Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 May 1904, p. 1

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Baum ta!led,mud newlv furnished chronghout One of the most convenient :ud comfortable hotels on Yuuae Shreeb. Every modem con- venieme Smmle rooms for commerch travellers. Ani-iemistonningplm‘e for rHing or driving partiesJiicycliscs. or farmers going Mnrrebuminq from market. Electric cars pass the door Livery in 'onuectiun Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. 0.1.113 by day and night promptly at tended to. PALMER HO USE RICHMOND HILL, WANTED â€"FA[‘1‘B?UL PEhSUN T0 TRAV. 61 in: wall established house in a few countins. calling on mail uieichauts mud agents. Local territory. S‘ilar $200013“ week With expeu. sea mtdmmmLoJ payable in cash each week. Money (or expuuses advanced. Position per. manent. Business successful and rushing. Standud House, 830, Dailihnrn St. Chicago. .. ‘n m. , J J. H. SANDERSON, 1 Smoking Chair, 1 Kin-hen Cup- bnnrd. 3 Smth Tables. 1 Tuier Stand. 4 Bedstvuds, 1 Small Drvsser, l Parlor- Quevn Stove. 1 Kitchen Stove, l Smal! vae, :1 quantity uf stuve-pipvs. I L , , _ A A _, TERMS $1.00 PER DAY “I. C. SAVAGE - The undersigned has for sale a quzm tity of Seed potatnvs. 152. TH 0 M AS PA LM E R. IA‘ELLii'PI';;1I):; hair-cloth, 1 Cradle. 1 Bulxy~ca1 riage. \V. T. S_'I:O»REY,V JOHN R. CAMPBELT, neutal. DH. WM. RQS 'RS, l‘)enti:~'t. Room 12. 1‘24 Victoria 8:. Tom Best fitting tw‘th. also replutin lowest prices. Good \vm‘k. L [be "NH/r1". 'v‘n's it mpimls,'l‘umntu AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING 4 PUBLISHING HOUSE mounoxn HILL,0NI‘. DR. ARNOLD DE. MASON, l)cntis~‘t, “Will he in Richmnml Hill ever lst. and 3rd \Vedne-sday during June, Juiy and All-511:1, Oifice, next dunr north of Stand- anl Bank. '1‘91 .- VOL. XXVI. D3 W G L SPAULDING DR A W SPAULDING '1' . F . M031 A VETERINARY SURGEON Is PUBLISHED EVERY TH URSDAY M 3 RNING Dulce Hoursâ€"8 to m a. m; 12 to 2 p m 7 no 8 um. Odi cc [Inursâ€" w’. Roon1“A,"Yonge sh. Arcade. Toronto. Seed Potatoes. 5‘ RICHI‘AOND HILL $1 per annum, in advance.] VETERINARY SURGEON, 'i‘hornhill. 'phnnc M;th BBL FOR SALE 1or. Chm-c imaital. DR. E. J. STGEJS’ Elle giheml mroa & Pnomumon 139011Listss éif-etct'inary 'E‘horuhin, vsxcinn at Western and Grace h and Cultou 8155. Toronto. also replnting, at Good work. it. I’ll Nov. 12-észiiI Richmona Hill. ; AHON. St. Toronto. z‘eeti Prop m. January :8 4m the right man (In either sal'uryrdxr- mission. Stsne & Wellington, FONTHILL NURSERIES, OVER 800 ACRES. y Stack true to name and free from San Jose Scale. A permynentpnsitinn for A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept M, both places. A mun tn errese-nt “CANADA'S GREATEST NURsuums " in the vi“:ch of Richmond Hill and surrounding country, and take nrders for Licens e Auotipneer 101' ‘heCouuty of York, re- spectfully soliczts vour patronage and Iriendly influence sales uttr‘lded‘oq the sLox-test notice ana..