Until tunhar notice l-[ails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post. Ofï¬ce as follows:â€" M()RNING .. 800 EVENING . .. 6.25 R. B.--Eogistered Letters must be handed in 3 least. F‘xftoou Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours (or clouiun. OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.3C P M M. TEEFY. Postmaster. flame-an Toronto and Newmuket. GOING NORTH LenvoO P K Crossing 56 6. 7.20. 9.40. 11.1% 1.34), 2.40.}: ' 540: Leno Newmarket 11.15 a. m 7. 71;. m. Leave RIé‘iflnJHJ'HEiib.20. l0.80 a. m. 330. 4.35, 8.30, 8.35 p.111. Leave Rich maï¬a mu 7" ' ' 2440, 3.55. 4.55. METROPOLITAN TIME _T_ABLE And see if they want any repairing or sharpening. If they do. bring them now and do not wait till you are needing them. Prgaare for Spring. Stag! Hag Traughs 850. per Foot. All Kinds of lmple= ments Repaired. HARROWS 0F ALI. KINDS MADE TO ORDER. TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM COURT OF REVISION UBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to all whom It. may coucelu chum tbn ï¬rst pining o! the COURT OF REVISION for the Townâ€" ship of Markham will be held in Victoria Hall, Uniouvxlle on THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1994, At 2o'clock p_ m. to bear and determine on appeals ngmns'. tha Assessment Roll for the current your. of which all panama interestcd are reqmretl to take notice and govern themselves nccunliugly. C.H. ‘1\'BR.CXe|k. Unionviue. May m, 1904 NOTICE T132 PUBLIC Mixed Grain, 5 cents pm- bag. Oats 4 cents pm- bag. Up to the 24th of May. No use of letting water go to waste. \VANTBD â€"S|Ieoial chrnsentativo in Ibis county and ndj-uimug tertiwries to represent 3nd advertise an old established business house 01 solid ï¬unncmlsmuding. Slum-v *‘21 wc-ekly. with expenses. paid each Month“ by cheque direct; from handqum-ters. Expenses ndvuuced; position permment. We furnish ewrvthinq. Address. l'he Columbm, 630 “0110 Building. Ohicugqul 356 REAPERS, MOVVERS and RAKES, which 1 will be glad to have the Funnels inspect before buying elsewhere. Repairs furnished (m 21 hours notice. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTING COMPANY. The McCormick Machinery tukos the lead, and gives the very best satisfaction. I keep an haud ma- chinery. such as P53254381, Narrows POST OFFICE NOTICE GEO. COWIE, .I must thank the Farmers and other friends for the patronage they have given me in my short canvass for the GRAIN SHOPPING FARMERS ! . Mager, Prop. PATRONAGE SOLICITED. H. F. HOPPER. RICHMOND HILL. Now is the time to Made to order at Look over your Municipality of the GOING sunra Agent. 11.30 mm. 12.20. 2.20. 2. 3.15. Council met according tn adjourn- ment. on Tuesday May 10 at, 10 n. 111. All the members plesvnt. A Cumnmnicatinn “'us read from Dr. Young, Markham, stating that. he had been In attendance on Mia Clud. uf Cedar Grove. for about, ton weeks for which he presented u. bill to the council of $25. Francisâ€"Lappâ€"-Thut the followx Yonge St. accounts he paid : \Vm Chuttcrly. 7 days’ work ..$ 8 \anter Uhntterly. 1 day‘s work 1 M. Conley, 2 (luvs‘ work . . .. . .. 2 \V. anpor. breaking stone . . 12 M. Conley, “ " . 12 Fmunisâ€"Morrisonâ€" That, D. \Vur- rington be paid $32.47 for lumber. Fruncisâ€"Lappâ€"-Thn.t \V. J. Dcï¬tt. be given an order for following sewer pipe :â€"100 ft. 10 inch ; 75 feet, 24 inch ; 50 ft. 30 inch; 25 ft. 36 inch. on same terms as last year. an ..‘ v,L Fl':\hciSâ€"~L:Ipp â€" That 10 cents an [min- b» paid fur shnvelling snow. A LL __ -IA.J. “U... m r...“ W. _..‘..-__7,,c, ancisâ€" Lapp -â€" That the clerk notify the Grand Trunk Railway com- pany that: their luidge on side road. within their wild alluwnnce between lots 15 :md 16. con 8. is hudly in need of 1-9 air, nnd that they are hereby uuti 'ed to have the same attended to at once. _. . R ‘17 Francis-â€"l\Ioi-risonâ€"â€" That the Clerk notify all overseei-s who have not sent, in their returns to do so at once. \V. S. Reesor. 2 days work open- ing and repairing 2 culvvi-ts Opposite lot 5&I1ld 6. con. 11 .S 2 00 L. B. Strong, ï¬lling in 2 wash- outs :m(15 loads of stone be- tween lots 20 :md 21, con. 3 1'2 00 P. A. Millroy, ï¬lling in culvert on townline between Mark- ham and Seen-bum. . . . . . . . . . 93 P. Duncan, ï¬lling approach to bridge, lot, 4, cm). 3: impair- ing 2 culverts, lot10-11,(:on.2 3 00 Josh Homer, repairing railing and material for railing . . . . 8 36 \V. J. vaittv. to bu]. on concrete pipe for 1903 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 (If) R. Campbell, opening up ditch and culvert, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 Robert Goodyear, breaking ice at Unionville .. . . . . . . . . . . 