugar. sugarâ€":1 big $‘s \Vul‘H). Atkin- NINETY YEARS OLD. SPECIAL PRIZE JULY EXAMS. ‘AL AT 1. 'l‘x-ll". . . . Miss Bmves st" . . . Miss M. Heslop Inventiunne XIV Mr. H. Francis , . . . . . Miss A. Cnllmun . . . . . Miss Lena Allison I. L‘. Atkinson, Torontn :5 A. A. (‘I-uig. Toronto in Miss E. 1. Lane Atkinson & Switzor. THORNHI LL. brixmnings yd. Fine: Sevding is about, through in this locality. Mr. A. E. “'illinms had :1 ploughing he on Monday. The nv-ighhurs turn- ht- ed Miss .Immiv Eym- uf Toronto. is Visiting Mrs. C. P. Road. Mr. HllIuphn-ys wvnt tn Tm-(mtn (o the 'I‘mrhm-s‘ Umnmlic n and remain- ed ti“ Monday. Mr. Stnm- is dning 1 rushing busi- nes\~ in the Rad Star binder twiuo. No distimtlinn of piles that Hm 'l‘hn- mum->1 in: ing. blind, iL1‘llil are simply um stugvs lhrungh l’lle-s m-e- ( shlgmninn n lmwvl. :1an il tn rrmnw- LI) “1‘. I‘m-uh: l'(-t lnkn-n intz It is n nf piles l to (‘lth A FEW' Tl \llCivY FACTS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Mr. \V. S. .‘ulw'lir, after spending six months lllltl' r mu instructions, is now earning: 5‘15) pvr work for six hours work pm (lay. at Mmuprfls Tvnn. Miss No-llio- Unison. after ï¬re months†t. lining. is now with the \VI‘SU'I‘II Union lvlvgraph company at Bellini, naming $70 per month. Mr. “I. ll. l'ltltlgsun, alter four Iunnths’ training. is now with the C. P. R. at '1‘\Verd.0nt.. warning $10.00 per month. Nlluu'rvtlS ntlwrsam' being placed in equally as good positions. Our winter term opous January 4th. and those desiring to takv up the work should vnroll on or ht‘fore that «late to ensure- them a. position in the spring or Parly snunm-r. Five Conumtt'llt instructors of exceptional ahilily arr ghng theil pe-rsnnal and individual attention to the rapid :Ithullct'annt of our pupils. Young ladies are- prvparvd for com- mvrcial telegraph positinns,and young mvn for the same and railway posi- tions as operators. train dospatcheis, agents. etc. This is a profession not, (wvrcrowdwl, and om» which will com- mand str-ady vmploymenb the year around at, good wages. \Vrite at once for particulars as to terms, etc. Can- adian Railway Instruction Institute. Cor. College and Yong? Sts., Toronto. \VANTED. SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE in this munty and adjuiuing le-n-ilm'iPs, to I'Ppl‘k‘sr’nt and advertise an old estab- lished business llllllse of solid ï¬nancial standing. Salary $21 weekly with oxpvusvs advancin each Monday by vlwok direct fmm headquarters. Hm-se and buggy furnished when new. sax-y; position pt‘rmanoub. Ad- dress Blew Bu s. 3.: 00.. l\1mmnBldg.. Chicngn, Ill. ‘out. in goodly Mr. Ale-x. E} (-r njisyyutï¬nndu «£5 if i! I’ilvs : A Fix-stillms Nine-Runmed House with nf :lll Harv nf land. Gund stone foundation and cellar. Sittmtcd on Yonge street. Richmond Hill. Apply to FOR SALE Keep the boweis reguiaiirwlth Aye-“s Pills. just one pull each night. Three thousand dollars to loan at a. a law rate of lntt‘l est un first-mutt- gage fauu property, Apply at, t. 5. THE LI BERAL. OFFICE. 1‘1“th Sarsaparéiia “ For more than 50 yearn I have used A cr's Ssnapnfllla In my bunny. n is I grand onic It gll Umeu. and a wonderful! mrdiduu for im- pure blood."