\Ve. expect under new management of our ChPt‘st‘. factory tn please the patrons whn are delighted with the lise in prices. Farmers are nearly through need- ing. Fall wheat and Invaduws luck weâ€. and alchon h the past winter has been long am? very severe. cattle are looking very wul’. Rev. Dr. Torrance of Pc-tvrhm'o. ex- changed pulpits with our pnsLm- and tnld us that. the Rev. Mr. \Vhitlaw had obtained leave of absence from the PvtPl‘lNH‘O Presbytery for 6 munth subject to three congregations. Nu muticn was made against him going away for six months. The fact, uf the matter is that, the work is an un- reasonast one to ask any man tu per- form. Travelling in winter over hills and through ï¬elds on unbroken roads is nu easy task. Then after his night service. to trawl {rum Mount, Pleasant l'o Olnemee livelniles is enough tn dis- c-uumgn any reasonable man. It is work fur n giant. is made now in searching uftvr truth, for we are led to enquire “what is truth" and those who seek for it will ï¬nd it. “'e may we]! join with New- man in that, beautiful hymn which he composed “Lend kindly light through the encircling gloom, lead thou me (my “re regret to hear of the death of (me of our old residents. Mr. J. D. GdI'HE’LO who with :1 numhe'r of other pioneer-4 have long since passed away were the-organizers of the ï¬lst Sab- btthschnol here. It Was called the Muunt “ Pleasant Uninn Sabbath 8611001." Same of the men of that day were biMerly up )Used to uniun of Oithel‘ Sabbath so 001s m' churvbes. \Ve are glad that We are now living in an age that, men are enlightened, and not, huund in fetters by croeds and dogmas. “’0 can see the errors of the past. and Lhuse that slili exist: in 91mm!) and state. but. we ï¬nd progress A very pleasant, event tnnk place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gen. Lin-r, sixth concvssion nf Mal-khan), on Tuesday. May 10. Mrs. Gem-2'0, Brown who is for the prescnt residing with her daughter, Mrs. Love, has spout, _nlnetyyo:u‘s on the journey nf life. "nnd her children, grand childrr-n and friends frmn Toxontn and vicinity met, to celebrate the occasion. Mrs. Brown though not, enjoying robust health r9- tains all her faculties. and enjoyed the ocrmsion very much. After a pleasant time was spent meeting old friends and acquaintances. the guests sat down to a sumptuous repasb. As the time {01- parting drew near the guests assembled and sang hem Lily some of Mrs. Brown’s favorite hymns. The inevitable partings which havaso much of‘sadness followed and friends all joined in Wishing Mrs. Brown umny happy returns nf the day. Grandma Brown. as she is generally cahed. has bean a resident of Mark- ham for seventy years. and fur a time u rl-aident of Richmond Hill. Her gland children and great grand child- l'rn love to hour her tell hear stories and Indian scares which was no un- common thing in thuse days when Markham was almost, all bush, -â€"§|Vli-trl:fl large numhm‘ of visitors Sant theholiday with friends in the village. Rt-r. P. 'qu'rie of Branrfnrd. who was Visiting his friend Mr. \V. Thor- hum. preached in the Methodist church on Sunday rum-Hing. 