+._-_--_7‘ A __-r .uyu v... uuu hLUIWHU no and at reusénafemtea. P.0.nduress King Licenced Auctioneswlor the Counties of York and Onmrlo All saint of farm stock. Arc at- tended to on the shortth notice and reasonable rat-9a. Max-tangoanrt hailifl' sales attended to. Residencesmufi'villo Ont In Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Orna- mentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, Etc. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL J T Saigeon. J 1‘ Maple ‘ Salgeon a: Mel-Ewe Licenseu Auctioneer for the Cl Goods sold 0.: cunsignment G1 awe ebc pro npnly intended b mhes Refinance Uniouvillve G I: Gouldmg. Newton Brat abow Nownmrké}. officeâ€"U p wt mfiue 'l‘ mesmn‘ Lzsuux “nan uuux'x‘ 0F JUSTICE,&C. Issuer of Marriage Licenses RICHMOND HILL POST OFFR ‘E. Banish-rs and Solit'llors. Mouev to luau nu luud (mdchutcel umrcgages at lowest, mtes Hiram nmceâ€"Hemox ed to the one door was Guam-m Bunk Newnmrket officeâ€"’1‘ ID Int [\XrlnA) old post 0111c.) : ol the entrance to the Inca duors suuth of the JAS. N EWTON [SSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, 13 HAGIRT 3111414353 “mam: 1593+.“ NOTA RY PUBLIC. OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES G G S L “nun Mr. Cook will in: at Maple on Thursday afternoon nf each “‘vck. Barristers,3clicitors. Notaries, 8:: Hnnw Life Building (formerly F bold 1111:} n Bldg). Gm. Adelaide Barristers. Solicitors. etc TORONTO OFFICE: No. 33 mnnri St. \\‘nst.\\'r-sluy Buildi (Meledist Bunk 1100111,) '1 runtn. .r A - W Ilillu urn Will-gwurth TORONTO, linden-takers (Y EuIanmH-s, E. LEMM. figsyfifl EWE‘ER" HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE Lzm; 158 KING 9TB]: RANT. '. aooommodstion 69 guests Der day MONEY TO LOAN AT 52 Lindsey. Lawrence W adsworth, mth & mm WRIGHT BRO S WANTED Victoria Sts., Tun-unto. ERAL Office. Richmond Hill on SuturduVs. NOX & MORGAN D. G. suntan. OOMKISBXUNEXIIN THE uoueur [or the County of York. cunsignment Gamma.) sales 02 npnly “tum-19650 at. reasonauln ‘uw Uniouville II'. B. Smilh. i. P: entice. Aurora. fl‘nnl. In Essentiats, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty ; in RICHMOND HILL. THURSDAY, MAY 26. 1904 G S'rV MongA N, :-slv_v Buildide : 1100111,) To- Brook, agent for th- ONTARIO. Phone Main 2984 Advln'idc & TOBCNTO I. Bond , $1 J k McE wen Weston Nexvxharket 33 Hit-h- f ank. 8. rec.- ‘rvo- JUDGESâ€"Jets. Tux-rouse, VVm. Gr hum, Colin Cameron, John Bong. AGRICI'LTURAL HORSES. Filly or gelding 3 ywus (-ld, \Valter Bovnin. Filly orgclding 2 years old, R. Trick. G. H. Fullint. Filly 01' gelding 1 year, G. H. Folliott, Edgar Gordon. Team, '1‘. H. Legge, J. Bril- linger. John G. Lewis. GENERAL PURPOSE. Brood mare. \V. Ormemd, Jose h Burnett. Filly nr gPlding 2 year OE], Juseph Teesun, W. Thomas. Filly 01' gelding 1 year. \Valtox- Bovair. Team Hurry Rumble. R. L. Stivcr, \V. Thomas. Colt or