â€"D. C. HOLT, We“ Haven, Conn. 51.00 a bank. a. C. “'33 co. Alligumisu. Lowell. .‘hsx ‘1‘" .â€" When the nerves are weak everything goes wrong. You are tired all the time, easily discouraged, nervous, and irritable. Your checks are pale and your blood is thin. Your doctor says you are threatened with a nervous breakdown. He orders this grand old family medicine. ‘ Money To Loan Weak Nerves Read hmngh lel m Vinegar Hill Il]l(‘.l ~â€"(,) 13â€" I'll ills DEC A'I‘HS \V. E. \V I LE Y, TO RENT Difference. ml»- had :1 ploughing The nv-ighhurs turn- mmth-s. wich and two child- : with his sister, Mrr‘. I h m my package. lid l'lll'l-‘S. l. ('xll‘l’ml]. lllevd- nppm-uting. etn.. nf the (“ï¬fe-rent 1-)) (way ease will mg t-rmugh. .y wmxgvstinn m .luntl in the lawn- u internal remedy uw and no case I found it failed III-Raid is Apr. 21, 6 wks. Riulnmmd Hm. 15 to the kind tub The Prm‘ince is full of Distemppr nmuug h: ru-s and many valuable unim- nls m-o being ruinr‘rl by being neglects-(1, \Vhith trfLen causes brnken wind. ' YORKSAIRE UUUGH :md HIVE GUI-{E immediately stops the disuuse- and Used and vac-omende hy leading Votinarios and Stockmgn, always gives satisfaction lit-cause it. makes all kinds uf stuck lhlive. cures the cough. Yorkshire Stock F0061 Gent.lemen.~â€"I can strongly recom- mend ankshil-e Stuck Fund for horses and cattle- uut of condition. I have. recommended it in my practice for twenty years and consider it. is the premier stock fund in the market. Suld in Richmond Hill by George McDonald, Harness and it Toronto by ' f Here’s a = = I Curiasfl‘sa Yorkshire Cough 85 Heave Cure mmm‘: You can out up the word “tea†to the last letter and always have tea. Look But you can’t tell the quality of the article you buy by the number of letters in the word. T-E-A is not always pure tea and T may n0L be only one third pure. “ VVhat’s in a name ?" If you want good Tea PURIâ€"TEA This makes a tea ï¬t for a King to drink or any Canadian citizen; when you want this kind call on Gua “Mood to cure Distmupor. Epizunï¬c, bmkvn wmd m hurses. Tea, Thos. McConnell, V. S. you can always get it no matter how the word is spelt, and no better tea . in the market than our Green and Black teas. \Ve guirantee these ingredients: _ ‘W‘W MKWSQN & SWITZER. ï¬griculturul DI-[yggis‘t§. Now is the time to select your paint for Spring decoration. We have a large stock to choose from, made from strictly pure leads and oils, guaranteed by the makers. Also garden tools of all kinds; lawn mowers, all sizes and prices to choose from. All kinds of repairing prompt;- l_\' attended to. LAWN MOWERS PAENTS A SPECIALTY. JABQB EYEB 3:; SEN Richmwd an: Toronto, A pril 4th, 1900. QUALLTEA QUANTLTEA EJ123533» ‘f‘: ur*,x2:ï¬Â£xmmm .Iohnston é": nggiwls. 171 King St East, Toronto. Opposite Clyde Hotel, Scurbm-o Tp. Dun P. 0. February mm, 190}. Gentlvmvn.â€"\Ve have used York- shire Stock Fund fur years and know from experience that, it is far superior tn any other stock food in the market, it is a grand food fm- stock of any kind especially rattle and hogs. \Ve feed it rvgulm-ly. Farmers in our locality all enduxse it. ()mxghsa, Colds and David Duncan 8.: Sons Cï¬â€˜iï¬iï¬ï¬‚ mm