50 Harperâ€"MUnisonâ€"That the follow- ing gravel accounts he paid :â€" ancey Bi'ns.. 108 yds. . . . . . . . . 14 04 That, when this council adjom-ns it stand adjourned to the 26th of May at 10 o’clock a. in. for general business and at 2 o’clock for a court, of revision. The tminingulusls 12 days. The mm- of pay is 500. .1 day and mtviuns, in- creasing for gnod cunducb and offici- ency to $1 a. day. Horse» pay $1 a day and fox-age supplied. All those who could bring an extra hm-se for this pay (or any one who has a suitable horsv to rent) communicate the fact at unce- tn_the gent lemn n whnsv name is lwlow. V Dahlgge (If Ina-so- up to $60, or loss of horse up to $100 paid by thv Unv- vernment. but, hunes aye gun-fly hurt The Annual Training at Niagara takes place on June 14th. The Gov. Gen. Body Gumd wishes to recruit, in {his District, and names nf those will» wish to join the Regiment to be given at, mice to the gt‘litltnnap lwlow. as t-hPy are Well fed, and the best care taken 0f [ht‘llh Recruits should be over 18 years of age. Fm-murs. m~ fzu-Im 1"s sous, uwn- ing their uwn horses preferred. Cavalry Training THE UOUR'I OF REVISION for Revising the Assessment Rolls of the vanship of Vaughan for the year 1904 will be held at the Town Hall, VcllOl-e. on VAUGHAN All parties interested are. hereby r0- qnested to take notice and guvex-n themselves accordingly. Maple, May 11, 1904. Mice m ï¬rediiars Pursuant to R. S. 0., chapter 1'39, section 38. nntice is hereby given that all parties having claims against the estate of the suid‘ Malcolm Manny. who died on or about, the 23rd day of January A. D., 1901. are requested to January A. 1).. mm. are requested to sund to Don:le Mullny. Tnstnn. Ad- ministrator. on or bt'ful'h' the 15ch day of JnnP, 1904, a statement, of their claims with their names and ad- dressvs together with the nature of the security, if any. held by them. And further take notice that, :nftm' such lust mentioned date the admin- istralor will proceed to (lg-liver the 46-49 assets of the eétute among the parties entitled thereto, having regard nnly tn the claims of which he shall then have rec-‘ivvd notice. Dated at Tmnnto this 13th day of May, A. D.. 1904. \VILLIAM COOK. 'i HUBSDAY, MAY 28. 1904. PUBLIC NOTICE Markham Tp. Council Lute of the cnunty of York, Farm- er, dFCEHSt (1. In the matter of the estate of Malcolm Malloy, MUNICIPALITY OF Saiicitor for Adluiuia‘tl‘.;tul‘. At 10 o’clock a. m. C. H. ELLSTON, Richmond Hill, Ont J. B. MACLEAN â€"â€"Thut the following Clerk of Vang '3 31d day of requested :0 Tostnn, Ad- the 15ch day $36 50 ‘han W. H EW 2 so N, HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. A. J. HUME’S, New Spring Goods, New Styles, New Prices, Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. RICHARDSON HOUSE RESIDENCE, RICIIM 0ND HILL See our stock of Housoclmning necessitiesâ€"clump and pure and gond. Bost French \Vhitihg Best, Zinc White “"hite Gllw Blank Glue HOUSE CLEANING '1‘ I N1 13 w. A. Sandersan DRUGGIST Falls from a. distance promptly attended to. l‘IAP] JE. THOROUGHLY REFITTED. Fine Furniture Varnish Fine Furniture Polish Household Ammonia. Pow. Ammonia. Pow. Bun-ax Moth Balls (Julnuinl Disinfectant. large bottle 25c. All other cleaners in stock. USP Ruhinsnn’s Ready-Mixed Paints, thp lwst and imperial measure For your new Suit you will ï¬nd Tailor, Richmond Hill FREDERICK BACK, Flop % Nuw is the time to see that your Harnv \ ca, . ‘ . . (59 ‘ and (Julius are m shape fur spring work. I I Geo. McDonald, Blchmond H.111 JOHN ROGERS,1 Seed Potatoes If H I , ll Seed potatoes1::29‘51telxts ps-r h;ng._ McCormack’s Call and see their Incubators, Etc., Etc. Eï¬â€"Qï¬w 979%“ ‘93}; $22: n!_l---- ._..l mu “ML..-†05...... fl Wigwam Hm Harm 3mm M. Campbell Fanning Mill Co. of 7 95mm VEGETABLE SICILIA T. . Hair Regime gayâ€"hair; then keep it. Perhaps non air Renewcr always restores color to flu" "on. . REESâ€"yank our then rcmemberâ€" all’s gray hair. Stos allig a I ALSO AGENT FOR THE of Chatham. AG s Harvesting Mu= chinery. EXT FOR. LAVVNâ€"MOWERS Sells Evervthingz Scalos. All prices. N0 snund-headvd man asks toâ€"dny “ Is in cheap to buy the best, harness ? †He knows, either hocuuso he‘s haul our harness and learned its wurth, or because he‘s had smne cheap stuff and learned its wurthless- ness. You can‘t, do better anywhere than hate when buying harness. HARNESg REASON Came to tho premimw of the u signed, Int 21, 4th con. Mal-khan or uhout Frida). May 13. 191 Bruucbn pony. T119 vau-r may the same by proving property paying expenses. VEGETABLE SICILIAN Seed potatoes MA 50 cents per 1 Apply H. R. HEISE (fl easu) 43-47 46â€"48 STRAYED \V. F. NICHOLS, Vi('t()l'ii| Squalrt‘. Yic‘wriu Sqmu the [UH ul'kham. bug I‘ll .‘SS ml