filly by Bnlmnnno, Edgar Goldon. Cult or filly by Laird Macquoen, G. H. Folliutb. Stallion aged. 1 and 2, \V. J. \Vells. Stalllun 2 yrs. old. lst, and 2nd, \V. J. \Vells. Stallion 1 yr. old, H.Richm-ds, Lm-ne Uusv. Filly or gelding 2 yrs. old. Gen. Padget, Jns. Burnett. Cult: m'h‘lly fouled 1904. \\'. Ox-mernd, J. Burnett. Tenn), Harm-y Wells. R. Trick. Harvey “'clls. Cultur fill} by Land of Argo, J. Burnett. The speeding on the track was scarcely up to the standard, and only two teams entered the football cum- petition. Amnug the articles exhibited in L110 Hall were the New \Villiams Sew- iuuMuchine, by Mr. A. G. Savage; the Empire Cream Sepm-ntur, by Mr. H. A. Niclmlls; a grandfather clock case, the handiwork of Mr. \V. Clif- fm-d, and a plum) frum Mr. T. H. M. Hulse’ establishnwm, Aurom, graced the concert, plutfm m, and was used in the evening. Music was furnished during the afternoon by the Mmkhmn hand. Stallion aged, Gormlvy & Palmer, D. 0. Steele. I). G. Gouderham’s herd of Hul- steirrs was one of the fvuturcs in cut- tle. and W. Clarkson had n large ex- hlhit, in Hex-efords. The poultry department, under the Grand Stand had many visitors, and mgny fine birds wefie shown. Thvdisplny of exhihit‘s in the var- ious drpurtinents was t-lcditahlv, but, the Show ul‘ hut-505 was the principal feature uf the Fair. Many of the heavy hoistâ€"'5. and driving horses, and horses in Mary (:lztss “'hllid have hvvu accorded a good place at any Pru- \ incial or Dominion PXlliiliLiUH. The imiit-s' work in the Agricultnml Hull had many admirers. Many of the exhibits in this department we”: zww, and the duinly urticlrs showed they had hen-n done by deft hands. ’l‘he putatu exhibits were excellent and many eunnumits were heard relative to the solidin of thvm at this time uf year. \Vm. Trench & Sun had a magnifi- centdispluy of nine buggies and car- riages, and five heavy and light wug~ gons. The following is the prxze fist : HORSESâ€"IMPORTED DRAUGHT. churclws, “hl‘l'eOX(:('”CnL meal: were serwd, Vere \vell patronized for liolh dinner-and tea. The concert in the evrning undel the anspicrs of the Agricultural Society was won patron- iZt-(Mhongh the place was not. jammed us it was a year ago. Mi. Arthur BlighL. Mr. Harvy Lloyd, Miss Emily Scottand Mrs. \V. E. Ramsay were In their places, but the .chairnmn, Mr. J. H. Sanderson. announch tothe audience with lunch regret, that Miss Marlena La De-ll, the talented elucu~ tionist. haul fails-d to keep her on- gagemt-nb with the concert colmnitlw. having missed her car. Among the prominvm visitors. at the Fair. outside of Richmond Hill. \wre Arch. Camplnll. M. P.: Jolm Richardson. M. 1’. P.; T. H. Lennox.J. \V. Moyes. All-x. Rmsell, Jas. Loy, Arthur Quantz, John Gui-(l- house, Alex. Pinglv, “mu-1- Scott, G. FOIPELOI‘, A. bumuwrfelllt, D. M. Mulloy, J. Slater, \Vardr-n Hartman, 1‘. J. “'oodrock, J. lil‘PHkt‘y, J. 12‘. Francis, Frank Mason, Robert; Ash. \V. \Valkmgton, J. T. Saigeon, J. Morgan, Alt-x. Baird, ex-\\"ardens Dmidson and Bong. J. A. Calllt'l‘ul‘l, \V. Thomas, J. S. McNair, James Bt‘lll tic. Ideal weather was (-no of the fuctuxs that, addrd Lu tln- success of the Fair on the “24th.” Tuesday was onenf the few film days of theI past, two weeks, but, certainly Victm-izt Day bl'ullght “Queen‘s “elder,” the sky being unuundrd hon) morning Lul night. A gvntlo breeze trumpeted the sun’s rays, Ilw grass was gnu-u every- whm-v. and Not a speck nt’ ([1151 was In when-v. and Not a speck u} dust was In be seen, Many ’punple drove to the Fair from a long distance, and hun- dle-ds came from nurLLaHd south on the Metropolitan Railway. The hutvls were, taxed to their utmost capacity, and the Methodist and Presbyterian VICTORIA DAY The Fair a Great Succss. At Richmond Hill. NADIAN DRAUGHT. b‘mgenn, J. ex-\\":u~dens L. Came-run, fair, James 'il- e Brood Mn: 9, Jesée’lrilrulgins. HORSES. 1i Single carriage. I). G. Km-swell, J. (_ T. Du\is,.].~ls. Mchan. Spun of car- ‘1 , riage, \V. U. Bugart. T. M. Blackburn. Span of ruudsu-l-s, Dr. J. R. Campbell, I .T. H. Shl'UpShll‘P. Single roadster, “ | John Palmer, A. E. \Viddifield, A. Bums. Saddle horse, Arthur Bnyle, '°, (ion. Pudget. Bny Rider, Victor ‘1 Brown. Single poney, .1. Garrett A. _‘ McLean & Sun. ' JUDGESâ€"T. \V. Underwood, G. F. t. Kelly, Geo, Gullk‘il. " | SPEEDING. U G. J. anriel and 2. I’igebhg, mug & KaiSer. l). Lynett. Ynknhamas (ogrhilnit) Irving & Kaiser recommend- Dmk Brahma, Hoover and Nighsâ€" Wander, G. J. Lmvriv. Light Bmhiun. Irvine and Kaiser. G. J. Luwriu. Spun- ish, G. J. Lawrie 1 and 2. Dot-kins. G. J. Lawrio, Houvur & Nighswunder. \Vhite Leghorn, Huuver & Nighs- wander 1 and 2. Bran LPghorn, Hoover & Nighswnnderl and 2. Buff Leghorn, T. W. Stephens, lrvingéc Kaiser. Barred Plymouth Rock, Irving & Kaiser 1 and 2. White Ply- munth Rock, G. J. Luwrie. Buff Cnchin, G. J. anrie l and 2. Part,â€" ridge Cochin. G. J. anrie l and 2. Hamburg, G. J. anrie. Black Min- m-cu G. J. anrixâ€"n T. \V. Stephens. White Wyandntte, Hnnror & Nighs- wander l and 2. \Vynndntte any other, Hom‘er & Nighswander G. J. Lmvrie. Langshans, G. J. Lawrip, Irving & Kaiser. Bantams, G. J. Lawrie, Irving & Kaiser. Gama G. J. Iiuwriel and Dirt}; and drakv, SWINE. Bunr imp. Ym-kshire \Vhite, R. ’S. Frisby. Saw 6 munths and under. George Padget. Boar Chester \Vl i.c D. G. Gunde-rhum l and 2. Sow Ghos- ter white, I). G. Guudmhum 1 and 2. Sowfimunths and under 1 par. D. G. Gordon-hum. Boar Berkshiw, Sim- enu Lomnn. Sow BHkShiN‘, Simeun JITDGES â€" Genrge Smith, James Bennie, AIL-x. Calm-ran. Lemon. Sow 6 mnnths old, George I’udgpt. Simeon Lemon. Durham bull, D. & Km-swoll. Durham cow. lst and 2nd. D. 8L C. KH-swuH. Grade cow, D. 8:: U. Kers- well. D. G. Gouda-hum. Grade Heif- er, \Vu). Clarksnn. Dairy cow, lat und2nxl, D. G. Goodexhznn. Jersey ()mv, D. 6‘1, 0. Kerswvll, \V. Buyntun. Holstmn bull, Ist and 2nd, I). G. Goodmhzun. Hulstein heifer, lst and 2nd, D. G. GondH-lmm. Htl'é‘ffll‘d hull, lst and 2nd, “'m. Clurksan. Here-fwd now, 15% and 2nd, \Vm. Ulnrkx‘un. Howford heifer, lst and 2nd, “’m. Ularksuu. Fat 0x,stcer. em. Wm. Clurkson. Herd uf Milt-h cows, D. G. Gooderham. T Buys" rucé lllldt‘l 12â€" J. Brown, 1 J. Alchcln-on, 2. Open trot 0r pace, W. Barnes. (Ge- m-vn) [’eler‘ Bussmgthwnite (Jim- my \Vilkes), John Dmven (Gertie U.) Gimme-man’s turnout, John Palmer, A. E. \Viddifield. JUDGESâ€"T. \Voodcnck, Ed. Jackson L. L. Han-mum. GAMES AND SPORTS. In the football tuurnnmenb unlytwn trains were euteled, the Clippers of Locust Hill and the Aux-um Football (Huh. The Sum-e was3 to 1 in favor of the Clippexs. » In the (hie-third mile dash, R. Mc- Kie won first, money. with T. Rankin second. 200 ymd raceâ€"R. McKie l ; D.Fock- ler, Boys' race, under 16â€"E. Smith, 1; \\'. Cousins. 2. JUDGE~sz A. W. Bell. ROADSTER HORSES. Stallion "god, \V. A. Smith. Jesse Hmlgins. Stallion 2 yeursuld JUSSE Hm] ins. Stallion lyezu' old, I). Lynâ€" vlt, V. A. Smith. Brnod mare. Jesse Hmlgins. Filly Ur gelding 3 years, Jar. Ken-swell. John \Vonds. Filly of gvld- ing 2 years old, Jm). Atkinsnn. Filly m-geldingl your old, '1‘. H. Lt-ggv, )hus. Mullny. 4 years, d. n. H Ilsnn. Stallion 1 your, Silnmm Lomnn. Brnod nun-o, Sinu-nn Lemon. Filly m- gL-lding 3 yours, '1‘. H. Shropshire, T. H. Logge. Filly or gelding Z yours, II. Flill‘, ’1‘. H. Shrop- shire. Filly m' gelding 1 year, J. R. \Vilsm}. Stallion 2 years, Silnenn mem. Stallion 1 year, D. Lynett, \V. A. Smith. Brand mule, Jesse Hudgins Filly m- gelding 3 years old, Jame-s Ken-swell, John woods. Still- lion aged, \V. A. Smith, Jesse Hud- gins. 1491mm. Filly H. Shropshire. gelding 2 years, shire. Filly or \Vilson. Stall mem. Stulli Stallion aged, 2 years, J. R. \K Simeon Lomnu. all things, Charity.” m aged, Amos Agar. Stallion J. R. \Vilsnn. Stallion 1 year, Lomnu. Bum-oil man-o, Sinu-nn Filly m- gulding 3 years, '1‘. POULTRY. LARRIAGE. CATTLE. BLOOD. Hamilton, Canada. Phone 1656. 4% Per Cent. Quarterly or I8 Per Cent. AnnuaHy PRICE ADVANCES SOON To $1.50 PER SHARE. Buy now and participate in the n vunce and dividends. Investment We offer a. small allutment of Trous- ux-y Stock at; $I per Share. $1 per Share. FREE. Dr‘ Pierce’s Medical Adviser sent free to you on receipt of 5:31:19: to pay expense of customs and mailing only. Send 50 one-cent stamps for clothrbouud book, or x sham s for paper-covered to Dr. RV. g’icrce. 