'l‘hv public school was closed on Fri- day to give the teacher's an opportun- ty of attending the convention at Aunu-a. Duvng the past week two nf mn- nidn-SI, rn-sidvnts passmi away. On “’mlne‘sday of last week Mr. J. 0. Mc- Quuirin divd in his 8151, yam: and on Sunday Mr. M. Robinson passed away in his 58th year. The funeral of the furnwi' trunk place on Friday Instr and ghv wwiuo was conducted by Rev. A. edi'urd. of Toronto. The remains l f Mr. Robinson were interred on Tue:- duy uftm nuon. i\'[1'.Oii\01' Shunk who had sucha lung smimis illness in Tmonm, was able in come hnme last Saturday (wen- ing. [‘19 is improving in health but is \ery weak yet. _ “'9 cuï¬hot 'saynu-nything deï¬nite Th? wm'k of I‘szlil'ing tho old Mvt~ ropnlitnn pmver house at Eglmttm has lately lwen completed. and run-an from it is hving supplié-d to the Tux-um to Stropt Railway while the nvw mu- chinpry is living installed and repairs mania to their large plant. Mr. J. S. Mt-Kechniv of this place. and until lately chin engimwr ut the Bond Lflkt' power plant, superintend- ed ilw wurk. Aninng the things in Mr. Mc~ Km‘lmiv's possession upon which he lam-s Iln- greatest, store is a complete set of small instruments, presentwl to him frmn the hands of Mr. Thomas A. Edison liimavlf, the world-romlwnâ€" ed inVrnttII', when Mr. McKochnie Svai'ed his connectinn with the Chi- cago. Ellison Cu. at Uhicagu. Change ~ Wufld'a Dispuusury Medical Asaoc'n Change â€"J. (3, Aycl‘ .31 ()0. Change ‘ Hm Bussnll Hardware Co New \d .Ierry Smut! New Advertisements. RICHMOND HXLL. May 26, 1904 Mount Pleasant Cashel Oak Ridges Maple LAan on ARGOâ€"Imp. Clydesdale, the property oil.) 0 SLeele. will be at Richmond Hill. Manle. Oak Ridges. Victoria Square, Thornâ€" hilletc. Terms $14. RED \VATTIEâ€"lmpClydesdale. the yroperty of Blough &L02L8.WIH be at lot 2 con 4 old survey King.King City. Onk Ridges. Bogar- town, Newniarket etc. Terms .911. Lulu) MACQUl-Zl-JN â€" Clvdosdale stallion. the property of w. J. Wells, will be at Temper- ancev‘ile. Whitclinrch. Newmni‘ket. Aurora. Kettlehy etc, 'l‘ermssio. Romu- liA'r'InNâ€"Clydesdule stallion. tire prop- erty of Dion-.11 J: L-egne. will be at King City, Maple. Aurora. Oak Ridges etc. Terms 51'). Dance LOCENAGAR â€"- Clydesdale stallion. the property 01.! E Teesun. wxll stand at his own stable, lot 2 con :4 Markham. 'I‘ernia Sill. Fonns'r Burâ€"Trotting-bred stallion, the prop- erty of \V Meek, will stand at his own stable. Victnria Sq are. Terms 58. TONY WILKESâ€"1€undstcrstalliun. the property of Samuel Francis, Will be at Steele's cor- nere. Clierry's Hotel. Etlgely. IIuple. King Uitv,()ak Ridges. Victoria Square, Union- ville. i‘hornhili etc. Terms es). KNOOKALYE Campâ€"Roadster stallion. the prop- erty of \Vlu Birch. will atand at his own stable. Bedford Park. Terms $10. Fear: Gomv’l‘rotting stallion. the property of D W Meuaï¬in. will be at Summit House. Oak Ridges; MapleJiing City, Elgin Mills, Richmond Hill etc. Terms #8. SawirA'rn-Ruadster stallion. the property of W J Hudgius. will be at Richmond Hill. Maple, King City. Oak Ridges. Aurora, Vic- turia Square. Thornhill etc. Terms Sio. FULmaTosâ€"Imp Clydesdale the prunerty of John Palmer andA G Gurmley. will be at Richmond Hill. Victoria Square. Binghood. l Markham. Unionvuie. 'l‘hornhill, etc Terms 315. ‘ YOUNG MAPLE LEAFâ€"Gnneral purpose stallion 1) W‘ateon manager. will be at Maple. Con- cord, King City etc Terms 58‘ GENERAL WATauNâ€"Garriaga stallion. the prop- erty of John Rogers, will he at Thornhiil. Ellesmere. Scaroom Junction, Malvern. Markham. Uuicnville. Victoria Square. Oak Ridges. Richmond Hill are. Terms $10. Luca? Mame â€"â€" Standard brad stallion the property of John Rogers will be at Thorn- hill, Ellesmere. Scar-bum Junction, Malvern. Markham. Uniunville. Victoria Square. Uak Ridges. Richmond Hill. Terms s10. onnnnrcx Ja â€"Roadstel stallion the property 0! 8 Ireland will be at his own stable sher- woorl. and Monday nights at Nobleton. Terms slo. YOUNG annwnonâ€"Coach stallion the property 0! Henry Line will be at Maple. Richmond Hill. Kim; City Kettleby. Nobleton. Mack- ville. Bolton Kleinbnrg.Woudbridge. Edgeâ€" ly etc. 