115210.. N. Y. ML Jafiersun Mineé CONSOLIDATED The Peerless Evidend Pay- ing Mining Enterprise wheat (£0059 , T. \V. "I was at one time as I thought lmost It death's door," writes Mr. J. 5 Bell. 0 Lenndo. Van Buren Co.. Iowa. "1 was confined to my house and part of the lime to my bed. I had taken quantities of medicine; but they only seemcd to feed the disease; but I must say that ' Golden Medlml Discover ' bu cured me, Ind toâ€"day I am stouter than IÂ¥xave been for twenty years. I am now forty-three years old." of the papers and see how many promi- nent men are carried away by "stomach trouble," "acute indi- gestion " and other re- lated diseases. Their lives have in general been sacrificed to the haste and rush of business which overâ€" looked the fact that food can only nourish the body when digest- e d a n d assimilated and that the digestive eases cqn’! befiurrim’. Dr. Pieree's Golden Medical Discovery. enres diseases of the stomach and the asso- ciated organs of digestion and nutrition- The source of all physical sfiength is food, roperly digested and perfectly assimilated. y enabling the perfect digestion and assim- ilation of food "Golden Medical Discovery" increases and enriches the blood supply and sends new strength to every organ of the_ body. FINE ARTS AND LADIES’ WORK. Paintingin oils, Louisa 8. Fisher, E. Mchuu. Painting on china, E. MnVs-nn, Louisa B. Fislwr. Painting on plush, 910.. Mm. '1‘. Smyth. E. McVenn. Painting on satin or silk in oil. Louisa. 13. Fisher, E. McVeun. Hand painted plncques, W. A. Thomas, Luuisa. B. Fisher. Collection of fancy work, M. C. \Villmot. En;- ln-oideryon bolting clnth or muslin. Mrs. \Villinot. Mrs. T. Smith. Em- broidery on cotton or linen. M. (‘. \Villumb, E. Mchn. Embroiderv 0n linen. letter or monognun. Mrs. '1‘. Smith, Mrs. VVillinnt. Roman 9m- hmidvl'y, E. McVeam. Mrs. T. Smith. Silk ur satin embroidery. Louisa B. (Ihnuii.iuecl on Hue 4.) ' Everywhere one hears that exp‘iession ‘hurry up!" It is a genuine Americanisin expressive of the “rush ” in which we live. Nothing is swift enough for us. We race 3 sins! steam and Hg wing and find them slow. We grudge the time given to eating. and rush through meals 93 though life depended upon our haste. wheat. Geo I’udgot, T. \V. Stvpiwus. Gonsv wheat, ’1‘. \\'. Stephens. Barley. T. \V. Stophvns 1 and 2. \Vhite mm, ’1‘. \V. Ste-plums, Gem-g9 Pndgeb. Black nuts. T. \V. Stephens, vage Fudge-L. Collection uf potatoes, \Vm. JmH-s. Early potatoes, “"111. Jones. T. \V. Stephens. Lute Potatoes, \Vm. Jnnvs, T. \V. Stephens. Turmps, J. A. Bmuks. Canned Fruit. Louisa. B. Fisher. Pickles. Lunisn. B. Fisher. Uutsnp. Louisa. B. Fislwr. JUDGEâ€"George Keith. DAIR Y. A. 111). butter, Gem-go Padget, W. Ot-mernd, J. A. Brooks. B. "Elly. Blair. 00., Gm Padget. C. “Geoxgo J. Fey,” J. A. Brooks. GRAIN. FRUIT. ROOTS. Etc. Eating apples. Hau'vv \Vells, “7. Thomas. (hulking npplm, Gen. Pud- gut‘ Harvey \Vulls. Culle‘fljon of At this price it pays the investor regular dividends of min, T. \V: Stobhgns. Fali '. \V. Su-phvns 1 and 2. Spring wheat. Q90 [’zfllgfi, :1‘. \V. Stephens. HURRY UP! ’ C. H. ROUTLIFFE, Mgr. [Single copies, 3 cts. Exahanqe Ga. anlmr nf Stand an] Stuck Exchumn- Life does depend on out bane, but not in that sense. Look a tlge qbituary c0111an , (Id- N0. 47

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