'l‘erniasm Nimmaon Brsauncaâ€" Roadster stallion the ï¬roperty of Henry Line will b» at Maple ’ing City Kettleby Nobleton Mnokville Bolton Kleinburg \Voodbridgo Edger etc. Thurs seven dollars BAILLABD Jit-Franch Canadian bred horse the property at Peter Wideman will be at Stonfl‘ville Whiterele Highland Creek Mark- ham Thornliill Richmond Hill Victoria. Square etc. Terms eloren deilars. “"an BILLYâ€"Standard Broil Stallion. the prop- ertv of John Palmer. will stand at the Palmer House. Richmond Hill. during the season 'I‘enns 12 dollars. Dior: Frrr: (3(969 A. T. R.â€"â€"Trntting stallion the property I 1' Milton Stong Lamina will stand at his own stable. Terms len dollars. MONnIJNYâ€"l‘horo ugh-bred stallion the proper- ly or George Rn inson Richmond Hill will be at Maple Edgely Pine Grove Kleinburg Bolton Nubieton King City etc. Terms thirteen lluliare. YOUNG VixuxiAImâ€"Clydesllale stallion the prop. erty of Harry Smith wr [stand at his own stable lot 22 rear 15:. con East York. Terms eight dollars. Aurore Jury. Percheron stallion the property of W H. hnsmi will be at lot 2000;: l mark- hem Richmond Hill Bethesda Stonï¬vrlle etc. Texas thirteen dollars. W'EDNESDAY, June 1 â€"Monthly sale of horses and colts, fresh Lnilch cows, springer-s, and young Cattle, at the Palmer House yards, Rich- mtmd Hill, the property of Hop- per and Brillinger. No reserve. Sale atone. Terms, 3 mos. Sai- gemi, & McEWen, auctioneers. SATURDAY, June 18â€"~Aduiinism-utors' sale of farm property, at; Phillips’ Hotel, King at 2 p. m. Terms, 3 11105. D. G. Blough, auctionfler. LADY JUDGESâ€"B. Amesbury. F. Patel-sun, H. H. Wiley, J. A. Lynett, M. E. Johnston, M. L. Ludfuxd, E. A. Switzer, M. Storey. Five o‘clock Len. cloth, M. U. \Villmot, E. McVeau. 'J‘l‘uy cloth. Mrs. \Vill- mot, M. U. Willumtt. Mantle drape. M. G. \\’jllmor., E. Mchm. Fancy drape. M. U. Willmot, Mrs. ’1‘. Smyth. Hem stitching and (ll‘il‘Vll “‘(Jl‘k, E. McVeam, M. C. \Vlllmot. Draxxn linen, M. U. \Villmot. Louisa B. Fisher. Stock tollzu‘, Louisa B. Fish- er. M. U. Willmot. Fancy \‘erl knitting, E. Mth-nn. LUlllsit B. Fish. er. Piece work quilt, Mrs. 1‘. Smyth, E. Mchm. Fancy quilt, E. McVezm. Fine hand smving, M‘s. “’illmob, Louisa 15. Fisher. Best, made gm- ment, Louisa B. Fi>hen E. Mchan. Collection of cmhroiderits, E. Mcâ€" Venn, Mrs. \Villmot. Collection of netting. Louisa B. Fishlvr. Collection of lace, M. C. \‘Villmob. Collection of drzm'n work. Louisa B. Fislwr. Col- 12 ction of doyiies, M. (J. \Vlllmot, Mrs. Willmot. (Concluded from page 1) Fisher, M. C. \Villiuot. Jewel 0m- broidery, Louisa. B. Fisher. E. Mc- Veun. Eastern embroidery. E. Mc- Vk-im, Louis» B. Fisher. Embroidery, ceume piece. Louisa B. Fisher. M. U. \Viilmot. Embroidered doylies, M. O. \‘Villmot. Mrs. \Villmol. Honilmi lance. M. U. \Villmob, Mrs. '1'. Sniyth. Point lace, E. McVean, Mrs. T.Hniyth. Butlenhurg lace, E. McVean. Mrs. '1‘. Smyth. lmcc collar. M. U. \\'illmot, Mrs. ’1'. Smth. Modern lace, M. (.‘v. \Villmub, E. McVeun. Crochet woik. M. U. \Villmot, E. McVoau. Netting, M. U. \Villmot, E. AIL-Venn. Tuning. E. McVean. Louisa B. Fisher. Queen Anne Dal-Hing, M. U. W'illuiot. Miss \‘Villmot. 'lahle mats. E. McVeain, M. U. \Villmot. Toilet. mats, M. U. “Minn-L, Mrs. “'illmot. Outline Wonk. M. O. \Vilhnot, Lousa. B.‘ Fisher. Table scuri. M. C. \Villmotv, ‘ Mrs. T. Sinyth. Photo frame, mount.- ed. Mrs. \Villmot, Louisa 15. Fisher. Drawing room screen. mounted, Mrs. \V HmoL, E. McVean. Slippers, mounted, E. Mth-nn, Louisa B. Fisher. “’hisk holder, mounted, M. G. \Villmot-. Mrs. W'illmot. Hund- kerchicf holder, InounLed. M. U. \Vill- mob, Mrs. \Vilhnot. Teucusy. mount- ed, Mrs. \Viilniot, M. U. \Villmot. Pin cushion, mounted, M. U. \Villmot, Mrs. \Villmot. Sofa cushion. mount- gd, Louisa .8. Fisher. M. U. \Villmot. Gannon huomed and flags were fly- ing In honor of our late beloved queen, on Viccm in Day. about the fruit crop until later on in the season. Stallion Register Sale Register. illmot. illmot, Military concert Band 01 Governor General’s SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE in this county and udjnining territories, to represwnt and advertise an old estah- lished business house of solid ï¬nancial standing. Salary $21 weekly with expenses udvzmcvd each Monday by check direct. from headquarters. Horse and buggy furnished when necessary; position permmwnt. Ad~ dress Blew Bros. & (30.. Monon Bldg., Chicago, Ill. Biolnnond [lill June 11, 1903 GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. Michael Bros., Clerk‘s Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill, May 10m, 1904. At 8 (y’clnck p. m. To hear and determine an appeals against the Assessment Rull fol-the current year, of which all peIsuns in- terested are required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. M. TEEFY, Clerk. LIVERY COAL. Richmond Hill, SATURDAY, JUNE 4. FIRST SITTING OF TH E UOUR'I'OF REVISION for the Village of Rich- mond Hill will be held in the Council Chamber on MONDAY. MAY 30, 1904, M UNICI PALIT Y 0F RICHMOND HILL ~:--s--:-++++++Mw+++++++++++~§ur COURT OF REVISION l One of the must. absorbineg inter- esting true stories that, has appeared in mint fur some time is published in June "Success." IL is entitled “The \Vreck 01' the Edna." and is fmm the 'pen of T. Jenkins Huins, the We“- known wxiter of sea stories. who in . this instance vividly describes the 9x- ! citing experiences recently undergone thy him nud Mrs. Hnins, and two sailnrs, und :1 little stray dug. “'hu. while lmund for southern wan-rs in a small hunt, Pucmmlurrd a terriï¬c = hurricane off the cmlsl. of Cape Hut- }Lcrus. ’l‘hetrngic filtt‘ (If one of the crew, the ï¬nal rescue of the remaining members nf the little hand. Wht‘n almust suncuuihiug to (hr uuwiugs nf hunger, are luuchiugly tn d by Mr. Huins. Programme next week's ~:~~:-~z~+++++++++++-:A+++++++++++ Zoal and Wood Dehvered. Prices Right. >UBLIC NOTICE {17117 yhrrun it may~ There is none made anywhere that is superior to it in any re- spect. It makes the ï¬nest, flakiest, whitest bread, the lightest bis- cuits, the most brittle and ap- petizing pie- crust, the most superb cake. Try it and you will be convinced. GRAND Body Guard J. HALL. URORA , BELLE FLOUR LITERA RY NOTE. -â€"801d Byâ€"â€"â€"- WANTED. Issue. WOOD Apr. 21, 6 wks. is herv'hy given to cnncorn, that tho 45-48 @wayayaï¬mazï¬ï¬gagmwz‘zï¬as : METROPOLiTAN STQRE £®G®§®§®ï¬Â©Â§Â©Â§i Two Dollars and Fifty Cents. FRESH GROCERIES, SOAPS OF ALL KINDS The Russill Hardware Co. BOOTS SHOES, AND RUBBERS. T. B. LUBFQRB, Prep. NEW WEWWS’ :: : SEWG WGHWES Fire 80 Life Insurance. Acmdent Insurance. 126 EAST KING STREET, TORONTO. AGRICULTURAL HALL on Tuesday, May 24, ’04. A. G. Savage, \Ve have just the Lawn Mower you are looking for. We have a ï¬ne range of styles and sizes. Prices range from a 20-inch four bladed machine at $6.00 down to a 12-1nch three bladed machine rightly pnced at We will guarantee you perfect satisfaction if you purchase one of this splendid make of Lawn Mowers. Agent for Pianos. V’v’e carry a complete line of Richmond Hill. Did you see our exhibit of Call and see our stock. 9QS®3§E€¥§£§§E®$®GQS§ â€" IN THE â€" is onlyn step to pnmlysis or “(er the causeâ€"whether indis- anhood or business worries- €21: